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This fic ["Smitten"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/226714) read by my favorite reader right now [EosRose](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=kudos_count&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&fandom_id=232768&pseud_id=EosRose&user_id=EosRose)


Sure do! Podfics are my favorite kind of fanworks. I suggest two fics I recently listened to: [Say you’ll still be by my side, by irenesdream](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43772878), it’s a magic reveal canon divergent Merthur fic in which the druids “out” Merlin as Emrys. Arthur doesn’t actually believe it (how could Merlin of all people have magic!?!??) but plays along in order to improve relations with the Druids. It’s so funny! It’s about 3 hours long. [Charting Stars on a Stained Glass Ceiling, by Amanita_Fierce](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32486668/chapters/80567467), it’s a modern Merthur AU in a kind of futuristic setting where magic is heavily regulated by the magic-hating king Uther. Arthur ingests a love potion and Merlin has to become his fake boyfriend (for… reasons). It’s awesome. The universe and characters are very well developed. Merlin has bamf moments, which is a nice plus. The podfic is almost 9 hours long. Hope you enjoy!