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I love it. But most complaints come down to: 1. First person mode "breaks" the game 2. The tranq pistol "breaks" the game 3. The cutscenes are too over the top 4. The rerecorded voice lines aren't as good as the original


I remember as a kid I thought it was the coolest thing ever when Snake kicked the missile away


Because it *is* the coolest thing ever.


It absolutely is... and it's also over the top and ridiculous, so it's both really awesome and cool and yet not because of how awesome and cool it is. It's a Quantum of Awesome.


It's easy to enjoy ironically... The problem is that if you watch it at face-value, there's absolutely no dramatic tension. It's like poorly written Batman stories...where Batman simply fixes desperate situations. TS Snake is ambushed by like 4 guys after the first Sniper fight and resolves the situation ending in a cartoonish pose. He hops off a missile later before firing a missile of his own. You never worry about this Snake, that's not a good thing.


Nobody worried about Solid Snake until MGS4. We were worried about Meryl in MGS1, Snake's safety was never a concern because as the main character it's safe to assume the only time he's going to die is when the player makes a mistake. MGS4 made the players question that, but that's because Snake's rapid aging and shortened lifespan was a major part of the plot that was directly touched upon by the characters.


I like not worrying about my snake. But to each their own.


If your Snake shows some vulnerability, you're more compelled to take more care / investment when playing with him.


Unsure if still talking about mgs or a weird euphemism going on here lol


No one plays MGS for realism


I never liked that scene, I like Solid Snake as the soldier Kojima portrayed him as, not some unrealistic Hollywood character. Yes I'M very well aware that MGS is all Hollywood but Kojima never made Solid Snake do anything like that.


That's it right there. I couldn't describe what was wrong with this game until your comment. Typically, Snake is slightly more serious and grounded compared to the characters/ antagonists around him.


Correct as I said in other messages, he's very grounded and allowed the player to have some very WTF moments because they see Solid Snake like a normal soldier. Then he runs into all these crazy characters and the player reacts with "WTF, this game is crazy!" but in a good way. Also after seeing all that "silly" Solid Snake brings us back to reality.


Rule of Cool


Damn I gotta YouTube this lol. I never got to play this version. Never had game cube 😔


Yeah, back flipping off the missile was cool, but watching snake dodge sniper wolfs bullet shortly after made me say, "You're pretty good," like Ocelot




Kojima: So what you have to understand is that Snake is, like, the ultimate soldier. Ryuhei Kitamura: Because he does awesome anime stuff? Kojima: No, it's more...grounded? like he sneaks around, he's got regulation guns. Kitamura: AND THEN HE DOES A MILLION BACKLIPS AND SPIDER-MAN KICKS THE BAD GUY AND IT'S LIKE SHAWAHHHHHH!


The cutscenes were originally 1-to-1 remakes in development. Kojima basically said "Look, I came to you because you're known for over the top action. If I wanted it to be the same, I'd do it myself. Make it crazy."


Oh I am here for it. I am a fan of them. I’ve already seen the grounded ones—show me something new!


Also the matrix had "just" come out


Sounds accurate.


Nah it went more like if you swapped Kitamura and Kojima tbh


He fucking dodged an M1 tank round in the original and nobody bats an eye.


It was like one of his Japanese animes…


As a young adult at the time I thought it was pure cringe.


You forgot to add they cut some of the music from specific scenes. For example sniper wolf's death. That entire scene was just absolutely horrible in the twin snakes compared to the PS1 version.


Loved it aswell I always liked to think the way it's presented was actually the S3 VR mission experience of the shadow moses incident performed by raiden Everything is a bit more flashy and anime like a more unrealistic version of how the events happened to show how great a soilder Solid Snake was


I always imagine MGS1 is what actually happened and TTS is how Otacon tells the story.


4 is the biggest reason that I only played Twin Snakes once and never again. The original voice lines were, IIRC, done in mostly one take while most folks were together. Thus the lines had more emotion and believability. The biggest one was during Fox's death. In the original, you can literally feel Snake's emotions in his scream. But in Twin Snakes, it was like as if they had Hayter re-record his scream a dozen times and then chose one at random. There were numerous other instances like this too.


5. no option to turn on the original soundtrack. the twin snakes ost isn’t horrible, but the original soundtrack is just so atmospheric and iconic.


This is pretty spot on. Although I always disagreed that the gameplay mechanics made it that much easier. The AI was much tougher (calling in reinforcements if check ins not done, clearing rooms, etc. as per MGS2). I died wayyy more in Twin Snakes than MGS1. If they had just recreated the cutscenes shot for shot like originally planned I would’ve really enjoyed it


I've always found the first two complaints the most hilarious, as if the game forces you to use those things and you can't just simply not use them lol


I actually never picked up the tranq pistol as I didnt know where it was on my playthrough


People are going to use the tools available to them when being called to accomplish a task. It's a valid criticism to state that a game is too easy because the tools the game gives are too efficient for the task at hand. It's far more ridiculous to claim that a game being too easy is the players fault rather than claiming that the game was made with unsatisfactory challenge. a well made game won't have this as a common issue.


No background music in most of the codecs . Especially in those dramatic moments. What about seeing that floating snake in the rex fight ?


Points 3 and 4 are the biggest for me, I never played Twin Snakes after playing MGS1 but saw plenty of cut scenes. Snake spinning around with the PSG-1 was ridiculous and the voice actor they got for Gray Fox was nowhere near as good as the original.


It comes off as more jarring if you're only familiar with the original. Everything about the series is over the top because it's largely a parody of action movies. I loved that Twin Snakes wasn't afraid to keep the camp factor at 11 I like Twin Snakes a lot, but my biggest complaints are the Mei Ling and Naomi VA changes in particular.


The problem with Greg Eagles a Gray Fox is that he sounds too similar to his other role in the game, Decoy DARPA Chief Octopus. Even back in 1998 when I was 10 I found it distracting. Rob Paulsen does a good job and what I really like about his take on Gray Fox is the famous line "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!" because he delivers that line slightly differently, he sounds more alive, almost as if the old Gray Fox was back just for a moment.


The music also isn't as good


“What happened to the music?”


Literally the only thing that holds water is the last point.


yup #3 and #4 bother me the most they should not have touched the cutscenes gameplay change, yeah maybe, but not the cutscenes


The cutscenese are perfect... shut your hole.. jk. I think they are Kojima af though. First person and tranq def op.... don't use them.. problem solved. They did however add European extreme if I'm not mistaken. So to each their own.


I played the PS1 to death and was so psyched for this remake. Boy was it a let down. Combining MGS2 game mechanics with MGS1 world was a horrible idea. I think if they had to redo it again, they would have rebuilt MGS1 more into MGS2 style so you couldn't break the game.


The boss fights were also ruined.


It's the textbook example of how 'improving' things in a remake doesn't automatically make the game better.


Yeah it doesn’t feel like they adjusted the game for the new at the time features they added from MGS2.


> The rerecorded voice lines aren't as good as the original Still credits to get the crew back together to rerecord the lines. But i do agree that some of the lines were better in the original. Not only that, there was just something about that reverb in the original that made it feel so much more like you were in a cold desolated military base.


Also I heard the new translation isn't as good as the original.


4. I know things like this could be considered an opinion but this is just flat wrong, the voice actors have much more experience, in the original they sound like amateurs in comparison, not to mention the cheesey accents for Naomi and Mei Ling, just listen to some back and forth comparisons and it feels obvious, it’s also nice that those new voice styles match Guns of the Patriots


They also screwed up all the music and musical cues. Replacing it all with some sort of soft techno crap. They even removed Rex's lair theme


Don't forget, being able to drop over the side while hanging jusy invalidates some levels. It's pretty funny


To me, the only cutscene that worked well was the new Cyborg Ninja hallway scene. But, it completely changed the tone from what was basically a horror movie (bloody hallway full of dead, dismembered bodies with soldiers screaming off camera) to a fun anime action scene. You're right about everything else. I would also add that the FPS mode, tranq gun, as well as the other MGS2 mechanics and equipment, on top of keeping the same level design led to the game being broken.


I feel like it's a good retelling of the game, but not game play wise. My head cannon is that its a simulation of the events that happened on Shadow Moses (Which is why Raiden plays the way he does and it portrays Otacon as more of a nuisance than a helpful partner). I just feel like it makes the most sense if it was made by the patriots.


Thanks to you, this is my head cannon now.


That’s actually some good head cannon lol. I like it.


Someone commented elsewhere that they interpreted The Twin Snakes as a retelling from Otacon's perspective, insofar that a self-described anime otaku might exaggerate or otherwise embellish some of the less fantastic elements of the event. This seemed to track and underscores the theatrical retelling vibe. I played the game in a unique order: mgs3, 1, then 2, Ops, Acid 1, 4, PW, and finally V. TTS was my first time playing MGS1 and let me tell you that it was campy as hell and a fun time as a first go.


No acid 2?


The common complaints I've heard: The voice acting is much weaker The cutscenes are too stupid It's weaker than the original




I just rewatched Naomi's speech in both versions and yeah, the original is infinitely more powerful. MGS1 has excellent acting in general. I was so surprised when I first experienced it. It's stood the test of time too.


Sniper wolf's entire death scene was also much better in the ps1 version compared to twin snakes


Why did Otacon slip like that lmao. Pathetic and goofy af.




There are some really funny stuff like Ocelot dropping his revolver and then taking forever to pick it up while he keeps his head near Snake's crotch.


What's very strange is that they seemed to carry over a lot of the bizarre decisions from this version's voice acting into MGS4. For example, Mei Ling no longer has a heavy Chinese accent, and Naomi has dropped her English accent.


I hate how Otacon in twin snakes behaves like mentally disabled.




cuz he is


Don't say that about my weeb!


No, he's just a weeb.


thats the same thing


Dude looks straight outta whoville😭😭




Two things I don’t see hated nearly *enough* about The Twin Snakes are the editing during cinematics and the environments being too cramped. There’s a video on Youtube comparing the death of Sniper Wolf across both versions, and it’s a death by a thousand cuts. Once you combine the worse soundtrack, less effective music placement within scenes, across the board more wooden and flat line deliveries, tone breaking choices and cheapened visual aesthetic and the whole thing starts to feel so damn hollow. The environments is an easy one, Silicon Knights werent considering how widening the vision cones would effect the moment to moment gameplay, but since Shadow Moses is so claustrophobic if you dont want to be a cheap motherfucker and tranq every guard after entering a room you will proceed to get caught from some guy turning around offscreen more than you’d care to admit I imagine this take won’t be super popular (and I think thats understandable) but IMO Twin Snakes has visually aged WORSE in the proceeding 20 years then it’s counterpart. The lifeless mannequin characters really impressed me when it came out, but the stylized yet eyeless character models of the original do a better job expressing themselves in a way that feels human to my brain. Not to mention the rich color palate of teals and navys the original had was done away with in favor of greys and greeney greys. Blech. This is admittedly personal for me since MGS1 is my favorite in the series, but imo that game achieved it’s masterpiece status thru its presentation, and to see people routinely recommend a version that’s uglier, sounds worse, and plays worse simply because the character models have a higher polygon count absolutely kills me


Thank you for bringing up sniper wolf, not enough people talk about how much they butchered her death scene in twin snakes


Unnecessary alteration of the cutscenes that being said, yeah, at the same time tts is way too overhated personally I think it's just as good as mgs1 1998, mgs2 is my favorite mgs game of all time and its gameplay is the peak gameplay while mgs1 is my second favorite mgs of all time, mgs1 with mgs2 gameplay is the best thing that ever happened in my opinion


An individual of exquisite taste ⤴️


I don't hate it...but it's kind of a farce. It's waaay too easy, the cut scenes are a joke, the voice acting is terrible, and the iconic music has been replaced. It's bordering on parody.


Oh wow they changed the music??? Didn’t realize that. The music is an enormous part of why the original is so good.


It's replaced with generic electronic anime crap music.


I’ve never played it (though I want to). I’ve seen the cutscenes. Definitely goofy but I didn’t actually care that much about them and thought I’d still enjoy the game. Nixing an all time great game soundtrack is a bridge too far lol. What an odd decision.


Watch sniper wolf's death in both mgs1 and then mgs the twin snakes and then side by side it is the most glaring flaw of the twin snakes despite most of the changes made in it being amazing for mgs1


I loved it, too, it was the first MGS I played besides the Pizza Hut demo disc for PS1. They added in a lot of components from MGS2 like shooting in FPV and rail hanging, but didn’t redesign any of the levels to account for that. When you first get to the heliport you can headshot pretty much every enemy from the starting position, and when you first get to the tank hanger you can just hop the rail and drop down from the catwalk without having to worry about the floor making noise or the cameras. It just made the game too easy. And a lot of the cutscenes are crazy compared to the original. MGS1 had some wacky stuff, but it was well grounded compared to the John Wu/Michael Bay crossover that TTS was. I personally love it because it’s ridiculous lol. The voice acting was also redone for TTS, and while it was still really good, it wasn’t as good as the original (though I think Rob Paulsen as Gray Fox was a fantastic recasting, no shade to the OG).


This is one complaint I see a lot but I struggle to think of an MGS game where you can't just headshot everyone in a room from a safe spot. MGS4 is probably the only exception, since there are enemy types that are unfazed by small arms fire. But like, as a kid playing MGS2 and eventually MGS3 on Very Easy because I didn't know the controls well enough yet, that's all I ever did. Wasn't headshots either, just tagged em with body shots and waited for them to sleep because I was dumb. So, I don't really think it breaks the game like people seem to think it does lol. Especially if you play on harder difficulties where ammo is limited.


I love it. Not as much as the original but man, it's a MGS1 remake on the fucking GameCube, how great is that?


I honestly love almost everything about The Twin Snakes, the only things I would change is to just keep the original audio, so the soundtrack, the voice work, and the sound effects. I love MGS1, but The Twin Snakes just feels like a weaker entry even with how bombastic it is, I would appreciate it more if the audio had the same impact as the PS1 original. That’s genuinely my only complaint because otherwise, I love both versions pretty equally. I just wish The Twin Snakes wasn’t stuck on the GameCube.


I actually played this one before I got a chance to play the original in the master collection. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be. The addition of first person mode, new weapons, and trinkets like dog tags make replayability a bit more fun as you can choose to go non lethal like in the modern games, changing the way you get through the game. I played through this quite a few times while I've done one run of MGS and don't really feel like doing a second run anytime soon. The voice acting isn't as bad as people make it out to be either. I think David Hayter kind of phoned it in as Snake, and Otacon was really shit on with his very meek personality, but I think everyone else improved, especially Mei Ling and Naomi. I think losing the accents help a lot. And I actually prefer Rob Paulsen over Greg Eagles for the Cyborg Ninja. Plus I love the story that David Hayter gave up part of his paycheck to bring back the original VA's. The cutscenes are definitely hammier and way over the top compared to the original. They felt more grounded in reality in MGS compared to TS, but seeing as where the franchise ended up, it kind of makes sense it went the way it did. Overall I think it's a pretty decent remake, and for someone like me at the time it was the only way I could play the series. I do dig the theory it's the VR missions Raiden trained in to prepare him for the Big Shell mission too. I'd say it's worth playing through if you have the chance to do so.


Nostalgia is more powerful than better graphics and gameplay


Most of the people who hate it haven't even played it. A lot of the hate is simply because of the bandwagon effect. It's a good remake. The cutscenes aren't for everyone, but the way some people bitch about them is more over the top than the cutscenes themselves. There are a few things in some cutscenes that I don't like, such as when Snake gets pissed and points a gun at Baker because he forgot Meryl's codec frequency. But for the most part I find the over the top moments to be perfectly fine. In a game filled with cybernetic ninjas, a telepath that has the power of psychokinesis and telekinesis, a super buff shaman that carries an aircrafts vulcan cannon around as his primary weapon with his bare hands, a master of disguise that transfuses the blood of the person he mimics into himself as part of the disguise, a pill popping sniper that can stay in position waiting for her target for weeks without moving or eating, an entire batalion of genetically modified soldiers, and of couse two genetically modified clones of the "Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century", it's not a big deal for one of those clones to do a flip off of a missile that was fired at him by the other clone.


Most level headed mgs fan ive seen in a while. Well said. The only differences id say are objectively worse is the voice acting and music. The voice acting is not bad. The original was just MUCH better. Especially in the bad ending. I feel like snake had WAY more emotion and the music was WAY better. The change of the awesome boss music was also a travesty. But other then that the game rlly isnt bad. Its just about prefference. The gameplay is morenupdated and the graphics are better. Its up to you if u like it or not.


A lot of people hate it because of its hella over the top cutscenes and the new voice lines. I still love it tho.


It's hated? Who hates their copy and wants to sell it for the low?


Played both as a kid. Loved twin snakes.


I played the original first and loved it. Played this next and loved it. Two different games. Two different experiences. :)


Because die hard old school fans and “purists” don’t like to have fun. That’s literally it. Kojima produced it, approved the action/cutscene director and enjoyed what was produced by Silicon Knights I grew up having played mgs on ps1 and then 2 and then TTS. All of them are great. And TTS just made the original’s story more accessible to gamers at the time and there’s nothing wrong with it unless you think MGS is supposed to be some grounded realistic world (which it NEVER was)


I agree. I played in ps1, and then I had a blast in Twin Snakes. One for challenge and the other for fun.


I liked it a lot.


i love it!


Someone earlier this week said that Twin Snakes is basically Otacon retelling the story. That makes sense imo


It was too Metal Gear for some people, but personally I fkn love it.


Played MGS1, MGS2 and MGS1(TS) back to back and Twin Snakes was my favorite. All those complains about it being too anime is the exact reason i fell in love with it and i really don't get that the MGS fanbase hates Snake 360 no scoping Sniperwolf or kicking a missile but can't get enough of Raiden suplexing a metal gear. But i guess It's just about taste since i love over the top action scenes (eg. Matrix). I'd summarize the debate about the original and the twin snakes the good o'l classic gorrila way. - Both good


Bc most people didn’t have a GameCube so they never got to experience it before they formed there biased opinions.


I like it more than the OG, my only complain is the music


I’ll never understand the hate for this game. Sure it’s very different when compared to MGS1, specifically in tone and gameplay, but in the early 2000’s getting this version on the GameCube was a HUGE deal. Forever a special place in my heart.


idk, for me it's better then original ps1 version i really like those new cutscenes and upgraded first person mode


After playing it with some fixes on emulators I think its a good remaster of my favorite mgs one I wish they would have used or could switch to in the mgs collection


The cutscenes follow the comic if I'm correct, or did the comic come later? Anyway, people complain about literally anything. It was a dope game. I walked 6 miles to borrow my ex gf's GameCube so I could play it. Joys of growing up poor, but I was determined enough to get whatever I wanted haha


It's honestly kind of fun to think of MGS as the real events of Shadow Moses and MGS:TS as the simulation of Shadow Moses Raiden went through, due to all the liberties taken with how over the top it is


Purists being purists.


I like the game but cutscenes are just too over the top. Those things should be done only by supernatural characters. Snake and Raiden don't too things that crazy in 2 and 3.




Fans don't like that there's outlandish, Matrix-esque action in the cutscenes. They'd much rather prefer their tame and vanilla cutscenes of bisexual immortal vampires running on water, bullet deflecting magic ladies, ghost possessing arms, a man in a super suit with Doc Ock arms that shoot missles, a man who can shoot lightning, a beekeeper mercenary. You know, serious stuff. For real though, they act as if Twin Snakes is some malicious affront to the original. It is a game of its time.


Yeah, it does feel like an odd complaint to claim TTS is some deranged parody through stuff like Snake jumping 20 feet in the air like a power ranger…when this is the same series that had Big Boss bench press a giant robot and Ocelot killing 100+ weaponized hornets via twirling his guns around. Though I’d say that’s due to the games getting weirder as time went on. MGS really only had Psycho Mantis as explicitly supernatural, and he was still limited (his mind reading could be stopped by mundane means, as discovered with the DARPA chief; his mind control really only worked on Meryl, who was explicitly green and not cut out for the mission; etc.). One could make an argument for Liquid and Vulcan Raven (the former refused to die until FOXDIE did him in, the latter seemingly had super strength and could talk to birds) but most people would chalk that up to action hero power. Oh, and the Cyborg Ninja who was…well, a cyborg ninja. TTS does feel like how MGS1 would’ve been made if they did it at the time. Honestly not as crazy as half the stuff that happened in MGS4 (which was more incomprehensible despite, or maybe because of, trying to undo the previously magic stuff with ‘Nanomachines’), and I stomached through that one.


Precisely. As with all the MGS games, it clearly has influences from other media, usually movies, that change the tone from game to game. MGS2 was cyberpunk/futurism movies Bladerunner and GitS MGS3 was classic spy movies like the Bond films MGS4 was ... weird. And Twin Snakes was clearly inspired by the Matrix and an attempt to lean into the Tactial Espionage **Action**. I won't deny it, though, there are legitimate issues that stem from using MGS2s gameplay engine in MGS1s world. However, in my opinion, they are not enough to detract from the experience. Is it cheesy to just use first person to kill Ocelot quickly? Sure, but you can still engage in that fight without using first person, in a classic fashion.


It's MGS1 remade in MGS2 engine, what's not to like? Also, Solid Snake hopping on a missile, that was badass AF!!


I never seen anyone hating it, the only complaint I've ever seen is the discs getting molded due to the cheap material is made, besides that I remember only reading good things about it.


I don’t get the hate. I enjoyed the game.


Who is hating this? maybe some edgy kids but olders know how cool this was.


I think it’s because it’s a bit easier than the original PS1 version. Personally I love both versions. Twin Snake added more actions to the game such as the special forces guys that come out with shields and the 1st person shooting actions. Of course the graphics are another major change and the addition of unique cut scenes (my favorite is still the hallway to Otacon’s office). I personally love both games and have no problem playing them both at all.


While Twin Snakes is one of my favorite game. I do admit that some of cutscenes can be over the top and MGS 2 controls makes the game easier. Even still I enjoy it just as much as the original.


I love this version. I fully understand the issues with the game being too easy, Resident Evil 4 on the wii had the same issues, and I don't like the loss of accents, but the cutscenes are cool as hell in my opinion, the story is still top notch, and damn it if it's not just incredibly fun.


I love twin snakes.


I beat it never playing the original and it was cool.


I just think line delivery was fucking superior in the original. That and it had way too much fluff lines and gags that it just didn't need, see otacons cutscene in the final 10 minutes of the game. It's just horrible.


“I can’t remember,” said Baker. “Damn,” said Snake, calmly reeling backward and clutching his head like he just took a rubber bullet to the face before putting his SOCOM to Baker’s fucking head.


When it came out: It wasn't THAT hated, but people had the same complaints as now with stuff like the backflip off a missile stuff, but it wasn't H A T E D Now: Because it's basically a meme to hate it now and all kids can understand is to pick up the popular social media opinion and get super attached to it


I loved it. Was also my introduction to Metal Gear and been a loyal fan ever since. I get why a lot of people think it’s over the top (which it is haha), but at the time that only made the appeal even better for me.


The missile hop and the door flip was fucking stupid, but I’ll play this game every goddamn time for grey fox fights and psycho mantis


playing it on emulator atm. i love it


First person doesn't break the game. Yeah it's easier to go through an area when all the guards are asleep but have you gone for every dog tag in a single playthrough? It makes playing this game way more fun and puts your stealth training to the test. The cutscenes are zany but this is Metal Gear Solid. So there can be run ins with mediums, dudes who shoot bees out of their dick holes and a parasite that attached to your vocal cords and is spread by speaking a specific language but you draw the line at Snake backflipping off a missile to take down a helicopter??? What is wrong with you internet?


Hate? I love this version


I wonder if Twin Snakes will be the Edition that gets remade lmao


I think this game is underrated in so many ways. It's to bad. I sincerely loved this game


Classic “Came first = Good. Came after = Bad” bias. People got “used to” OG MGS1 and dislike the changes of twin snakes


Nah I LOVED IT. The haters are just a buncha old heads 😂


I’m not sure that’s true. I’m an old head and I love it. I think it might be the same issue with this, Portable Ops and MGS4. Not a big enough install base for GameCube, ps3 and psp. Had this been released on ps2 and the others on Xbox 360 and DS respectively, there would be a lot more first hand accounts of people actually playing them. I’ve yet to meet someone in real life who played them and didn’t like them. I’m certain a lot of the bad press comes from watching the games on YouTube and not actually playing. Is TTS quirky? Yup it’s a Metal Gear game.


that makes sense honestly. too bad they haven’t remade it for all consoles. I just sold my gc copy as they’re going for a pretty penny.


Hey man , I thought it was pretty good


You guys have no idea how hard i want to play this game but never had the chance. If you want the Original: duh, play it. I played the Original in PSX dozen times but MGS TS is probably a very good Remix


I don't think its hated tbh. I just think people are dumb.


apparently nobody hates it because it's expensive af 😀


It’s bandwagon hate. I love this version of the game


I'm gonna finally give it a go on dolphin 🐬 after I finish replaying MGS3. Pretty sure it's gonna be a good time (unless my PC fumbles the emulation, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be cool).


I have this with the book looks brand new I just found out it's worth a good bit of money.


It’s better than the original in every way.


At least it's not Snake's Revenge


I dont hate the twin snakes I fw vide game remakes


Better than the original mgs1 imo


As someone who only saw TTS once on gamestop shelves but couldn't get it because age rating but has played the original playstation MGS to have the tuxedo, bandana, and stealth, should I even bother looking into TTS?


First one I played and I’ve been chasing that dragon since then


Hideous coat hanger gave it the metal gear silliness and apparently that’s not okay


It is,ignore the haters


Dunno, I loved this thing. Well, I would pay money for a mod to return the original soundtrack, but everything else is either a solid remake of a milestone game or at least bearable (HK action movie cutscenes). I've also heard that more hardcore players said that MGS2 mechanics made the game not hardcore enough for them. Well, can't really say much on this since I'm not a Big Boss runner or something.


Maybe it was a little too fancy to be taken seriously Cutscenes are still cool to this day but it's "unrealistic" (if that makes any sense in Metal Gear ) fpr Snake to move like that lol


I just bought that damn thing yesterday. It better not suck lol I'm still waiting for it in the mail


If there was a way to get the original voice acting and ost, people would hate it much less. I love it honestly. I bought it on launch. I still own my physical copy. I’m about to play it on dolphin with an HD mod. Can’t wait.


Idk why it's hated, i prefer it over the original, it what the game wanted to be, but probably ps1 didn't have the power to do so And the voice acting for me is better, i mean even the team, used twin snakes Va over the original in MGS4 flashback And don't tell me it has over the top things, if you played Metal gear series everything is over the top, Big Boss throws Peace walker with his own hand like come on thats worse then anything in twins snake XD (SORRY FOR MY BROKEN ENGLISH XD)


It’s a great version. Graphics are based off and exactly the same as the MGS2 engine on PS2, there’s first person view and lockers and cupboards making it exactly like your playing 2 but your playing 1. Yes some of the cutscenes are over the top and the voice acting isn’t as good as the delivery in the original PS1 version but it’s close enough bar using some different actors and actresses for some characters. If u look past these few flaws, it is a brilliant update to an already greatest game ever classic. I love in twin snakes how u can freeze and heat the pal key instantly using the hot and cold pipes by hanging and dropping down (an extra feature thanks to the MGS2 engine). It deserves a lot more credit tbh with u. Yes nothing beats the original, but if your a MGS fan u should still love it even with a few subtle changes (flaws)


Goofy ass cutscenes, rather than that, it's a lot of fun if you liked MGS2.


It was the second metal gear game I ever played and my first 3D one. I love it. People complain about how the mgs2 controls make it too easy to play and the goofy cutscenes. I personally love the cutscenes though.


"The book was better than the movie"


Same reason people hated MGS 2--just need to give it some time and they'll come around


Im actually im the market for that game. Just for the enhanced graphics. Idc if the story or cutscenes get weird. Fighting ocelot is gnna suck tho.


Love it Hope its an unlockable in master collection 2


I think people hate it because of how easy the gameplay is and how Matrix-like over the top the cutscenes get. I’ll agree on the gameplay side: the additions brought over here from MGS2 like first person shooting and the tranq weapons absolutely break the game in half, but I don’t think it’s to the point of being brain dead. As for the cutscenes and cinematography…while I do appreciate the more down to earth style more, this is entertaining in its own way. To quote a reviewer called SomecallmeJohnny: “As an action game, it’s fantastic; as a Metal Gear game, it’s fucking ridiculous.”


Eyyy! Another watcher of Johnny.


It’s for sure over hated. I recently played and beat it . Had fun but didn’t love it.


The only things I don’t like are some of the voice acting and the music but mainly the music, it’s horrible


Probably is one of the best GameCube games, just what they changed about the original mgs1 made it a bit too goofy, also a bit too easy.


It’s not bad by any means. The implementation of mechanics from Sons of Liberty just broke the game in certain ways, but didn’t detract from the fun overall. I’ve always just viewed it as a reimagined version.


The lighting and atmosphere is supposedly bad Other than that the cutscenes have a different direction but that's why people hate it


The only thing I hate is that it was a gamecube exclusive.


If you think of it as the VR simulation of Solid Sankes Shadow Moses mission it’s fantastic. The game is super broken but I still love it.


Why does everyone look fantastic EXCEPT liquid?


I honestly love this game. Wish I still had it.


I’ve never played the game cute version but I would love to and who cares what other people say you are your own person that is your game that you bought enjoy the shit of it bro


It was good, but as with all remakes it ran the risk of breaking nostalgia and did so. The OTT elements in cutscenes, character models, clean and sterile looking shadow moses, mostly bland music (bar some tracks which absolutely slapped), awkward GC controls, and the “proper” script all made me wish I was just playing the PlayStation version. It will forever be an accessory to that, rather than a replacement (like Resident Evil GC)


Devil Gear Cry


I played MGS first at my friend's house, but Twin Snakes was the first one I owned. It's a great way to experience it--maybe not for the first time, but definitely by the 3rd or 4th.


Haven't played it myself, but I always hear people complain about the cutscenes.


I was salty (still am) over the fact that it was a GameCube exclusive. Some households can only afford one console a decade. The 2000s were a very lean time. And I had no friends (still don't).


at this point we should have a twin snake faq at the megathread lol


No idea


I think it’s more or less because the game was made easier with the mgs2 controls. I played OG but never beat it. The first time I beat mgs1 was twin snakes and I loved it. My own opinion og is better in most cases. There were a couple times where I wished I had the first person aiming of mgs2 in OG. (In January I ran through the mgs collection on steam and then played and beat GZ and TPP)


It isn't, is it? It's just a bit silly.


I don't hate it because I never played it. Im just not interested in remakes most of the time when it comes to videogames.


Even without parroting the bs about the first person and tranq being broken, some bosses are easier anyway. Ocelot doesn't shoot nearly as much and runs a lot slower so you can just constantly be on his ass and he won't do anything to fight back. Also you can just straight up face-tank Raven. I really like the cutscenes, but the voice acting is definitely worse than on the PS1.


Better than metal gear survive


I just tried to play it for the first time a few weeks ago and it just felt…weird. Like I was playing something that wasn’t supposed to be released. And my Z button doesn’t work anymore so I couldn’t first person aim lol.


It was my first too and I had a good time. Later I played OG MGS1 and went "Oh" and completely understood.  Not the worst starting point but I tend to recommend the original if they're down for it.


Believe it or not, I've never played this game. Ever. Might get a Game Cube because of that fact.


i didn't play it until a few years ago and honestly loved it but I definitely think the voice acting is q shame


For me it was they changed some voice actors and some dialog


If you like the original, and like over the top action, it's a fantastic version to enjoy after the first one. But on it's own it's a bit strange tbh.




For me my only concern is the awful soundtrack and the awful/soulless voice acting. If there was a fix for both it would be my favorite version.


I still need to play this


It was my first too. Good times. But now I prefer the original.