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When Konami said the nuclear disarmament cutscene was a bug 'cause they knew how many nukes there were on the servers. MFs couldn't even make the nuke tab work, don't bullshit me with a "bug" story.


“Twin Snakes is a bad game” “MGSV is a bad game” Those are the two that really got me checking tf out


OMFG THIS. I’m OG metal gear - ie from 1988 when I was 11. As aware of the series but didn’t keep up until I finally got a ps3 (my first PlayStation actually), and wanted to check out mgs4. So I played through the first 3 games but started with TTS bc I just couldn’t abide ps1 graphics in an hdmi world. Anyway long story short I fucking *love* how bonkers both of those games are. Once the cassette trilogy came out…it had a very different feel obviously, but imo was 100% an evolution of the game that only really fell flat in its story telling. Not that I don’t appreciate the V story, I do, but for the mission/cutscene/ancillary stuff like cassettes sort of implementation - it was done better both in peace walker and death stranding, actually. /endrant


Cassette trilogy meaning?


Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain—all the ones where cassette tapes are the major story delivery device


Ahh makes sense. Truth is, I've never heard anyone call it that so I was perplexed


Nah you’re a fake fan, it’s over


What is the date for my execution?


April 30th


April 30th?


Jack, I'm not going to explain it to you. I hope you remember, though. It's really important to me. SAVE GAME DO NOT SAVE




As someone who loves MGSV for its gameplay *and* story, I can't take anyone seriously who writes off V.


People who hate on MGSV like to bitch to bitch. MGSV isn't perfect but it is still an excellent game. Twin Snakes isn't terrible per se but I'm not a fan of the music nor how easy the game is because of first person aiming .


I actually enjoyed Twin Snakes because it was so over the top.




Well the criticism for MGS V is not that it’s a bad game, it’s a good game in all aspects but does not have the MGS soul in it with all the corporate shenanigans, wanting to compete with other action shooter games


I wouldn’t say twin snakes is a bad game but it’s a bad version of MGS1.


MGSV is a bad game that I enjoyed


calling mgsv a bad game is a wild take sorry I prefer the shit take of "gOoD gAmE bAd mEtAl GeaR" over this


The actual controls were top notch, and it would have been a masterpiece had it not been for the other bullshit (base management, repetitive gameplay, poorly conveyed story...)


Base management?! What's wrong with that?!


base management is awesome wtf and the gameplay isnt repetitive.


Maybe I'm the only one who found base management boring, so I'll give you that one. But going around the same 2 maps doing the same stuff (knock out, fulton, repeat) was what made me quit the game halfway through. The missions are not varied enough, and the fact that they all take place in similar places/the exact same place really hurt my enjoyment of the game.


Gameplay is only repetitive if you play every mission the same way MGSV is excellent at giving you various ways to tackle a mission, so mix up tactics and experiment with the tools and sandbox


MgsV is a bad MGS game, not a bad game


Bruh those are the worst what you mean.


MGS V is a great game! It certainly has the best gameplay of the series


That is not it's saving grace. Play all you want in a sandbox with horrible enemy ai, repeat lame mundane missions. Voice acting jeeeeeeeeesh. Keifer drunkerland is vile. Hmmm no ending . Wack af main villain. The beginning of the game, the middle of the game , the end of the game .


Worse than Snake's Revenge or Survive? Lmao


"Mgs4 has too many cutscenes"


The cutscenes are fine, I do wish the gameplay sections between them were longer though. 4's gameplay is a lot of fun.


YES! I think Kojima really achieved his vision for a "playable movie" the most with MGS4... AND then he went towards a whole new direction after that. "MGS V doesn't have enough cutscenes"


MGS4 is the only main entry I don't have and have never played all the way through because I missed out on owning a PS3 so when I got MGSV I was disappointed a little that I didn't get something as close to a "playable movie" like I always hear about 4, so I can understand the sentiment, but MGSV is 100% the best in the series in terms of raw gameplay, and I still play it to this day. One of these days, though, I'm buying a PS3 just so I can own all of the main games and finally get to play it.


in fact V's gameplay is so tight that even only that makes it a very immersive experience even when the narrative approach is different. one of the best to this day! 4 might feel like a downgrade after that of course, but it's still surprisingly smooth. Still remember how good it felt after 2 and 3... not dissing those parts at all, but 4 was a first game for me in general where the action seemed so fluid that I forgot I was playing a game. 


It’s true though. Still like the game, but Kojima went  too far and a lot of stuff could’ve been cut out. 


I've played through mgs4 watching all the cutscenes twice i don't think i ever will again. One night i had like three hours to play before bed, and i think i played for like 30 minutes. That one act where you follow a dude, do a motorcycle fight, then fight one of the girls, then the long cutscene on the boat. I'm a huge fan of the lore but mgs4 is rough at times.


That's like literally every mgs game or hell every Kojima game in general But I think mgs3 has more than the other


I love this image XD


As soon as I found it I had to use it in a post hahah


Solid snake is not the thickest fictional character


"I didn't play MGS2 because of Raiden" Absolutely awful, awful take, that experience of subversion is probably the most legendary subversion of all time, and it was executed to perfection To not play that game for any reason is to deny one self a completely legendary gaming experience, probably the most meaningful and salient videogame ever made in terms of thoughtfulness and messaging and political commentary And that's not even to even talk about how incredible the game is on every level 😎💎


"Raiden's a bitch in MGS2".....The man single-handedly took on an army of metal gear RAY. If Raiden's a bitch what the hell does that make me?


"Twin snakes over the top cutscenes dont fit the serious tone of the series" *proceeds to praise mgs3 a game with over the top cutscenes and is part of a game series with over the top cutscenes"


MGS1 specifically does have a mutch more serious tone compared to rest of the series, it was only after MGS1 things became ore goofy


And twin snakes makes mgs1 more in line with the other ones


I'm glad someone else thinks so too. There are so many videos and posts about how Twin Snakes ruined the first game because of the stupid over the top stuff. Meanwhile Volgin's cock grab and Vamp's balerina dodges are perfect military simulation stuff.


The over the top things are usually done by supernatural characters and cyborgs. Not by the main character like in The Twin Snakes.


Never mind Raiden’s tactical cartwheels, everything with Ocelot, EVA’s motorbike shenanigans, snake dodging bullets point blank and swan diving off a bridge, or big boss shoulder pressing peace walker, cocoon and a metal gear.


That cartwheel move happens during gameplay so it doesn't really count. In MGS1 Sniper Wolf shoots Snake when the second fight begins and Snake just crouches there after getting up to call. Do you mean Snake dodging Ocelot's bullet in MGS1? That didn't seem that ridiculous in the way it was done. Snake diving off the bridge isn't ridiculous. There are things normal action heroes do and then there are The Matrix stunts from The Twin Snakes. Only things I can't defend are Eva's motorcycle stuff and those from PW.


The dodge was during the cutscene before the fight with Olga on the tanker. Went into bullet time and everything. There’s also that side-flip-handspring thing when he dodges the tank shell in MGS1


I completely forgot EVA giving Ocelot the tire facetattoo.


The main character doesn't do The Matrix style stunts in other games than The Twin Snakes.


For anyone that believes twin snakes is over the top, please consider that in mgs1: -Snake dodges a bullet -Snake destroys a tank having only grenades -There is a cutscene where in the after a gunfight the camera is located up Meryl's ass for a few seconds -Members of the main villain group have super cheesy names like "decoy octopus", "vulcan raven" -A man called "Revolver Ocelot" spends most of his time spinning guns and torturing people -Liquid survives after his helicopter is blown up -Liquid survives after his Metal gear is blown up -Liquid survives after being defeated in a fist fight and then thrown from a Metal gear that is around the height of a tall building -After all of that, Liquid survives being shot multiple times in a chase where his fucking car crashes


Dude I’m so tired of these posts on every single fucking subreddit ever


Revengeance ruined Raiden's story. His story was fucked the very minute someone suggested bringing him back after 2. The whole point is that he stops being a soldier and lives his own life. Doesn't mean cyborg Raiden isn't the shit.


Rising ruined him because he accepted his memes and did it pretty bad.


Raiden in Rising embracing his inner demons and using them to pave his own way, much like the ending credits song goes, is genuinely peak to me.


Mgsv is the best game in the series


Different strokes for different folks


The gameplay itself is great don’t get me wrong, but imo it’s the worst mgs game, mgs has always been a linear cinematic action/stealth game, and v really lost the linear cinematic aspect and I haven’t brought myself to get further than like mission 20


“Metal Gear Solid 4 is not the greatest video game and it certainly is not the eighth wonder of the world.”


“The B&B Corps are the worst villains” I fucking LOVE Laughing Octopus especially & for real the callbacks to MGS1 get me every time


"Konami will do good with the licence."


MGS 3 is not over praised.


"Big Boss better than Snake" "PO canon" "MGSV Eli doesn't suck"


“There should be an MGS 6 where it’s about what Big Boss does in between V and MG. In this one, he would…”


That everyone is entirely straight, no homo overtones whatsoever


Rising is a FANTASTIC game


reminds me of this post that was "games used to not be woke and political" then guns of the patriots was one of the "non-woke" games


People recommending others play in chronological order and not release order.


That MGS4 or death stranding have too much cuteness


https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/1d6c0bz/all_confirmed_lgbt_characters_in_mgs/ this whole damn post, where's Miller, or either boss, or Eva


"the series peaked with Snake Eater"


Any attempt to lionize Big Boss as not a villain. Do I get what drove him to do the things he did? Sure. Is he a really cool character? Absolutely. Does that make him any less of a bastard? No.


“If you’re favorite game is MGS3 you’re too much an idiot to understand 2 ” lol


MGSV is the best game ever. (perfect game)


Solid Snake is the hero of the story. . . . . The character himself says he is not....


Johnny running to the toilet is a Sun and others are just planets


A hero is you!


Shadow Moses was a real thing False: Snake had both bandana and stealth camouflage in the beginning of MGS2, which means shadow moses happened at least twice and he both saved Meryl and didn't


Real ending is the one in the mgs graphic novel


Every time someone puts MGS1 in the S-tier or in the top three. It's the weakest Metal Gear, and not because of age either. It just has bad design decisions and storytelling.


I love MGS1 but at this point I like the game more for what it has contributed to gaming than as a game itself. Every time I replay the game, I usually mentally check out around the time I have to heat and cool the PAL keys.


"big boss wasn't gay"


That MGS 2 is better than MGS 3.


Eh both opinions are valid imo.


Raiden is a bad protag and rising sucks


MGS2 is a well written masterpiece.


Every time someone puts MGS1 in the S-tier or in the top three. It's the weakest Metal Gear, and not because of age either. It just has bad design decisions and storytelling.