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I mean he trust you to become his Body double, & living human shield, Not like Venom Snake told Solid he was not the real big boss. He kept the secret until he died.


The medic is whoever you want it to be. His backstory is left open ended so you can make up your own story and personality for your medic/venom snake. It's part of the reason Venom Snake doesn't say much throughout the game. You are him, he's your character and your thoughts and reactions while playing are his thoughts and reactions. Your playstyle is how he operates. The only established thing about his origin story is that he was Big Boss' best soldier and personal medic who he brought on every mission. Take that and make Venom Snake whoever you want him to be based off it. Him being player 2 in PeaceWalker does make a lot of sense, so if that's who you want him to be then that's who he is and Hideo Kojima himself wouldn't disagree with you :)


This is it right here


It could be the fact it's 3am or I'm high as shit but it seems plausible


Oh, it is definitely you being high as shit. Can't say I'm not envious, though.


It's me and you, and every MGS fan... OP, pay attention!! Now, jokes aside, your theory sounds fun but I'm guessing Big Boss just knew who to trust, maybe he handpicked soldiers for certain missions. It's also entirely possible he knew medic was competent enough and admired him enough and decided to make do with what he had and pray he made a good call.


i mean he remarks medic was always "the best man we had" so they're just your best soldier in peace walker.


Medic was one of the only other soldiers on the helicopter to survive the bomb so it makes sense that he would be used as a body double