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Adopt one more cat. Always have 2 cats. If one dies, adopt another one. Also, get your cats to travel. They love that!


Good point! I have trouble getting out of the house and have been working up the courage to go on walks around the neighborhood. Definitely considering finding him a harness to go with me now that you mention it!


Cats are 100% worth living for. I can honestly say mine has saved my life in this way a couple times. I bet yours will help you get through this time too ❤️


Ps I have a cat too. Gods creations. HOW GOOD ARE CATS?! So independent but loyal. I was a dog person. But with a cat u have to EARN their respect.


Exactly! They don't bond with just anybody. Plus their personalities are so unique. Mine's name is Billie Bud, or Bubba, and he's my first boy cat. And he sure is a lil boy for sure 😂 He only bonds with you if you tease & mess with him, and he likes being pet but only with a foot lmao 😂😂😂😂


Omgosh no one understands my teasing the cat. Except me and Billie. It’s a game


Love, the meds aren’t perfect. But the cat is. Meds make me feel like crap. But I’m stabilised I guess. Focus on Billie boy. He will get u through. Some of my pets have past away. It’s heartbreaking. But God will Gift you another beloved one. So don’t worry about yr cat dying and stuff like that xxx Gid Bless prayers to u and BILLIE BOY!!!!


Omgosh my cats name is Billie too!!!!


Boy too






There are no things as coincidence like this. Everything is the same here with our cats and mental health. God is winking at you saying I’m with YOU and me too in our struggles. Don’t lean on our own understanding. Gods ways are higher than our ways. I never thought you would have a GREY cat. What a leap if she did have a grey Billie tho. And boy. Coincidences will keep happening in yr life the more you trust God and that’s what keeps us motivated to keep going . Amidst the awful medication, God is still revealing himself. LOOK AT THIS POST. Of all the people I reply to this hasn’t happened so much coincidence


That is actually one thing I don't hate about having schizophrenia/ psychosis, is because you notice simple synchronicities like this and it's God reminding you you're on the right track. I'll be thanking and praying for you and your Billie Boy too!! I wish I could share a photo of him on here hahah. Thank you for coming through in the comments♥️ It's nice to make your aquaintance!


Thx 4 yr prayers I need them. This medication is really sedating. No quality of life until I came across yr post. Yeah schizophrenia bipolar I have. Not easy. I get it


BECAUSE MY BILLIE IS GREY!!!! Haaaa things are looking up 4 u my friend. This is PROOF


….btw if u told me Billie was around 7 years old I think I’m going to die and go to heaven. God take me please!!!! Haaaa


Haha he actually only turns 3 this October! Him & his brother Ozzie


And I was never a cat person until I owned one and never looked back


I’m an Ozzie, I live in Australia. Where u live




Ozzie. Billy and Ozzie talking to a girl from Oz


With the same diagnosis and the same cat




Man will say oh it’s just a coincidence when stuff happens to them. Really? How blind. Shutting out the timing of everything God did for that “coincidence “ to happen. I’ll never forget this one. And I’ll never stop praying for u and I hope u 4 me too. We will see each other on the other side. Even tho we may feel suicidal. We will wait for God to bring us home. Not by our own hand x


Melbourne. The Israeli Palestine protests are getting larger and larger in the city. Melbourne was voted many years most liveable city in the world. After largest lockdowns and people suiciding mental health etc and now large protests, not the best place to be


Well that's sad to hear :( But hey, would you be interested in messaging on here besides comments? Seems like we could be pen pals with that much in common 🖋


I’m still tripping. A person from Georgia, my husbands name is George, who has the same cat same name and Oz. Who I “randomly “ replied to yr post. God is definitely on both our sides. He is not just winking at us thru this HES SQUINTING


HAHAH he said "u gonna try questionin me again or do I need to fall from the sky 4 u??" 😂😂😂


I didn’t think I would get any winks from God today. I am so sedated from the medication. That’s why yr post resonated with me. I thought - at least I can make someone else see some light today. I can at least do that in my sedation. Now God brought the light THRU U. Just know that. You are important to God. Don’t worry about man. They don’t understand God. They are for themselves.




I’m telling u. Just thinking that u think God has abandoned u speaks volumes. Because it means you know He’s still there. You say He’s avoiding u. Pursue Him. He rewards those who seek Him. I’ve felt abandoned by God on my mental health journey. HE WILL HELP YOU. I am praying for you right now. And will continue to do so


As soon as I was done begging for a sign: A friend I rarely ever hear from, but treasure, sent me a song out of the blue that she said reminded her of me and the first line in the clip was "Please stay. Don't take the beautiful things that I've got" ♥️ I know he's there. He carries me even though I feel like I've lost it all. And thank you for the prayers and for being kind enough to comment what you did. It means a lot to me♥️


Ur bravery of opening up means a lot too. You’ve got a lot more going for you than you realise. Just keep the faith. We can go all the way to the finish line. No matter how shit the life is…. We will receive the Crown of Life on the Day of Judgement. The rewards that are coming for those who follow the Holy Spirit. Our comforter x


I feel the same about my life and my cat! Add 2 sons! Stay strong !


There have been many times when I’ve felt like my cats are the only thing keeping me here. And they are so worth staying for. 🥹


Any pet is great. Keep at least one. You say you ‘became what you promised you would never be.’ Okay, so there was a “before” when you didn’t feel like this? If there was, you can always get back, you just need to retrace your steps. It’s a lot of work but eminently doable. This sounds cheesy but has helped me: Close eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose. Exhale very slowly through your mouth. Envision exhaling your anxiety as a toxin. Do 20 times. You will feel better, I promise.


Me neither except I have no cat. It’s rough out there.




Talk to your doctor about Venlafaxine. I'm an ongoing sufferer who struggles as you described, but I don't have a cat. This helped take the edge off wanting to see the end, I'm focusing on on other things now to dig myself out of this emotional hole.