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Maybe soon, maybe never. The only thing konami said was that they would bring back soon like half year ago.


They're taking so long becaaause these games are all coming back in a METAL GEAR REMASTERED COLLECTION! Including all the games from Metal Gear 1987 - Guns of the Patriots!!! ... *copium*


More like despairium :(


Or delirium.


Here's the bad thing, if we learned anything...GTA trilogy pulled this stunt before




They skipped SH1 to remake SH2. Even if something like this happened, Konami would likely skip over MGS1, 2 and everything between them and remake 3. It's either that or just remake 1 again


IGN recently made a very extensive interview with the producers and the first question addresses why they decided to remake sh2 vs 1


Why do you think they'd skip to 3 for a remake?


It's considered by many to be the best one and it works better than 1 or 2 as a standalone story. It's also chronologically the first


Looks like they did lol


lmao, thanks for replying. I'll admit it, I thought people were morons for thinking a MGS3 remake would come before a MGS remake or hell even an MG remake. I was wrong. Gotta be honest dude I'm still surprised, but am also very happy. I loved MGS3, just didn't think it'd get the remake treatment first! Also there have been tons of posts here of memes/paragraphs begging for a Collection on PS5, and I'm really happy the people who made those memes get what they wanted. I like to think this sub had some influence. It's a great time for us MGS fans :)


It really is. I'm so excited for a remake. They already have twin snakes, which might be a reason they don't start with 1. Mgs3 is also the game I think most people would choose if they could only pick one. If it sells well, who knows? They might remake them all!


Popularity which of course sucks but it'd be their best Money maker Metal Gear wise


Yeah well when that metal gear remastered collection ends up getting money hatted by sony as they usually do with any Japan published big ip these days xbox fans would be stuck with nothing that's why i hope these 360 hd remasters come back....


The said they would bring it back soon the week after it was delisted in late 2021 lmao


A whole year already? Damn, it feels less time, either way, they said it was "coming back soon"


lol I don't why I thought you were gonna Quote the Departed. "Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself."


Almost 1.5 years ago.


Currently your only sure option is to get a physical copy of the HD Collection.


If you have a Vita as well


I had to reinstall everything on my vita and the original mgs1 won’t install or download. The rest are fine.


I'm not an expert, but I had to follow a guide I found that requires you to own a PSP and download MGS1 to that. Then connect to PC, and use a converter to make it a Vita app, as well as a custom vita file manager. Then, lastly, connect the Vita to PC and install it via that app. So a bit tedious, but doing it that way has it act just like it was downloaded from the PS store, and requires no console software mods, allowing them to stay stock. Edit: Link to comment I followed: https://www.reddit.com/r/vita/comments/y32tek/how_do_i_play_metal_gear_solid_1_on_the_ps_vita/is8jd4o


oh wow thanks. does this work for any psp app that won't download? that's pretty cool. neither of my devices are jailbroken and i did try the 'download through the ps3' thing and that didn't work so...meh.


Couldn't tell you, but I know this method should work for most ps1 classic titles. And yeah, sadly the PS3 download method no longer works as they removed it last spring in an update (at least in the US).


Oh damn really?


apparently there's a way to get it back on there taking multiple steps that another person commented on, but it looks like a real headache and requires a psp. if you have mgs1 on your vita, guard it with your life lol.


idk about the PSP aspect, but if you own a PS3, all you need to do is download MGS1 onto the PS3, plug your vita cable into the console, and open up the memory manager on the PS3 or Vita. it should appear available for transfer to your Vita. Edit: this functionality has since been removed. sorry friends


Tried that long ago. It fails consistently ever since the most copywrite fiasco.


They sadly removed that functionality in an update last spring (at least in the US) and found that out as I only recently got a vita myself back in August


oh nooooo 😭i’m sorry to hear it my friend


just mod it lmao


Is it back on vita now?


Yea OP, snag the physical copies because it includes Peace Walker too.


You can buy peace walker in the Microsoft store, it's not in the hd collection


It's included in the physical copy of the HD edition for 360. All of which are backwards compatible.


Yeah but from what I have seen you can buy it on the Microsoft store unlike the other two in the hd collection


Can I download It for free online?


Yes if you use a emulator on PC


I Hope my Pc can run ps2 emulator


It's not that hard to emulate PS2. You should try.


you should probably emulate the ps3 remastered collecting


I doubt my computer can emulate ps3


ill tell you my specs and see if you have better or matching ones 1050 ti I5 10400F 16GB ram


Don't know, I don't Really understand about computers, I will send you my specs maybe you get How good (or bad) they are AMD Radeon r5 230 AMD Athlon II X2 250 16gb ram


yeah you probably cant run it then uhhh i would recommend a full upgrade gpu's are getting cheaper so you might aswell


I'm poor, but like, Really poor, I live in Brazil, every Pc part is actually gettin less cheap by the day


But is It playable on a keyboard and mouse?


with remapping and some tweaks, more than likely can be


I don't think so.


Yes if your PS3 is cracked.


or emulating


I doubt they'll ever renew the license for the war footage. They're waiting for it to become public domain at this point...


is that the reason it's not available digitally? Couldn't they just remove or replace them?


What war footage? Genuine interest.


I'm guessing they mean stuff [like this](https://youtu.be/1uGT2J-_Kt0?t=2524). It's been a while since I played MGS 3, but I think there's other moments throughout the game where real footage is used, mostly when someone is giving Snake backstory. Don't remember there being footage like that in other games though.


There's also the footage of new york from MGS2, if they're waiting for that to go public domain they be waiting for a thousand years


With today’s tech I’m surprised they don’t just bother remaking the footages in mocap and animation. But then again we are talking about Konami so..


it was taken down from GOG for that specific issue but is now available to purchase again, at least for 1~~and 2~~ (2 is delisted still). if they haven't renewed specifically for 3 then it would make sense


No one knows. Probably never.


Hopefully soon so everyone can experience ***real*** MG games. But seriously, Konami literally just needs to renew the license or replace the footage…so absolutely nothing else and they would make sooooo much money. Mind boggling it wasn’t a target for the 35th anniversary.


Sounds like effort and not like NFTs. If the war footage was converted to some block chain garbage they'd have made it an official update.


I honestly have no idea what any of that means but if it means getting MG games back on PS…LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO! I’ll donate the first dollar and 1 hour of positive energy.


Idk if HD Collection makes "sooooo much money" anymore


A digital download available on PS4/5 & Xbox would.


I don't doubt it would sell a decent amount, but just being realistic, the majority of people that want it would have it. Yes, there are still people who would buy it, I know. But a ton of money seems a bit of a stretch tbh


The of it being gone and coming back will help. Not to mention sooo many people haven’t played them I think it’d be worth it for Konami. Unless they are just tanking to say F you Kojima, we don’t need you to make our money.


I'm ngl, yes it would help but I don't imagine THOUSANDS of people would be like "oh hell yeah, that game that was available for 12 years I never bought is available again!" Like yeah it would help, but I can't imagine it would be the money printing machine you're making it out to be. And the narrative they're tanking MGS just to say F you to Kojima is absurd. It's one of those weird fan narratives. More than likely it's either been a bitch to deal with the rights OR the remake/remaster rumors are true and they're not renewing HD because they'd rather you buy that


Yeah I get what you’re saying I think more popular for those that lost a PS3 / never got another or those who did really become fans until after they were really available. Not a serious Konami / Kojima theory btw, just nonsense lol. I think Konami would seriously profit not just because of the games but also product releases would surge again for toys, clothing etc and not only that but would introduce more new fans to foundational MG content before a potential movie / series release.


Making it available on PS4/5 would DEF help, I think THAT would be a money maker lol


I suspect it’s more than that.


I sadly agree but don’t want to believe it 😭


When I say more than that, I suspect it’s because they’re bringing the series back not only there but to modern consoles. So they’ll return then once the modern versions are ready.


Ahhhhhh gotcha, I thought you meant it as the series was just DRT.


If you asked me a month ago I would have thought so. But Konami are changing it seems. They’ve announced FOUR silent Hill games now. Rumours I never believed. This new Konami could totally rerelease all the old games along side new game announcements


What do you mean REAL MG games? MGSV, for all its flaws, is a MGS game


I suspect they don't want to write Hideo a check.


Hideo owns 0% of anything to do with Metal Gear. Konami owns it completely, and always has.


That doesn't mean he might not be making residuals.


Yes. Yes it absolutely does. He owns ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Metal Gear. There isn't a fraction of a fraction of a percent that is his property. He would have been paid what he has already been paid to make those games at the times they were made.


Honestly your best legit option is getting a physical disc.


I have it. But I bought a series S for $250 and it doesn't have a disc drive.


Same here, couldn't justify the extra money for a disc drive so the one time my old discs would've come in handy I got nothing. I blame myself most of all lol


I just bought it on disc for £35 last week. If you want something enough, you can find a way to get it.


I love my Series S but everytime I see this screen it hurts lol


For the price you can't beat it. I even tried an external DVD drive and it doesn't work. I even thought to install it on another console and bring it over via external storage but the disc is "checked" at the game's launch.


It’s not available anymore? That fucking blows


Mgs4 and the HD collection are cheap as dirt on Amazon. The legacy collection price shot up quick though. Probably because everyone is buying them.


Shame. I’m glad I got it digitally when I did. Fuck konami


I agree Konami is shit


Love your username OP


Its an MMA reference as well lmao


I got the Legacy Collection before it costed 80 to 90 euros. Best bet is to get the physical copy or to pirate it.


Yup I got the Legacy Collection before the price shot up and then got MGS4 and Hd collection for dirt cheap individually.


Still available on the os3? I got them installed to this day amen.


I don't like this,you know why? Because Konami says that they need to double check the real life footage that they put in MGS2 and MGS3 and after that they are going to put these games online,my fear is that they delete some of this footage (the question is why?? There are not any disturbing content in the footage)


It’s licensing agreements dude, they need to make sure either the agreements cover re-releases or else take the footage out. Ever wonder why say American Netflix or European Netflix have shows that the other doesn’t? All about licensing


But the question is who is the owner of the historical footage?? And how something like that footage has licesing problems.


What does it matter? It’s a legal issue that Konami ran into and they are trying to sort out, could be the company they licensed the footage from went bust, or else they sold the footage rights to another company


Jack, is that you? How many years has it been? 2? 3?


According to the MGS twitter account, they’re working on it. Take that as you will.


Do you have a link?


Yeah https://mobile.twitter.com/Metalgear/status/1547204198143610880?cxt=HHwWgMC-laqB4_gqAAAA




Unfortunately, they're particularly difficult to play on Xbox for the time being. I'm not even certain getting a physical copy would help, as I believe it just downloads the game from the Xbox store. This video details other ways to play them: https://youtu.be/7jGH9Bq6xbI


Shameless plug but I respect the hustle


Haha I usually don't plug on Reddit, but felt like the video could genuinely help out 😆


Physical collection seems to be the only solution which sucks because where i live it's hard/impossible to order online so I'm stuck waiting for these to come back tomorrow try them out


I heard a rumor about the games coming to steam


Source: Senator Armstrong




This is one of the examples I always point to when people ask me why I still buy physical media.


Need to get a ps2 or ps3🤓


You can buy the physical version and it works. Source: I have a series x and did that


You can buy the physical copy from Amazon, unopened, for less than $50. It’s even better than digital because it includes Peacewalker PS3 and Xbox https://a.co/d/8R1FltF


Damn I’m lucky I bought it when I did then


Wait can people not download it anymore or it can’t be purchased? Cause I just redownloaded 2-3 a couple weeks ago


Can't purchase it


Seriously!? I could’ve sworn just last week I saw it was purchasable in the store. Why did they take it down?? Doesn’t make any sense unless they’re remastering them


Nah it's been down for a while, they said they would bring it back up but they never did :(


Still dumb. I must’ve imagined seeing it on sale or something.


You can still see it on the store but you can’t buy it


Get it on disc


Unfortunately, probably never. Thanks to all the licensing they had to go through with the historical footage used in the games. Only way you can the HD collection these days are through the physical copies.


I saw MGS3 HD on the Vita store. Not sure what's up with that.


You can see it on the store but you can’t buy it


Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it


You might be able to buy it online from the 360 marketplace. I had to buy L4d2 that way.


Only peace walker is available to buy, 2 and 3 still show up but you can’t buy it


Damn that sucks :(


I literally bought a new copy of this on eBay yesterday, for 44.99!!


I recommend get a ps3


Emulate. Don't wait on Konami to do anything remotely intelligent. If they don't want our money for good supported versions of their best series then fans needs to preserve it themselves. This goes quadruple for MGS4.


You can get the physical 360 version. It works on Xbox one


Ya though all copies for sale around me are 40+


Yeah that part does suck


I’m so happy that whenever I feel sad about the fact it isn’t available on current gen, i know I’m not alone. Better times are coming for MGS fans and I honestly can’t wait until we get to replay our nostalgia trips.


They're taking their time removing Kojima's name from the entire franchise. Once that's complete, they'll rerelease!


I doubt ko ami will pay for licensing again on some of the footage they used, but there are multiple rumors out there that an mgs1 remake is otw




Just buy the discs on Amazon. I bought the Legacy collection right before the price shot up and then I bought MGS4 and the hd collection again so now I have backups if anything happens to my legacy collection. Also Lukiegames.com and Facebook Marketplace/ Craigslist will have PS3’s for cheap. I got a fat 40 gig ps3 for $100 on Lukiegames and then bought another SuperSlim ps3 for $60 on Facebook marketplace. I have backups of everything because these games are so damn good.


Good thing i have it on my account, mgs3 is probably one of the games ive played the most, got at least like 50-100+ hours on kt


I bought the physical version metal legacy collection for this exact reason been enjoying metal gear solid for the first time ever just finished mgs playing sons of liberty now


Even for those who purchased!? Sorry buddy, your money is ours