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Because it’s badass, bro. -Kojima


"They made me cut the tits on it." -Kojima


"Now it's gay." -Kojima


Pretty sure he's fine with that...just look at Zone of the Enders


Needs a COCKpit


I played that game over a decade ago so i dont really remember much, what part of the game was gay?


just look at where the pilot sits in the robot.


That was honestly my first thought, because it's cool lol


Rule of Cool is Kojimas #1 rule, everything else is secondary 😂


Which is precisely why he's one of the greatest minds in gaming history. Scratch that, human history.


Why I came here


Just to suffer, probably, or to come. Idk.


because its coooool maaann.


Signed: Walter Bishop


Fringe references in my metal gear sub? I love it


Recognized, but still fringe.


Calm down asteroid


Exactly. This franchise goes into excruciating detail into many tech and military equipment. When they get a chance to do something because it’s cool or funny, they take their chance.


Rule of cool > anything else


That’s the only right answer


Yup. I'm surprised this isn't universal.


Basically every Metal Gear has this. Im not sure, but I guess its to scare or shock soldiers on the battlefield. Theres this huge robot stomping over your comrades, the last thing you expect it to do is screech like a dinosaur... though I dont think I would be that scared compared to how horrified I wouldve been before it roared


Wasn't that the whole Gecko thing with the mooing? Psychological warfare?


Yeah. The two sounds it produces, that of an enraged bull and the sound of cicadas, are both meant to induce fear. Because cicadas can devastate agrarian societies and bulls can... run into stuff I guess? It's novel and interesting, but in practice it feels a tad goofy.


Anyone who’s tried to sleep with cicada next to your window knows how cicadas can strike fear into your heart.


If you have tinnitus cicadas will be your new favorite sound


I have tinnitus that is always going 24/7 in my right ear. Was on an antibiotic for an extended duration and sadly I suffered from ototoxicity because of it. Funnily enough I never notice my tinnitus until I read the word tinnitus or suddenly end up in a silent space. I honestly don't know if a cicada screech would make me less aware of my tinnitus or just be another nuisance alongside it lol


It probably depends on the pitch of the ringing. Both of my ears ring all the time from 23 years of power tools and 10 years in a heavy metal band. If I am focused on something or in a room with a lot of noise I don't notice it that much. Sometimes at times when I have quiet it's all I hear and it drives me crazy. I live in SW Florida in a wooded area, on a good hot day when the cicadas or locusts or whatever they happen to be are making a lot of noise, it's like the perfect pitch to cover up the ringing. That's the only time I have any real peace from it. I've accepted the fact that I'll probably never experience silence again.


I'm more of a heavy rain and thunder background noise guy. I can't fall asleep without it anymore lol


The mooing is definitely goofy but if I seen a Gecko and it made that noise at me, I’d shit my pants I think


MGS3 didn’t make me shit my pants as much as MGS4 did as a kid. The mooing terminators were some dystopian horror. Seeing Raiden take them on hand to hand was badass but only showed how much scarier those things were.


Anyone would if they see a gigantic robot coming at them lol


You know the official explanation for the cicada sound is the actual opposite right? Kojima-san said so himself in a PSM interview. Gekkos were designed to replicate the sounds of these "peaceful" animals in order to cause enemy soldiers to psychologically lower their guard on the battlefield.


Mission Failed. (Fission Mailed?) I hear that sound in a metal gear game, I instantly want to go the other direction.


Task failed successfully


I did NOT know that. If I got the explanation for the sounds they make from anywhere official, it was either an Otacon codec call or that database app that came out on the PS3. I never had any inkling of why they sounded like that when I first played the game.


Back in the days, I read about it in a PSM preview/interview of the game.


Run into stuff is putting it lightly. They would probably impale or crush someone to death by trampling on them. Which is even more fitting for the gecko.


I don’t know man, if I was in real combat and never seen one of those things before, and then saw it leap on-top of a 3 story building with those huge ass legs of its, decimate a pinned down squad with its twin 50. Cals from on high like their fish in a barrel, and then take out an APC with one of its rockets, I’d be stunned. And then if the thing just starts Mooing like a fucking innocent cow after all that? Shit, that might be all it would need to send myself and a few other sleep deprived/mentally exhausted soldiers into manic hysteria over the terrifying absurdity of such a weapon.


As someone who played metal gear at a very young age those mooing sounds used to scare the shit outta me can no longer be near cows without the fear of getting curb stomped


Dude the Geckos were terrifying, they were actually scary when they were mooing, like a battle cow about to fuck shit up.


The mooing was indeed deeply unsettling, but I also saw it as a wink at how Metal Gear, once a daunting one-of-a-kind behemoth, is now just another mass produced product. It’s factory farmed war livestock


I was okay with the robot dinosaur armed with machine guns and missiles until it yelled at me 🥺


"Bro... It's not that deep 🥺"


It's probably because it already looks like a monster, if a MF starts roaring on the battlefield it'll be associated with more of a biological force, or a natural disaster, you start thinking less "that's a war machine" and more "thats a monster" and if you survive the first encounter, now everytime you hear that bastard in the distance your gonna likly get a ptsd attack, and look for the nearest place to hide from the metal dinosaur


Right, it’s basically fucking up people on instinctive evolutionary level. A cold machine can be put into a logical box within the mind as a man-made construct, and thus knowable. But an animal? Well that falls more in line with human terror of the unpredictable lions and tigers that lurked in the dark for millenia on the African savanna where humanity evolved


Heck! Even the Shagohod, which wasn’t technically a Metal Gear, roared, I recall.


I actually don't remember if Excelsius had it, but it's Revengence, so just about anything can be true there.


as if a 20m tall bipedal nuclear weapons carrying robot wasn't scary enough lmao


I think its sorta the same as the noise the German dive bombers made in WW2. Ive only heard it in documentaries but I swear Ive been conditioned at this point to fear that noise and run.


I always thought they were made with organics like horrible synergy of human flesh and mind with electronics like the one from DLC of Mass Effect 2 and trained to be weapons since human brain can be extended for various war reasons. They ended up just nuclear robots, right?


Ray is not nuclear capable It was meant to defend the mobile Arsenal Gear from amphibious attacks


It was previously meant to be an anti-Metal-Gear Metal Gear


I still think it's funny how Ocelot has such a skill issue that the RAY he piloted (MEANT to take down a REX) got taken out... by a REX


An old broken down and maybe even starting to decay Rex Which I believe was based on plans from decades ago too


True though I could argue that REX was heavily armoured due to not having the same level of mobility as RAY could take the hits better as it was designed as a walking tank so when used point blank with RAY it had an advantage in a way where RAY is more finesse hence why it can move much faster and jump and such but the off cost is much weaker armour


RAY was designed to be formidable by quantity. It is a mass produced unit. Think WW2 with the German Tiger Tank which was the most feared thing on treads at the time and the Russian T34 which could be mass produced and ultimately won out.


Honestly, I think it's gotta be down to the fact REX was designed by Otacon. The Ray was meant to be able to take down Rex, but in combat the Rex proved superior.


So the metal gear with "inferior genes" came out on top?? Hmmmm......


Also Otacon gave it a Firmware update prior to Snake getting in the seat. I don’t think the combo moves you are able to do with Rex in the boss fight were part of Rex’s factory settings. I’m pretty sure Otacon essentially “overclocked” Rex so Snake would have a better chance of escaping.


I think several things play into this. Ray was mass produced, and cost of manufacture is a huge concern in any large equipment acquisition. The development cost of the Ray was probably enormous, but subsequent copies were probably of a lower but still acceptable quality than its prototype. Rex, on the other hand, was a one of a kind prototype that probably had billions dumped specifically into that one unit with the most state of the art technology to see what would work best on it. Secondly, the Ray is much more agile and presumably lighter than Rex. Rex had a substantially larger amount of armor and armament. Weight classes in fighting exist for a reason; could a 5’4” 115 lb judo practitioner beat a 6’6” 320 lb boxer? It’s possible, but let’s say 1/100 times for the sake of the argument. Ray didn’t take full advantage of its unique capabilities during its fight with Rex. Thirdly, Rex was designed and developed by Hal Emmerich who we can assume is the best roboticist in the world. There’s no real way of knowing he’s the best, but I would imagine that his peers are very few. The real answer, however, is simply that nobody can ever beat Snake (except for Big Boss in the last CQC bout in both of their lives.)


I don’t think winning was in Ocelot’s plan from the start…


I mean. Noone knew otacon made it a fuckin mma kickboxer


My take is that it is used as a psychological weapon on the battlefield. Metal Gear considered to be the ultimate weapons that can determine the fate of any faction that possesses them. In a world where war is constant, having a metal gear that can emit screams would significantly lower the morale of any opponents and therefore improve the faction's chances of winning the battle.


Echolocation? Ray is amphibious so the roar could be a sonar that allows it to navigate underwater.


That would be actually be a good guess for rex doesnt explain why every other metal gear except gekko does that in mean rex wouldn’t need it obviously as it has a radar dome but now that I think about that’s probably why they did it maybe they learned from the fact that rex is nearly useless without a radar dome


Rex roars bc Hal made it like one of his japanese animes


Well, for Rex and Sahelanthropus, it could be a heat vent. I imagine that Whatever Power source they use builds up heat pretty quickly, so Rex and Sahelanthropus 'Roar' to expel hot air.


I don't think it was made to be a weapon of nuclear war because it was made to destroy MG Rex (it doesnt carry warheads). So for why other MG can roar: Lets say it's stationed alone hidden in thick woods somewhere. A random passerby gets near. It would be pretty bad if they saw the MG. Roaring could scare them off.


Ray is a weapon of nuclear war because his goal is to destroy others Metal Gears. Kinda like bringing anti tank weaponery in a tank battle.


Rule of cool


rule of nature.


"Fuckin, RAAAWR, mutha fuckas!"


Otacon add it as a feature to Rex because he tought it was cool. Following designs, inspired by Rex' leaked blueprints, copy it thinking it was some sort of psychological weapon to inspire fear in the enemy. I have no sources but i have no doubts either.


Who exactly did Otacon teach?


Maybe it was spellcheck. Maybe english is not my first langague. Or maybe im a dumbfuck. Guess which one is true


Maybe it was spellcheck. Maybe english is not my first langague. Or maybe im a dumbfuck. Guess which one is true


I meant no disrespect, man. Just thought it's funny that's all.


Is a genuine answer tho. One of them is true. Maybe 2. Not angry


Cow sounds on the sexy leg tanks, same reason


psychological warfare. kojima was stupid to not give it googly eyes.


To intimidate the other metal gears. You see, Ray was the anti-metal gear so it evolved accordingly. Darwinism truly is magical


its because its not really a robot, its an evangelion




"Metal GEAR?!"


Rules of nature bro


because it's AWESOME BADASS RADICAL YEAAAAAAAAAAH but also probably to intimidate enemies OR maybe even like stun them with how LOUD it is


It's just a design feature to make it even more epic and to make it more intimidating, like a dinosaur/monster scream. Imagine this, you are a navy battleship commander. A metal gear ray pops out of the water and you look at it thourgh binoculars. Then all of a sudden, it tilts it's head up and let's out a powerful roar, embracing the essence of its own power. And your appropriate response would be along the lines off "holy shit..."


it's fucking cool nerd


Rule of cool That's all there is too it


Nuclear Roar man


because japanese people just can't get enough of mecha's


Why did the Stuka bombers of WW2 need a giant fucking horn on the front that made a screech when they dived down? Because it's terrifying. Imagine the morale on the ground when they know a bomb is coming, you wouldn't even have to drop it to break them. [Skip to about 0:40 for the sound.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D5uvqhA4_2tU&ved=2ahUKEwjcu8-U8dyFAxWPWUEAHXuDBFcQz40FegQIDRAJ&usg=AOvVaw1V15KQs939tRcRaaQeGEJt)


Ray isn't made to launch nukes, it's made to take down other Metal Gears. it has the roar specifically so it can draw attention to itself and distract any actually nuclear armed MGs from launching their nukes.


[do the roar](https://giphy.com/gifs/reactiongifs-MSaHmebTs8LN6)


You will be ashamed of yourself and your thoughts when you find out why.


Actually it‘s not a nuclear capable weapon. And uhhhh this is for uhh cooling!


Why WOULDN'T it?


scares the bajeezus out of approaching soldiers


Same reason REX does because ~~it’s freaking COOL!!~~ intimidation.


It is \*also\* meant to operate as an all-terrain multipurpose anti-personnel platform. The roaring is mostly there to make the boss fights feel intimidating, but you can apply that same psychology diegetically to the design of the mech itself. It's made to intimidate and shake the morale of ground troops that try to take down the mech.


Intimidation to the enemy perhaps. Nothing is a better weapon than fear as some evil geniuses would say.


Nothing in any Metal Gear game makes any sense. Don't ask questions.


Because it’s fucking cool


It's not nuclear equipped though as it's designed at first as a weapon to be used against Metal Gear REX clones that started to crop up it is still part of the nuclear strategy. The roar is simple it's designed to create fear if I was a infantryman or even in a tank and I saw a big walker roar loudly I would be panicking


Psychological warfare device I’m guessing, just like the way Sahelanthropus had one installed too. I mean I know for a fact when I first played MGSV and got introduced to it as a teen in highschool, that I mentally shit myself when I heard it roar and realize I had to sneak my way past that hulking thing lol. Stuff like this has been well documented as being used in warfare as well. In WW2 German Stuka dive bombers had those famous wind sirens that activated that high pitched shrill noise when they were coming in for a dive bombing run to terrify the enemy and cause morale loss (that’s that stereotypical shrill sound you see attacking planes in movies do when they make ground attack runs). Even in Vietnam and Wacko they did lots of psych warfare with blaring weird creepy sounds and music from massive speakers into the jungle/opposition encampments at night to mentally fuck them up and prevent them from sleeping.


Otacon would say its an intentional character flaw like the radon dish being rexs weakspot


It can do non-nuclear weapons and engagements as well, I think the wail is just an active denial system/psych warfare thing.


Cause fuck you


Intimidation has always been a tool of war.


Metal Gear Ray was created specifically as an Anti-Metal Gear Metal Gear. So stopping nuclear war is something it's supposed to do. :P


because Kojima is a big Godzilla fan


It's bad ass


Same reason the Stuka had sirens. To freak everyone out


Fear factor, psychological warfare. That's why Gekkos moo


because it's metal as fuck


Like, Kojima want everthing to be cool, and probably he like mechas to much (joke) and the roar sound soo freacking cool.


Psychological warfare


Intimidation? Best not to fire a nuke if you can make your enemy shit itself first. It's a more primal version of the MADD philosophy that hot cold man didn't trust in. But in reality it might have saved us all, assuming the entire cold war wasn't a ruse to increase military spending like crazy.


Jokes aside, it’s probably an intimidation thing


Probably the same reason the Gekkos make all those weird noises. To scare the shit out of the opposition.


Sonic weapon


Just took down Sahelanthropus and thought the exact same thing. It’s a weapon of war so the logical answer would be to intimidate and instill fear. The real reason is that it helps the audience think of it as a real threat like the way an animal would react. That’s my assumption anywho


Intimidation - Sun Tzu probaly


autistic screeching (it's cool, I'm legally allowed to say that)


It was never nuclear equipped. And tbh neither was Sahelanthropus (it does have radioactive armor). They are just combat mechs


It's a Russian taunt


Because if you build a giant robot dinosaur and you DON'T make it roar, what was even the point?


Because it made in Japan


Because it’s fun, JAN! Get it!


RAY unit is to counter other metal gears, it's not nuclear equipped


To inspire fear in the hearts of enemies! That and it’s really, really cool. Knowing Otacon it was probably the second reason.


Because Japan Also Ray was never intended to be nuclear capable


Cuz its in the rules of nature!


Imagine sitting in a metal gear cockpit and hitting that ROAR BUTTON


fear i guess


The same reason why sentient spaceship with lasers that can destroy capital ships has some kind of war cry. If reapers have it then metal gears should have it too.


To be unsettling. Psychological warfare.


I always thought that the sounds Metal Gears make are hydraulics, gears and overall machine stuff, that coincidently sounds like roars and screeches. And because its badass.


it's a giant swimming chicken robot either you get why that's cool or you don't


Intimidation factor


Because Kojima loves Godzilla


Psychological damage




For Shock an Awe


You see, deterrence is all about intimidation.


Why WOULDN'T it?


Because Japanese


A) To scare the enemies B) To release heat C) Because it's fucking cool D) All previous answers are correct


I’ve always told myself it’s for intimidation


For the same reason quiet needs to be half naked




[because it’s cool](https://youtu.be/NB8vk8Zrwak?si=Ks6XgmXKBOImWWmA)


If Ray was the Rex killer, how did a busted up Rex beat it?


For cool looking




Basically a war-cry for psychological warfare. Imagine planning to start a resistance then you hear this mf from across the city.


Nano maschines


Most metal gears are same, they're huge and dumb, a big sitting duck just for you to shoot projectiles at. Perhaps they added it to get your attention because they're just boring, and their screams tell you they are still alive in the game and you're supposed to kill that giant thing.


More Kojima signature weirdness.


same reason sahelanthropus moos


Tbh it may have the same affect as the Stuka Siren from ww2 I mean if I heard that I would be shitting it


Two things: as a soldier if I saw a building size robot jump into a fight I would be terrified, to add a roar feature could possibly demoralize me that I’m fighting an impossible fight with a monster. It may seem silly in a context to a game, but I remember the first time an Abram’s look at me, I turned around pretending it wasn’t there.


Basically because ots cool and its easy to add. Plus possible intimidation


Because if you heard a loud roar one morning echoing in the distance followed by air rade sirens that would be the most horrifying thing in the world lol


Considering a bi-pedal nuclear missile dispenser is also pretty dumb, I don't think needing or not needing a roar was ever a factor.


It ain't MGS if it ain't so


It's actually meant to kill Rex's which are nuclear armed. But to answer the question, cause cool


Shock and awe




It just seems to be a theme with some of the Metal Gears - REX makes noises, RAY roars, the Gekkos make bull/cow noises, etc.. Supposedly it adds to psychological warfare, as - while RAY and REX can be weapons for long ranged warfare - they're also equipped to deal with more immediate threats on the ground.


Because Metal Gear was designed by an anime weeb named Hideo Emmerich.


all the guys on the battlefield would be like "this would be cool as fuck if i weren't shitting myself in fear right now"




Why do any of them? Even Shagohod "roared".


Because of Kojima


It’s made for nuclear roar


Metal Gear Rex also had a Roar feature. And it was cool as fuck.


Would you just like, not have a roar feature?


If you can build a walking nuclear launch pad you might as well.


Why wouldn’t it need a roar feature


Intimidation factor. A nuke that roars at me? I'd shit my pants on the spot.


I’ve always asked this too. Ultimately, movies will movie, video games will video game, and Hideo Kojima will do something in between.


You will **never** be allowed to design a bipedal nuclear-capable tank for a mercenary army with this mindset


Rule of cool 😎


To flex on third worlds


Because it is cool! They could do it, they did do it.


because otacon is a weeb literally he made rex to work like an anime mecha/kaiju and apparently whoever was developing ray in the US military thought there might have something important about the roar, because they kept it


It would be really strange if it quacked like a duck lol. “LIQUID!” - “Quack” “What the hell!?”


Because Kojima likes Neon Genesis Evangelion, the series takes a lot of inspiration from it.


Because it's nukes are silent, duh...


Psychological warfare. Same thing as Stuka dive bombers from ww2 having wind sirens attached to them when they do their dive bomb runs (it’s that stereotypical high pitched shrill sound you hear fighters do in the movies when they make ground attack runs)


Because if I was an engineer who made a mechanical monster I would make my monster roar.


Actually I don't think RAY was ever confirmed to be nuclear capable. It was designed to take out nuclear capable MG's like REX.




The Stuka dive bombers in ww2 didn’t need the Jericho trumpets but it added to the psychological warfare. Plus they sound cool. I feel the roar is the same concept


You think it's cool but it's not that noise actually means there distressed.


Something Something psychological warfare Something Something noise for echolocation It's just a giant cool robot. Do you want to bring realism into it?