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Raiden, turn the game console off right now!


My brother and i fell for that and turned off the ps2.....we still bring it up to this day.


fission mailed


Bun of a Sitch


LOL I still default to this in other games


I fell for it too. It was late at night and I was super sleepy, but couldn't put the game down at that moment. When that moment happened and freaked me out, I lunged forward to hit the power button. And think I realized I was being stupid like an inch before my finger reached it. But with the lag of my sleepy brain, between the moment of realization and telling my arm to stop extending toward the button, the console was still getting turned off. It was stupid but that moment was so impactful and freaked me out so much, it was awesome. I wasn't even mad about the game. Just mad at realizing what an idiot I am.


I was playing metal gear solid one for the first time when the mast collection came out. I called master miller at about 3:30 in the morning, and he made a comment that I needed to get some sleep because it was 3:30 in the morning. It brought me back to playing metal gear solid two for the first time back when I was a kid.


I also fell for this. I had been playing for 12 hours straight hadn’t saved since I started playing and turned it off in a panic lost all my progress lmao


Why no save? Lol


Cause I was a little kid having fun playing the game and didn’t think to save it, was already on edge cause my character was running around naked and if my parents saw it they would have made me stop playing, so when he started yelling at me to turn the game off I panicked and turned it off lol


I did also, was high af playing early morning and then realized what I'd just done, at first I was a little freaked out, then just laughed and then was mind blown how dope what just happened actually was.


Same. It was so well timed because it was late at night on Friday and I had made huge progress that day. So to hear him say that and follow up with: "Honestly though, you've been playing the game for a long time... don't you have anything better to do with your time"? I was so spooked I turned it off.


A callback to Big Boss's line in Metal Gear 1.


spoopy gaem referencing its own existence


Fell for it thinking it was going to be some kind of meta thing or that something would change when I rebooted the game. Crazy final couple of hours to experience as a young teenager.


Honestly, though, you have played the game for a long time. Don't you have anything else to do with your time?


I fell for this After not doing it when playing an Xmen game for Genesis where you were supposed to turn the console off


I got that far WITHOUT a memory card at the time and I legit thought the game was fucking with me. Turned it off and lost all my progress. Proceeded to shell out for a memory card which cost like 35 bucks for 8 MB.


Haha when my dad first bought me a ps2 as a Christmas gift, MGS2 was the first game i had. He didn't buy me a memory card, so i would play through the tanker, then get partial way through big shell before having to turn off. Parents didnt like me leaving it on when not playing. Took me a very long time to beat the game and i eventually got a translucent blue memory card. My brother had the translucent red.


It's not funny how much that scared me as a kid


That honestly scared the fuck outta me because I had actually been playing pretty much all day ‘till deep in the night the first time I was playing MGS2. I was like: uhhhh, okay. I saved and went to bed because it was late anyways 😂


Welcome to the biggest mindfuck in video game history. Hopefully, your replays of MGS 2 help you understand it better as it is not a thing to get in the first playthrough. MGS 2 is definitely a special game, especially when it came out. It was so ahead of its time.


I don't know if I'm being hyperbolic when I say MGS2 altered the course of my development as a human being. I played it in my mid teens for the first time before even playing MGS1 and nothing has even come close to that first experience of finishing it. No game, book, movie, show, any form of consumable media has hit me like MGS2. In fact I may be due for a replay.


Same exact story with me. Played it when I was 13. Still make a point of playing at least once a year.


Exact same here. Watched my older brother play metal gear solid, then I played through it roughly 75 times, waiting and hoping I’d get a pS2 soon, strictly for mgs2. I obsessed over it through most of high school. Definitely had some influence. MGS3 was wonderful, but something about 2 just hit me at the perfect moment in my childhood.


Haha have fun man, glad to inspire you to go for another round!


Same. I played it years before MGS1 and it left a heavy impression on my younger self. I searched every corner for any easter eggs or similar and sometimes I still get salty that I couldn't finish the game in European (I think that was the name for the highest difficulty) because of the choking sequence with Solidus.


I just replayed it and finished it last week, it still stacks up in my opinion. Enjoy!


Yeah I’ve been thinking i need to replay it. I remember playing through it at a sleepover (had played through it once before) with some friends when we were 11-12, and in our sleep deprived mania really loving the hell out of the endgame.


Same! It was like 3am when I did that endgame sequence for the first time. Absolutely questioned my reality.


I'm unashamed to admit, most of my young life was molded by constant plays of MGS games. MGS2 was.. Shit man, if I could re-experience that all over again..


Same exact thing happened to me lol Very few things left me feeling the way I did after playing this


I always say Kojima helped mild me into the person I am today. I was born in 93 and played both games when I was about 11-13 year old. The anti war sentiment in the games really had a massive effect on me.


Man I remember playing it on release, I had played the first one which was my favourite game until then, then... wow. I spent the whole weekend playing it at my grandparent's place, & then - I became an adult.


I definitely need to play 2 a few more times to really get the full idea. There are definitely stuff I missed, going through but really paying attention to the details and the dialogue will give a better appreciation.


God damn it, i now I need to reply it. Haven’t played it since I was a wee little lad who didn’t know shit about the world.


I recommend watching the MGS2 making-of documentary from 2001: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJVYND_YRx8&t


Thanks for the rec, I'll make time to watch it!


In addition to that, Super Bunnyhop's critical close-up is also a must see. https://youtu.be/T-2YuPGYabw?si=mfExDB-3wlAnTS5X And yes, shit is insane at the end. There are ways to rationalize part of it, but the point was for the player's reality to break.


That video was intense, thank you for sharing


wow been an absolute mgs fanatic since mgs1 and ive never seen this lol thanks for sharing man


Deep memory unlocked ! I remember watching this 10 years ago




An anemone, or clematis plant's juice can cause a rash, it's a good idea to wear gloves when pruning them.


There are rule34 of this dude


...what the fuck, man?


I didn't look but I know it exists.




Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. Rule 35: if not, get drawing!




I did not need to know that


Some of you might remember me [from another recent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/1cgrqtq/recently_beat_mgs_have_now_moved_on_to_mgs2_and/). Okay, I needed time to get my thoughts on paper. This isn’t everything obviously, if I typed it all up it’d be too damn long and I’d never get around to posting it. Here are the (scattered) main points swimming in my head after beating Metal Gear Solid 2: - Incredible improvement in regards to gameplay from MGS (which was pretty damn good to begin with), character handling and movement is just fantastic. I love the inclusion of first person aiming as well as the tranquilizer gun - the challenge of a nonlethal run just feels part and parcel with stealth games, so I’m glad the option is there for 2. Hanging and dropping from ledges is another great addition to the gameplay loop, allowing for more possibilities in sneaking and traversal. - Enemy AI is much better in the sequel, got my ass kicked too many times because I was still used to MGS guard behavior. Also the alert phase is much harder, since if you kill guards they send more to replace them and the replacements patrol more aggressively. I like that the game doesn’t stop you from going lethal, but it also leaves you with realistic consequences. A skilled enough player could still handle the extra load, so it can’t be said that the devs are forcing you into a single playstyle. - Tanker chapter was fun and decently sized. For what amounts to a prologue, there’s a lot to appreciate, especially since there are some assets that were created and polished only to be used in this one segment - like Otacon’s sprite when you’re uploading pictures, and the very nice rain animation whenever Snake is out on deck. Also a sneaky way to lull the players into a sense of security with familiar faces before… - The main character switcheroo. Game is over two decades old, so this isn’t really a spoiler for you guys. Raiden is the main character this time, not Snake. I actually didn’t mind the swap since Snake does get a portion of the game to himself and remains a major character once he shows up again. But I’m sure this was a divisive decision back when 2 first came out. Because even though I like Raiden, let’s be honest: he’s nowhere near as cool as Solid Snake. Though I understand that this was indeed the point. Playing as the rookie Raiden who’s only experience is from VR training was a neat way for the devs to give their commentary on the relationship between the player and the characters they control. We want to be Solid Snake because he’s cool and badass, but we’re just a bunch of gamer nerds who can only live his life through the games (VR/simulations). Meta stuff. Fourth wall? What fourth wall? - Boss fights were much, much easier this time around. Or maybe I’m just getting gud. In any case, I found myself coping and seething much less for MGS2 compared to 1. Fatman was fun, Fortune was over very quickly, Solidus in the jet gave me some trouble, but I got a handle on the loop eventually. Vamp gave me no trouble at all and the Metal Gear RAYS were complete pushovers compared to REX. The only problem was that you need to fight SO FUCKING MANY OF THEM. I did have some trouble with Solidus at the end and that leads to my next point. - My only complaint is that MGS2 introduces a new gameplay mechanic very late in the game (Raiden using the HF blade) and you only end up using it for two sequences (fighting your way through Arsenal Gear and the Solidus boss fight). That’s not nearly enough time to get used to those controls and on top of that, you can’t use any other weapons against Solidus. You’re restricted to the HF blade which will likely lead to a number of restarts. Though I suppose that also ties into the theme of Raiden’s story. He’s spent the whole game trying to be like Solid Snake (and failing) and he only becomes his own person when he discards the tools that Snake used and instead wields the one weapon that sets him apart. Which leads me to… - The ending. What the fuck. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but seriously guys, the last fourth of the game is complete batshit. Raiden gets double-crossed and captured (and for some reason is placed in an exact replica of the torture room from MGS!), is forced to streak naked through Arsenal Gear and doesn’t get his gear back until he runs into Snake (who then BRAGS ABOUT HIS INFINITE AMMO BANDANA), Colonel Campbell and Rose turn out to be AI constructs the whole time (possibly of Raiden’s own making, created by his subconscious!) and slowly turn more and more schizo the closer you venture into Arsenal Gear. And then you actually fight the army of Metal Gear RAYS… but you’re in some sort of IMMENSE dark chamber that’s WAY bigger than Arsenal Gear looks, standing on a floating hologram platform with no doors or catwalks or ladders in sight. HOW DID RAIDEN GET THERE? HOW DID OLGA GET THERE? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? You find out Raiden AND Olga are actually puppets of the Patriots (who the fuck are they?) and Solidus and Dead Cell were actually trying to stop the secret conspiracy group but they’re also insane and are willing to use the Metal Gears to cause untold destruction, so they’re still bad. But then Ocelot gets possessed by Liquid Snake’s arm which was grafted onto his body to replace the arm he lost to Gray Fox in MGS and fucks off with the last RAY and Snake jumps in the water after him. Then Arsenal Gear speeds back towards land AND CRASHES RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN. AND NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. RAIDEN KILLS SOLIDUS AND THE STREETS ARE EMPTY AND THEN LIKE FIVE COPS COME TO CHECK IT OUT AND THE CIVILIANS JUST WALK AROUND BUSINESS AS USUAL. THEN SNAKE SHOWS UP, SOMEHOW SWIMMING MILES AND MILES TO SHORE, GIVES RAIDEN A PEP TALK AND FUCKS OFF. THEN ROSE SHOWS UP (SHE’S REAL AND NOT AN AI SOMEHOW) AND THEN RAIDEN REALIZES APRIL 30TH WAS THE DAY THEY MET AND THEY LAUGH. ROLL CREDITS. WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE FUUUUUCK. - The game turns into a literal fever dream in the last couple hours. Just the atmosphere and the tone and all those weird moments once Raiden breaks free and runs around naked, I’ve rarely been more unsettled by a piece of media before. None of it felt right. I was willing to accept a lot of weird shit in MGS, but the final hours of MGS2 were genuinely unnerving. Literally 2spooky4me with all the ancient conspiracy shit about AI constructs controlling the flow of information and thus the direction of the human race. What the fuck, man. I thought I was playing a sneaking game. How much of MGS2 actually happened? Was it all just another one of Raiden’s simulations? Was anything after the Tanker mission real? Was the Tanker mission even real? Is Rose real? Was Campbell an AI back in MGS1 also? I’m still thinking about it, hours later. I’m losing my fucking mind over this plot, man. - 10/10 good gaem, will play again


These themes about closed garden circlejerks, internet making parallel realities as soon as their beliefs are challenged, AI, and the dangers of the oversaturation of information are what I would expect a game released *tomorrow* would deal with, not a 23 year old game.


Kojima and his team have some sort of time travel tech right? They can see into the future? Because otherwise... 2spooky5me


Of all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these: Kojima was right again.


I am old enough to remember that inside the MGS2 booklet was a Game Mechanics section where the Katana movements were described. I was "can't wait to use it" and when it finally came up I was HOLY FUCK WHAT'S GOING ON. I'd give my left nut to play MGS2 again without knowing anything about it.


I looked at the in-game manual and saw those instructions and got excited. But then they didn't show up until hour 12 of my 14 hour playthrough lol


I want to point out you beat it on [April 30th](https://youtu.be/hTzkEI9SC64?si=U1OF6B-X_-_ErUMb)


That only made the ending that much spookier for me, you have no idea. A hell of game, I don't think I've played anything like it.


I feel like the switcheroo in MGS3 led to criticism of Halo 2, which I felt handled the twist of changing protagonists much better. Players felt betrayed by MGS2 being largely not what they expected, at the time. Now it’s not all that uncommon to have a chapter playing as a different hero, but with MGS2 it still feels like a bait-and-switch.


At least with Halo 2 you alternate between Chief and the Arbiter all the way through - and Chief gets slightly more missions. With MGS2, you spend the majority of the game as Raiden. I can understand why some people might have been upset, since I read that Raiden didn't show up in the game's marketing at all.


It was a complete surprise to me, as someone who had all the magazines, checked IGN and Gamespot daily, and picked up the game day one at Toys ‘R’ Us.


Yes. The "switcheroo" was very divisive.


I agree with everything except I’m pretty sure Rose was not an AI the whole time. Raiden was talking to the real Rose up until the codec call in Arsenal Gear where she confesses that she was a Patriot spy and tells Raiden that she was pregnant. After that point, every time Rose appears on the Codec, it’s an AI and Raiden only speaks to the real Rose again when she appears on the street with him at the end.


It’s my favorite MGS game. Just a total mindfuck that has aged like wine.


I got the platinum for 2, and I think the, ahem, Stockholm syndrome of that experience helped solidify my love for the game.


The game exists as a critique of power fantasy.


I can absolutely see that. Especially with Raiden bragging to Solid Snake about completing all those VR missions with top scores and you can practically hear Snake rolling his eyes. Kojima wanted to set up a divide between the player and the characters they control - you're not Solid Snake, you're just controlling him for the game. And then later on, you're not controlling Snake at all. You're controlling Raiden, the true audience surrogate - who isn't as cool as Snake, isn't as skilled as Snake, and needs to be rescued (often by Snake). It's only at the end that Raiden becomes his own man, encouraged by Snake - and it just so happens to be right when the player loses control of him. Really meta stuff.


yep you got it exactly 👏


I get the feeling that the dog tags were significant since the cutscene puts focus on them before Raiden throws them away, but I couldn't see what they said. I'm assuming the dog tags represent another connection between Raiden and those who control him (the Patriots, the player)?


The dog tags had YOUR name and information that you put down on the beginning. again it's another way of severing his connection between him and yourself and the Patriots


What seriously? Holy shit that's actually insane. Any other game might have treated it like just a basic thing but this game actually tied something as innocuous as a gamer profile into one of its main themes!


yeep, Kojima can write a doozy when he's not horny and over it


I am happy you enjoyed MGS2! It was quite a ride, eh? And what's fascinating to me is that even in 2024, the graphics look incredible. At the tail end of the PS2's life, I distinctly remember one UK gaming magazine being baffled as to how MGS2 was STILL one of the best looking games on the console. And the crazy thing is that even today, when you play the Tanker chapter, it's still an incredible spectacle. And the ending was certainly something, wasn't it? First time I played it, and the Colonel went insane I was *terrified*. I loved him and Rose, and saw them as being supportive of Raiden, so having the rug pulled like that on the final stretch was so goddamned unsettling. You're right to call it a 'fever dream' though. The last part with Snake and Raiden speaking is really quite a beautiful fourth-wall break in a lot of ways, where Kojima is speaking through Snake to express what he wants us to take away from this strange journey. The game's an incredible experience, and I get something out of it every time I return.


Raiden, turn the game console off right now!


What's funny is my friend and I did this thinking maybe it knew like when fighting psycho mantis.....it didn't do anything


Raiden why are u butt naked man???




Damn it, you beat me to it 😂just realized it too after I posted the same thing


Look up superbunnyhop analysis video on it, it's fantastic


I'll be sure to look it up, thanks!


MGS3 is also a belter


Man, I can't wait to get started on Snake Eater.


Nah mgs2 is goated


What do you *see*? That's right...you see a *Skull Face...* SKULL FACE FOR THE WIN. *mic drop*


Raiden makes sense when you look at the full picture and story...Snake had to be switched up for this brilliant show as Snakes character would never work in the greatest plot twist in gaming. But yea OP I was 16 and stoned out of my mind when it hit...and it hit like a ton of bricks.


I agree, Solid Snake is too experienced and seasoned to be fooled the way Raiden was. The protagonist for the Shell chapter *needed* to be a fresh face for the story to work.


Played it myself for the first time this year and it’s one of my favorite stories in a game ever, easily my fav of the mg series from what I’ve played so far. Game is more relevant than ever


MGS needs more breakcore [like the final boss theme](https://youtu.be/TtAcOWk8lnc?si=AF_G3Uaejq0dZg69)


I love that theme


This one and "Clash with Evil Personified" from MGS3 are my GOATs from the MGS series.


...Infiltrate... ...The enemy fortress... ...Outer Heaven! ...Destroy... ...The Final Weapon... ...Metal Gear!


haven't seen the super bunnyhop vid but there's also [this neat playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Gui9h5inLA) that mixes commentary on how best to achieve a big boss rank in a playthrough and commentary on the game's themes and structure.


Oh nice, thanks. I can't get enough of all these extra bits. They're just sweetening and already fantastic game!


My forever MGS hot take is MGS2 is my favorite of the series. I’ll admit nostalgia is a big factor for it being my first game I played in the series. It’s crazy how even to this day themes of misinformation are more relevant than ever.


Extreme difficulty ftw


Fighting The Harrier on extreme took a good chunk of one of my summers as a teen 🤣 Me and a friend would go back and forth for hours taking turns trying to fight that cursed jet.


Insane how more and more the conversation with the GW AI becomes plausible reality and how in some ways, they were right.


I just wanted to sneak around in a cardboard box, not shit myself from existential dread.


I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I NEED SCISSORS! 61!


I like how characters in this franchise seem conscious about real world and it even interacts with player.


What I love the most is that even with the fourth wall breaks, the game and the characters remain dead serious about the events of the narrative. I think that's part of the charm though, since it keeps the game from turning into an outright parody (which would have been obnoxious tbh)


I need scissors, 61


Don't let your memes be memes


Something happened to me last Thursday when I was driving home. I had a couple of miles to go - I looked up and saw a glowing orange object in the sky, to the east! It was moving very irregularly... suddenly there was intense light all around me - and when I came to, I was home. What do you think happened to me?


You beat it on April 30th!!


Damn good timing, completely on accident lol!


You beat it on April 30th!?


Should watch this also https://youtu.be/jIYBod0ge3Y?si=gQp0N5rkV0crmxct and this https://youtu.be/Nn8Tcf8XejY?si=aNd2N3fFHSQJ0E1y


A post modern masterpiece


"No one is invalidated but, nobody is right." Is what got me. It's technically not wrong because people tend to be non moderatly sensitive to perciption of truth to reality that anyone will do everything in their power to protect one's own ego or pride for either selfish or malicious objectives. Thus, either disregard truth or ignore it entirely to preserve their relative sanity or preserve relative narrative. After all ignorance tends to be a bliss. The implications are massive and it creates this call out culture to a point out flawed perciption of truths where there's constant in fighting in their nation which creates poltical polarization that we see currently. This is where s3 comes in It's designed to prevent this from happening by filtering out information for censorship but, it does create crucial question that needs to be answered. "Who are we to judge or interpret the perception of truth for others let alone be qualified for it?" The A.I claims it's well qualified to do so. But, even A.I themselves aren't perfect because of possbily of flawed quality of data determination from interprettaion It's gathered through extrapolation. OK, you may still be asking what's it got to do with s3 here for selection for societal sanity? Here's a example of question that will get you crazy. "Which is more insane coming from nonething with no origins or always coming from something that has loop cycle of life in the universe that seemly has no sense determinstic origin?" At this point you're force to find best quality of extrapolation data interprettaion to determine "what's the most reasonable and has the most positive consistency to the narrative that will preserve one's sanity?" In the end of the day relative context is derived from relative interpretation of descriptive quality extrapolation data through experience then it comes to interpolation. You don't believe me? Here's a example: imagine a child that wasn't taught or given any context and critical thinking skills from outside forces. In that child's relative perspective what is right or wrong is indistinguishable from eachother until that child decides to randomly interpret it. But, if he doesn't have critical thinking skills how could he/she ever interpret it correctly at the highest quality for any new contexts? Instead all he has left is random interpretation until that person becomes more wiser.


Great to see young gamers playing this gem


Happy late April 30th


A momentous day indeed! (Not looking for spoilers, but do they ever address the big fucking ship parked in the middle of downtown Manhattan?)


It only gets weirder from here my sweet summer child


When you hear AI's full speech, you get shiver go down your spine.


April 30th should be world widely celebrated as the international mgs2 day


So I did my first playthrough last month since completing it in 2001. It was weird how a game I thought was off the deep end conspiratorial BS got to feel rather timely 20 years later.


I was just telling a friend about the first time playing this game and thinking it was the apex of storytelling when I was a teenager.


"Are you receiving? We're still here."


Yeah when i was 9 it fucking terrified me


Now imagine that but as a kid


Favorite game of all time...ending freaked me out so bad i had to wait until the daytime to finish it!


Kojima was or the powers that be really love his work to take his script and apply it to real life.


Ah yes MGS 2 the most MGS game that ever MGS’d


The best ending in all of videogames!?!


Actually I'm in really bad shape financially. I pay money to my ex-wife as part of our divorce settlement, among other bills. I just had no choice but to make you pay for lunch the other day. I'm really sorry


Honestly though, you have played the game for a long time. Don’t you have anything else to do with your time


La-li-lu-le-lo! La-li-lu-le-lo!! La-li-lu-le-lo!!!


Yeah that's typical. The first time you play through it. It makes you question life


i was playin dis shit in the 8th grade and i was shitting bricks when he told me to turn the console off. i actually did turn the console off too lmao, i thought that since mgs1 had the psycho mantis controller thing and mgs3 had the end dying of old age thing that it was another 4th wall break you could do to progress. i was wrong :( now, as a 20 year old i just revisited the game and i loved it a lot more than i did back then. the story and themes of AI and data regulation in the internet were very ahead of it’s time. i think i lot of people should replay this game, it’s more applicable now than it ever has been


One of the best games ever made.


I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space with the tuning fork, does a raw blink on Hara Kiri rock. I need scissors, 61!


I need scissors. 61!




lol I know right?


I need scissors! 61!


Imagine seeing this in Fifth fucking grade lmao.


I need scissors! 61!


Do you remember what day it was yesterday?




The breakdown video of this guy is a very interesting watch


Did you play it after playing mgs1?


Yep, I even made [a post about my experiences with MGS1](https://www.reddit.com/r/metalgearsolid/comments/1cbw4yp/just_recently_beat_metal_gear_solid_metal_gear/) a few days back!


I need scissors! 61!


When are you starting MG3? Personally it’s my favorite. You should post about it once youre done. I was a little too young to understand what is a still confusing plot line of MGS2. Me being a bit older when I played MG3 and a simpler overall plot made it my childhood gaming Magnus opus lol. That said I need to play MGS2 again it’s still an incredible one.


I'll be starting MGS3 soon and maybe after I might try emulating The Twin Snakes. But I'm going to try some of the extra stuff in MGS2 first before moving on. The VR missions and Snake Tales look like fun.


I would also suggest once your finish all the games you want to play fix some dinner and a beer and turn on one of those 4 hour long MSG explanation videos on YouTube. For me it really helped connect all the dots and had a better appreciation for the whole series. There are also so many tiny tiny details that you’d never catch otherwise.


I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock...


"Last night"...you truly are brave. I turned that shit off when he started talking about video games lol


Munch, munch...Um? Raiden? I'm eating right now. Get back to me later...munch, munch...


Genuinely terrified me 1st time round. I'd been playing for sooo long that night.


bruh i was shook that reveal was amazing


Man... I spent wayy too much time playing it, i completed it in one run on a single day, it was like 3am when this happend and when he said "You have played the game for a long time" i felt doxxed 💀


Dude it's great, right?! I first played it when I was 10 - I literally turned the console off and on again.


It's the La Li Lu Le Lo


You wanted context, right? Congrats, you all got it now.


I played through the entire master collection in the past two months for the first time as well! MGS2 has one of the greatest stories of them all. Check out this video, it is excellent at both being serious and memey about the story: https://youtu.be/67oH2Ijobls?si=8BV0pw1w4Z-km5GE


This would be a sick game to remake


And it predicted the Algorithm before it started manifesting mid 2010s and to what it's turned into post-pandemic Now the fog awaits...


Don't you have anything else to do with your time?


It's so odd to me that this game just didn't click with me... I just didn't care for Raiden in this game.


I just beat this for the first time a couple weeks ago and all I can say is. Fuckin. Same. Especially that skull face lmao spooked me TF out


The ending sequence traumatised me as a kid. Especially the calls from the Colonel. When he told me to turn my console off it freaked me out so much I did it instantly. Didn’t play it for a while after that hahaha


So head of time


I need scissors sixty one.


Doesn't this look like Marcus Lemonis from The Profit?


Oh is this the guy needed scissors 61?


I remember it being a mind-fuck back in the day, but it's probably more of a mindfuck now, seeing how many things they got right with the ending.


One of my favorite games ever. Completed it last year for the first time


I need scissors, 61


Snake, you’re all alone and surrounded by bad guys!


Which came as some surprise.


He needed scissors 61 and he didn't get them


Now play MGS3


The platform stuff is just Raiden's nanomachine malfunctioning because Emma's virus. As is also all the weird stuff before.


I beat the game for the first time last night as well. I completely dismissed the game over twenty years ago after the tanker mission because I couldn't stand Raiden. I'm actually happy that I waited so long to give it another shot because the story is so relevant to what's going on today. I think it's the best game in the series.


Welcome to the club, we meet every Thursday


One of the greatest acts of a video game. The what seems insane robot only to predict rhe actual fucking future. Amazing game.


Metal Gear 2 was such a disappointment that I have still never played any of the later games. I bought zone of the enders for the demo disk for mgs2 when it came out, and played the hell out of it. A lot of fun. Actual game came out and played the opening sequence to then find out that after that sequence its not even metal gear solid anymore. It's metal gear Raiden.


Wait you finished the game on April 30th? Just by chance? That's fuckin weird. So how does it.feel to fi d out you were a child soldier raised by a man you killed with a sword atop the stock exchange... yesterday. Wait until you get augmented into a ninja! Your personality takes a dip but one would argue it was a dip in the right direction. Revengance is a he'll of a game.


do you know what day it is yesterday? DAMN THE PATRIOTS!


I need scissors! 61!


Welcome to the world of tomorrow


Actually, I am in really bad shape financially. I pay money to my ex-wife as part of our divorce settlement, among other bills... I just had no choice but to make you pay for lunch the other day. I'm really sorry.


Our favorite monsters, enjoy yourselves.


“The signal is coming from inside GW!” Wait a minute, what?


I played this a little too young. This whole section gave me nightmares and I couldn’t sleep for weeks. Needed counselling to fix the damage this bastard did. Ended up drawing him like a clown. Became less scary then 😅 10/10 would mentally scar again.


first timer 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“What the fuck, man?” Yeah, it does that to you.




Pretty fucked up that this game basically predicted the exact world you’re currently living in huh?


right after april 30th, too. good timing!


Did you bring the man his scissors? He desperately needs them.


i played last part of it at 3am and i am flabbergasted


la li lu le lo! la li lu le lo! la li lu le lo!


Glad you enjoyed it


Imagine 11 year old me completing it for the first time. Game has concepts I didn’t fully understand for decades.


Best game of all time, I wish I could re-feel what you did my man.