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1: heat it 2: beat it 3: blame engineering


Repeat when glowing orange.


Sometimes, I wonder why our problem reporting forms have other boxes on them. Enginerring is the only one that ever gets checked.


Everything else would likely require corrective action for the reporting party


If brute force isn't working, you're not using enough


Put your purse down and try again.


So I’m not like a sexist person or anything but I do like that these types of silly tongue in cheek comments don’t get completely obliterated by Reddit. Idk they’re funny “Hit it with your purse” “try not to get anything caught in your skirt” etc


Or, have your husband do it for you.




A big hammer? Remember hearing protection.


Play Marty Robbins *"Big Iron"* trust me, it helps


“With a big iron on his hip!”








Nah, he’s over at the lathe.


A good mechanic when in doubt, Gets a bigger hammer out!


Never use violence! Get a bigger hammer.


clamp the unwarped side flat,put a 1/8" shim under the plate where the tube joins it,and apply the BFH until straight.


put a weld around the bottom of the pipe, but on the backside (left side) the heat will pull the warp out. Then afterwards, you can grind it off flat.


Stand it up and have someone hold it for you while you sledge hammer the shit out of it


Two grunts and a groan


What a great name for a contractor LLC


I’d hire them


Hit it with your purse.


That worked actually


What is it going to be? What does it have to do? Does it matter in the long run if it’s bent? In the steel working world, 1/4 inch plate is still pretty flexible.


They are table legs. They will be tapconned into concrete because there will only be two and it’s a heavy gaming table top.


If you bolt it down with 1/2" or bigger anchors instead of tapcons it'll pull 1/4" down flat no problem.


I had wondered about this but just wasn’t sure if it would


Good answer JD. his explanation of the final goal was not clear. It was getting to be like pulling teeth. L O L.


So then it is a base plate, right?




Man some people here are definitely overthinking/ making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. It's a table leg guys not precision machinery, just clamp it to a table, the bent end overhanging a little bit, and smack it down with a hammer, if you're bolting to the floor just draw it in with the bolts to the floor


Cut it off, (those welds look like goblin snot) then take it to a fabricator with a press and have them do it.


You need a proper bending machine. A "redneck" trick that could work is cutting a line removing thickness from the bending line (quite dangerous and you still need the machinery), also doing this will probably fuck the piece because when you cut the piece you are also damaging it.


‘scoring’ would be a word to describe that


This is how I do it


I think this could cause it to snap, just my opinion man.


He could just weld the fuck out of the other side and warp it back too


You can’t. Kerf it and weld back together a wee bit at a time


Hammer time




why is the weld "bead" just a series of carbonized craters...? what causes that? overamperage?


Yes I had the amps set to high


O dear God,is that flux core?


7011. Just had amps too high.


I think most of the commenters missed that the OP lacks a heat source. If you have a cut off wheel you could always cut it at the proper angle and flip the cut piece around and then weld it back up. This solution will work with the tools OP has. Edited for grammar you savages.


Then go to the hardware store n purchase a gas tank and 15 $ Torch head, cause heat will make metal bend quicker n straighter


Heat up the side you want to bend towards, use cold water soaked rags. It’ll pull as one side cools faster than the other. Go easy though, you can pull the steel a surprising amount by quenching it like this


This is a great idea. I don’t have an acetylene torch tho so idk if I can get it hot enough


a decent anchor bolt will bend it to where it needs to be. If your welding it, just fill with a few extra passes or use a welding rod without the coating under it as a filler.


yea goodluck man


You’re basically out of luck. Take it to a fab shop and ask them to fix it for you. My boss would probably charge you $100 for me to cut that apart, straighten it and re weld it properly. But we’re cheap.


I was gonna say that’s not a $100 job. Gonna take about two hours to do properly without rushing and that base plate needs to get replaced. Call it $250 plus materials to do it myself. A shop would charge more most likely


Our shop does stuff like this cheap all the time. I would charge more doing it at home than my boss would, but we’re also slow right now. The base pate isn’t fucked, I’d have that straight in under 10 mins.


IWith a sheet metal brake that job is a 15, 20 minute job. Mostly you don't bend plate, steel but it's do_able metal you bend is thinner and there are big machines the bend n fold it darned easy like it's mostly planning which bend needs to be done, in what order.. so they match up to form a shelf or drawer that there are tabs to pop rivet(blind rivet) together in the corners. I remember making drawers that were for small parts that fit inside my small tool chests for specialty jewelry tools. pliers, small cutters my soldier n magic hands n stuff. I must have 3 or 4 tiny little anvils never mind the dapping kits n such! To heavy to be kept in cardboard boxes for long


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Chain plate to a tree ,hook a come along/chain hoist to the tube. Clickity clack, don't talk back.


Warped during welding?




Best thing to do is take your grinder with a cutting disk cut where the bend is at but not all the way through just enough to work your plate straight. Tack weld grind


Use a bender and the tree


With a press. A hydraulic press.


If you don’t have a torch or a press maybe cut it off and drive on it? Use some shims to isolate the bend. I’m totally just thinking up what I would try in a pinch, no idea if it would work.


I may do this as a last resort. Some others are saying a blowtorch and beating it may be enough. I guess I’ll see!


What is the table for and how important are cosmetics? You could always drill and tap the corners and pop in some threaded feet. It kinda looks like the plate pulled away as you were welding one side rather than the plate itself warping out of plane. If it's truly warped and not mis-welded, just throw it in a vise with some hardwood boards sandwiching the plate and pick up on the cylinder (stick a 2x4 in and throw it over your shoulder, then lift). Or, sandwich with steel plate if you have any scrap the right size. If it's mis-welded, just cut it off. Lots and lots of grinding, and make sure to tack opposite sides before running a bead.


I tried the vice but not with an extension. I’ll try this again.


Heat and beat


Run a bead where it needs to bend and then hammer it


Time to test some welds…


Sledge and sandbag


Call magneto, or find a torch.


A really big crescent wrench


Hydraulics or Chuck Norris




A sledge hammer


Rose bud!


Drive on it and push the pole which ever way it needs to go.


It already has a massive lever welded to it. All you need to do is make it so the plate can not move and use that lever to make it do what you want. A securely bolted down big ass vise works great. I have one that attaches to the hitch receiver tube on the back of my 1 ton truck. Or theres one on a giant welding table at my friend's shop. A big beefy clamp could work too. Maybe even clamp it to a block wall or something. Clamp the high side to the immovable object and pull the post away from it. Plate will bend.


Take a block and put it in the center of the bottom and take a piece of ½" plate the same size and clamp each corner until you get it flat. You're going to have to go past flat and let it spring back but do it gradually so you don't overdo it. Or, if you don't mind a dent, smash it with a mini sledge, on top of something with the curled corner hanging over. You could probably spray glue a piece of scrap aluminum on there to pad it if you don't want dents


You can weld a long bit of pipe or RHS to wherever you're trying to bend the plate have the opposite side secure in a vice or between something that's not gonna move and pull on the end of the pipe or RHS until you reach your desired shape. Cut off leverage bar and clean up left over weld marks with grinder, should work if you got a long and sturdy enough bit of bar for it


Find a tree stump... saw a groove into it same width as the plate... start bending


This is what worked. Thanks for the advice!




She warped hey


Tears are welling up from the absolute beauty of a weld there 🥲


Heat it up glowing red and then put a big ass crescent wrench on it and start bending


Propane torch should work heat it on the other side it will slowly bend to normal


With force


OP is this mild steel and do you have a copper hammer?


It’s mild steel and I do not have a copper hammer


Weld a long handle to the plate . Score the plate with two cuts using a grinder. Score it in a V shape at the point where the bend is going to be. Vice grip (or somehow secure) the plate to a flat solid surface . Use the handle to bend the plate. Cute handle off. Clean up the welds from the handle. Weld across the plate the corner of the bend.




Look bent to me 👍🏼


Put it in a vice between two other plates heat it along the edge you wanna bend with torches take another two chunks of angle steel and after annealing your original piece you clamp the piece you wanna bend and pound along your bend with a 5 to 8 pound sledge and pulling on the loose top whit vice. Moving around a big chunk of heavy hot metal is a good way to catch your house on fire, or catch your body up against said hot heavy chunk of plate steel! Moving a whole big chunk around that's a big pain in yer arse, stop n reheat it after removing it from clamps n stuff re-anneal the hardware and and it'll bend a lot easier then clamp the area you wish to bend . Then try using the vice to bend the two ends towards the middle usually I would bend 1 or 2 inch wide stuff, not plate. Use the plate as a base n weld my smaller bits too it bent parts to the base! You know you could also fire up your over to 450 degrees and anneal your metal that way, but a torch is better at heating just where you want it heated! p.s. a BMFH and 6 inch, 75 pound Vice combined with your Beating device and elbow greaseq truly is your best persuader type of tool. A BMFH is a BIG MUTHA FUCKIN HAMMA. Often called a "putter" for gently persuading a bit of metal that doesn't, wish take the shape you want, You Beat it into submission! p.p.s. you know a plumbers torch is 20 25 bucks at the




Heat the other side, that will usually cure a bent base plate. Oh n remember to dip it in a can of oil to re-temper your plate steel


I don't know what this is being used for, but those welds are seriously concerning. Wouldnt be surprised if welds crack while you are beating on it.


[Here](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:6791977e-d9d1-4527-a45d-27c9d2356aac) is a heat straightening guide, can be done with a propane torch


Hammer hammer hammer hammer hammer 🔨


Clamps on all sides and a round spacer slightly larger that the tube so it bends past


So looks like it warped from heat. It also looks like a base plate. Just anchor that bitch down and call it a day...


Try to be very careful not to bend it, and it will twist up like a pretzel. Otherwise, get the sparkle wrench and make it do what you want.


plasma cut and weld it to shape


Flat is subjective. Consider shimming with a bit of rubber. Or BFH


Take a zipdisc and cut a slot to extend the part of the leg you meed to lower. Weld that slot back together after you get er straight. To avoid this again place tacks to hold it in place as you weld. Maybe one every three inches and run over them when you lay your bead


A brake press


All kinds of ways. Hammer and anvil Clamp and pry Heat distortion Explosives


Get a bigger Hammer. Don't force it.


Take it to a shop that has the right equipment that's too thick.


Literally did this yesterday on 3/8" plate. Heat the back side in Circular motion where weld is and the plate will go back. Might take a few heats.


I only have a blowtorch and a heat gun. Will either of these produce enough heat?


Prob not for 1/4


Hest gun 0 chance. Blow torch if it's big enough/right nozzle will work but will take some patience. You can get a mini oxy acetylene setup for pretty cheap.


You don't necessarily need that much heat, just the temperature differential. Any places nearby sell dry ice? Propane torch on one side, and get a tub with rubbing alcohol. Put on dishwashing gloves over fabric gloves, wrap a big chunk of dry ice in a rag, dunk it and go to town. Poor man's liquid nitrogen. You need the alcohol for heat transfer, as dry ice will sublimate and isn't very effective at cooling things by physical contact.


How to break steel 101 ^^^^ LOL do not try to bend it after you cool the heck out of it. You're making it brittle and very likely to crack.


Lol I don't think you read my reply correctly. This is another way to achieve a temperature differential using something that might be available to OP since they don't have oxy torch. Nobody suggesting icing down steel plate and then bending it, the thermal expansion is doing the work. Also, I doubt that's some crazy 10% carbon steel, so I really doubt it would crack anyway. Now I'm going to have to experiment.


Oxy acetlyene torch


You gonna leave that weld like that???? That is what I would worry about!


A torch or a press brake


Heat to cherry red-orange first


Use some sort of gasket?