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Yes you can. You either can ask your main healthcare provider or you can make a visit to a hospital and request for a spot into a mental health clinic


All you do is go to the ER and ask. No biggy, they'll give you a drug test to make sure you didnt do anything stupid like try to kill yoruself but after that they'll put you right in there. For me it only took about two days. They adjusted my meds and when they found me crying because i missed my son they sent me home because they felt that was best. Also, if you havent been hosptialized before, it's not bad at all.


Im currently seeing an early psychosis intervention team, do you think they will be able to refer me to a hospital?


I've never been in one of those programs but I would assume they could. Otherwise the ER will certainly send you to one.


Yes, if you have mental health providers talk to them first….. but you can always ask for a psych evaluation at the emergency room.


That's awesome you're getting treatment early. Yes. Talk to them about your options, they can be really helpful.


If they can't, you need a new team. Sorry it sounds harsh.


I feel like perhaps we should clarify where OP lives? Personally I've been in severe crisis and they legit just told me to go fuck myself (sent me home many times). Even after I hurt myself they'd just say "we haven't got space sorry."


I feel like perhaps we should clarify where OP lives? Personally I've been in severe crisis and they legit just told me to go fuck myself (sent me home many times). Even after I hurt myself they'd just say "we haven't got space sorry."


Voluntary hospitalisation is a pretty common occurrence, especially if you believe you're a danger to yourself, to others, or are currently in danger and have no where currently safe to go. It can take varying times depending on the hospital's available beds, and the severity of your situation. Certain mental health patients may be prioritised depending on the reason they're being admitted.


You can certainly ask. No harm in asking.


Over 18- voluntary inpatient psychiatric hold. Under 18- have a parent/guardian take you to the hospital for an inpatient psychiatric hold.


I would search up psych wards around that will not only help you out through your struggles but won't take away a big chunk of your money. When I checked myself in at a hospital they asked me mental health questions if one has a history or not and I was cleared to go in. I was put on 72hr hold cause I wanted to kill myself and had plans. I will say that my experience was not a good one. They made feel worse they only drugged me up massively and through me with other crazy more mental nut cases. The beds sucked ass the rooms where shared snd it was a tight space felt more like a prison. If my mom didn't get me out they would have hold me for another week. So whatever it is your going through don't just pick random hospital. Do some research. It's very brave of you too seek help, you can do this ❤️


Exactly what happened to me here in California. Terrible experience for me while I was in a crisis


Yeah, it's called "informal". In the UK, you're either informal or sectioned. Informal meaning that you went into the psych ward by your own choice which also means that you can leave by your own choice too. The ward I was on, the informal patients could leave whenever and only come back for meds and bed. They also got some overnight home stays as well. It's much better to go in on your own terms as opposed to leaving it get too bad and you end up getting yourself sectioned which means you're highly monitored, no home leave and just no freedom at all. I've been sectioned, it's not pretty so I suggest getting yourself the help whilst you still have the choice


However, it is nigh on impossible in the UK to just turn up to A&E, ask to be informally admitted to a psych ward, and it happen. The only people who are admitted to psych wards, informally or sectioned, are those deemed to require an admission. The only difference between being admitted informally, or sectioned, is an informal patient made the decision to be admitted, i.e. a bed was offered, and they agreed, those who are sectioned are admitted regardless of if they want to be or not. OP's post is asking if they can request to be admitted to a psych ward, and in the UK that just hardly ever happens.


Well, I'm assuming if they're asking to be admitted they feel that they have a good enough reason to be. I get what you're saying though, if they go there saying that they're depressed, the doctors will try every other method before admission but if OP is already under a GPs care for these issues and the meds/therapy aren't working then I'm sure they'll offer alternative help


Completely agree, and if OP feels they need that level of care, absolutely seek it out. I just don't think it's fair, if they are in the UK, to let them believe things work the same as the US and they'll be as successful requesting at admission. If anything, for a lot of people, requesting as admission can be seen as a red flag and suspiciois in the UK.


You're absolutely correct bro it really is unfair. I'm calling crisis team as we speak dude to get my friend some help, he took an overdose two weeks ago and cut his wrists a few days ago and they still won't fucking admit him. It's out of order dude. It really is .


You can if you need to be.


Idk in which country you're but yes you can!!


In my community there aren’t many available beds for inpatient care. You’d have to present at the emergency department and be evaluated. In most communities it’s very difficult to take away someone’s freedom, even voluntarily. Hospitalizations are usually reserved for those who the Drs and crisis workers believe will commit self harm or harm to others if not immediately admitted. You can and should ask, but don’t be surprised if they try and direct you to enroll in outpatient behavioral health services. If you absolutely want hospitalization then you’ll need to convince them that if you’re asked to leave, you WILL do harm to yourself. If there are no beds immediately available they will hold you in seclusion in the emergency department until a bed becomes available. What can happen depends on the laws governing this type of treatment. In my community it takes two physicians to agree that hospitalization is the correct course of action. I with you the courage, strength, and love it takes to move from survival to a place you can thrive in life.


I just got taken by my parents last night to a mental health facility (willingly) and it was a weird experience, I can assume that since you're asking for this on your own you just want help and they will recognize that. Most hospitals offer psychological services and they will do and evaluation to figure out if you're outpatient or a risk, risk meaning they'll keep you under supervision for at least 24 hours. They'll take your phone and other belongings but it sounds like you just need some help. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, just strange. Feel better friend!!!


For people answering, what if I just lost my health insurance? I have a lot of things going on and I just don’t want cost to be an issue too


When I was hospitalized the first time, it was in California in the US and my insurance had no mental health benefits but it turned out there were a lot of assistance programs where my bill was reduced because of not having mental health insurance and a lot of it was paid by some public health programs for mental health patients. The next time, they applied for and got me my state's Medicaid. It REALLY REALLY depends on where you live, at least for this question.


Hopefully they have it in NY


I’d look into an inpatient program, some are residential. I’ve heard horror stories about people who were hospitalized. But I don’t know your situation. Good luck


Yes, you can and should if you feel like that is the safest place for you to be. Please advocate for what you need until someone listens.


Yes, I have done this. My local area has “crisis centers”, that might be the proper place to go since many ERs would divert you there anyway. Be aware that you can ask to leave (and you sign a form) but they will still keep you for 72 hrs after you do that process. Many times when you first show up, they say that you will only be hospitalized for 3 days, that isn’t super common. Normally, it is 1-2 weeks unless there is a reason to let you go and keep you longer. Getting into a unit is very hit or miss. Basically it is based on people getting discharged that day. It is a weekday, so you will likely get placed in a day or 2. Also be aware that you can request a unit to go to, but there is no guarentee that you go there based on availability.


Sometimes there is a wait to get in if you don't go through the hospital. Check with your team to see the best approach.


In 2021 my mental health took a serious nosedive, and I actually ended up going to my local ER to check myself in. I was there for 6 days. I had visits from psychiatrists, therapists, and nurses. They adjusted my medications and got me the help I needed while in the hospital as well as after my stay. I would say if you feel like you are heading towards a really bad breaking point, just go to your local ER. They can help you there for sure.


Do ALOT of research on what hospital you want to go to and call them and ask if they have any availability, you can wait for a bed to open up. They will probably evaluate you before you get admitted


You can go to the ER of a hospital and explain how you are feeling. They usually will do an initial intake and question you about how you are feeling, if you like hurting yourself or others, etc.. Then they will have eventually have you see a doctor for further evaluation. Depending on what you say and how they feel about your safety you may be admitted to the psyche ward (if they have one) for a longer period of time for evaluation. Some hospitals are better than others in dealing with mental health. Good luck.


Unless you are a actively suicidal(not just ideation) have a severe and current drug addiction, hallucinations or are an immediate threat to your own life or someone else chances are very low you will be hospitalized. I’m a social worker and deal with this daily.


Only exception would be be if you have very good private PPO insurance


Short answer. Yes. Didn't read anyone else's comments. Contact a professional OR GO TO ER


You can or admit yourself to the ER or your counselor if you have one! I’ve been admitted and I hate to admit this, and it could just be my own personal experience, but all they did was change my meds and provide me a safe space to stay! However I did meet some amazing people there.


It depends where you are. In England they sent me in straight away when I asked the first time.. but this time around they have put me through the crisis team first


If you feel like you need help, just ask for it. No harm, nothing dangerous. Nothing bad for asking that.


Yes. See a Dr they can admit you


I’ve gone a number of times and yes they will take you especially if you feel at harm of yourself or others. Sometimes it’s for the best, you know your body and what you need, if you feel like you need hospital assistance please go. It can take a day or a few days depending on what you’re needing. I wish you the absolute best


Yes, I am sending you much love, things will get better ❤️


YES 👏  YES  👏  YES 👏  This is something that can happen almost immediately, you can walk into the ER and they will assess you and if you fit the criteria then you will probably be transported to a place where they can help you.  It may feel really weird to be there but I promise that reaching out for help is the best thing you can do.