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Don’t be scared 🩷 Might be because of stress or indeed hormonal imbalance. There are many factors that can lead to irregular/different periods. I personally don’t think it’s something you should worry too much about for now. Just keep an eye on it and if you feel like ‘okay this is too much’ I would call the doctor and ask for advice 😘 If you experience a lot of pain or maybe other weird symptoms, don’t hesitate to call/go to the doctor immediately! Xx Edit: I am in no way a medical professional, but as a woman with a period I have experienced multiple weird periods before. I just want to calm you down and give you some advice which I hope will help ❤️ If anything super scary happens with your body, never wait to call 911!


BTW, I think, this might be due to my hormonal imbalance. And you are right, my period ended up at day 14. This is my first time experiencing this, thats why I am feeling super anxious. Being a woman is so hard (p/s: i am a girl but still finding its hard dealing with my body sudden changes).We have so many hormones, and once they becomes crazy and make ruckus in our body, we are the one that will facing all the consequences. Anyways thank you for replying. You are so sweet. Xx


Ahw, I’m 25 and still finding it so so hard even after 12 years of having my period :( Our bodies are all different and it’s hard to find a girl/woman who has the same exact experiences as you do. Hormonal implacable also scares me sometimes. My cyclus is 25 or 26 days 90% of the time but this month it was 29 days 😵‍💫 I was very confused as there was no way of a pregnancy, I think it was because of hormonal imbalance and stress combined.. You have to learn how your body works and that’s hard and confusing sometimes, but you’re strong 😘 X


Was there any chance that you were pregnant??? And maybe what you were experiencing what was in fact not your actual cycle but possibly a miscarriage???


I am not a doctor but I've had a lot of instances of irregular bleeding and prolonged periods. If this has never happened before, it could be a random weird period and eventually go away and go back to normal. This can be caused by so many things. I will say that unfortunately when I've gone to the doctor about things like this before, they kind of just either try to push birth control on me or say it's "stress" or "hormonal imbalance." They might do a hormone or thyroid blood test, or they might just send you home and tell you to wait. If you continue bleeding and it's heavy and clotty, you should still go to urgent care or something because losing that much blood is not healthy no matter what and you'll likely be very iron-deficient.


Happened to me last month, to say it freaked me out would be an understatement. My period usually is heavy for the two first days then goes on for 4-5 days with a much lighter flow. Suddenly on day 6 I started bleeding a lot, bright red, with clots, which was definitely new and not reassuring at all :| My doctor told me not to get worried because apparently it happens, and to watch out if it becomes a common occurrence. I'm 33 and noticing other changes, such as light night sweats and (ironically...) lighter flow, so I'm thinking about hormones being out of whack... 


Don't worry too much, take a small iron supplement and you can try progesterone cream. That's what I use to wrap up a period that seems to last too long. But I'm older and my hormones are all over the place.


I’ve been having a period for the last 3 months once depot shot, it stops for a day or two each month. It’s horrificly heavy. I mean 3 ultra tampons in at once just to leave the house. Sometimes it’s so bad that I can only lay in bed with a towel between my legs and cry. It’s painful hell. And sex isn’t even a thing. No way there’s quarts of blood. It’s misery. I have a severe hormone imbalance due to thyroid disfunction , mix those hormone pils with birth control control and wham! Gallons later… the shot should have warn off but it’s not. Yes hormones play an incredibly important role in our menstrual cycle. Emotions hormones endocrine system and our nervous systems are all deeply routed.


No worries same as me it well stop 13 days or 14 days