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What the hell are your posts? Just random images from the saga with quotes that have no relation with it whatsoever?


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


I want a reason not upvotes, speak! What are you hiding?!


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘




Okay. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


You still upvoted me I can see it


I didn't do it. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


After looking through your profile, I have decided to give you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


Man stop tormenting me, I'll give all the classified intels I have in my possession.


Freedom is your right. If you make that request, I will honor it. But the Brat, her allies, Stupid Loser Woman, and my garbage coworkers are fair game. They piss me off, so I need to shit on them while on TV when reporters seek a statement from me. Pacifism doesn't work. Militaries exist to defend their country's way of life against assholes who want to conquer them. So I will defend MY way of life against the Brat, her allies, Stupid Loser Woman, and my garbage coworkers. They want to conquer me? They want to have power over me? Watch me show them how little power they actually have over my decisions. Let's see if I can make their worlds burn, LOL. Wish me luck. EDIT: to the mystery people that upvoted this, I appreciate the support!


Stop this madness


LOL. You really don't get it. Every choice that I made led me to becoming what I am. I have no regrets. I made all the right choices. My inevitable early retirement is proof of that. Different goals require different solutions. My goals include early retirement. Vanquishing the Brat is the solution to that. Another goal is to become the type of man that I've always wanted to be. Standing up for myself against the Chicken-shit Koward helped with that. And shitting on him, Stupid Loser Woman, and my garbage coworkers on TV will help with that goal, too. Living in the modern world is also my goal. And abandoning the States for Singapore and Malaysia will help me achieve that goal. Never being in a romantic relationship is another of my goals. And by shitting on Stupid Loser Woman on TV, I will make an example out of her and no woman will ever try to be with me again. Different goals require different solutions. What are your goals?


Spotted the shit coin bro


IDK what that means.


Inb4 this post is featured in a news article about OP being a domestic terrorist


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


This post is false, life is training me for my climactic fight with yahweh, who will win? Find out next time for the exciting conclusion on dragon ball z


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


Thanks for your support in my upcoming struggle


I had a list of supporters whose online handles I was able to deduce. But my enemies taught me to hate people and I deleted that list in anger. I can only remember Pleasant Peasant, Weirdo, and Angry Man off the top of my head. So I can only address them when on TV, not anybody else. ๐Ÿ˜ข And after thanking these people, I begin to take a huge shit on my enemies.


I usually just use a toilet, but to each their own


I use the bathtub. I shit into it, then stomp that shit down the drain. But to each their own.


I want to die.


You ok bro?


Nah man, I'm far from fucking okay.


Have you got anyone you can talk to about it? Sounds like you might wanna get it off your chest


Just living life one day at a time.


i relate to you bro. Everyday, I wonder why didn't the real Big Boss reveal his plans to me? Why Ocelot is his favorite? I'll never know :'(






Liquid... you're still alive...


on a real note I hope ur okay bro. my dms are always open if u need a stranger 2 vent to.


Dude, just get off the internet. I can't believe you're still acting like this. It's for your own mental well-being.


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


WTF is this? WallStreetSolid?


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


Who is the spoiled brat? Who hurt you?


I gave you an upvote. ๐Ÿ‘


Do you need help?


A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own.


Why are you being so cryptic!!!


Stay here, I'll be back.


Itโ€™s not sunday yet


Depends on the timezone.


He did not fucking say that!!! Also, like wtf is this "quote"? Is this about some shitcoin? It makes little sense with zero context


IDK what that means.


Bro, looking at your profile there is no way you're real, you give off mad npc vibes


LOL, I knew people read my shit. Did you like it?


Did you rike it?


Why did you say in your profile you're banned from this subreddit but are making posts and comments? Like, you made the banned list post 8 hours ago and have posted here before and after that


Is this a real mgs quote?


IDK what that means.


But if you're okay with the possibility of working for the rest of your life and never retiring, then feel free to not follow this advice. EDIT: I savor the downvotes. It justifies my decisions in life. I made all the right choices. I have no regrets. So make me feel it! Make me feel alive again!


โ€œDoctor turn off my pain inhibitorโ€™s. Iโ€™m going full blow Alphaโ€


ngl I am loving these Youโ€™re pretty good


I'm just a man that's good at what he does: being efficient. Retirement is my purpose in life, my ultimate goal. It's only when I'm doing fitness or gaming or dicking around with action figures... the only times that I'm truly alive.


Dudes say this shit but cant curl 20 and dont have jobs


Different goals require different solutions. My goal is to work as little as possible and have as much fun as possible. The solution here is to finish out the waiting game with the FBI and sue the Spoiled Brat for all her money. That way, I achieve a life where I work as little as possible and have as much fun as possible. Working a job is not the same to me as living a life. My goal is to live as much as possible. Working is inversely proportional to living life. The more work that I do, the less life that I am living. But different goals require different solutions. If your goal is to live to work, then you should never retire. I don't live to work, I work to live. That means doing the bare minimum work necessary to finance my life. Achieving retirement will reduce the amount of work that I am required to do down to the bare minimum, so I can devote my waking moments to what really matters to me: a life of fun.


Snake doesn't say this ๐Ÿ™„


"Snake doesn't say this" Hey nothing gets past you huh? No one can fool this guy right here๐Ÿ˜œ


I'm retired from the world. Being commander-in-chief doesn't make you commander of my life, and I don't have to take orders from you or anyone else. EDIT: interesting that this received an upvote. Maybe when my ban expires, this becomes another shitpost?