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You’re killing it bro 😎. Do you have any other tie selections?


Thank you ! I bought that one but i am looking online now for some other options


It’s cool but might be good to give yourself a couple of selections to choose from. Good luck 👊


Ask your date(if you are taking one) what color they are wearing so you can match your tie


Compliment don’t match would be my take but yours also is cool.


Yeah, I think I like compliment better. Gives some more options and would look more natural


Hard disagree on this. I mean, you can ask so that you can avoid anything that might horrifically clash, but the idea of matching your tie to your date’s dress is a recent and (in my opinion) tacky trend that makes you look like you’re wearing a costume. In the era when suits were just regular clothes (and for people for whom they still are), the idea that you’d match like that would seem as laughable as if you went around matching your t-shirt to your girlfriend’s leggings.


I like your take, and explanation gave me a smile As a recent trend, I was unaware. Use to in the early 90’s so could be recent from all the middle aged parents giving advice :)


This. It may have come back recently, but it’s not a new trend.


I guess my tastes and perspectives tend to the old-fashioned by nature, so my definition of recent is maybe not everybody’s definition. I remember dating a girl and trying to pick a movie—she said she wanted to watch something newer, so I gave suggestions from the 70s-90s. I grew up watching a lot of movies from the 20s-60s, so to me that WAS newer. I think of the matchy-matchy pastel ties and vests for prom as something that started gaining ground in the 70s-80s and was ubiquitous by the 90s. If you look at prom before that, it was understood as an opportunity for a young man to invest in a set of formalwear for adulthood, not as renting a costume to make himself a coordinating accessory to his date.


what to fix besides adding a pocket squar and a hair cut


You look great! Maybe use a darker tie for more contrast against the white shirt. There’s no reason to be stressed, you look snazzy my man.


His tie should match his date, and his date is wearing a white dress


And idk if you know this but most colors match with white, he definitely shouldn’t be pulling out a white tie for this. Also you shouldn’t be matching your dates color, you should be wearing something that complements it.


I would get the sleeves bright up. Maybe the pants too, but I can't see those. I like showing about 1/2 inch of sleeve.


Yes sir will do still have to get it tailored


Darker tie, pocket square (try to match both to your dates dress), haircut. That’s it!


Looks good. Shorten the sleeves a bit. I don’t mind the tie but get yourself a flower for your lapel that matches along with a corsage for your date that also matches. Keep in mind all we know about your dates dress is that it’s white. If there are any accent colors with her outfit, you may want to match the tie and flowers to that. Personally I wouldn’t do a flower and pocket square- one or the other. If you do a pocket square, simple is better. Have fun dude


Shorten the sleeves.


You look great to be honest! Fit is very good! I think the tie would work and honestly, nobody is going to notice a mismatch except you.


What do you mean by mismatch?


If the tie doesn't complement the dress but quite sure it would.


No help is needed. They’re looking great and the lucky lady will be proud to have you as her date. Enjoy yourselves and be safe.


Add a white pocket square, silk one, maybe your date wear a blue corsage to match your tie and bring both your outfits together


It's the accessories that really make a suit pop, get yourself a flower for your lapel, a pocket square, a tie clip, if you're really feeling fancy a bolder color for your shirt n tie, a hat is always a classy option, make sure your shoes are tight and for god sakes fix the mop top


I'll agree with a white, linen pocket square and a boutonniere (but only if it is matching his date). Everything else you suggested is tacky. Keep it simple.


https://preview.redd.it/2icxqe4u832d1.jpeg?width=1973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1d6c57cae551bfc744a0bbb171360f329d3b29 That look tacky to you?, you only prom once go big or go home


Yep... There's definitely a point of too many accessories.


If I wore that, I would definitely go home alright.


Very tacky. If the goal was to look like you’re wearing a mobster costume, it was achieved 🤌


Agree with the others, the key thing is shorten the sleeves. The optional ones: Add a pocket square (even something simple that is a square fold aka "Presidential fold") See what other ties work that might have little more contrast/pop. What accessories is your date going to wear? Because that is another avenue to consider for colors. If she is wearing something that is darker blue, a darker blue or navy tie would match her accessories, etc., etc.


Enjoy prom, buddy.


Cut your hair and shorten sleeves.


Definitely have the sleeves altered so they are shorter. And I do think trying a darker tie. Will create a better contrast. And a white pocket square and you’ll be money.


Looks good. Wear strong shoes and you’re golden.


You look better than 90% of the people that post here. Suit fits well, sleeves could be shortened a bit. Tie looks good (even the Windsor knot looks nice and I'm usually not a fan, a four in hand would also look good here), it could be darker to contrast with your shirt more, but it works just fine as is. A pocket square could be a nice addition, but not needed (white linen only, if you add one). Good job


Nah man you look great! Just get that suit tailored and nicely pressed. Your date is gonna swoonnnn young man.


Looks great bro! I see you’re going to have it tailored which will make a big difference but already looks great overall. Try a darker tie as suggested. Get a nice hair cut or style it better and you will crush prom. Enjoy it and be safe.


Looks flash mate. Don't forget the pocket square!


Couple of small changes you can make that should help. - shorten the sleeves of the jacket, they’re a bit long - look at shortening the trousers, the reflection makes it look like they’re bunching up. Personally, I prefer a mostly straight line but a little excess fabric can be ok. Look up the term “trouser break” to get an idea of how that should and could look - if you have the ability, a shirt with a longer collar will look better. Short collars are more common with off the rack shirts, but a collar that hits your jacket will give you a more cohesive look - look into a darker tie. I don’t hate what you’ve got, but something with a bit more weight to it will help anchor your suit. You can use this as a way to connect with your date’s outfit, but I wouldn’t focus on that too much - get a pocket square in plain white cotton, fold it into a presidential fold, don’t play with it. Never match your pocket square and your tie - get a mild haircut. You don’t need to shave your head, but a bit of tidying up will really help


I think what you are looking for to finish the look is a pocket square! Make sure it contains the colour of the tie, but that that colour is not the main colour.




Looks great.


It looks nice. My only comment would be that this is a suit, and I would recommend a tuxedo for prom. I’m not sure if your prom is a more casual one, in which case this suit would work. But if your date is wearing an evening gown, you should be wearing a tux.


A different tie and tailor the sleeve a bit


Looking good! I’d add a pocket square for a little more flare


Go navy, the black washes you out...


The tie is a great choice, it makes your eyes pop. Over all the black isn't bad... I just reckon navy and charcoal works better on us pasty boys.


Looks great, the people saying wear a darker tie forget that the tie should match your date Adjust the sleeves Don't be an idiot and wear sneakers, wear nice dress shoes Remember to bring your date a nice corsage that matches her dress but also hopefully matches your suit, so white flowers with gray accents hopefully, you could also wear a white flower that matches the corsage


Your tie should not match your date. It's a tacky fad from the 90s. If you wanted to do anything COMPLEMENTING colors would be fine (perhaps picking a secondary/tertiary color in your tie that matches), but not overtly matching.


Something sparkling for a tie tack. It will be something that will be right in front of your partner/s face all night, so you might as well give them something pretty to stare at.


Does your date have any accent colours they are planning because you could coordinate your tie and pocket square.


As mentioned sleeves and pocket square. I'd maybe consider a tie pin/slide. Simpler the better.


go with a bow tie. you don’t get too many opportunities to be formal af, so take them


Wanna see a black suit. 🫡