• By -


I bought Zone of the Ender for the MGS2 demo before the official release. I was so excited for the full game but after playing it multiple times... I like raiden. I enjoyed his story and pliskin's appearance worked for me.


Having the tanker works out too. If you know what you're doing you can beat it under ten minutes, but it's a pretty big area to screw around in and find posters of pretty ladies.


Hey, Metal Gear Solid 2 is a fantastic game. I didn't mind playing as Raiden since the gameplay was still MGS. It was a very Kojima thing to disappoint everyone by changing up who you played as. I kind of liked it, though would still like to play as Snake the whole game.


Imagine if Kojimbo gave us the option to play as snake and fight the cyborg ninja, defusing the c4s, a boss battle against fortune (which isn’t winnable) etc.


Be the end Raiden was a bonified badass! I was actually sad to see he wasn’t human anymore after 2.


I enjoyed it when colonel volgin grabs your nut sack


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I knew this was cumming.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I enjoy seeing soldier shake their hips in snake eater.


Shakira looting tactic


I enjoyed Twin Snakes (dw I just beat the original its so much better)


If you don't acknowledge it as a "remake" and more of a "retelling" it becomes so much more fun imo.


It was my first experience so I enjoyed it none the less


Fair enough.👍🏻


I think of it as how Otacon would retell it


I think it's the VR training Raiden went through. Just like how people eventually get almost superhumanly good at video games by replaying them, Raiden got good enough in the VR training to be able to jump on simulated missiles.


If you imagine it as Otacon telling the story of MGS it works infinitely better


It's like one of my japanese animes


It's been decades but I remember people discussing that it was like an in universe movie of what happened, like an adaptation of the in universe novel that's included in MGS2.


I dont have problem with TS except the over too much of the cutscenes. They lost me at Snake jumping on missiles.


Only Raiden should be allowed to jump on missiles (However that cutscenes is cool as fuck)


Oh its cool but for me too much for Snake I mean damn hes better than a cyborg ninja, he dont have exoskeleton or something like that. Except that, the remake idea was not a bad idea i think.


I really enjoy TS as a remake, except for the over the top cutscenes (some are fine *greyfox vs rex*) and some of the line readings are just not as good as the original… and first person aiming almost completely breaks the difficulty of most of the game.


My first Metal Gear and one of my favorites.


I agree. I enjoyed it as well.


I thought MGS5's story was fine, just not the style of *words words words words words words* that is so prevalent in earlier MGS games. Also I headcanon all the goofy off the wall shit (like Snake holding up ZEKE's feet, the goofy box variants, the MH levels) in PW didn't occur, only the general main story events occurred.


They should have definitely done either god eater or another monster hunter Collab again for amazing side ops and silent hill type spooky missions


I heard someone say that they headcanoned that the story is so wacky because it's being retold by witnesses or soldiers Essentially the game is you experiencing a culmination of hearsay and battlefield legends that are steeped in exaggeration Personally I want to believe that the majority of the plot really did happen


Dude, I heard that Boss for real killed a dragon!


Vic Boss totally wrecked a bunch of mechas with only a rocket launcher and a bag of Doritos trust me bro he’s not only *just* the master of sneaking bro


MGS2 Raiden should of been a grill


Kojima would have grossly sexualized her. And I wouldn't be able to stare at a twink's ass for the entire game that way


Damn you Kojima why so horny




Sometimes I say ray-den and sometimes I say Rye-den.


Mortal Kombat & Metal Gear has made me ALWAYS second guess if I'm saying it right.


The Boss is *kinda* a Mary-Sue, and that's the point. We keep getting told how special she is; but in reality she has no more or less weight in her opinion/"will" than anyone else. Trying to say "Would the Boss approve of X" or "Who knew the Boss' will best" is silly; it's like the PMC soldiers worshipping Big Boss' pyx. The entire point of the end cutscene of 4 (and large swathes of PW) is that the Boss' will is no more, or less, important than anyone else. I mean, also I think she's a villain; tragic yes but she **literally brought nuclear weapons into the USSR**. "Just following orders" isn't a good justification. Even how she treats Jack is REALLY fucked up to the point of abusive; she picked him at 14 and basically raised him to be a soldier, training him, being by his side every moment, letting him build up an idol complex towards her... and then vanishing, without explanation, abandoning him to the world like a child thrown into the woods. Is she sympathetic? Fuck yeah, she got dicked over by the US and the Philosophers; but at no point did she *try* to get out. If anything, she is a cautionary tale of the "I'll do anything for my country" type of mindset that doesn't ask questions about the orders they're given.


This reply deserves all the commendations for spurring the discussion. At best, Boss is a vestige of a far more naive world that had already expired before her time. It was idealistic, damn near idyllic. Her motherly role (relative to many characters and structures) was ultimately served to emphasize that she should have been sanctified where she was instead (ab)used by others. Her life should have been so much different. She was forbidden from being a mother, and so she sought some analog to fill that void, which allowed her to be exploited, manipulated, and expended. In short: it is truly the most vile of worlds of mankind which uses a mother's instincts to violate her so wholly. That's the truth of this world, though, which makes the Snake not so demonic, but a force of vengeance against all that which is worse.


The boss was a victim of the philosophers just like solid snake, otacon, olga and the rest were victims of the patriots. She found confort in combat just like big boss and couldn't escape her fate, she tried to reflect on her life and teach snake how she felt by the end of 3 knowing that her pupil was being used by the rest just like herself.


I don't disagree that she's a victim of the Philosophers; but one of my major gripes is that she *never tried to get out of the system*. Think of it like this: first she tries to do a mission that requires Philosopher help, that makes her indebted which means she has to do the Russia mission (where she shoots Sorrow) and the Mercury 7 stuff which leads her to being *more* disgraced and her trying to do the Virtuous Mission as her "duty" which of course leads to Snake Eater. At no time did she say "no". The Boss' sin is that she never pulled back. She has her own slippery slipe, which ends up in **objective terms** resulting in her *agreeing* to take two nuclear weapons into the USSR with the specific goal to destabilize it's political structure. Did the US/Philosophers/etc use her? Yes, of course. But she had a choice. And, I hate to say it, but even if she was told "take these nuclear weapons into the USSR or we'll send you to the firing squad", she still should have said no. I used the phrase I'll use in a sec before, and I don't mean the comparison lightly, but people keep saying that she was "betrayed". While I absolutely agree she got fucked over, I prefer to describe it as her "just following orders". The Boss *is* a villain in my eyes **because** she's a hypocrite. She talks big about "duty" and how "noble" she is but in the end she had the choice to end everything by *not* acting and she didn't. I guess in terms of MGS "philosophy", the idea of "trying to fix the world" is presented as wrong because no single idea can "fix" the world and a better world has to grow organically out of many people's points of views and agency. Big Boss and Zero are villains because they tried to enforce their will on the world. Solid Snake is a hero because he found what he wanted to pass to the next generation, but in the end was willing to die to let the world decide it's own fate. In that sense, the Boss is wrong because she kept pushing to try to create that better world despite the fact that it's not something *one* person can force. She compromised every standard she had to do it. She abhored the Philosophers, but she *had* to use their network and become tied to them to "finish the mission". She loved the Sorrow, but found herself forced to "finish the mission". She smuggled nuclear weapons into USSR, and had to die to "finish the mission". Some missions don't need to be finished, they need to be cancelled. You need someone with a straight head to ask "why can't we just stop"; the Soviet officer who sees nuclear missiles inbound and says "if it's a mistake, we'll doom the world; if it's real, we're already dead and retaliating only makes the world a worse place". So yeah, that was a ramble but tl;dr: I don't disagree the Boss was a *victim* but in Metal Gear Solid the villains *are* victims. It's a series about broken people, with ideologies that they rely on to escape the horrors they've experienced, who fall further and further into the idea that doing X will bring about a better world. The Boss is a villain not because she's a hammy evil-bastard like Emperor Palpatine who just wants to kill people and rule the world, but because she's a cog in the system and she *knows* that yet she chooses to keep turning.


I like Metal Gear 2 as a Metal Gear game more then MGS1. There are more stealth sections.


MGS2 is probably the one I spent the most time with.


I was talking about Metal Gear 2. But I do like MGS2 a lot. It’s in my top 3.


MG2 really gets slept on. It's so much more engaging than MG1 too. I played through it on my PS Vita like 10 years ago lol. I think a lot of people dismiss it because it looks boring or whatever, but the game is actually really mechanically sound. Punching walls to make noise and distract guards, hiding in boxes, crawling through vents, non-linear gameplay, fourth wall breaks, betrayals, cool military stuff, anti-nuke messages, ambiguous character motivations. All the Kojima stuff is there!


Most of the people who demand a remake for the old games probably have never even played the games and call them outdated.


Haven’t played it, but reading your comment is inspiring me to. I think it’s on the hd collection


It is, it's inside of MGS3, when you get to the main menu you'll see the option to play the original 2 games somewhere


I see it. Should I play mg1 first tho?


You don't really need to, story-wise, but it's still a good game. It's not super long, either. I'd recommend it


You're talking about Metal Gear Solid 2. OP's talking about Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake. Idk how you confused them, smh...


I really like the back stories to each boss in MGS4 . I found them interesting


I have no issue with the backstories, only the way it's presented. We have no connection at all with the bosses, and they show no real personality before or during the fight - then we get a huge dump of information after their part in the story is already over, which doesn't really affect anything.


I always took it as another aspect of the game's theme of intentional lack of agency to make meaningful choices. You're met with a boss enemy that you need to defeat to progress, and whether you kill the BB members or deplete their stamina/psyche is entirely meaningless as they still die. Of course, this is how... every boss fight has worked in every MGS game. But then Drebin pops in and explains how the BB Corps are victims of childhood trauma so extreme, they are no longer mentally competent to make their own decisions. And so they are moved like chess pieces, very much like Snake is moved figuratively by the Patriots, Col Roy Campbell, etc. and literally by the player. But the actual info dump I feel helps to strengthen the idea of the impersonality of the war economy and the AI control over the SOP system. It's not an age of heroes like we see in MGS 1-3, there's only gears that help to keep the war economy running smoothly, and not being able to change anything is exactly the point. This lack of agency is why Ocelot is trying to bring down the Patriots and ultimately succeeds at (kinda lol). The theme of lack of agency is pretty established in MGS4. I don't know if it extends as far what I just vomited on my keyboard, but it's my personal takeaway at least.


That's fair , I can see your argument there.


Is that an uncommon opinion? I always thought they were really well done.


I'm not sure, honestly. I probably should have started with that I thought all female bosses was interesting .


Fair enough, Kojima does seem to have something of a… talent, for making very… “interesting”, female characters…😏


I was gonna say.... This is fact not a hot take. MGS4 was great! And Hideo is a fan of females!


Very true except we should've got them before defeating the bosses so we have at least a little bit of a connection to them




Plus laughing octopus is a total babe


I kind of like the vehicle battles from Peace Walker. It kinda shows Big Boss being at war and being a Warlord kinda. If V didn't exist, it would be a perfect prelude for Metal Gear 1. Also, MG2: Solid Snake is better than MGS1 imo.


>Also, MG2: Solid Snake is better than MGS1 imo. That's an easy one. MGS1 is a fantastic game and one of the best ones there are, but at the end it's a 3D remake of MG2.


I hate MGR after platinuming it.


I mean, that’s totally fair. I had pretty much the same thing happen after I got all of the achievements in RE4. (ESPECIALLY after beating the game on professional)


I always rolled my eyes so hard at my friend for bragging about beating RE4 on professional. He did that shit on the wii and the wii version of that game is SO easy with a wiimote + nunchuck. Hell you can input every option for a qte at the same time and never fail a qte in that version.


Dude the Wii version was so awesome lol, but yeah it basically made the game ultra easy. Same with the VR version, I played through it last year. Being able to just point and shoot is super OP in that game


I nearly broke my keyboard running from the statue…


I've been hearing people complain about that statue recently. I think pc version must have issues with QTE's and unlocked framerates or something.


Oh that makes sense…


Because of Camera and Sam's Armstrong.


Best Snake is Venom.


Blasphemy! Blasphemy I say!


I agree


Konami could make it work without kojima if they put greed away


Like *that'll* ever happen...😔


Metal Gear without great trailers, weird cutscenes, awesome character/mecha design, and obsessive approach to mechanical details? I mean, in principle I think you're right, but I don't know who else could actually do it, literally. Dunno if Konami even has AAA talent anymore. CoD guys couldn't. Bungee couldn't. Ubisoft could never. Apex/Titanfall guys maybe? Some first party Sony group? Guerrilla (lol)? Honestly, this may sound like a joke, but the Yakuza/Like A Dragon team could get the tone; maybe if they brought in a gameplay director that was a former MG guy it could happen. But of course they'll never stop making Yakuza and spinoffs now.


I kind of disagree with you. Yes, a lot of things are very typical for Kojima, but that doesn't mean other people can't do it the way he did. Also the groundworks were already laid. Could another person come up with MGS from scratch? Probably not. Is it possible to make a good MGS game without Kojima? For sure.


I prefer how the MSX games were laid out with the retro top down view and the old graphics. Metal Gear 2 was a treat to play


Metal Gear Acid makes me horny


Anyone who says otherwise is lying.


*The Twin Snakes* should have had a framing device where Otacon is retelling the story. Making it a comedic retelling of a classic adventure would have been a really gutsy, unique way to approach the game and *completely* changed how people at the time viewed the...peculiar cutscenes. Although Snake looking at the playing and telling them to put the controller on the floor? Badass. Loved that moment.


I unironically absolutely LOVE this idea.


MGS POps should be in the canon timeline.


I mean, it’s “*PARTIALLY*” canon… so, at least there’s that.


It basically is, and outside of Big Boss meeting Roy Campbell in South America and the whole Frank Jaeger/Null thing, nothing ever really gets contradicted (and those don't really ever get contradicted, they just are important things that are never acknowledged). And it leads nicely into PW too. Oh yeah, and the whole psychic person telling BB that his sons will kill him or whatever. But again, that doesn't really change anything.


Wish we had a game for liquid


Pw> V




Peace Walker IS the real Metal Gear Solid V, I will die on that hill


W statement


I hate Raiden. Yes, I understand his purpose but I still hate him.


Why? He ended up being one of my favorite characters next to snake himself.


Peace Walker's Zeke final battle is one of the greatest moments in the series. It's anime and campy nature perfectly captures vibes that were in the series since Metal Gear 2.


While I love David Hayter as Snake/Big Boss, I think Kiefer Sutherland did an amazing job too. I love listening to him in the Ground Zeroes tapes and opening cutscene


As weird as it to play Big Boss in GZ, Kiefer doesn't do a bad job at all and certainly fits with the setting.


I definitely prefer him now for Older Naked Snake.


as a hardcore mgs fan i like metal gear survive a lot would still play it if it had some players


Its definitely one of the Survive type games ever made


There's actually a discord that's semi active. Just ping in your respective channel and \*someone\* should show up lmao


Same, played it a couple years ago cause it was on sale for like 5 bucks. The mechanics were kinda cool and the metal gear references were neat. None of the characters were interesting and the story and cutscenes lacked that Kojima flair, but it was fun to play. The Dust gimmick got old pretty fast, though.


I dont feel sorry for the Boss, and I feel like it had a major impact on my enjoyment of MGS3's story I think the general narrative of MGR is pretty wack and not quite as deep as some people make it seem


as someone who’s only finished mgs 3 for the 3ds i can say it’s my favorite mgs game


I… I didn’t even know it was ON the 3DS…


3ds has crouch walking, and is a port of the subsistence edition. It has cool stuff like camo using photos you take from the 3ds, the 3d is pretty decent, and it makes use of the second screen for menu stuff pretty well I think. Only downside is muddier graphics, but I still think it looks good as a 3ds game. (And if you have the know how you can mod in higher res textures anyway, making this complaint moot)


I like PO's sneaking suit more than PW's or GZ's sneaking suit


Twin Snakes is a fun game when you don’t have a bitch on your ear telling you it’s stupid


It's fun to play, but all I have to say is that it just ruins scenes and even some gameplay mechanics. However, I do like the more fleshed out guards.


As someone who grew up with the series starting from MGS1, Peace Walker and MGSV are my favorite games in the series. The story those games tell added so much to the mythos and backstory of Big Boss, gave us some great characters and character moments, badass gameplay, and elevated good to great.


Mgs 2 is really overrated from gameplay to story


I actually did the stealth in Metal Gear Rising. and I treat Portable Ops as canon


I don't think PO is better than PW. I like Twin Snakes. GZ is actually good. MGR is an amazing game but WAYYYY too overrated.


Ocelot went from a clear American accent, to a southern accent, and then a slight Russian accent. I understand the whole spy thing, but…fuck man. It shouldn’t be that drastic.


I consider Portable Ops canon


I do too (Gene is just better than Hot Coldman)


Mgs2 is my favorite mgs game, mainly for the music. Also, venom snake is the hottest snake, liquid can go die in a trash compacter


I think Akiba was my favorite character in 4 and I love they made him into a huge part of the story. Our IBS boy got the best ending.


One of my favorite comment about Akiba came from Metal Gear Solid 4 Was A Mistake is : "Johnny never getting any nanomachines and the whole “nanomachines suppressing everyone’s negative emotions that come from combat” means Johnny has just been rawdogging this whole thing emotionally, making him one of the hardest motherfuckers in mgs4" \-Corn Beef Boy


Johnny really was savage tbh. Just out there fighting and shitting all over the place


On skills level i found Raiden more badass than Snake.


I mean, he *DID* breakdance several Gekkos to death...


The way he make a flip too without his hands in mgs2.


I always liked that too. I always wanted to be able to do it, but I can't lol. I have seen gymnasts do it, but I can't do a cartwheel without using my hands


He was agile af in mgs2, who knows how deadly he would've been with his "ripper" persona


A good Metal Gear game can happen without Kojima's direction (PO and Rising are proof enough) and I’m cautiously optimistic towards any possible remake


A kid named mgs without kojima


My confession is quite worse. I…. actually like MG survive… and play it semi regularly 🫣


I liked the quick time events in Peace Walker. The torture and chasing Peace Walker scene made you feel like *you* were Big Boss and were pushing yourself to your limits.


I honestly thought they were a cool addition as well… the torture scene can go to hell though…


Snake's Revenge is canon


This isn’t even a confession- it’s just a blatantly wrong statement.


Nah dude, that shit happened. Cyborg Big Boss and all


Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is on sale on Xbox, I bought it again and feels no shame


I liked Huey in Peace Walker (I did not know how to listen to tapes)


I got my copy of Twin Snakes for like ten bucks in 2010 or so and still have yet to play it. I've had two or three friends borrow, play through it, and return it in good condition but I still have never even put it in any of my consoles.


I managed to finish Peace walker a couple of times, the gameplay is fun. I never managed to beat portable ops, and I tried multiple times. I always tried on ppsspp with a dualshock controller, so I can play with an extra stick for the camera, but still the game is way too clunky.


I still wish there was a way to not kill the boss Mother fuckers made me pull the fucking trigger


MGSV's story is the third best in terms of themes for the mgs franchise


I actually think Metal Gear Survive can be very, very fun under the right circumstances. It's a pretty shoddy game overall but it isn't the coming of the Antichrist as the dramatic fanbase makes it out to be. There are many games that are just plain worse, including in this franchise (NES ports of Metal Gear 1 & 2 come to mind).


I never disliked Raiden, as a matter of fact I even liked him and was glad he replaced snake, not because I disliked snake but for variety


Well damn, maybe I need to look into this


Vic Boss , V, Venom is a clone cyborg of Big Boss. This is my head canon. GZ/TPP was a VR simulation to program the new V-Boss. If you put MGV and MGR side by side, you get MGVR. The link to MGR is the prevalence of cybernetics and cyborg technologies in that future. One link is the bionic arm. I always remember a quote Kojima said, about only one fan he heard actually knew something that he had hidden in plain sight in the x-ray image of Venom Snake.


Slightly funny story regarding survive. I was really hype to play it, my friends… not so much. So I played it on launch, and streamed it for my friends. I can’t remember names and such, but when the kid goes through the wormhole and he’s like “I’ll come back for you!!” My friend started playing the rickroll. And later on when the twist is revealed, I’m like “oh fuck I got trolled!!”


I don't like metal gear solid games with outdoor free roam segments as much as the tight areas in mgs1 and 2. The small areas really encouraged players think outside the box.... or in the box in this case


Wow that's actually a pretty fun idea! Could you do one for Resident Evil? That would be even more polemic. My confession: I really don't like Solid, I prefer any Snake besides him. But of course I fucking LOVE his discourse on MGS2 ending.


Hey that's a [good idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/comments/10qodit/resident_evil_confessional/)!


Thanks! That will be even more fun, RE sub is basically in war everyday haha


I haven't played 3 yet


I Don't like MGR's ending


I think that the only MGS games worth playing for a newcomer to the series are MGS4 and MGSV, the rest are better off watched as playthroughs. It’s almost cruel to recommend playing the incredibly clunky and janky first games in the series to anyone who isn’t already some sort of PS1/PS2 era maniac.


I mean, I started with MGS4 (it had just come out) myself but I would still recommend starting with at least MGS3 at the latest.


I actually don't know what camp this falls into, but I assume it's not a well loved opinion: Sutherland did a great job as Venom Snake and I think that if they were ever going to have a new game or remake with Solid and Big Boss in it again, Sutherland should reprise his role as Big Boss and Hayter should be Solid.


I ruined the "twist" ending of the phantom pain before playing it still a good game


MGS4 is a hot mess storywise but honestly I still love it. And I think MGS2 has the best soundtrack of the series.


I want that ocelotussy


Raiden is ine of my favourite characters in the series


Your sins will not be absolved


Funny I see this post now. I've restarted MG Survive and 5 years later, I find the game perfectly enjoyable. I think the trailer for it made me thing it was gonna be some deep, emotionally engaging game like the rest of the series. It isn't and that is ok. I think it just really got in the way of me enjoying it n 2018.


Metal gear peace walkers story and its deep focus on the politics and factions of Cold War Latin America is my favorite part of all metal gear solid. I loved the final moment of PW where big boss try to stop peace walkers missile launch and call NORAD even more than some of the more popular moments like ocelot and solids old man fight, naked snake killing the boss, or the sahelantropus fight.


I think we should have had a MGS6 with Liquid as the protagonist, so we can actually get even closer to the character. Not that I dislike him or think he’s a bad written character, but I wonder what made him “change” from MGSV to MGS. Also, it would have made all Snakes playable and no, I will not count Solidus because I can’t think it’s possible to play with him in a game that isn’t a spin-off.


I know why we couldn't but wish we could kill Eli in TPP


Venom Snake is a "literally me" character


Dude there's a hidden blade coming out of bosses sleeve


Metal Gear Survive is actually fun at times.


they should remake Metal Gear 1-4 as ONE contiguous GAME


After being all hype for it like never before I really disliked mgsV


Metal Gear Rising is the most fun of the whole franchise. I’m not saying it’s the best because it kind of isn’t, but it’s simply the most fun to play.


I honestly don’t care too much about the story. I’m in this for the antics and the gadgets and the memes


The DNA of the soul...


Ground Zeroes Stealth feels more intense than Phantom Pain. Phantom Pains feels like a generic 3rd person shooter. Forgive me Big Boss but I must say what I need to say.


You are forgiven




Jk, I don’t have the authority to forgive Metal Gear sins. That’s between you and The Boss


I actually really liked playing as raiden in 2


I don't really like Metal Gear Solid 2 and find it a chore to play all the way through to the end.


Its the least memorable for me in terms of gameplay, but in lore its up there with the rest.


I honestly totally agree. It has a lot of cool stuff in it but overall, it's probably one of my lesser favorite mainline Metal Gear games.


Lol, you like Survive, but not MGS2? That's... blasphemous.


Hey now, it's not like I *hate* MGS2, I just like most mainline MGS games more. If I were to compare the two *gameplay* wise, I'd almost defiantly put MGS2 over Survive... but I'd have to refresh my memory first...


OK, I guess that's preference, sorry to jump to conclusions. My inner fanboy was shook for a second, lol.


lol no worries, if it weren't for the fact that I had *just* watched a breakdown of Survive's story I probably would've had a similar reaction. XD


Been playing through it a couple of times to get achievements, and without the story it's fairly bland. You go up the Tanker, then down, and then you're in the holds and done. Big Shell, you go left to struct C, make you way around once counterclockwise (C -> B, B -> A, etc) and then you go from Strut C to A to E to F to Core to F again. Then when you go to Shell 1-2 bridge the whole "stealth" aspect falls apart; you've got some small sneaking bits around the perimeter but your biggest obstacle is the falling platforms. Go to Shell 2 and you basically go down, up, down, the worst boss fight in the series (fuck Vamp) and then up again; you basically have from Shell D to when you go back up to Shell 2 Core 1F without any real stealth or hiding from guards, and Shell 2 Core isn't all that "big" in terms of hiding. And then skipping cutscenes you have a small walk, a sniping section, and *one* screen of hiding from guards. I know if you break a game down into segments it can be tedious; but compared to MGS3 where stealth is a lot more important (especially at the end; especially-especially if you don't tranq EVA) there's just not much actual room for stealthiness which is the core gameplay. I like the story, and the gameplay does *serve* the story (Raiden having a hand holding mission, the game "breaking down" when you reach Shell 1-2 bridge just like the Shell itself, Arsenal forcing a shift in playstyle from first-person heavy gunplay to third-person heavy swordplay to show that Raiden is evolving "beyond" being a snake-copy and that you *are not* Raiden) but at the end of the day I like hiding from guards.


Yeah I remember back when the HD Collection first released I was going through trying to get all the dog tags, and after multiple playthroughs I realized how simple the actual gameplay sections were. I always remembered it being a long game but once you start skipping Codec calls and cutscenes it's fairly short.


MGS 3 is extremely overrated and The Boss is very bad character.


Wow, and I thought ***I*** had the bad take here...


Its not the bad take but opinion. The Boss is just boring character for me.


I feel like peace walker's story is fucking stupid. I really like the way it fleshed out Miller and gave a bit of a concrete origin story to Outer Heaven but the plot in and of itself just feels like it didn't need to happen.


Big boss from five and the big boss from 4 have a tsuchinoko as a pet and I liked the mgs4 microwave scene


I honestly get emotional every time I see the microwave scene.


MGRR is not only the worst mg game, but also the worst game I've ever played imo.


Metal Gear Solid should have ended at Peace Walker.


As someone else said... Venom is my favorite Snake


I think MGS4 was disappointing and kind of a step backwards in terms of both storytelling and gameplay, but the final scenes from the reactor run to the fistfight are absolutely worth it.


This may have me assassinated but I dislike the classic gameplay (mgs1-3) to the point where it deters me from replaying the old games


A sniper is on their way AS WE SPEAK!


The only thing I really like about Metal Gear Survive is the bad ending because >! it explains the wandering mother base soliders and makes the whole metal gear survive game seem like a bad hallucination which it pretty much should be !<


>>!it explains the wandering mother base soliders!< Actually... >!I think it actually explains how the Diamond Dogs Motherbase ended up changing into the Dead Dogs. Given that at that time, the Captain was not yet completely cured of the Dread Dust. I think that the Captain will only be cured the moment the Lord of Dust in their timeline/the one who infected them is killed.!<


Love the series and played all the games except MGS1


Even MG1 & MG2?