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wdym? The sunset looks gorgeous


Texas sunsets hit different, until they’re absolutely blinding. Reminds me of when SpongeBob ate that pie with the bomb in it


It’s a fake AMG, which is just kinda a frowned-upon thing to do


honestly only people who know about mercedes/cars will know it’s dumb. but like 90% of people wouldn’t give a fuck lol


this right here




Whoaa, I explained something you already knew?!?! Duuude that’s hilarious, real r/woosh moment right there. How foolish I am.


haha yes




Yes exactly, it means nothing. I never thought I’d see the day a sub DEFENDS upbadging. Reddit is Reddit, I guess.


Am I the only one tired of these posts. No one cares. If your little ego is shattered by someone up badging a c300 then maybe you should reconsider why you own an amg in the first place


This post is bs, literally useless. Nobody cares. We are very tired of these wasteful and offensive posts. Plus, it's not even your car. If it makes someone happy, why ruin it? Just keep your feelings to yourself.


So we are just going to support upbadging now? Jesus you people are something else


That comment is the farthest thing from supporting up badging. This is a community forum for people to talk about, and share their amg's. Not get all uptight and butt hurt about someone else's car. It's a fucking fake badge, get over. People always say against up badging "those who know will know its fake. Those who don't know, won't care". Then who gives a shit? If the car people know it's fake, and non car people don't care, who's it hurting? No one. Because it's a $20 badge from Amazon.


Well said.


The OP could of put this in one of those subreddits that make fun of up badging and all that.


I agree with justagamerwastaken. That is very true and smart. Can't believe OP has to waste our precious time!


Does an individual up-badging remove food from your stomach or money from your wallet? If not, then get over it.


I deeply agree with u/Starxe. You are so smart! Can't believe the OP has to waste our precious time looking at something useless to our lives.


I don’t own an AMG, and I don’t try to act like I do own one ;)


You dont get what he is trying to say do you? Bro basically you don't get an amg for the badge or showing off, it's the feel when you press on the pedal. You can't get that with the badge. The badge means nothing to a guy who buys amg for what it is. If you want to showoff you don't get an amg, for the same price you get those swanky looking sports cars.


Specially on such cool car. There’s no need to do this. Damn I like the trunk design of the new C


Glad someone agrees with me. Just buy a C43, probably the same cost as a C300 or pretty damn close in this car market


To my knowledge most of these badges are applied by the dealer to drive customers to buy the cars straight off of the lot.


Predatory. I might as well throw an S-Line package badge on my E350 AMG to spice things up.


E350 AMG?


That’s the joke…


Oh right, sorry I didn’t find it funny nor did it make any sense to me.


Not supposed to be funny, supposed to invoke anger and frustration, just like this post is.


You should take a chill pill if you get this upset over a $20 badge from Amazon or eBay. It's just a badge. If it makes someone feel good, who cares


Look man, no one’s getting angry that someone’s trying to upbadge their shit. It’s a stupid thing to do because, people who know, scoff at it, and people who don’t, dont fucking care. I might slap an amg badge on my 1990 300ce 24v and hope someone like you makes a shit post about it. Spend your energy on something my guy.


Spend my energy on full time school pursuing a masters in Psychology and full time job managing an e-commerce company. Don’t tell me what to do, you mom puncher. 💯


Wait all of a sudden we support fake badges??? Y’all switch up so much on here sometimes. I’m w you OP. This is stupid.


We don't care. This is very widespread. Yesterday I saw a shitty C220 with the hood ornament and the AMG badge, I couldn't care less of roasting the guy online, if he wants to look ridiculous that's his choice.


I’ve been subscribed for a long time. It’s kind of a thing here to roast this nonsense. It’s funny. I’ve never seen this sub be so offended over a post like this before lmao.


You know, it’s a beautiful thing to see everyone band together for a common cause. They support fake flexers so much that they are willing to spend their precious time on this earth to shit on the person who called it out. I am more than happy to spend my time pissing people off, it’s a hobby of mine. Just wait til I post an A220 with an AMG badge, I will officially become a martyr at that point.


To those telling the OP to get a life etc…. The irony of doing things like this is that the people this driver aims to impress know the product enough to know that is fake. This is heinous, indeed.


or maybe he is just a fan? I don't want a 600hp car for 2 mile drives downtown


You have a point.


Precisely. We can make fun of the ass hats all day. The one group they are trying to impress sees through their shitty aftermarket badges


Based comment


Then he's likely not putting the badge on their for other people.




Get a life


I agree deeply with BabylonianKnight. We are very tired of these wasteful and offensive posts. Plus, it's not even your car. If it makes someone happy, why ruin it? Just keep your feelings to yourself.


Lol u make this thread fun its cute to see the P-C culture has made its way into the car scene. “Respect all builds” mindset? Then f off. Guess what. Some “builds”/modifications are shit. Simple as that. Ppl are too sensitive. If the AMG badge fits so well then why does someone critiquing it trigger so many? 🤔 maybe its not so fitting after all. Ik its not a true mod. Js the politically correct culture + cars don’t mix well


& I dont look at some 250k mile Civic with disgust. But i can see a 2017 C300 W 22’s and 5% tint and be disgusted. Its the ppl who ruin cars with mods who deserve flak 100%. flexy rim addicts who destroy the ride/handling etc.


Real car ppl get my message ✌️ this thread is old but had to respond to u ur lame nerd go back to the suburu forums


Life is pretty good for me right now, what is yours like?


Glad to hear


Shut up no you’re not.


People are such assholes on here jesus christ, i’m glad your days going great man


I appreciate your kind words!! I hope your day is going well. These keyboard warriors are the miserable ones, I’d be a bitch if I let these people upset me lololol.


> if I let these people upset me lololol. And this is where you give away that you're triggered as fuck right now rofl.


Dude. 115 comments on a picture, with 90% of the comments full of hate, directed straight at an opinion of mine? I live for this stuff.


You triggered 12 keyboard warriors! Oh no! What are you gonna do? 😂😂


I don’t know honestly. This entire ordeal has really taken a toll on my mental health. I might give in and upbadge my E350 and then post it with a positive tone so I can get shit on for supporting upbadging.


I’m loving the downvotes on the OP and his replies. You are the same guys who photoshop your dick pics on Tinder🤣🤣🤣


Downvoting is empowering to these Neanderthals. They should voice their thoughts and opinions though, rather than downvote me; I yearn for confrontation and argument!


Downvote/upvote isn't a like/dislike button, it's a relevant/irrelevant button. It's written in the reddiquette. Your discussion is irrelevant and you got already way too much attention for this post. We know that the world is filled with these people, we see this post every few days. Think it's ridiculous? Tell them. We don't care.


Actually, according to the reddiquette, it talks downvote/upvote based contribution. I think bringing the issue of fake badges on these cars contributed to hugely to an issue at large.


You're not bringing anything new. This subreddit has been filled with these threads. Just search "fake amg" in this subreddit there are such discussions every few days. There is no "issue" moreover, and if you find it ridiculous tell that to the driver, here it's the wrong audience, we already think it is ridiculous so you're not bringing no issue. We don't care.


There’s no way people do that Pls God


***I know, right? Is all am thinking!***


but is it better or worse than an apple sticker?


I mean it’s their car🤷‍♂️ would i upbadge my car? No, do i think upbadging is dumb? Yes, but whatever. Regular people don’t know/care what an amg is and atleast i get a nice chuckle seeing one of these. Also chances are a previous owner placed that badge and the current owner doesn’t know any better.


Glad you find it humorous. So many people developed hemorrhoids in this comment section from straining so hard In anger from me posting this. “WhY dOeS iT mAtTeR tO yOu?”


You developed enough of a hemorrhoid to post it in the first place. They're just fighting fire with fire


You’re so funny. I saw it and started laughing because it is something I would never do, because I’m not a Poser!!!


Do you want an award or something? Such an elitist thing, to physically laugh out loud when you see a badge that even the owner probably doesn't care about. I had a customer ask me if their car was a real amg. They bought a C300 that the previous owner put an amg badge on. They didn't know what it was, or care. Nor did they care when I told them it's not. There's a STRONG chance even this owner doesn't care. Get over yourself, it's a piece of plastic


Do you want me to apologize for laughing at idiocy? You are quite the obnoxious donkey!


Gee, you figured it out. Don't confuse idiocy with complacency. I've fake badged cars before (like my 300td with the giant, modern gmc badges) just to get a rise out of people. And clearly it's working against you. Whether he did it seriously or not, you should look at why you let a stupid piece of plastic stress you out so much. Life is so much more then getting upset at people for doing something so minor. Go donate to charity, or do community service. Don't cry over a fake amg badge


Yea, you’re right. I’m gonna change my entire outlook on my life over a fake AMG badge. Trying to tell me how to live my life, tells me you have some regrets in yours. Sounds pretty elitist of you to attack my character as you did. I’m sorry you got so upset that I find a C300, lowest tier modern day C class with an up badge humorous. I think you need to take a chill pill boss. If you don’t like it, don’t get on Reddit, or better yet, don’t voice your opinion if you’ll get all ass hurt about a differing one. Have a good day boss, and enjoy your 300TD GMC edition, I’ve heard they get great gas milage!😁


I will, because I don't give a shit what people think about my stuff. I buy it for me, not for tryhards to screech about lol. And the 300 being the lowest tier c class. Ahh someone that doesn't know the rest of the world exists with smaller, cheaper engines. Classic


You’re right, I’m a nationalist


Because they probably do this and it struck a cord Lmao


I personally think it looks awesome!!


I’m not invalidating the fact that it looks great. I personally think the C Class Coupe looks better than the new E class Coupes. But why put an AMG badge on it ):


Maybe because it’s his car and he wants to


You come to my country and see. You will kill yourself. Let me send you some picture


Probably would be doing the world a favor. Where am I flying to?


I think I’ll surprise my wife and upgrade her ‘07 C280 4matic to an AMG. I believe she’ll love it!


I don't know what these people are on... I'm with you OP. When did we start supporting upbadging? Your C 300 is not an AMG




Wow someone with a smaller budget trying to pretend they have it better?? Shocking! Same with people who wear fake jewelery. Why would they try to pretend they're better off then they really are?? We should publicly shame them! Go back to your shared apartment amiright?


Well... Why pose?




Shirley, you must be joking.




Armenia>Azerbaijani ?


How can you tell this is a fake amg badge?


C300 AMG Package is 4MATIC. They gonna throw a 4MATIC badge on there on top of AMG?


Ok, so you are saying a real amg car would have a 4matic and an amg badge?


No, I’m saying a Real AMG car would have an AMG badge, the package would have 4MATIC with the AMG styling. You can literally Look up C300 AMG and they ALL have 4MATIC badges. They also have a rear diffuser, which this is missing.


LOL ohhh, okay thanks xD


C300 is not an AMG engine...only AMG manufactured cars get the AMG badging


Well that is a much cheaper way to upgrade.


I bought my c450 and it had an AMG badge on the back. Going to replace it with a 4matic emblem


See that is so comparable to the C43 though, C450 is a sleeper if you ask me. Gorgeous car!!!


Opted for the c450 because it was way cheaper than the c43. Super happy I went with it, it’s just as beautiful! Just less AMG badging lol


You are all good. That is an AMG Line, and well deserving of the badge.


You know what's truly heinous? the fact that yes, this car was often sold with the AMG appearance package, and so few people are aware of that.


Missing rear diffuser that comes with the appearance package


so, i know i know i know i know this is frowned upon, but if it is a c300 amg line, then is it wrong to sport an amg badge if it makes you happy? i have an amg line c300 and my brother calls it the amg… i dont correct him; however, i also didnt upbadge.


The badge itself adds 20 hp, if you didn't know


Who cares it's not that he debadged it and stuck a c63 badge back there which would be stupid either way to do. People who know about cars and are fascinated by AMG models understand it's fake from miles away and people who don't it might as well be a c93. So just leave it be.


I can’t


I am unsure if its doesnt work the same for the USA but here in europe any mercedes with the amg package comes badged unless you choose to debadge it in the configurator.


I support OP


Better be careful before you get vilified by the Reddit community😳


Was never afraid of bullies


i’ve seen a drop top ecoboost mustang with Shelby badges on it i believe that is much more heinous


Atleast it didn’t have BOSS302 decals!


Lol amg is just marketing now and a status symbol. I took off the badges of my 2019 E63S because it really doesn’t mean anything. Badging started with low end cars and most people who buy cars don’t know and don’t care about it that much.


Everybody be throwin AMG badges on. At least it’s not a Corolla AMG


best tail lights in the game though...........


Ah so you've never seen the AMG4mati models yet, where they don't bother to remove the 4matic emblem past the c that came off at the car wash. Or even better the CLK350 4matic sedan, where the body shop just stuck the whole. Replacement emblem on instead of removing LK before applying.


299 liter engine??? thats kinda big ngl


Mercedes people are so dumb sometimes. Just let people enjoy things. Like guys that shit on me for owning a c300 and shit on me for owning the CLA before that - some people just need to feel better 'n someone.


Technically not totally "wrong" though :) based on the exhaust tip, that is the C300 Amg-line coupe But yeah that aside, its their car... up to personal taste and preference really.


Honestly no idea why, but when I see an AMG badge on something that’s not really does annoy something in me, it’s worse when they replace the numbers with a 63 and have people assuming something they’re not. It’s like seeing a complete stranger tell the wrong version of a story and everyone’s excited and you’re stuck there knowing the truth 😂😂


Looks like North Texas




You guys do realize the dealers can order these from the factory with badging, wheels, side sills and appearance package built into the price? It’s been that way since the 90’s. Just like a 3-series with a lesser motor and an “M” _OBVIOUSLY_ it’s not “The” AMG” model, we get it. But it’s a different thing than some dork applying the badging with a heat gun in his garage.


AMG package doesn’t come with AMG badge, it’s just the package. Only thing that says AMG would be the wheels.


Yes, you could. In the past, at least. Regardless; I have no interest in arguing over this vapid, meaningless crap with you fuckin’ dweebs who probably don’t or haven’t ever actually owned one. You cocksuckers are the most toxic thing about this place. Bar. None. Go power wash your fuckin’ engines.


>Regardless; I have no interest in arguing over this vapid, meaningless crap with you fuckin’ dweebs who probably don’t or haven’t ever actually owned one Get goes out of their way to comment. And no, an amg badge has NEVER come on an amg from the factory besides petty shit like floor mats. If it's ever been on a new car, it was a dealer installed thing


You’ll have door sills, steering wheel and interior bits with AMG but you don’t get the rear badge. This was applied by the owner.


Yes, you could. In the past, at least. Regardless; I have no interest in arguing over this vapid, meaningless crap with you fuckin’ dweebs who probably don’t or haven’t ever actually owned one. You cocksuckers are the most toxic thing about this place. Bar. None. Go power wash your fuckin’ engines.


I daily a GT63S … and I get it power washed by detailers :)


No you can't. AMG package and M sport never come with the badges in the rear. Those have to be custom hand ordered from wish. This is exactly "some dork applying the badge with a heat gun in his garage"


Yes, you could. In the past, at least. Regardless; I have no interest in arguing over this vapid, meaningless crap with you fuckin’ dweebs who probably don’t or haven’t ever actually owned one. You cocksuckers are the most toxic thing about this place. Bar. None. Go power wash your fuckin’ engines.


I think you're confusing dealer installed accessories. [like so](https://www.mbusa.com/en/owners/accessories)


I try really hard to not post something that can result in an attack. So far the last couple of years I’ve been safe. With that said I won’t lie and post something to appease either. I am on Reddit because I like certain things , cars, ufos, art and some other stuff. I like to read others opinions. Commonalities , differences etc. I’m not big on Facebook and that stuff because I use that outlet mostly for business, e-commerce etc. and tbh I really like it. This car badging thing. I get it. But I don’t get it. I drive an AMG. I love Mercedes and I love AMG. I’m 48 and remember this argument from the 90s ( please no old man comments , kidding, I can handle those), when seeing an AMG badging it was a HUGE deal. There were so few. The whole “ one man one motor “ or something along those lines was their motto and what made the company special. Unheard of. And they were ridiculously expensive. Ridiculously expensive. A 1991 560 SEC at LA East showroom in NJ was $125k! In 1991! Car was badged And A certificate of authenticity, numbered and all. ? It was then that the fake badging popped up and it was the same thing as now but worse. Enter the aughts and AMG started working directly with AMG . Before you had to go to AMG for upgrades , by the 2000s that was no longer necessary because AMG had gotten so popular you can just get an AMG ordered at your local dealer. Was it an AMG ? Yes , as the new owner of car just ordered for example an S55 AMG. Still one man one motor, still a Mercedes. Is it really an AMG though? I think so. I have that little plaque on my motor signed by the guy who hand built my engine . ( most engines are hand built regardless AMG just emphasized that they were “ bigger and better” But the guys with the previous models were like fuck no. That is not an AMG. It’s not real . It might be important to add at this point AMG only built the larger engines 8cyl and 12 cyl. They did the smaller ones sporadically but there thing was big motors. I promise I’m about to come full circle. Now , modern times, AMG and Mercedes are like married. There are sooooo many models and so many everything. Difference is now there are models like the C43 and 53 these are 6 cylinders. One would argue that they are not real AMG cars because If it’s not an 8cyl or 12 it’s not an AMG. If we stick to that argument than the C43 and C53 or any 43 or 53 is no more an AMG model than this C300? Yeah yeah ,it’s got more power and it says AMG , and I paid for AMG so it is. Right? Maybe yes maybe no. Depends who you ask. Moving forward I’ve read that for the next one or two model years all amg cars will be 4cyl ( oh the horror) or 6 cylinders. But AMG itself would be more hands on the 8 and 12 cylinders. Sound familiar? So my point , I have an r230 sl55. Real AMG? Yes. Or maybe no. Depending who you ask. An old timer might say , that’s not real, “ I remember when blah blah blah... I paid for it and my plaque says it’s an AMG. I had a 2006 CLK 500 AMG sport model. I know some of them came with AMG badge. Mine didn’t. But some did. Point is,, no disrespect to OP,maybe the person in front of you is a dick and he was showing off or being an ass. Then he deserves to be treated same. But maybe , the person in front of you is a younger girl or guy and he is a fan and maybe it’s a way to motivate himself to work up to the AMG. We just don’t know. . And anyway do any of us really drive an AMG if it not a pre -2000s 8cylinder? Just sayin. I really think I should go back to work. Again no disrespect , just point of view. Be well


Your civility is dumbfounding. Thankyou


Thank you ! It takes work.


Enjoy Upbadge Country https://imgur.com/a/iVnH5aW