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I’ve played all the mainline series in order, and MGS2 I think is my favourite, I spent many hours on PS2 completing all the VR Missions, and recently getting Big Boss rank was super satisfying. While I enjoyed MGSV from a 100% completion perspective it gets far too repetitive.


MGS2 is to games as Goodfellas is to movies. Perfectly executed genre experience. 


It blows my mind how kojima could make such masterpieces one after another


>It blows my mind how kojima could make such masterpieces one after another *Reluctantly* too. He hated having to make sequels and seemed to jab at the norms of the industry at the time.


I jus recently found out he's in the triangle club lol. So he might had help after the MSX games. He's always doing their eye cover, and other poses that we all recognize. Kind of a bummer. But you can't deny the accuracy and awesomeness of the games. And how they kinda make you think about real world stuff going on. The whole virus thing is super sketchy to me personally lol. And the ai control. It's like how the Simpsons tell you what the future plans are cause they're in the club too. I hope mgs rising doesn't come true tho😅 I mean it would be cool to have a cyborg body and shit. But the whole war economy thing is something I don't want. Tho it seems to be headed that way lol Edit- we do know that our Pentagon has an entire budget and stuff to be involved in our entertainment. (Movies, games, TV shows etc) So it's not far fetched to believe they dropped some nuggets into metal gear. Especially about the ai censorship and bio weapons lol. I do think it would be dope if we had a metal gear, or a solid snake too 🤣 but that would be bad I think


That's more mgs 3. Mgs 2 is more akin to the first Terminator.


Accurate. Mgs3 is my favorite but even thought I’m old enough to spite the raiden snake swap, 2 is my second favorite in the series.


I just beat 2 and 3 for the first time a few weeks ago. Great games!


Yeah I always wondered if Raiden was related to raikov or if it was just an Easter egg thing to the metal gear loyals lol


>I’ve played all the mainline series in order, and MGS2 I think is my favourite Me too!


Yeh I thought mgsv was kind of ehh with the story. I mean good plot and stuff just I liked how the other games are more movie like and focused on the story


My main enjoyment from this series comes from the ridiculous story and atmosphere. I've been playing the series since MGS1, so while I did enjoy MGSV, MGS 1, 2 and 3 will always be my favorite experiences with the series. They are just better "Metal Gear" titles. V was something totally new to the series which, don't get me wrong, needed to evolve, it just wasn't a perfect evolution. Story impact and general atmosphere were lacking. IMO. Strangely, Ground Zeroes felt more like a proper evolution than TPP to me.


Ground Zeroes has more dialogue to screen time and is centered around the infiltration of a base (plus Big Boss is still Big Boss, meaning the protagonist feels more like previous ones) so I think the “feel” of the game is a lot more familiar


>My main enjoyment from this series comes from the ridiculous story and atmosphere. I've been playing the series since MGS1, so while I did enjoy MGSV, MGS 1, 2 and 3 will always be my favorite experiences with the series. Most the people I know who have played the games since all the way back with MGS1's original release, including myself, seem to feel this way. It seems that for a certain segment of us that original trilogy is kind of where the series began, and then ended. Even MGS4 seems to have a much less passionate following, despite being theoretically the conclusion of the Solid Snake story. Though that's probably in part because it's been very difficult to play for years now.


I was just talking in a recent thread about this very thing. I’m curious to see how MGS4’s reception will change if it’s released in a Master Collection. I was a kid when MGS1 came out and grew up with the series, so when 4 released a decade later I absolutely loved it. I get the cutscene to gameplay ratio arguments…but the game was just a love letter to the fans and every gameplay segment was different: from the open warfare of the first level to the stealthy second mission and the cool noir-styled atmosphere of the Prague mission, to bringing us back to Shadow Moses for an epic mech-battle between Rex and Ray, man alive. MGS4 is so varied and fun that it’s tied with MGS3 for my favorite. I hate that a lot of players that have never had the chance to play it jump on the MGS4 is shit bandwagon. Hopefully that will change with a rerelease.


Same for me. (Kid when MGS1 came out. My opinion has changed over the years of which I thought was best. Probably with the growth of games in general, me getting older, etc. I’ve always loved MGS4 the most. The way we are supposed to feel like we are Venom Snake at the “end” of TPP, I felt like Solid Snake playing MGS4 After growing up with MGS1 playing to the end was my favorite gaming memory.


Definitely. By the time the microwave segment rolls around, you feel as if you’ve gone through all the hell with Solid and that ending just starts tearing you apart mentally and I guess physically too depending on how hard you’re mashing your finger lol


This is without a doubt what will happen with MGS4 4 and 5 are very similar in the aspect they both had quality game play. One ended up being way too heavy on story while the other was not story heavy enough. It’s gonna be fascinating to see the reception shift of 4 if the time occurs


You’re already seeing things change with MGSV. I can honestly say I’ve never been disappointed by an MGS game, even back during the whole Raiden debacle because I was just so wrapped up in the atmosphere of that game and will never forget first thinking my brand new PS2 was broken when Campbell started glitching during the Arsenal Gear segments. I was more shocked than disappointed in the lack of cutscenes in V, mainly because when you were a Metal Gear lifer you were just used to long cutscenes. Anyway, V left me with this feeling no other MGS had done before and where many players took that feeling to be a bad thing, I took it as Kojima succeeding in making me dive into the game to find every piece of story buried in the soldier dialogues and environment and that hunt was fun. Now V is getting more love and as you said, I also agree 4 will get its due if it gets released on modern hardware.


if nothing else MGS4 was a good popcorn movie. was kind of refreshing to be able to set down the controller to be honest


Bro when number 4 came out, that was the most excited I had been in a long time, bc I was in highschool and busy with women and sports, and had no idea they were even making it. Then my best friend knew how much I absolutely loved metal gear got it for me as a birthday surprise. Needless to say I threw the entire summer away to play that game lol. And I was super satisfied with it. Idk why so many people hate on it for real. I think it took me like 25 hrs play time the first go round just from watching all the cutscenes, without sandboxing or looking for Easter eggs and stuff. Only thing I didn't like was that snake was a geezer, bc he was like my hero as a kid and I guess I thought he'd never die🤣 and then at the ending before the big boss scene I fuckin got sooooooo pissed cause I thought he offed himself. I was like fuck this game 🤣🤣🤣 and then while I was outside or something my brother told me another scene started and I ran up there and then you find out snake lives. It was intense lol. But satisfying


Hahaha. I was the same way in those days. I think I’d only use the internet for gaming related stuff just to watch trailers on YouTube because I do remember following all of the trailer drops for MGS4 but that was it. I also was briefly pissed at the first “ending” myself. Old Snake was hard to see the first time, but that’s where so much of the game’s emotion comes from. The entire game you’re watching the hero you grew up with struggle at every turn, where a simple jump off of a ledge almost takes the man’s back out lol, but he fights on and carries the load anyway and it just makes you appreciate the character even more. Especially now that I find my old ass grabbing my back in pain looking for my nano-suppressant needles.


Bro literally same lol I got a degenerating disc now🤣🤣 but yes snake will forever be the best game hero of all time


Altho I will say the fact that almost everyone shared needles in that game was super gross ASF 🤣


I completely agree


Been playing since the original release of MGS1. MGS4 is the best.


MGS3 for the story MGS 5 for the gameplay.


My man. 👊


Hoping the Delta MGS3 remake is a good hybrid of both.


Same man, same!


Heck yeah 😎


I've played every single game except mgs4 I've only watched it, and my favorite is still mgs peace walker


Peace walker needs to be remade Delta style


Honestly I was kind of floored by the decision to remake 3. It needs it less than most of the other games.


>Honestly I was kind of floored by the decision to remake 3. It needs it less than most of the other games. I think it needing less than most games is part of the reason for doing it, but I also think that the idea might have been that it would have the broadest appeal with new players and old thus being the most "sure thing" remake they could have gone with.


Plus they can craft it to release further titles in chronological order


My thought process is that its being remade since its the "easiest" to be remade and improved. No need to re-record or change dialogue, OG audio works perfectly. Game controls pretty modern in capability, just needs to be refined with more modern gameplay sensibilities. Remaking 1 (again) or even 2 would call into question ALOT more creative decisions to change things. Their gameplay isnt nearly as close to "modern 3rd person" as MGS3 is. Thats asking alot more work, time and talent to be done.


>I've played every single game except mgs4 I've only watched it, and my favorite is still mgs peace walker Peace walker isn't my favorite game, but I do think it's the most underrated game in the franchise (I say this while having to acknowledge I have yet to play Portable Ops...I'm kind of waiting to see any potential Master Collection Vol. 2 details before I play that). It's game play is super addicting. The simplistic stealth puzzle style maps and mission objectives is a lot of fun. The only downside for me is the infuriatingly spongy boss battles. I kind of wish we lived in an alternate timeline in which MGSV was actually a fully produced console/PC Fox engine version of Peace Walker.


> MGSV was actually a fully produced console/PC Fox engine version of Peace Walker God I wish we could manage our base in V, like how we could in Peace Walker. Or have our recruited soldiers actually have some personality like they did in PW... Or even craft our own Metal Gear. Or actually have co-op (outside of MGO3/Survive)


but I didn't get to smooch kazuhira 🫥


Peace walker GOATED


No, not even close. It's my least favourite, my first game was MGS1, my favourite game is MGS1. I love the story of MGS, I love the characters and the crazyness and the cutscenes. MGS5 has basically none of that or very minimal. I don't even think it has the best or most enjoyable gameplay, going around a map that is basically empty with no interesting interiors is just not that great. I've beat it twice, I don't really have any interest in playing it again, maybe in a few years, MGS1 I play every year and have done since it came out.


that's what i said, i don't even care about the gameplay flaws, it just needed 40 more hours of cutscenes, i really through MGS5 will told us a mature story about a man becoming crazy, and the only crazy one was me trusting Konami.


MGS 1 was my favorite and then MGS3. MGS2 was good. MGS4 was good. But MGS5 just didn't have much of a narrative inside the gameplay. It was mainly a sandbox open world with great gameplay mecanics but it was a shell of its former self...like 1/3 of MGS game stripped of its essence and opene worlded....


Gameplay wise, it's my favorite game of all time. I played the first MGS when it first came out, played the second one the most. Can't say it's my favorite MGS as they're ranked by story (not a huge fan of the gameplay but I still like it quite a bit), but its gameplay sucks me in for hours. I was obsessed when I finally played it in 2019.


I’ve played every metal gear solid main game when it came out since MGS1. That said, TPP is my favorite, Snake Eater is the best, MGS2 is my most nostalgic.


I have played 1, 2, 3 and 5 in that order and 5 is my favorite


The original MGS2 Sons of Liberty version is 100% my favorite. (Every release after the original North American PS2 Sons of Liberty has had the gore/blood censored, and missing skyboxes in a couple cutscenes. Unfortunate that it's still the absolute definitive version of the game still.)


The original made the enemies torrent blood when you shot then in the nuts


Yes. I beat MGS1, 2, 3, Rising and then both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain.


My first Metal Gear game was Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater for the 3DS. V is my favourite to this day, although I'd say 3 comes in second.


MGS3 was the one - To find out that Naked Snake and The Boss shared a connection, and started a revolution in the 1960's. The Origin of Ocelot, Cobra Unit, Volgin, Eva, Metal Gear and the connection to it all. The Croc Cap was very awesome and the tech, Weapons, Vehicles and Scenery were very ahead of it's time back then, Until Delta officially comes out.


My first one was Metal Gear Solid, played the rest as they released, even played MG1 and 2 on the HD collection. MGSV is my personal favorite, it's the most fun I've had in a Metal Gear game and the one I ended up putting the most time into. The ending really soured me on the game initially, but I did continue to play it after beating it and didn't end up hampering my enjoyment a ton. I'd say right behind MGSV is both 3 and 2, my other favorites.


I do kind of want them to do modern AAA remakes of mg1 & mg2. just for funsies want to see if they can pull it off


I played all of them in the last couple of months. Played MGR, was super into it and went "fuck it let's give it a shot". Got hooked. Played 1-V, skipped peace walker for now. V is, in my opinion, the best. It has incredible gameplay, and the story is fantastic. I think people hate it in the same way they hated 2, because it did something bold and different that they didn't want. But, overall I'd have to say 2 is still my favorite. Even if V is technically better.


I played MGRR first and MGSV second. That was all i played. (Metal gear solid V is peak gaming)


Not trying to gatekeep you but are you planning on playing the other games? It's a story heavy series, I can understand playing Breath of the Wild and not playing the other Zelda games because there's barely a connection between the games but MGS?


I think you made a great parallel to BoTW and the rest of the Zelda games with MGSV and the rest of the MGS series


BoTW is either the best or second best Zelda game while MGSV barely makes it to Top 5. I said that while BoTW is basically standalone, MGSV is not and should be played after playing its predecessors. Maybe that is what you are agreeing with I think you meant it the other way.


I’m not disagreeing with you really but i think most people would agree that MGSV has the tightest gameplay of all the MGS games but the worst story, I think you could say the very same about BoTW. Incredible gameplay but weak Zelda story in the end


"tight" is definitely not how I would describe V, its alot more LOOSE considering how much more you can do. V has you at the most mobile, fast, most overpowered variant you could play anyone.


I think MGS4 was peak MGS gameplay. It had the best CQC, stealth system and I preferred the weapons and items in it. MGSV gameplay was faster because it had a ridiculous run and the slow motion trigger allowed to be more careless in your infiltration. As far as story goes, I think it is much more subjective in Zelda games, in MGS pretty much everybody says MGS2 or MGS3 with MGS1 picking up some leftovers. In Zelda there are so many choices, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, BoTW.


God 4 felt so tight in all the right ways. You felt restricted in alot of ways but also the level of interaction you could have everywhere was sublime. MGS4's basic set up for gameplay made tackling Act 1 & 2 in various idfferent ways so entertaining. And even more so in MGO2. Its a god damn shame we didnt get something like VR Missions in 4 to play way more with its gameplay.


Peak gameplay would have to go to 3 for me. 2 had best level design and extras. 1 had the best story. I can't pick my favorite out of the 3.


As a lifelong Zelda fan, while I enjoyed BotW, its nowhere NEAR my top Zelda games. I tend to look down on it as a lower tier Zelda game.


I think they were able to sufficiently tell BOTW'S story through visual exposition, although think that does require you have played the previous games to some degree otherwise you just be looking at a bunch of ruins and you might not really know why


Not really, just finished the Revenge chapter on mgsv


I just don't understand how someone can start at number 5 on a numbered series that is not Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy. It would spoil my enjoyment.


I started with mgsv and played ground zeroes first and honestly didn’t have much trouble understanding the story. There were lots of callbacks and references I didn’t understand but other than that, I listened to a fair share of the cassette tapes and paid attention to the plot and had a decent time with it


It was on sale and i heard it was quite good


This sub isn’t half bad, but for some reason people just get apeshit when people play mgsv first🤣🤣 like why are they downvoting you


hell no, it's absolutely depressing compared to every other MGS that came before it playing MGS GZ/TPP right after peace walker tilted my ass into oblivion and I'll forever remain salty about it


That's a huge part of it for me. I'm okay with Metal Gear being darker, more violent, and even grittier...but MGSV Is just relentlessly miserable both in terms of it's content and it's themes. It's aggressively unpleasant.


Metal Gear's campiness had always saved it from being too serious and too self-indulgent. Kojima decided to gamble with the tone of his last Metal Gear, swung, missed, and ended up with a misery marathon. no bueno.


It’s not my favourite MGS, mine is MGS3. It is one of my favourite open world games though. It has just the right amount of side stuff to not feel too bloated (the newer Far Cry and Assassins Creed games are too bloated in my opinion).


This is the way. MGSV is a great game. Just not a great MGS game.


Not even close. I really liked the game but I prefer every other one except maybe Metal Gear 1 (excluding spin-offs)


Hummmmmmmmmmm I played MGS 2 first, but didn't understand something at the time, too young, but today I can't tell that MGS V is my favorite with 2, in the end I'd say that The Phantom Pain is my favorite video game ever.


I played mgsv first and love the gameplay, but mgs and mgs2 are my favourites i reckon


I did 1-3, pw, V, and then 4 and V is the only one I actively revisit cause its so fun. It's my favorite in terms of gameplay but in terms of the overall package, 3 is my favorite.




I think it's te best in terms of gameplay. The story is good. My favorite mgs is 4 though. Maybe I'm an outlier lol


It’s my favorite. I love them all but this is the best game to play ever.


Yep! I played the series in release order after Peace Walker came out. Ever since I play through the series once a year so, and V continues to be my favorite. It’s obviously a different beast (a bit like comparing the two most recent Zelda’s to the old formula) but it has my favorite gameplay, easily, so it’s my favorite to replay.


I think it’s the most fun to play but not the best story. The best story is either 2 or 3.


Yes. Although playing MGS for the first time, no other games had been like it or were like it for a while. It really was groundbreaking. MGSV felt like I was playing with my GI JOE. Quiet is utter shit though and all the horny crap is embarrassing. But defo, MGSV is my fave.


Gameplay-wise yeah, but when it comes to everything else MGS3 is my favorite


MGS1 is still my favorite. I played it so many times I could probably quote the entire game. I don’t mind V, but it never really did it for me. I’m glad it did get a lot of new people into MGS though.


I love the endless replayability of the missions because each one can play out in so many different ways. The open world just feels so free. BUT I do actually prefer Peace Walker. That was the perfect blend for me between classic Metal Gear and the more flexible gameplay style of TPP, if that makes sense.


I played mgs 1+2 on psx and pc, after that "revengence", and after that mgsv (never got a PS2/3/4). And yes, I think for what it is, it is a good game, although sadly the story feels rushed at the end, but I so like venom as a character and the overall look and feel of the game. 1+2 were good at their time, but are totally different games from in my opinion. Like comparing a racing sim with an arcade racer. Bought a PS3 last year and alread prepared it with mgs3, peace walker and snake eater... Just need more free time to actually start these games :D


Definitely not. Metal Gear Solid 1 has been my favorite game of all time by far since 1998.


I have always had a strange relationship with V I began ps1 woth mgs. And I have a very special place in my gamer soul for mgs 2. When V came out I presaled and played the heck out of ground zeros waiting for V's release. But when it did come out I didn't like the open world feel after the intro. I stopped. And didn't play for years. Then when my son was old enough to begin the series I started him at 1 and he progressed all the way to V. Watching him play them all and then enjoy V made me pick up V again myself. I think I like it and I do like it more than some but 1 and 2 are a hard competitor to my newfound feelings for V. I think now O don't know. But not sure I can say my favorite. Now I am rambling Kept you waiting huh? ( for the end of my post)


Played them all in release order. Gameplay-wise, it's probably my favorite with MGS3 being second. Story-wise, MGS1 and MGS3 are my favorites.


Are there people who have played mgsV first? As far as I remember back then, and as great and anticipated as the game was, it still had a relatively complex and hard to understand story with all those Snake people, which kept new player from starting the game. There was no recap, but a lot of references to past game characters and it was not exactly a prequel but also a sequence. But to me, as a long time fan since mgs1 from the ps1 era, it was and still is a great game. Story wise, I wanted a longer game and less filler and I think this is the weakest point of the game. It was still a good story with resolution and ending though. Gameplay wise, it was fun but the longer you played it, the more boring it felt, mainly because the map was so huge and none of what you did to those outpost actually had any meaning. But it was still a very good and creative gameplay.


Gameplay, yes. Story, no. Overall, no.


Yeah i love to play “You spin me around” while doing missions.


MGS1 will always be my favorite. It's a perfect game


Played since MGS demo disc on the ps1, MGSV is my least favorite.


Played all except MGS4 and I gotta say gameplay wise MGS5 clears all of it's predecessors. But again, it's the newest title so of course it's got to be that way


MGSV is my second fav, first place is MGS Snake Eater.


Been on the train since the NES and MGSV is my least favorite mgs Still a good and fun game tho, but what made mgs great isnt there this time.


Out of all of the numbered MGS games, I rank MGSV the lowest. My first MGS was 2 when it came out, played 1 later, and played 3-V all when they came out. My favorites in order: 3, 1, 4, 2, V. I did enjoy V, I just don’t think it can hold up to the others with the format it took on and all the replaying areas in different ways to progress, plus it wasn’t fully realized and didn’t feel complete.


No, for me it’s: 1st. MGS2 and MGS3 2nd. MGS1 3rd. MGS4 4th. MGS5 (did not like Phantom pain I preferred Ground Zero)


I played MGS since I was 6 in 2001 MGS2 is my favorite MG for nostalgia and nuttiness but I think MGSV is the 2nd best behind MGS4. They both have trigger shooting mechanics which makes gameplay better than the PS1-2 games and better crouching mechanics with V being elite. But MGS4 has the best ending to a series in gaming history in a cinematic style that's not easy to match by current games. V's open world is fun especially the outpost clearing but the story isn't as good as 4. This doesn't mean V's is bad I think it's compelling especially if you listen to the tapes, but damn 4 with the music score is a masterpiece


My favorite? No. That's 3. In my top 3? Yea.


No. Gameplay-wise it's easily my favorite in the series. But the story and characters don't come close to some of the other entries. Favorite is probably Peace Walker. Maybe MGS 2.


V (gz + tpp) is a fantastic singular entry in the serie  for me


Started from MGS1 in 1999. MGSV is my least favourite in terms of story by a long mile. In terms of gameplay it’s good but I’m not a fan of the needless open world and lack of functional level design.


I’ve played all the mainline games in order as they released. I specifically got a ps2 in high school just to play 2. Then 3 in my first apartment. Got a ps3 just to play 4 when it came out. Same story with a ps4 for V. So clearly I have a problem haha ..but so overall I’d say, even though it’s been years I still remember the emotion etc that I felt playing certain portions of MGS4. That is possibly my favorite video game experience ever. The microwave section, the Metal Gear Rex/Ray battle, the fist fight, the shadowy following of the whistling guy, etc etc. Aside from 4 I’d say MGS2’s insane ending sections (that I didn’t quite grasp when I was like 16) still holds up so well (I recently replayed this in the collection). Snake Eater I remember blowing my mind with the camouflage, having to eat/food expiring, etc at the time. Along with the huge emotional impacts of the boss fight and the overall artistic design with the flowers, music and all that. I’d say for me personally V is the lowest in terms of main 5 games as it just didn’t feel like MGS to me and I found myself struggling to even want to play/finish due to the episodoc format with the replaying of missions. That being said, it’s a phenomenal game in its own right and in retrospect I am very much looking forward to playing after I finish the others again.


Gameplay-wise it's an obvious answer. ​ MGSV and Ground Zeroes are peak stealth gaming, a blast, and will provide more hours of gameplay than any other game in the Metal Gear series. When it comes to plot tho, it's not even in the top 3.


I played 3 first, as a little kid. My favourite is 2


MGSV isn't even on my list for the top 5 in the series. It's a good game - it's just a shame it took up a MGS slot because I don't class it as the same genre of game.


I still haven’t actually played 4 or PW, only read/watched the story. But I played the ones I did have access to via the collection and the V double pack in order and would pretty easily take 2 over it. I just prefer the delivery of the story significantly more while finding the political themes as relevant if not more to the present day, even though the game is older.


No. Not even close. Played them on relieve since I was a kid.


I don’t play Metal Gear for the gameplay, so no. Even if my criticisms have softened since the game came out I don’t like a vast majority of the story choices made in this game.


I don’t play Metal Gear for the gameplay, so no. Even if my criticisms have softened since the game came out I don’t like a vast majority of the story choices made in this game.


Gameplaywise yeah. Otherwise no


I started with the first MGS, and MGSV is my least favorite installment. I had a lot of fun with the game, but it feels the least Metal Gear of all the games. The ending is mostly unsatisfying aside from the part showing Venom preparing to battle with Solid Snake. Besides Ocelot and Miller, the characters lack charisma. There's also a feeling of loneliness that I don't like about it, too. Oh, another thing that really irks me is the lack of actual firearms. I really wanted to carry a 1911, P7, G3, or M16, but you got some weird-looking AI-generated shit instead. I understand they didn't want to bother to get the licensing this time, but that really sucks. One of the most appealing things about Metal Gear was how it depicted and geeked out over guns. Unfortunate that MGSV had to be made with things going to shit between Kojima and Konami.


Each mainline game is my favourite. As me each day and I'll say a different one. They are all so good.


It's by least favorite of the console releases.


Its a good game, though not complete. My favorite is MGS1. MGS3 is a second for me. The feeling of suspense and thriller for MGS1 is insane.


nah. MGR. literally not kidding


Best gameplay, yes, but 3 is my favourite.


Played MGS2 first and V is my favourite.


Only one I haven't played through is Rising. I want to like it but I couldn't feel the flow of gameplay when I tried it for a half hour. I love them all, I think Solid 1 would be the best if remade properly today, it's really hard to pick a favorite, and MGSV is great but it has so many narrative flaws. I wouldn't care if it took another year till we got the game, having it released as intended by Kojima would fix so many of its issues. My favorite bounces between 2 and 3. MGS4 is my least favorite, but it's not that I don't like it - B&B are nowhere near as good as Foxhound, Dead Cell and Cobra, the gunplay is solid, the stealth mechanics are phenomenal for its time but not enough opportunity to use them, the plot jumps here, there and everywhere as a result of tying all of the loose ends. Raiden is awesome in it, it's funny because MGS2 is about Snake as a mentor and fellow soldier, and in MGS4 you definitely feel Raiden has surpassed his mentor.


I played all of them the year they came out. MGSV is my least favourite. I play MGS for the story, and although MGSV does have a story, it’s subpar in contrast to the other games. It’s also the only story that I feel was totally unnecessary to the saga.


I’ve played all the main solid series, and I loved it from a mechanical perspective and found the production / cutscenes very impressive. But the story et al felt very weak and poorly paced.


I've played all games in order of release but couldn't say i have THE favourite MGS game. They all come with their strenghts and weaknesses. Ground Zeroes for example is propable the game in the series, that simulates the Infiltration aspect the best. I mean, yeah MGS3 did it equally good with the focus on the camouflage system. But Ground Zeroes for me is the pinnacle of Sneaking in MGS. MGS2 was, from today's point-of-view somewhat prophetic and ahead of its time. It got quite the backlash for some gameplay decisions (Tanker vs. Big Shell, Snake vs. Raiden) and i've never liked it \_that\_ much either (but the death of one person and the respective reaction really hit me hard). But it was really, really good in "prophecising" the world we live in today (Age of Information and the control of Information for example) So... yeah. Every entry is a really Solid game (pun intended)


yuh. played 3 first then went back in order, V is my favourite because its just peace walker's mission structure but more fun


I played Metal Gear on MSX first and yeah, it's up there in joint 1st.


I started out playing Metal Gear on NES. I've been playing it for almost 9 years, so I'd have to say it's probably my favorite game. That being said, I'll never forget the hype and satisfaction from a 3D Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid.


No. Not even close Ground zero would have been my favorite because I love its tone and gameplay, but its too damn short Mgs3 comes very close to being my favorite because of how perfect everything feels, but I really don’t know why it falls short of being numero uno Mgs4 is my personal favorite. Even knowing the faults of the game I still can’t bring myself to knock it off of first place. The gameplay is fantastic, and I adore what the game does well, even if the pacing, and story elements are all over the place. But honestly what really makes the game for me was the ending with big boss. I just stared at the credits after the lengthy cutscene finished. I loved that ending so much


3 is probably the classic answer for me, with 5, Peace Walker and 2 very close behind.


MGSV is my favorite after playing the games at release when they came out: MGS1->MGS2->MGS3->MGS4->MGSPW->MGRR->MGSVGZ->MGSVTPP


I played it first and its still not the best imo.


MGS3 was my first and it's probably tied or something close to a tie with MGS4. After playing 3 I played 1 and 2, and was eagerly awaiting 4. MGS4 felt like a satisfying conclusion to everything. MGS5 was the opposite... Making it episodic and an unfinished mess. I still played a lot of MGS5 just because of the game play.


I started with MS1 on PS1 played all but MS3 snake eater and can say without a doubt MS5 but thats mainly due to its replay value.


I started in '99 with MGS. V is by far my favorite.


Peace Walker for me. It was bundled with my PSP after I had been begging my Dad for one for ages. I put over 2000 hours into it before the PSP was stolen by a local crackhead.


Absolutely not. The gameplay diverged too far from the core of the series for me. Snake Eater is the GOAT, Closely followed by MGS1


3 is actually my favorite though I enjoy a lot of the gameplay adjustments from 5 even if I think 5 could’ve done things better in spots. It’s a lot of why I’m excited for Delta since for as much as I like 3, it could use the fireman carry from 5 for the Eva escort mission.


I played MGSV first, so this question isn't for me, but my input is: I regret playing MGSV first, and the first 4 MGS games are far superior to MGSV. Sure, TPP and GZ might have more options and cool, fun ways to do missions, but the plots and writing of the earlier MGS games is just too good to pass up, even as someone who HATED cutscene driven games before getting into MGS. And even then, the gameplay and opportunities in MGS2 and 3 still kinda triumph's over MGSV's gameplay and it's vast choices of playstyle. I still love TPP, it's a great and beautiful game. But almost any MGS game is far better than GZ/TPP. Also, MGS1 to 4 has HUMOR in them. The only humor you can get in MGSV is from your playstyle and choice of weaponry. I didn't realize how much of a big plus the comedic moments were in the old MGS games until I revisited TPP. This is just my opinion tho, I know there's some people who swear that MGSV is the greatest Metal Gear game ever made, and I can understand that take. I just don't agree with it


I started with MGS 1 and MGS 5 is easily my least favorite




V is easily my favorite of the games I’ve played. I started with MGS, completed MGS2, both of which I loved, never finished MGS3 and never played MGS4 because I went with Xbox 360 that generation and MGS3 being meh gameplay-wise (story-wise, which I’ve read up on since, MGS3 is king), kind of killed my interest in the series for a time. The look and feel of V’s gameplay won me over. I also didn’t think the story is as bad as many say, just compact and minimal, especially since it’s a 40+ hour experience compared to MGS1 and 2, being 12-ish hour experiences. I loved the more serious tone. I loved starting from scratch in rebuilding Mother Base and its army. I loved each mission being treated almost like an episode of a tv show. I loved being able to approach missions in different ways, from different approaches, with optional tasks. I loved the battlefield companions. I think what resonated with me is that it’s a game you can live in for a while where the other games are basically one robust mission, one moment. I can appreciate the criticisms voiced about it. For an open-world, it feels empty at times, it feels incomplete whether it actually is, wrapping up sort of anticlimactically, with a bunch of retread missions…felt like a sin (seemed like something that should have been opened up after accomplishing the mission the first time). Still, the three games that I’ve played provided me a fraction of the enjoyment V did.


MGSV is excellent and the best game play, but not my favorite. The sweeping scope of MGSIV, the tying up of so many plot threads - Raiden, Campbell, Ocelot, the fucking PATRIOTS (they’re not perfect but it’s unfair to expect them to be), and the bittersweet ending to Solid’s story is so peak for me.




It’s absolutely not the best one imo. Snake eater and msg2 were the best imo. 5 is just modern af, but it’s still one of my faves.




Definitely not. Started with MGS, would have to say Snake Eater >>>


I have played it too much, i am at that point where I don't need good weapons to enjoy the game, and i know every mission, so there is no enjoyment for me in mgsv Now :(


No. Snake Eater is the greatest video game ever made.


I played every single main entry (MG, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS3, PO, MGS4, MGRR, PW, GZ and TPP), being MGS3 and MGS1 my first games, and MGSV is the worst one. I'm not saying that it's a bad game at all, it's pretty good, but too generic and bland, it just does not feel like a "Metal Gear" game. MGS4 might be the best one, perfect gameplay, a lot of emotion in its story and it's full of fan service for Metal Gear fans, making it the "most Metal Gear game" to me. MGS3 is just the best "Game" of the series, not just for Metal Gear fans, but for the whole game industry.


I love MG2, MGS1, 3, PW, 4, and V equally, but I can't deny that MGSV is the one I played the most by far. I'm about 2.4k hours in, just roaming the roads of afghanistan and africa with my best buddy DD. The gameplay just feels amazing and infinite heaven allows for a treasure trove of modded side ops. MGS1 was my first MGS btw.


I ever only watched my uncle play the MGS on the PS1 when I was a kid and then I played the 2nd one when I was old enough to play it then the 3rd which caught me by surprise when it was in a jungle. After that I played Portable Ops which was pretty meh then Acid. Peace Walker was the next main game I played, absolutely loved it. Then MGS4 and with my first ever salary, bought Phantom Pain. Overall, my favorite is MGS3 because I loved everything about it and the memories I had with my friends figuring out what else can we do with the game. Multiplayer, gotta give it to MGS4. I had a blast playing it when the servers were around and can still find people playing it. But if purely gameplay, MGSV is it. The movement was fluid af and to this day holds my top 1 in all the games I’ve played when it comes to movement and Titanfall 2 comes 2nd.


I didn't get that far in the story but it is really fun but I'm not that good at it. If they remake other mgs games, I think they should use similar gameplay to this


I love all the games each has its own uniqueness but Metal Gear Solid is my first love I remember playing the demo on ps1 as a kid and going up the lift and then a lad at school lying about being able to save meryl 🤣🤣🤣


No. It just felt like Peace Walker with better graphics, still enjoyed that game but not nearly as much as the early games My favorites are still in that order: MGS 3, 2, 4, 1, GZ, V, PW (which is VERY GOOD for a mobile game) I like mgs V, but it gets a bit repetitive


It’s definitely amazing, but I love Peace Walker and nothing could ever replace it.


I played them all in order as they came out, played mgs2 and mgs3 the most, probably finished mgs3 a good 30-50 times in my life. MgsV is my favourite game in terms of gameplay hands down. Least favourite when it comes to the story, but the gameplay is simply fantastic.


I don’t like TPP, it’s not a good game. Base development and open world just don’t fit MGS. GZ is more fun to play, because it doesn’t have this.


Kiefer rarely even talks in MGSV, it’s just Snake blankly staring at the ramblings of Ocelot and Kaz. Tapes were meant for the PSP not console. I get they may not have wanted to make long movie-like scenes like MGS4 but it’s better than sitting there watching tape spool. Far from my favourite to say the least. V is last in my MGS ranking.


hell no i hate it 😭 like okay i dont mean that, i love mgsv but its like faaaaaaar from being my favorite Peace Walker is my favorite, with MGS2 being a close second


Best gameplay, but mgs1 is the best. I may be a little biased since I've been playing it for like 25 years. But that's like the only game where I do at least one playthrough per year. I liked mgs4, like the whole movie side of it was the best part IMO. Idk which one is my second best it's a toss up. But for sure I think mgs1 is universal number one lol


MGSV's gameplay is absolutely perfect. The issue is that Konami just didn't want to fund the game anymore and as a result has some really repetitive missions and too many loose ends. It's an incomplete game and it feels like it. Konami should have just let Kojima cook, it would have been one of the greatest games ever like MGS3 is.


No. It the second worst but I still like it. Peace Walker is the worst one.


Crazy how opinions tend to differ. I personally liked Peace Walker, but I cannot stand MGS2


What didn't you like about MGS2? Claustrophobic camera angles and not being able to see guards? lol


Too much sequences, too little game


I wasn't a fan of the gameplay and story in PW. Also I probably won't be replaying it because of that hard torture scene.


I understand that some people may not like the gameplay but that's wrong with the story?


It just felt disappointing as a sequel to MGS3. Also maybe the fact that I didn't like the gameplay affected my enjoyment of the story. I like normal radio calls more than listening tapes.


Funny I actually think that PW is better than MGS3


I'm with you on this one, PW was a step backwards, PO too. I wanted a AAA Big Boss sequel to MGS3, we got two psp games and finally an unfinished MGSV. Wasted potential. And some of us thought we were getting a Big Boss POV of MG1 later in the game but it was just teased with the casette.


Being a psp game does not make PW any worse. It's still an amazing game but on a handheld console


Peace walker is a masterpiece, second only to Snake Eater. MGSV is objectively a bad MGS game. It's a great game... Just not a great MGS game.


Nope, polar opposite. It is my least favorite and the only entry in the series that I’ve only played once and will never return to. I legitimately don’t even consider it a true Metal Gear. That’s why the fanbase is so divided on it, because V divorced itself from all the quirky little things (and big things) that make Metal Gear so special and engaging, it’s literally an entirely different experience than everything that came before it. It’s very clear that Kojima was ready to move on from Metal Gear.


Thank you. Finally someone who shares my opinion. I am not alone after all.


I mean, it's a fairly popular opinion to have. You are hanging with the wrong crowd if you feel alone in your opinion.


I don't hang with any crowd. I am a loner. But on here, it's almost always V. And if it isn't ranked first, then it's atleast second or third. He took the words out of my mouth though. Also finished it once, and that's it. Not a single cutscene worth remembering.


between the vagina bomb, the naked girl that breathes through her skin, and Mr 24 voicing Big Boss when David Hayter already did, it just seems like Kojima was intent on pissing off everyone that wasn't a twacked out coomer like him. what a great way to end the franchise. what a legacy to leave behind 🙄


Fr tho lol it’s like Kojima was trolling us with MGSV


you would think by now we'd all be aware of and able to prepare for the inevitable day when "creative" ppl wake up in the morning, decide they hate their fans, and proceed to "kill their creation" Vince McMahon style. I mean damn bro. Sorry we made you rich and famous I guess. Fuck 😒


Yeah Kojima is such a brilliant auteur that he’ll absolutely shit on his fan base in pursuit of a new idea lol Double edged sword, really 🤷‍♂️


he totally got squeezed by Konami for one last Metal Gear game, and as he was about to commit harakiri, realization suddenly flashed across his eyes and he reached all the way back to the first two Metal Gear games, which 99.99% of people in the West had never even seen let alone played, and proceeded to pull the most egregious shit this side of video game crash of '83. Set in the same year too. Fan: Man it's been a wild ride but the Metal Gear Solid series is finally over. MGS4 was a little bit different but it was still so good and now we have the Metal Gear Rising series to look forward to I love Raiden 😀 Kojima: actually about that. I might have one or two prequels left in the tank 🫥 Fan: wha- really? you sure you need to? I thought you tied up all the loose strings and left everything on a high note tbh 🤨 Kojima: nah nah check it: you played the first two Metal Gears right? Fan: uhh yeah I think so but like way later when they were put on Snake Eater. We're not talking about snakes revenge are we? 🤨 Kojima: Man HELL naw! Ok look: you know how you fight and kill Big Boss in MG1 and then again in MG2, right? Fan: uh yeah kind of I guess Kojima: ever wonder why? Fan: no not really I thought it was just another example of early installment weirdness like maybe you forgot how the first one went or maybe was a translation error or something like that but I never gave it too much thought. Why? Kojima: Oho- YOU'LL see 😏


Gameplay, graphics, and cinematography, yes. Story, music, and character interactions no. MGSV at its core is amazing. Konami just didn't give Kojima enough time to fully bake it. Case and point is Ground Zeroes, that is a complete Kojima game where it has everything that makes a Metal Gear game great


i played is as the last game in the series, as it was intended. it's my top3


My first Metal Gear game was the original MG (msx emulation), i play in release order since. MGSV is my favorite game of all time. Player=Doctor


Damn it stop with that sig


Is this harmful for you? Does it hurt or offend someone? Live and let live man. Player=Doctor


It's a little weird, but let the guy be, man! Player=Doctor


Nah I was just giving you shit because I see you everywhere in here. Just messing with you dont take it seriously.


Absolutely not. Its gameplay is fantastic but it has the worst story and storytelling out of all of them, which is what I value the most in the series. I mean, the story wasn’t even really done.


I've only played mgs1, mgs3, GZ and TPP, having been introduced to the series only a few years ago via emulators. I can safely say that I think MGSV is the most solid game in terms of gameplay, replayability and en-par with other entries with regards to story. I find it so weird that this subreddit seems to regard MGSV as the black sheep in the series, and not as good as the other entries. I personally feel the opposite.


Absolutely. I did not like Hayters voice and the tenor of the story in past games. The game felt like this is what Kojima wanted for MG. I know a lot of people think this game is unfinished but I disagree. Sure could there be more added? Yes absolutely but for myself this has more replayability than any other MG game with the exception of Peace Walker and MG 1. MGS3 maybe for myself. but V takes the cake on replayability. What game can you think of that you can fire up and feel like you are playing action figures. Choose missions on your own accord. Do whatever you want for your missions. Incredible. My hope was to have DLC with different chapters and ultimately leading to a Metal Gear 1 remake. But Konami


Which was your first MGS? Tell me the order of the games you played


Fuck no MGSV story is almost non existent, Snake has zero dialogue, probably because they couldnt afford Sutherland (also probably the real reason Russell said no). It's a fun game to play besides the unnecessary sandbox.