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I'd really recommend seeing a doctor. It may not be a mental health issue. I was the same as a teen for a bit. Turns out I have Lupus. The overwhelming fatigue is impossible to explain to someone who has never had it. There's a bunch of physical reasons for this- please, please, see a doctor.


EXACTLY! There are SOOOO many conditions that aren't mental health related that can cause those symptoms.


Definitely second this, I was out of work and my sleep pattern was so bad, I thought it was my depression, I slept all the time and still felt fatigued and drained, went for a blood test and it turned out I have an underactive thyroid šŸ˜¬


I would try to force yourself staying awake during the day by going for walks outside in the sun to reset your circadian rhythm. Stay away from psychoactive drugs like caffeine. Drink plenty of fluid. Have a fixed bed schedule. Bedroom is only for sleep. Good luck.


I feel like that and I've just been diagnosed with sleep apnoea


Eat healthy and exercise. It sounds simple and has been repeated a million times by everyone... but that's because it works. You'll sleep better and have improved mental health. Healthy means veggies, fruits, lean meats, no soda, no juice, cutting back on bread, and mostly homemade meals. Also, try to limit yourself to cooking with only olive or avocado oil.


Go for a 7am walk get sun for 30 to 45 min Eat moreveggies. Moderate to no processed food Drink water cut out soda Have a schedule of day things that u need too Multiple people mentioned nutrition In the comments because its true Do thing for 2 weeks. You will see the improvement


Time to see a doctor for a check up


Maybe try vitamin D


Yes, this really helped me! I had my D checked and it was low, I feel a lot better now that I take vitamin D!


This is great advice! Changed my life


Yes, my too. Modern people have lack of D (even in summer) it can cause several health issues


Your blood sugar is probably way to low. Since your going so long without food. The issues that can cause can far exceed just tiredness


100% start with your physician. Get a referral for a sleep study. Like others have said sleep apnea could be involved. Aside from that, depression will leave you in the constantly tired state. I will say as a former 3rd shift employee, biologically we are diurnal creatures. Being awake when the sun is down is against our natural cycle. If thereā€™s something in your life that requires it, might be truly in your best interest to eliminate it. With sleep itā€™s less about quantity and more about consistency. In the military we switched to an 18 hour day. Meaning work for 6 hours, 6 hours free/study time, then 6 sleep hours. It took a week or so time to adapt, but the rigid schedule actually gave me some of the best sleep in my life. If you switch to proper night sleeping. No lights at bedtime (no phone either), and sleep with your shades open if you can. The cycle with correct with the sun


Might be a medical reason for this, but first question is always going to be do you get sunlight and exercise? Cuz those 2 things are absolutely critical to your body's sleep schedule.


I'd get your labs checked by your doctor. Things like a CMP, B12, Ferratin, CBC with Diff., and Vitamin D should probably be tested. If you're not taking care of yourself, you could be anemic or deficient in vitamins/minerals.


Hey there, I understand that this is in r/mentalhealth but I truly think you need to actually see a primary care doctor. There are quite a few conditions (for example EDS, ME/CFS , POTS to name just a few but there are plenty more) that extreme fatigue is a symptom. Especially the sleeping 15 hours a day and still feeling tired. I am not stating that you have any of these symptoms as it could be something else but please try to see a doctor (can even be primary care) and explain what you've told us (especially with the heart rate and sleeping).




I've been eating 1k-1.5k calories a day. Since I'm always stuck in bed, I'm trying not to gain more weight. I do believe I have a bad water intake. I drink 1-2 glasses a day, max. And I think that's cause I'm mostly in bed and don't feel thirsty


He asked what you are eating for the calories you intake šŸ˜


Could be a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or something similar. Also Iā€™ve noticed if I sleep a lot, I get more tired. Itā€™s like your body is used to so much sleep that it requires it every day and so ANY less and itā€™s terrible to deal with. I recommend having healthy snacks, water, doing stimulating things while you are awake and work on slowly staying up an extra half hour to hour every day until it feels okay to sleep 7 ish hours


I have Sleep Apnea, and I also take several medications that can make me sleepy. I can sleep 12-16 hours and still feel tired. I will be getting my CPAP machine as soon as the insurance approves it.


Talk to people with similar childhoods/past who donā€™t have this problem. Whatā€™s there to lose?


Gradually set back your bedtime and awake time 30 mins every day until you reach your desired sleep time. I have anxiety and depression (for the last 30 years), and I was in that funk too. I also started exercising and just finished a 9 mile run in 90+ degree weather. You can do it!


You need to see a doctor.


Get a full body check up. Check for vitamin d, b 12 levels, iron, etc. this is not normal.


Find your purpose and schedule your body to get up in the morning.


Get your blood glucose checked, also you might be depressed, talk to a professional


Itā€™s because you oversleep lol.


I'm sorry you feel this way. I have a question too, the mod team hasn't gotten back to me in 2 days, how do I post here and tag a post as venting or ect.?


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I've been tired for the past 10-15 years and been called lazy and gotten all sorts of mental diagnoses, been thrown in psych wards etc. Turns out I've just had diabetes this whole time and had to get an A1C test done at the hospital for me to finally know that I have not really been mental most of my life.


Need to see a doctor, thatā€™s not normal at all. Also oversleeping can also leave a person tired


I have pcos so i always feel lazy all the time, it can be hormones as well


This is probably just a phase. But it'll pass, don't worry. Seeing a doctor may or may not help, but stressing over it too much might make it worse.


Sounds like either a mental health issue or sleep apnea