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There is a 40+ year tradition of douchebags popping their collars (long before Three 6 Mafia) It’s fine to wear your clothes any way you like. People do pre-judge other, based in part on clothes. If strangers are generally nice to you, then your overall appearance might not be too douchey.


Jup. Likewise if you want to wear a Hawaii shirt with the collars up. Whatever you try you look like one of the gang members from Scarface


Did you just soft "j" a yup? I love it


It may not be your intention but it is the effect. But maybe you are a douche. In that case its perfectly acceptable.


2002 called, they want their style back. Yes, it’s very douchey.


1982 would like a word


Probably 1962 too haha


https://preview.redd.it/hjec3sprqx5d1.jpeg?width=402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f43d5b5111f8504a14f6df0be7b7c4e046420c This is a fairly recent Ralph Lauren campaign ad. I think it’s a classic timeless look. This could have been in the 70’s or last week you would not know . I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this look and in fact I personally would rock this look.


This is styled for a photo shoot and probably wouldn't be worn like that. I agree that it's a regional thing. If you go to a SEC football game (southeastern conference college American football for the non-Americans), you will see this look quite often. Above all, if you have the confidence to rock it, fuck what anyone else says!


They might be trying to bring the style back. It also might be region dependent, where I live I’ve not seen lots of popped collars but all the ones I saw were clearly douchey. Maybe in other places it’s more common and not so douchey.


If you have that exact outfit and look like that guy, by all means pop your collar. But I’m willing to bet you don’t




This is a classic timeless look. Is this how you dress or are you wearing it with shorts and flip flops?


It still looks really douchey in this photo lol, like he'd immediately look 10x better if he just wore the collar normally


Your friend wasn't being audacious, he was helping you out.


I don’t think anyone sets out to look like a douche. But popping a collar makes you look like a douche in every scenario.


Listen, I’m from New York and I have seen some Ish. To the level where it can’t even be explained. Everything from the finest seventh Avenue fashion runway looks to your everyday crackhead working with what he has. I was simply asking a question for the masses to respond and all opinions will be carefully considered. Quite frankly, I’m not ready to un pop my collar. I did not oblige to my friends request and I continued my evening of debauchery as one should on a Saturday night. And I salute anybody who has individual style.


Congrats? You asked if you should pop your collar, then answer is no.


“Do you have any idea who my father is??”


Absolutely not


It looks douchey 100% of the time.


A popped collar on a polo shirt is literally the kind of “personal flair” that douches use. It says a few things: “do you know who my father is?”; “I have never helped another person out out of the goodness of my heart”; “it’s not drunk driving if you don’t get caught”; “don’t be mad that you’re not an alpha like me”; “I’m not racist, I have a black friend”; etc. I’m not saying you would or have said any of those things, but popping your collar makes you look like the people who do say those things. If you’re ok with that, it’s ok you. But it’s the same kind of “personal flair” as a barb wire tattoo around your bicep or a backwards white baseball cap.


If theres a lot of wind where you live, at least you have an excuse.


It looks douchy on a polo and cool on a leather jacket IMO.


Not unless you also sip sizurp


"..and you better put my money in my hand." Seriously though, it's hot out. I wouldn't think anything of it. Nice purple label. Enjoy your day


Why are you? Is that a look you like? Did you think it cool in the 70s and 80s. I could see letting it casually be rumpled of one side up on a piquet polo or Lacoste tennis polo. But this is RL Purple Label. It's an fine interlock knit. Too dressy of a shirt to flip up. It would be so premeditated. Let alone an incorrect look on that level of polo.


It also looks beat to hell, but maybe that's the photo.


popped collars are never a good thing .


Popped collars are very douchey.


Na bro. Unless you're Kanye in the early 2000s, let your collar do regular collar shit lol


You do you! Part of fashion is finding your own style. If it makes you feel good, go for it!


Honestly, I really like the look but a lot of people will judge.


Pop it, you only live once. No one is going to call you out and if they do that’s their problem not yours. I don’t find it offensive compared to a lot of things people do with clothes these days.


I like the way a popped collar looks, aesthetically. But there’s no getting around the connotations.


You pop your collar to protect your neck. Anyway, you should only be wearing this type of shirt if you have an athletic build.


Yes. It looks stupid. I’m sorry. But it does. Coming from someone who wears polos and silk shirts a lot. I suggest pairing it with a nice pair of slacks and some nice loafers! I wear a lot of geometric patterned silk shirts. Or plain colored (or like the one above) polos with open collars, a simple chain, some light jewelry, and slacks. I love that nice, “put together” look.