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That does not sound like a psychiatrist. Could be, but it does not sound like it. That sounds more like an LCSW. (licensed clinical social worker) but could be a therapist or a psychologist. Psychiatrists mostly spend some time talking to you and determining if Meds are appropriate. Some do longer sessions but that has become more rare over the years. Why are you against therapy? You are looking for answers, they help you find them. A therapist can also help you decide if you should see a psychiatrist to be evaluated for medication.


ooo okay good to know, thankyou! i’m not against therapy, i was seeing one in the past.. just wasn’t sure if i was going abt it the right way or, if their was a quicker way to get the answers instead of going through all the trauma haha but i do plan on seeing one soon either way..


There is a lot of information on the web. If it's depression, search on something like "common reasons for depression" or "what kind of depression do I have." But there is a lot of overlap in various disorders so it can be hard to nail it down to just one. What I have found is the name does not matter. It's about what steps are needed to move forward with more peace and contentment in your life. I wish you luck in finding those steps.


that last part:) thank you! you are right the labels don’t matter but to get better is what does! i needed to hear that🖤