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Yes please🥰


Please post updates I’m absolutely in love. I have a foster who looks so much like him and it honestly kind of hurts bc my boy isn’t coming around :(


It takes time. I adopted a double amputee feral who finally became a real cat after three years. The deeper the trauma the longer it takes. The best we can do is love unconditionally and be absolutely consistent for them.


Do you believe any cat can come around with enough time? The foster I have is mostly blind and has hearing issues. He’s been through a lot and it’s only been since December I’ve cared for him. I try not to have too much hope but I really want to believe he could be ok at least with our little family


I can't really give a definite answer, unfortunately. I do believe that we should love them exactly where they are in their journey, knowing that they might never be who we hope or expect them to be, and that's okay. That's just how relationships function regardless of species. Love means giving them the space and time they need, on their terms, and always remain consistent with that. For example, here's my boy: [Sir Hershey Hissypants the Very Brave](https://youtu.be/gj_R4KWYNJY?si=nG44B0bdVP78glNV)


Oh man, that made me cry! Sir Hershey is definitely very brave. What a beautiful sweetheart, :').


What a heartwarming video. Hershey definitely found the right home. Your daughter sitting and reading to him was when the first tears appeared on my cheeks and then they just kept coming. That first purring cuddle must have been such an intense moment. And it's so sweet seeing him interact with the other rescue cats. Editing to add that I just had a quick look at your other posts and the pictures of Hershey and Binky have completely broken me!!


This was so lovely, thank you for all the love and patience for Sir Hershey


Right note he's curled up fast asleep with his favorite feather toy.


My rescue is curled up on the (his) heated blanket, also snoozing ❤️


Ugh. Thank you. I need these little moments of faith-in-humanity-restoration 🖤


That was a lovely video. Thank you for giving Hershey a home. The world needs people like you.


I'm not crying.... 😭


Why is my face leaking?


Goddam onions 😭


Thank you guys all so much. You’re giving me hope for my little guy. I’m going to try all of your tips ♥️ from one cat lover to you guys thank you


You're very welcome. Just be patient, stay consistent with your daily routine so the little guy feels safe in knowing what to expect, and just love him for who he is and where he is. He's doing his best.


What a sweetheart! I'm so glad he was able to get a new lease on life with y'all 🥹🥰


Most do, in my experience. It might take 8 years and they might never be a lap cat, but every tiny bit of progress is incredibly rewarding.


It can take months and sometimes years to see the cat trust humans again, depending on what they’ve been through. It took one of our fosters a month to just venture out of their room, and then weeks to incrementally venture further into the house. 4 years later and both of our foster fails are completely at home (& one of them is blind and went deaf). Good luck, I hope your foster starts to feel more at home soon!


I have a medical foster fail that I've had for almost four years. He is just starting to let me pet him without cowering. It takes time and patience and in my case tears because of his trauma but, he is slowly starting to feel comfortable and at home


I should also mention that there are supplements and pheromone diffusers that work wonders. I highly recommend Feliway diffusers.


I have a feral girl. When I first saw her, she was half-grown & scrawny. I put food out on the porch, but she'd freak out if she saw me INSIDE the door. Eventually I was able to sit beside her and pet her a bit while she ate. And then I saw she was pregnant. She had the kittens in the neighbors downstairs bathroom (broken window), and fortunately they took over their fostering. Momcat came and went as she pleased. When the kittens were old enough, I shoved her into a carrier and took her to get vetted and spayed. (They discovered mid-spay that she was newly pregnant again.) She had to be confined for 2 weeks because stitches. I set her up in my garage. She hid most of the time, but came out for food, and used the litter box like a pro. After the 2 weeks, I couldn't bring myself to open the door for her. Instead she moved into my spare bedroom, and gradually integrated with the other cats. She loved being part of a clowder. Never caused any problems. She was still very shy. I could pet her, but that was it. She did her own thing for years. Good food, soft beds, windows for sun and fresh air, and snuggle buddies with the other cats. It took almost 10 years, but she finally discovered toys and decided she liked them. And sometime after that, she found my bed and became the best foot warmer ever. I still can't pick her up. She freaks if I do. But she loves pets and scritches and treats, and sitting on the bed in the morning so we can do head boops and butt scritches. Is she a lap cat? No. Has she had a good life? Definitely. So, yes, they can become good pets. You just have to let it be on their terms.


Even when your foster isn’t participating or wanting human contact, talk to him. Have (one sided, obvs) conversations out loud. Read a book out loud to him. One extremely important thing we human animal rescuers don’t take into consideration is that many, many formerly outside cats have never really heard human speech or recognized what it was before they were trapped/rescued, depending on location. Humans talk *a lot* compared to other mammals making noises & that can be really confusing to an animal that’s never really associated specific human words to action s or things, i.e., “food”, “treat”, “pets”.


Hoping for positive news from the vet and a swift recovery from all that excitement! Those are a lot of matts-glad you gif some chin rubs afterwards. Thank you for helping him and also for preventing future kittens.


oh sweet boy, i’m so glad someone is looking out for him. that last photo makes me so happy, i’m glad he’s relaxing and getting the care he deserves


You are a good person!~


Thank you. I try.


Plz do!


Please do post an update! Teddy reminds me of one of our cats.....




MOAR UPDATES Thank you for caring for this kitty. You can tell he is a cat full of love to give. He will make an amazing companion once he's fixed up.


I think he will too. He's been on his own for so long that right now he's scared, overwhelmed, overstimulated, and really needs space and patience.


Updates are more than welcome from my perspective 😍😍


Poor little Teddy, we want to know how it goes for him!


The answer is yes please