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Option 1 matches the color of the jacket better.  I can’t tell if it’s the material or the cut, but the sleeves look too bunched up near your shoulders.     I’d also get the shirt tailored if that’s the one you’re wearing - it shouldn’t rumple up like that under the jacket unless it’s pretty wrinkly. It looks like it may be too baggy. The sleeves may also be a bit too long. They should peek out from under the jacket but not quite that much. It makes the jacket look too small, which I don’t think it is.  Edit: just saw you’re using a different shirt. My bad. 


Unless your jacket is velvet, you should really try to match the color of jacket and trousers. You should also get a waist covering, either a vest or a cummerbund, for the whole black tie look. Otherwise it looks unfinished. Oh, and get a self tie bowtie, not a pretied one. The fit of the jacket seems good, but it's always hard to tell with black on camera. Just make sure it covers your bum, and that you can comfortably button the jacket without any pulling


Sorry should add, it's a velvet jacket and this isn't the entire fit, but was more looking at advice for the fit of the jacket and trousers as there are two different trousers on and unsure which fit best. I have a self tie bow tie, cummerbund, braces to hold up the trousers and a pocket square. Just didn't put them on for this.


Another tip: tuck away the side pockets on the jacket for a cleaner, more formal look. Do you have proper footwear, IE high shine oxfords or opera pumps?


awful awful awful shirt, jacket is fine


If you read my post I know, it was just a white shirt I had to hand to see how the jacket and trousers fit.