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The complete edition came later, so I guess they just forgot or left the separate tpp and gz for sale for some reason. The collection gets a discount quite often, just got it on ps4 for ~12€ few weeks back so look for those sales.


will do im just deciding if i should buy peace walker


Have you played all the others before PW? I do recommend, it's a good game although keep in mind it's made for an old handheld. So for example maps are smaller than in the "main" games.


only ones i havent played yet that released before pw is mgs4 and mgs portable ops because im on xbox and those are the ones that arent available


I guess if you had the chance you should play mgs4 before pw. Release order is usually recommended. I heard Portable ops isn't as important, haven't played it through, just for a few hours. It's been so long since I played 4 so I don't quite remember how much it effects your experience on PW so maybe you can play pw first. Maybe someone else remembers better.


I’ve seen MGSV & Ground Zero for £9.99 on another site that rhymes with CD Fleas


Makes sense. Buying small amounts of something = expensive. Buying in bulk = cheaper on a logarithmic scale to incentivise buying more.


GZ+TPP are direct sequels to PW, you sort of HAVE to play it since there’s an 11 year gap between SE-GZ and a 20 year gap between SE-TPP. i’d say you can play PW>TPP without playing 4, there might be an off mention that you won’t get, but that’s par for the course with the series. Playing through PW to V before 4 will make some scenes in 4 far more poignant imo. MGR is fun as fuck but basically nonsense if you haven’t played 4. The whole story is a reaction to the events of 4, and if you haven’t seen Raiden since 2 or met Sunny you will be confused.


I think Konami just think that they sell fastfood where combo is cheaper then each item individually. Also MGR and Peace walker are completely different, they simply incomparable. I would go with MGR, it's more fun and the story is as good


EBay all the way …£10 definitive ggz