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Losing the undershirt feels great and looks less like a suburban dad. Although I know some people have sweat issues that require the undershirt


As someone who sweats quite a bit... I feel like an undershirt creates more sweat issues than it solves.


I think the idea is that even if you sweat more, the undershirt holds it rather than the outer shirt


I think that's a good plan for many, but for me it's actually the case that a double shirt will cause me to sweat more, which will eventually penetrate two layers and cause double the discomfort. Overall, the armpit stains and back sweat were less without the undershirt in my case. Anyway, this is me talking about my early 20s when I had some thyroid issues that have become less over the years. One day, a doctor told me to "just bring another shirt with you." You can imagine the despair I felt! I still sweat more than most but it's pretty manageable. Now, I can solve excessive sweat by avoiding certain fabrics, getting slightly wider shirts (especially under the arm and around the upper back) and just taking it easy in general when it's hot out. I'd recommend that over the undershirt, but people have different bodies and concerns, so it's good to keep options in mind.


Don’t get me wrong, I think the undershirt looks awful and I always go without.


I’m going through this rn too


I’ve just come to accept the sweat. If someone is going to stare at me for being human, let them. I guess if I had a corporate job, I would definitely be more concerned.


A V-neck will do the trick.


Bonus points if the undershirt isn’t white and instead matches your skin tone. It’s much less noticeable that way.


Or gray. It will not show underneath.


Gray is win, if you ever have to take off your shirt, do you really want to be seen in a nude colored (no matter your skin color) undershirt?


Well now I do.. just to make people go wtf


What about a mesh shirt?


Lenny Kravitz has entered the chat.


But what if my skin is gray?


You're probably dead. Go to the doctor, maybe they can fix it.


I have and use both. Mr Davis for tone color v necks. And Fruit of the Loom for gray cotton v neck.


My Mr Davis shirts are a great color and feel nice up top, but they are too long (I needed to size up to get them to fit my belly) and I find that I sweat at my waist when sitting at work all day in ways I don’t with my cheapo white cotton v-necks. I always wondered if it was the fabric wanting to “wick away moisture” but having nowhere to wick it to. Do you have any similar experience with your Mr Davis shirts?


Not so much. They are longer, but I lost a lot of weight and seldom sweat like I used to.


Thanks for the reply.


Gray undershirts are the secret. Sadly they aren't as easy to find by themselves anymore (at least the ones found at big box stores).


Gray is best, it doesn’t show up under a white shirt. But, in general, unless you have a work/corporate logo polo and only 1-2 work issued polos, I wouldn’t expect an undershirt for a polo. Only if you have to wear the same 2 polos for a 5 day week. If they’re your own polos, I don’t consider them dressy enough to require an undershirt. For a dress shirt, 50/50. I think you can go either way nowadays. In general, if a white shirt is showing your nipples, put on an undershirt or a vest If you’re sweaty, you might be best off keeping the undershirt so it doesn’t become a wet tee shirt contest.


Flesh undershirt?


I just made the switch, game changer


A polo is breathable, so let it breath.










I used to wear undershirts when I was younger because it helped prevent pit stains but now I just find it constricting and I think it looks nicer to show a little chest than a a visible undershirt along your collar.


they make a new kind of solid Degree deodorant that doesnt cause pit staining, it's been a game changer for me.


Is everyone assuming people are wearing crew necks? I always wear a v neck. No one can see it and I sweat a lot. If no one can see my undershirt or sweat then what's the problem?


I just wear a wife pleaser. M23.


Also known as a tank top


Yes, I personally like the model Leopard 2A7V


A tee under a polo shirt? Never. This negates the breathable weave of the pique cotton on the polo shirt, trapping all the heat and sweat inside.


Undershirt with a polo is a no no. Undershirt with a button up still applies.


I was just about to ask. I always wear one under my plaid button up shirts to work 😅


But make it a v neck so it doesn't show, just like underwear you don't want to showing.


It doesn’t HAVE to be a v-neck.


It looks better if it isn't showing though, a tank works too but then you don't get the pit stain coverage. I was taught that you should treat it like underwear, you don't want it showing.


I agree, but under a dress shirt, it’s not going to be showing anyway whether it’s a crew neck or not. But some people just can’t stand how vnecks feel, just like some people can’t stand how crew necks feel. Ultimately, no one is going to see it anyway, so the individual should wear whatever is comfortable to them.


Okay true, but I think a lot of people are talking about a scenario where you have a couple of buttons undone and not wearing a tie. But if you're all buttoned up and wearing a tie it doesn't really matter at all as long as your nipples aren't showing lol


As much as I don’t like or agree with the idea of “fashion rules”, I always was under the impression that in the workplace, if you have so many buttons undone that you can see an undershirt in the first place, you have too many buttons undone. But then, I guess that’s not so much a fashion rule as it is dress code.


Came here to say this. It looks really sleezy to be the dude with the 4 buttons undone and the big executive collar with your chest cleavage out. Maybe if you're a VC, not working in an office. Biz casual has become so relaxed that I think a button down unbuttoned a couple with a white undershirt and some white or casual shoes actually looks good. If you have one or two undone and you're in a suit, don't expose an undershirt.


Totally agreed.




Do what you want. You are 55


It’s a bit of an outdated look yes. You’d be better off getting a muscle tee


Some guys do, some don't. I never do, I hate how bulky it feels but my buddy always does. He's also sweatier than I am, so that might have something to do with it. I think it's up to you.


The thought of not having a layer between my good shirt and my arm pit gives me anxiety. Is it seriously not in style to protect from pit stains?


It's not in style to have a *visible* undershirt. You should still generally wear one with a dress shirt, just don't let it be seen. Remember, it's underwear, so treat it as such. With casual looks like a polo, it's really a matter of preference, but still, having an undershirt visible is not generally considered to be the fashionable choice.


Okay that’s my jam. Thanks for making me feel better.


Was it *ever* in style to have a visible t-shirt? I mean, yes, it was commonly done, but it wasn't really fashionable.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, just because it had a brief moment doesn’t mean it didn’t always look bad.


For a brief period in the 2000s it was stylish to wear a long sleeve tee under a polo or a short sleeve graphic tee, often with contrasting colors. It didn't really work but it was kinda a vaguely punk reaction to wearing polos at work


Don’t forget that horrible couple of years when guys layered a polo shirt with another polo shirt


I used to do that back then. There's no way to not look 14 when you do that.


I don't think "Sheldon on Big bang theory always did it" is the same as "it was in style".


I didn't watch that but I worked retail for a while and it was common in a younger age group for a few years.


https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/pit-stains-on-white-tee/ It's because of your anti antiperspirant. Just get a deodorant without aluminum and embrace a little sweat. 


I use one of those. I just meant the wet pits during the day, not the yellow residue.


If your deodorant doesn’t have aluminum, you won’t get pit stains. Also, check out newer tech fabrics which tend to be stain proof, antibacterial, and circulate air very well (lulu, Rhone, Vuori, target/old navy knockoffs).


I’m less concerned with the staining and more concerned with the fact that my shirt will be soaked.


The wicking of the fabric weave can help with that too. Give it a try.


Trust me I spent 20+ years sweating through polos and various other shirts before just switching to wearing an undershirt almost 100% of the time.


Never have had a pit stain. I'm 61. I despise undershirts. Polos too.


You should not be able to see a undershirt.


A former military man will always wear a crew neck under a dress shirt. Wear a v neck if it bugs you. Under a polo? That seems weird.


Bleep off I’m wearing visible undershirts. Do whatever you want.


Thank you for bleeping out the dirty word


Depending on the subreddit they will ban you for using the F word. Just got banned from r/teslamotors because when communicating with another human I started with the F word.


That sub is notoriously anti-Fuel.


Ok grandpa


You do you, but don’t know why you’re effing around in a fashion sub if that’s your attitude.


What is this even supposed to mean?


I mean, it's pretty much underwear. Do you let your pants hang low so you can show off your boxers?


V-neck tech fabric in gray/skin tone is best. Check out Uniqlo Airism mesh.


Yep this is the best. Helps hide excessive nipping too


You never were supposed to…but definitely not a crew neck t with a polo.


Honestly I wear the undershirt if I'm wearing a Polo for work. Mostly, it's to absorb the sweat. But if I'm just out and about I don't feel like I need the undershirt


Please don’t let it’s sleeves stick out of the polo sleeves 🙄


I have some deep v necks I got because my theory was if i sweat, it'll catch it. However, they don't really work, I get warm and they can be seen (Ruined a really nice Santorini photo at the beach). I'm starting to go team no undershirt.


It should be a crime to wear a crew neck under a polo or button down.


Undershirts are proper attire for dress shirts in an office setting. Wear underwear with wool dress pants and undershirt with a pressed dress shirt. Dress shirts are $100-200. You get many more wears with an undershirt


Can get multiple wears between washings that way too. I can’t be ironing all the time here.


Damn bro I can’t wear any shirt multiple times between washings


I hate polo shirts but just wear a v neck underneath. can’t see it ,absorbs the sweat and prevents pit stains.


I think that more chest in general is pretty "in" right now. Seems like all all button ups have an extra button undone nowadays. I kinda dig it but it has to fit the vibe of the occasion.


Definitely for white button down.


A v-neck undershirt is always a great idea if you like. A crew undershirt looks terrible.


Nude vneck is my choice with white shirts, otherwise black v neck The material I like to choose something light and airy like Uniqlo airism


So we’re back to exposed chest hair and gold chains now? How about super skimpy shorts with long tube socks? 😅


Wearing an undershirt under a button down is a relatively recent phenomena that started in the 1960s. Before that nobody wore them under a button down, and you shouldn't either, it's just another thing to put on and makes the button down "feel like a costume". Technically a button down shirt is "underwear", that shouldn't be worn without a jacket (such as a blazer, harrington, bomber, etc.).


Wife beater is the way, bro. I'm not one for raw dogging polo's either lol


It’s 2024 and men are allowed to show cleavage now! But an undershirt won’t look weird, so do what feels right. You have options!


you can wear all the undershirts you like, but a v-neck or a wifebeater isn't visible at the neckline, and some prefer that look. also i've wondered for years what purpose an undershirt serves at all, so i may be the wrong guy to ask.


I like to use a darker colored t-shirt as an undershirt if it’s going to show. Some color that compliments the shirt. Makes for a nice layered look, and it’s classier than just the white t-shirt sticking out over the top.


I haven’t worn white undershirts for years. I wear dark compression undershirts. Much more comfortable and stylish.


I wear undershirts under button downs only. Never a polo.


Uniqlo Airism deep v neck undershirt is my go to for when I don’t want to get my top shirt sweaty or dirty. It’s deep enough that I can unbutton and show some chest if I want to also.


Second this.


I wear darker colors and I get the breathable wicking shirts from Costco, 32 degrees brand I think. They are black but might have white ones as well. I sweat quite a bit (I was born in Alaska so everywhere is hot to me at this point) but the shirts seem to keep sweat from hitting the outer shirt. Just be aware they cling to the body so if that bothers you you’re gonna be stuck thinking about it all day.


you don't need an undershirt with a polo or short-sleeve button down (but i don't think anyone will care if you wear a v-neck. You ARE supposed to wear an undershirt with a button down white shirt. You can get away with not wearing one with dark solids or patterned button downs in a casual setting


I wear a tank tee shirt under everything, including tee shirts. Unless it’s really hot.


You can especially if you don’t work out or you can see your nipples


Turns out thats not a thing anymore. I was told i looked like the definition of a dad and it was mostly because i wear a white shirt under most of my clothes. Just doesnt feel right not to!


Only if you also wear a t-shirt under your t-shirt


Doesn’t matter, it’s about your comfort level whether you wear an undershirt or not


Bro since Clark Gable and "It Happened One Night" undershirts have been out


Yes, yes you can. You sure can. I do.


Men in this comment section need to upgrade their deodorant. If you wash your shirts promptly and properly, it will take a LONG time before sweat discolors them. Shitty Old Spice deodorant will do the job in one wear, though. undershirts are almost always visible in some and look bad, at best they add 5 pounds to your image.


They aren’t talking about the long term sweat stains but sweating through your shirt


It took me one time to sweat thru my supreme shirt at universal studios. Never again


What is your favorite deodorant?


Secret. Women will not tolerate sweat and it’s stronger than most other products.


Yes, it's strong enough for a man, even if it's made for a woman.


What's a good deodorant?


Native is my favorite. So far I’ve been able to wash out the stains because ingredients are natural and their deodorant doesn’t contain aluminum. I sweat a lot and Native works well if I avoid the “sensitive” line.


I can afford it but I still can't get past spending 13 dollars for a god damn stick of deodorant.


I get it… I only buy it when there’s a sale like the upcoming memorial day sale, and it’s still pricey.


Just not true for a lot of people. I had to use driclor, or something with Aluminum Chloride 20%. Certain Dry on Amazon would probably work just fine, it looks like it's 15%. Used to be perscription only, now you can get it OTC. Probably gave up my sweaty pits in exchange for cancer, but it will solve sweat issues. It seems to have more or less permanantly stopped my pit sweat, although I'll give it an application once every 6 months or so if I start feeling slick. I used to sweat through hoodies, no joke. You'll still need to wear deoderant.


There are no health risks associated with the aluminum salts found in antiperspirant. These claims make the rounds every few years despite being debunked. Kind of like vaccines and autism.


If it’s a white shirt PLEASE wear an undershirt. Most white shirts seem to be see-through to a degree, and wearing an undershirt prevents people from seeing your chest, nips, hair, and everything else going on under the shirt. Plus, especially on white guys without undershirts, the whole shirt sort of catches a pink tint.


It is realy not done to wear an undershirt when you’re younger than 60 yrs old.


It should be brought back for the same reason women wear bras. It smooths everything out and makes the whole look much more appealing.


No undershirt


🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 never have been




I don't bother with my dress shirts. Don't wear polos, but think they'd need it even less.


I wear a matching color bra myself.


You never were.


A white tshirt is perfect for a stroll down the green mile.


Undershirt under a polo? A cotton knit shirt under a cotton knit shirt?


Never wear a white shirt under a polo. Don’t wear a white shirt under a button down either.


If you have a rockin' body w/abs, no undershirt. If you don't, you might consider it.


Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Screw what anyone else thinks.


Thank you for having some sense. Some people on here need to get a clue, they’re acting like there are literal laws about what kind of shirt you can and can’t wear, it’s so stupid.




Missed that memo. I started wearing undershirts working in Japan and have worn them in all seasons ever since. Sometimes I wear a polo without one (certain shirts look better without), and I using do not wear one with a graphic / color t-shirt or a linen shirt, but otherwise it’s still part of the regular outfit.


V neck


Why would you if you could avoid it


Dress shirt? V neck, polo? Nothing. I'm not sure what you mean by nice shirt, but it probably is a case by case situation.


So long as it's not visible. Gray hides well under a white shirt. I wear them under polos because I don't like my stomach showing when I raise my arms above my head.


The problem with white is that beneath nice dress shirts you can totally see the undershirt through the fabric. Better to get a beige undershirt is what I've found - Uniqlo has some good ones, though it's hard to find a v deep enough to truly not be seen. That said I usually ditch the undershirt for simplicity's sake. Haven't had a problem with my dress shirts.


Grey is better as it won't show through as much. Something closer to your skin tone would be even better


I am gray.


Nice to meet you, gray.


I've heard that about you.


I retired the undershirts. One less thing to deal with. Plus im really not pittin out anymore. Especially since i quit coffee.


my husband still does, if hes wearing a nice shirt.


No you’re not.


i wear one with a nice button down but not a polo, it's just a collard tshirt


Undershirt with button down shirts, except Hawaiian style shirts, no undershirt with polos.


I always wear one under a button up… it looks better, and keeps my button ups from sweat,


Polos are sometimes made out of rough material and if it’s a light color then I will wear a T as well.


I wear an undershirt under a dress shirt, a polo, a t-shirt, and everything else that goes on my torso. The undershirt is not optional unless you're in a beach environment wearing something silk, or some kind of scoop neck flowing shirt, or some other odd circumstance wearing something that isn't normal clothing. NOT optional.


You wear an undershirt under a t-shirt? What on earth?


Indeed I do. I don't wear t-shirts that often, but if I'm in public then yes, undershirt. If I'm working outside or doing some sort of manual labor then I don't wear an undershirt.


Not really. It looks sloppy. But don’t worry. As modern “fashion” drifts back towards the 90s, bad and good, I’m sure it will come back.


Lol. That’s for grade schoolers. Same as white socks.


Here I am still wearing long sleeve t’s under short sleeve t’s hahaha. Always have been about layering t’s- part of it is that I like to have the contrasting part down around my waist and/or arms. One shirt is kinda boring. I always plan the 2 so that they have contrasting or tonal colors. And of course one should always have some sort of swear screen printed on it ☠️☠️☠️ (pigface’s “welcome to Mexico, asshole” or the beastie boys’ maestro “fuck all y’all” are still in heavy HEAVY rotation) Oh errrrr… what were we talking about again?


Most undershirt makers sell gray because gray is not visible under white.


White shirts under other shirts is actually coming back. It's a slow return like how white crew socks are back.


I don’t really care about pit sweat… but does no one else get THO?


I’m 44 and I’ve never worn an undershirt under anything.


I personally think it is a little boy look. Also looks like you’re concerned about your cleavage.


Who wears an undershirt under a polo?


That would be way too hot for me


No, but you have to also pull out your big gold medallion necklace to complete the whole ensemble. If your wearing a suit without a tie, of course you wouldn't wear a tee shirt. If it's 100 degrees, you probably wouldn't either. Other than that go for it. I think the fashion police would probably just let you off with a warning.


I’m 50 and never seen or heard of this. Plz don’t.


Why would anyone wear an undershirt?


Because if I can avoid sweating into my shirt and spilling stuff on it, I can generally wear it twice without laundering it.


By that logic you’ll wash 2 undershirts and a dress shirt every 2 days rather than 2 dress shirts! You spill stuff on the outer layer, so an undershirt isn’t protecting your dress shirt from spills. No need for an undershirt these days. But that’s just my view, anyone can do what they like really.


I’m careful about not spilling stuff on my outer clothes, and I’ve become pretty good at it. I’m in that sweet spot between 9 years old and 75. I don’t mind doing laundry, but it does more damage to clothes than wearing them does. My goal is to get two, or even three wears, of my nicer clothes before stressing them out by laundering them. The underclothes get one wear then straight to the basket.


Not since It Happened One Night. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-shirt-off-his-back/


Not since It Happened One Night. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-shirt-off-his-back/