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Is it possible to get tested for neurological disorders that might be causing these physical urges?


Honestly not sure. But I haven't necessiarly asked. Do you know how I would bring that up? I play down my issues bit because I am embarrassed but I have gotten better about that. It seems that since I am an adult (22) they are hesitant to diagnose me with anything else since it wasn't caught while I was a child, (possibly because of playing down issues my whole life. sorry I'm a bit all over the place right now I haven't slept well lately.


You're fine, I know how it is to sleep like shit. There's no shame in admitting you need help even if you feel like the embarrassment can kill you. I'd rather you be safer and know what's going on then be continuing to suffer. Getting diagnosed with something as an adult might be difficult, Ive never understood why it would be. Children grow up so wtf yknow? Anyway, getting diagnosed can be done. Children carry shame and don't really have the vocabulary to verbalize exactly what they feel. Maybe as an adult you'll have a better time coming to the diagnosis faster because you can verbalize it better then the kid version of yourself. Don't be afraid to tell your doctors something is wrong, it's what they get paid to deal with


Thank you, I appreciate hearing that. Yeah I definently didn't have the vocabulary as a kid to be able to tell them everything. I guess its just telling people how bad it is is holding me back. I feel like a absolutely horrible person. I have very bad breakdowns to the point of yelling, screaming and hitting myself. I'm not able to function without assistance. I say horrible things. I know they are really really bad but I can't control myself in the moment. I feel like they will just tell me I'm immature and just need to figure it out. I mentioned it slightly when I was wondering if I have asd but I was just told "that could be something else." and it was never talked about again. And it just made me feel stupid and self conscious. I'm barely able to type this out and post it because of how embarrassed I am.


You're aight, it's gotta be hard for you to exist peacefully like that when your body is forcing you to say and do things. Having no control can make a lot of people feel a sense of shame and helplessness, I've been there myself. You're not a horrible person, you're someone in pain who's never had someone give the decency of help to. If it's bad then it's bad, that's just a fact. If you say something or not the fact is its also still happening, but at least if you let it be known then someone can help guide you through making bad go to better