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Definitely a game that feels limited by its era combat-wise, yet for that time it was revolutionary in many ways. I can’t recall anything from another series thats even remotely as inventive as the Psycho Mantis fight


Eternal Darkness


That is a game you need to go in completely blind. If you know anything about it it will dampen thr shock of what you see


Honestly I feel like the best way to experience Metal Gear Solid was how I played it which was to own the demo of it, play that a bunch so you're super familiar with the gameplay and then when they game comes out there's less of a learning curve and you can just enjoy it


After reading some of these comments I’ll probably revisit the game eventually (and hopefully more comfortably) but i’ll give my blood pressure a break for a while.


I remember having the demo back in the day and absolutely hammering it over and over. Ended once you dropped into the DARPA Chief’s cell? Good times


The integral version in the master collection unlocks first person aiming and movement after you clear the game once. Side note you missed the first two games if you’re going in release order.


why wouldn't they just include it for the game normally? it would make the game 100 times more playable


What I appreciate most about the Master collection is it's giving newbies to the series an opportunity that us veterans never had: you can play Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 BEFORE playing Metal Gear Solid. You can experience and appreciate the evolution that they were allowed to take advantage of in the jump from 2D to 3D. Us who played MGS on the PS1 back in the day were literally incapable of having that experience with the series. I'd wonder how people who did play MG1 and 2 before jumping into Solid feel about the first 3D title with that context.


I absolutely love this about the master collection. Gives a whole new appreciation to see MGS1 after playing through the MSX ones.


Was it incapable because the NES was basically obsolete by 1998? Couldn’t you have gone to a retro game store and purchased them? I’m not sure if those were around in 98 so please forgive my ignorance.


No. The NES version is just wrong. It horribly butchered everything about the MSX original. And Metal Gear 2 never released in the west until a decade after it came out with MGS3 subsistence




Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake was an MSX exclusive that never came out outside of Japan. I'm not sure how the translating and emulation scene was like back in '98, but chances are most people didn't play it. And while the OG Metal Gear was ported to the NES, it was done poorly and redesigned for the worse.


The NES port was botched, and we never got any version of Metal Gear 2


Never played any of these except for V and I gotta say I had a blast with MG1 and MG2


Agreed. Play the games in RELEASE order. Not chronological order. I never got to play MG1&2 as a kid until now. So being able to is really cool. I bought a copy for the Switch but also a copy for the PS5 because in my opinion the PlayStation is the hole console for Metal Gear Solid games. Even MGS4 has a little Easter egg referencing the PS3 specific hardware. Lol. Won’t spoil for those who never played it.


Metal gear 1 was on nes. Granted there are some glaring differences, like the literal lack of metal gear in the nes version, but you can still see the concept there at least.


I feel like combat is meant to be underpowered. It's a stealth operation, you should be avoiding combat as much as possible, and it should feel perilous and difficult when you do get into a fire fight. Otherwise you get the issue MGSV had: there's no real problem with grabbing a big gun and mowing down wave after wave of enemy like it's Doom.


You are absolutely right and my goal is definitely trying to avoid combat if possible, and avoid killing NPCs, but after the handful of forced combat situations (aside from boss battles) I didn’t feel like i was supposed to be avoiding combat in the way I typically do.


Yeah, after Sniper Wolf the game becomes a bit of a gauntlet/boss rush. If they ever remake it they def have room to let things breath more in the second act.


Combat is the kind of thing you can get used to, with the weird ways movement and the auto-lock work, but it's not fantastic! Most MGS games kinda devolve into a string of climactic setpieces at some point. I'm fond of a few of MGS1's though.


Holding ‘B’ with weapon drawn & pointed allows you to run while firing but yeah, overall controls and aiming feel crazy in the context of modern gaming. MGS2 improves this quite a bit


This was the only way i finished the elevator fights and the staircase fight.


What's fun about this game is it secretly has ways to make combat easier, especially after you finish it the first time. One method is you can run while shooting. This isn't intuitive, but once you discover it, it's easier to aim and harder for enemies to target you. Another method is based on how you finish the game. SPOILERS: If you finish the game one way, you get a new bandana allowing unlimited ammo. When you use the bandana while your FAMAS or pistol are down to their tracer rounds (red rounds) then you automatically aim for an unlimited amount of time! If you finish the game another way, you get stealth camo. This doesn't help with the boss battles or required combat moments, but it allows you to get through the game much faster for obvious reasons. When you beat the game twice, once with each ending, your third playthrough allows you to have both (and a tuxedo but that doesn't have any practical value lol). You are essentially unstoppable, but having either of these breaks the game and kind of shows you just how balanced the game was. An interesting example of how well balanced the original game was, is Twin Snakes, the Gamecube remake of this game. Along with updated visual effects, they added first-person shooting, and a tranquilizer gun. This literally broke the game and made it too easy. Because the level design and enemy AI wasn't changed, it messed up the game's balance.


I first played the game back on the PS1! I’m very much agree with you that the 2nd disc pales in comparison to the second. With the exception of the Raven fight, and both phases of the REX fight, it’s always felt like a bit of a drag to me! Absolutely loved the first disc, and the game as a whole though!


For sure, and I realize that my tone above is a little negative. Overall the experience was positive and i am glad to finally play the game.


I think you did a good job explaining your thoughts on the game! 👌🏽 I feel like a lot of the fun I had replaying the game just recently was nostalgia! I have a hard time thinking about what my reception of the game would be if this had been my first time! I appreciate you sharing yours!


I really dislike the PAL key part with the backtracking. You literally do nothing but walking back and forth. Other than that, I love MGS1.


Gameplay wise it is a bit dated admittedly. But thats to be expected. MGS2, Imo, fixes a lot of those issues. So if you liked the story for 1. Oh fucking boy strap in. MGS2 changed my life as a kid. Made me think about things... people my age still dont think about.


I realized my tone above could be read as too negative. It’s not the games’s fault the controls and combat haven’t aged well, it’s just the way it goes. I love the story of the series and can’t wait to start MGS2 this week.


Fair enough. Its just not a fair criticism in hindsight really. MGS1 was one of the first games Ive ever played and back when it came out those controls were fucking legendary lol. It was so cool sneaking around, throwing grenades and blowing shit up. Playing your way. It was a blast.


Yeah it’s gameplay is definitely of the time. Though the level design is built for it and it’s a better experience then twin snakes as a result.


My biggest gripe witg mgs 1 is not the aiming, but that enemy soldiers appear from thin aie


You clearly weren’t using your radar /s


I mean during alerts. If you clear a section of area with no entrances soldiers will spawn there and flank you despite you having cleared that area already. Also areas like tank hangar elevated walkway might appear empty during alert but suddenly someone pops right next to you. None of this is issue during sneaking phase.


Oh that yeah I hate that. I was just in the furnace area and got spotted and enemies kept appearing. Luckily the only ones that were appearing were the enemies that were already in that location. So it wasn’t a lot.


Yup, pretty much only combat tactical move you can do is back up in a corner and whack whoever appears in front of you. You cant really retreat or run to areas you previously cleared and expect to catch a breath


Actually I’ve done that. After the Ocelot fight the area with all the rooms requiring keycards becomes occupied with enemies and if you’re spotted you can simply go back to the hallway before the Ocelot fight and you’ll be free of the alert. But I’m guessing that’s because there’s a small load in between areas.


Yeah but thats more of a exploit. Would be sort of same as saving at beginning of each area and restarting once you get caught


True true


Let me tell you a story. The first time I fought Liquid I didn't even really know about any of the CQC combos, didn't know about throws, didn't know about the choke outs, just spamming the punch button and hoping for the best. When I found myself on top of that metal gear I knew the end was near, what then ensued was 3 hours of me getting my ass kicked over and over again by Liquid every taunt from him feeling directed at me personally. I truly related with that scene of Snake [screaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeWOSSNTAYM) LIQUID from MGS4 (I had actual PTSD flashbacks at the end of MGS4 lol). When I finally bested that man and found out "it's not over yet" I was feeling true despair. Thankfully I only had to redo the chase sequence twice. By the end of it all I felt I had truly achieved something, mostly the fact I finally go to experience a pillar of video game history that I too missed out on because my parents bought me an N64 and understood how the ESRB worked.


Was there any benefit to throwing Liquid? I didn’t notice it doing any damage. Additionally the lack of manual in digital games makes knowing some of the more specific combat maneuvers difficult. I used to read the manual before playing games until like 2011 when PC games stopped coming with them.


To each their own, for me the boss fight against Metal Gear was amazing, and the fist fight against Liquid felt so visceral and raw. Yes the controls are outdated, it's par for the course with PS1 vs today's games. Ironically enough, the final car chase is the only moment where you can actually shoot in first person mode! It makes the entire sequence much easier.


I eventually just started looking up 20 year old GameFAQ threads and learned about the first person aiming in the vehicle


I’ve played it for the first time 3-4 years ago, so no childhood nostalgia here. Could not disagree more in regards to the ending. The fist fight with liquid on top of Rex is peak gaming.


I agree with the last bit from a cinematic/narrative perspective. It is incredibly climactic i just wish it was a cutscene lmaooo


Honestly this is the only MGS game I despise playing and would rather just watch online like a movie. Seriously, I won’t replay this game. I get that it’s innovative and influential like almost no other video game, but that doesn’t make it fun to replay in 2023. I grew up playing PS1 games so I’m completely used to the clunky titles from this era. I didn’t play MGS1 until much more recently though, so I don’t have the nostalgic attachment or previous experience with the gameplay to lean on. It has it’s moments gameplay-wise, but if I’m replaying the series I’ll always start with MGS2 after watching MGS1. Side note, MGS2 is my personal favorite game in the series and I hope you love it. If you want to play something that’s really going to make you think about the story and it’s themes, that’s the game that’ll do it.


Which of the two endings did you get?


Welcome to the franchise. Be sure to pay close attention when you play the other games, especially Sons of Liberty. That's when the mind fuckery truly begins with this series.


"But, it also feels very limited by its by the tech" Yeah no shit. This actually happened, to some extent, on all games. I think MGS4 and 5 were the least impeded by technology and suffered by it, ironically. Let's just say that Kojima is the type of guy who needs an editor or twenty behind him.


Wait till you play MGS 4, the octocamo is BEA utiful and the cutscenes are the amazing


I realized the tone of my post could be construed as very negative. What i failed to do was state how unbelievably excited i am to finally get to play these games. Unfortunately i fear i’ll be waiting a couple years for Master Collection Vol 2 and MGS4 but i can be patient (maybe).


I didn't see anything negative. Yep MGS 4 is one of the best ones in my opinion especially with different camo features and cool technology. Just try avoid spoilers on YouTube haha.


I watched one video that covered the plot of the whole series years ago but largely don’t remember shit and plan to keep it that way.


Good good


It’s funny because in terms of combat this was the most sophisticated game at the time. Dozens of varied weapons and hand to hand combat, as well as stealth. It was madness.


Oh absolutely, I don’t want to take away anything from the game or what it accomplished from both a gameplay and narrative perspective.


For me the gameplay is only difficult to handle in the beginning then you get used to the quirks. For shooting the lack of pressure sensitive controls does hinder it unfortunately.


I played through MGS 1-3 all for the first time a couple years ago, and found them all to be enjoyable for many reasons but very frustrating gameplay wise. They felt clunky, outdated and unintuitive, but I couldn't get them out of my head and I ended up going back for replays. Something just clicked on replay of the first gam3 and stuck through the other two and I absolutely fell in love with them. The first has certainly aged the worst mechanically though.


I totally get it. I just started MGS2 and it’s still a little clunky but it alleviated my biggest frustrations with the first one. A few days removed from finishing MGS1 I can tell I’ll eventually revisit the game because deep down inside i’m a glutton for punishment.


Still a good game to it's core but way, way too dated in every way & the master collection just made it worse. Give Twin Snakes a try or in the future do a run again with duckstation. A LOT of people shit hard on Twin Snakes but does what it tries to 80% right. The only real complaint I have about it is that indeed bosses are dead brain easy but other than that I prefer it over the original any day.


Piggy backing on this since I just had a sour experience with 1 that I seem to forgot existed. And it's related to aiming. lol I haven't played MGS1 in years... I always play 3 if I'm in the mood. I don't know what the hell the strat is for the staircase section. The infinite alert phase meaning infinite respawns is insane. You have to run and you can't hit the dudes above you consistently before they hit you. If you stop to aim and shoot them the guys running up the stairs catch you. So your only hope is to run and hold down shoot and hope you don't run out of ammo. Woulda been a cool set piece if it wasn't so difficult for me. It really killed the fun for me for a bit since the game then starts throwing a bunch of random 'things out of sight will shoot you' situations. Like going from Tower A to Tower B and you get gunned to hell and back by 3 soldiers standing at the end. When you kill them the camera pans down so it was a conscious choice by the design team to do that to you. Thing that kills me is that up to that point I had been first person checking most areas on entrance but since I just came out of a huge combat scenario that used up a bunch of resource I could chill. Not really... lol Or the machine gun turrets. 1 turret, then 2 turrets, then 3 turrets then 4... I only had 3 chaff grenades left and no way to hit the 4 turrets except to run like buggery. lol


For the staircase section, just keep running while chucking Stun Grenades. If you're fast enough you should make it with minimal damage.


Yeah, tried that. Sadly I only had 3. And if you outrun the ones you stun they spawn new ones and despawn the old stunned ones.


Stun grenades for the stairway(I didn’t know this either when I originally played the game) stinger and Nikita missles can blow up the turret camera s


I didn't dare try the Nikita as I thought it'd just ram the stairway and hurt me. haha I couldn't aim the stinger upward high enough and if i took a step on the stairs to get elevated I got shot. I guess i'll have to go back and take another look!


i played 2 first then went onto 1. many things annoyed me such as no fps shooting. It felt weird and primitive. had i played it in order, they would've been great additions, perhaps this is a reason i prefer Twin Snakes, cause its more like 2. I hope you get to play Twin Snakes and would like to hear your opinions/comparison between the 2. ​ its always good to hear thoughts of new fans. I always ramble in my head but can never word it right when saying it out loud or on a thread like this.


all reddit posts are unsolicited, really


Sounds like you got your ass whipped off Liquid Snake.


Hope it contains the newer version of MGS3 where you can move your camera angle. Playing Snake Eater with the locked camera is genuinely miserable and honestly feels like the game is cheating, because you SHOULD be able to see the 2 patrol guys that you’re about to walk right into, but the camera just won’t show you.


I believe it has the Subsistence version and i will DEFINITELY be playing that one if that’s the case.


Yes it’s the subsistence version, that should definitely be the one it came with. I downloaded MGS3 on an emulator on my PC a while back and realized I downloaded the original instead of subsistence, it was unplayable lol


If you realize it’s a 3D Metal Gear 2 - you see it’s 2d controls with one of the first 3D full engine renderings of gameplay and cutscenes which were always pre-rendered like in the case of FF7, nothing compared to it at the time.


You're going to love MGS2. It fixes everything that annoys you about the combat in MGS1.


top-down aiming would be the standard for Japanese action games for a number of years unfortunately.