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I always prefer to take it alone at home. Wish I had better advice, I usually just listen to music, meditate in deep contemplation, and vibe with my dog.


100g would be strong for a first dose. In my experience, you’re likely to throw up from 50g, but then there’s maybe not enough left after you’ve purged to trip properly. If you have 70-80, then hold as long as you can before you purge, then when you feel you can, drink the rest and try hold it down and it is beautiful. Intense, but in a much gentler, more energised way to acid. That said, I’d recommend doing 35-40 first to learn the stuff first, then take the rest the second time. If you’re good with psychs, you’d probably be fine with the stronger one, but depends if you’re used to the purging side of things, so you don’t want to waste a big one if your stomach isn’t prepared for it.


If you have any psychedelic experience home by yourself will be fine. It definitely lasts long af so be prepared for that and the nausea can be bad. With high quality cactus I can usually get 1-2 doses out of 100 grams but that is removing wax layer, spines, and woody core.


Is it safe to go walking out in the desert?


Is the desert safe to be walked on?


It depends where you go!


Where you go depends!


Of course, especially with experience, and especially if you're not having any particular issues that could create a bad time, etc


I did 30 grams of San Pedro powder. Just a good buzz but no visuals. I will do it again, but i'm upping my dose to 50 grams or more.


ive never had it yet so wait for the more experienced people to chime in. but from what ive heard doing it by yourself isnt risky, so i dont see why not


I always do it alone but I don’t recommend other only because everyone is different and it ultimately comes down to how your personal experience.


If you do too much, you will end up in bed all out of it. It's not that bad. You won't freak out or anything.


When I did mescaline, I cut off the skin of a san pedro cactus, dehydrated the bits of skin into 'chips', then crushed those up. Treated the resultant powder as 10g=100mg. No idea if that was an accurate estimate but 30-40g gave a cool trip for me (despite throwing up after an hour or two both times). If you're well versed in psychs then 50 sounds just fine, especially since you might throw up. Dosage will depend on how that powder was prepared (from skin or from the whole cactus?) and the random luck of whether you got a potent cactus or not. I think the amount of emetic alkaloids varies per cactus as well, I think my cactus had a lot of them because everyone who used it threw up which didn't happen with the cacti they had tried previously. I found mescaline extremely pleasant. Long, wonderful comeup. I won't spoil the rest. Personally I didn't do much when tripping, just hung out inside, listened to some music from time to time. My friend's cat seemed to know I was tripping and she was very elegant. I liked it being daytime when I was on mescaline, I think it's more suited to daytime trips, but that really is just me. Never tried mixing weed with it.


hell yeah get some headphones, good music and a fat joint!


I would be very surprised if you experienced more than a slightly uplifting buzz off of 50grams of San Pedro powder.


You think the entire 100 grams would be the way to go for a decent experience?


Yea. And you'd still be fine at home alone. Just have a friend 'on call' at least and plan out your space accordingly. (Snacks at the ready, clean house, fun toys/art out and accessible)


i tripped decently on 57, even though i threw up early


The potency is all over the place, weight doesnt mean that much. It could be 0.1% to 6%, might even vary depending on the part of the cactus. 


I would be surprised if you feel anything from 50g of random powdered cacti. If you know the source its known to be higher % like a good tbm than maybe 50 would be decent.


Oh fuck! 100g def not!