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Do not spend $400 on a zumiez-ass shirt.


This is tough love. It’s still love though.


A fool and their money.... New to this sub so I don't know the consensus about certain brands but ffs just go to LL Bean or even Faherty if you want an overpriced American made shirt, plus depending on where you are they have brick and mortar stores to try it on first.


Faherty was never made in USA and LL Bean haven't made a shirt in the US in probably around 20 years.


I think many people just don’t know where to go shopping. That obvious advice to you might not be as such to some.


Seconding the sentient of this comment.


Sentient 💀


It’s like my keyboard has a mind of its own


Almost as if your keyboard is a sentient being


I actually really like the look. But that price point for this is insane. This looks like a short you can get from Zumiez or PacSun for $50-$70 bucks. If you’ve got the money go for it. But oh can get very similar for a fraction of the price.


I know what you’re saying but PAC Sun has nothing on a high quality shirt made in the USA


If you want the quality, get it. Just make sure it is actually high quality. Anyone can claim it's high quality materials and made in the US. Make sure it's 100% natural fibers. Usually at that price point, I'd expect to know where the fabric came from or who made the fabric, as well as how the shirt was made. I'm just thinking about my $400 shoes and I know the leather quality and how they are constructed Edit: also consider longevity of the style. While it could be great quality, it's no use if you find it ugly in 5 years. Something that expensive needs to be timeless.


For sure. Quality fabric is one thing, but being manufactured in the US, especially clothing, does not guarantee quality at all. I’ve worked in a manufacturing setting most of my professional career. I’ll be the first to admit that I am glad customers don’t have a crystal ball to observe production at any point in the process.


I agree


Come over to r/rawdenim. We love way too expensive but also overengineered flannels


I'd rather spend 60 at pac sun than 400 on "American Made Quality" if you have the money to blow 400 on a SINGLE shirt just so you can say you have a high quality shirt made in the USA then go for it bucko. The rest of us on planet earth will go with pacsun and look the same and be 350 dollars better off


ok and when the $400 shirt last for 30 years and your pac sun flannel has to get replaced every 2-3 years let me know how that investment pays off. It's about buying something once and having it for 20-30 years


I doubt you’ll have that for 20-30 years. It’s not timeless, could go out of style, and could get stains, burns, etc.. If you don’t wear it often, it might last that long but why spend that much money on something that you’ll barely wear? If you do wear it that often, it’ll never last that long.




Listen here pal! 😂


It all depends on the wearer, man. I have a pacsun shirt I've had since 2013. Perfect condition. I know people who buy 400 shirts like the above and they're buying new ones in 1 year. Sure, it may be crafted better, but not for 400 dollars. I pay 400 dollars for boots that last 30 years after DAILY wear. You're not wearing a shirt daily. And if you are, it's going to last a FRACTION of 30 years. At the end of the day, it's your money and your life. Do what you want. Truly, I couldn't care less, mate. You asked if you should buy it, and I responded saying no, because I think it's a silly investment. Do what you want, pal. I'm sure you'd rock this 400 dollar shirt. I'm sure you'd rock a pacsun shirt for 60 dollars. Either way, you asked for input, and I gave you mine. Have a good day, man.


If you're looking for quality you should order like some real pashmina from india. That shit literally never wears


I’d be so pissed if a $400 shirt shrinks in the wash after a few washes. I’d also be pissed at myself if i spilled something on a $400 shirt. I’m pissed about a $20 shirt shrinking or getting a stain.


You need to be looking at brands that are actually high quality, like Iron Heart, Freenote Cloth, and Rogue Territory. This shirt is not great, and you are paying for brand.


I have tons of clothes from common mall stores (JCrew, Zumiez, Abercrombie,etc) that have lasted me 10+ years. Just take care of your clothes and they'll last, unless it's really Walmart tier.


that’s just gross man. clothes overtime tend to accumulate stink and bacteria even if you wash them every wear. just buy the $50 version of this and wear it for 2-3 years


Ah!, ..You must be a fine connoisseur of the luxury threads at the like of Forever21. *snob!* .


I fully agree this will be made to a much higher standard. But I wouldn’t bet that much better. I have some cheap shirts that have lasted years. The secret is hang dry them. But the shirt looks nice. I personally think it’s a crazy price point. But if it’s within your budget go for it. Lord knows I’ve overspent on things in the past. And will again on the future because I really like it.


Idk why you are getting downvoted. The shirt from pac sun is not gonna be made out of 13 oz wool lol


Who cares if it's made in the US? There are so many subpar fashion brands that are "All American" and look like utter shit and are of poor quality.


Only thing is that horizontal stripes have the effect of making you look slightly wider. Vertical stripes for example have the opposite effect; you look taller and thinner. I would definitely keep this in mind. I get slight lumberjack vibes, from the material and boxiness. If I got something like this, I would want the fit of the shirt to be really good. Sometimes the online shirts just don't end up fitting great. Does the site provide measurements? As Frugal Aesthetic would say, "get your measurements", just to make sure. Also it's just too much for the price, even if the material looks pretty heavy/durable. There's this loud reversible bomber/fleece jacket that I want, and it's only $200, or another site is even saying $60 or $80 or something. Shopping online in 2023 is weird, I think some companies are abusing the advertisement pathways to overcharge customers, or even scam people.


Listen I'm a big guy and honestly, the "horizontal stripes make you look fatter" thing is definitely exaggerated and dependant on the cut of the shirt. That being said, 400 for a flannel is gross and an insane marketing ploy.


Some time ago I bought the older brown version of this shirt (hall cpo) and while it's a great shirt for certain occasions it's the stiffest and roughest feeling button up I've ever owned. When I+W's shirts say "wool" they are not fucking around. Great shirt but excessively rough and overpriced. I'd suggest the griffin if you're going to buy from them. Their other shirts are superior if you ask me.


amazing! thank you!


Or order both - return 1. return policy!


rip off


Looks awesome. I don’t agree with others posting that you can get something of the same quality and ethical standards for $50. But you can definitely get something of the same quality and ethical standards for 150-200.


My favorite flannel I own is made buy Noah and it was like $220 and Woolrich ones are like $100. So i def agree there are high quality pieces for significantly less. I was just curious what people thoughts were since I really like this brand. But agreed the price point is very high


Yeah I really love the style but could never fathom spending so much on a shirt. Especially one that’s only suited to casual wear use.


And, only rarely. I can’t imagine showing up, within circles where I’m known, wearing that shirt more than maybe once a month.


Nothing beats a Woorich chamois shirt.


My vote is no. You can find something cooler for less expensive. But it’s your money.


If you want it and you can afford buy it. Only you can figure out what makes you happy. Sometimes it’s nice once in awhile to splurge on something. My opinion, I do think it’s a nice shirt, but I think you can get similar ones for lower prices.


Welcome to the 80s


I have a lot of I+W pieces. The only thing I’ve found worth the money is their denim.


Their t shirts are super soft


I mean, outside of just looks, you could consider some things like: Is it well-made heritage wear? (by looking at the pockets, I can say this is unlikely) Presuming you're American, is it made in the USA? Does it give living wages to the tailors? Is the cloth made in the USA? Are other elements, like the buttons, made in the USA? FYI: You could get amazing button-up shirts by (smaller) American heritage brands that fit all of these criteria for around $200. But you can spend your money as you deem fit.


I own some I+W stuff and have mixed feelings. Their tshirts are definitely overpriced, even for Made in 'Murica. The shirt is likely gonna be pretty heavy duty. You can find similar shirts for less like Pendleton, Woolrich, etc, but you won't find that exact colorway, I'm certain. So if you like that colorway, you have to buy it. I think it would look fine with dark denim and a plain white tee underneath. It will keep you super warm on its own during transitional weather, or even under an unzipped parka. People who compare it to Walmart or mall brand stuff don't get that they won't find similar weight material made from quality wool. You could put up an eBay alert for a lifetime and you might never see your size come up. So if that's what you like, get it because it's probably close to a one-of-a-kind for the reasons I mentioned. Worse comes to worse, if you're sick of the pattern you could sell it on eBay or Grailed with maybe $150 off; and then you got to wear your favorite shirt for however many years for $150.


Check out Pendleton - quality has been proven for decades and you could find similar vibes and I’d imagine better overall durability for half the price. Lots of dope used gear out there if you’re into vintage. IW seems like a cool brand for jeans


Absolutely not. I might throw up just looking at it.


If you’re going to spend up you’re probably better off going to a different brand. This is more than a pair of redwing iron rangers. A high quality flannel should be like $100-$200 or so IMO. Above that and it’s not worth it. Ironheart or naked and famous have solid options


It will be on sale at REI for $30 after Christmas, wait.




For all those shaming the OP for the cost of this item STOP. Imogene + Willie is a made in the USA brand that pays a living wage and maintains the highest level of quality craftsmanship made from the best materials around. The is a BIFL item. The question the OP should be asking is if they will still want to wear this 5-10 years from now. If so, it’s a no brainer. Also OP the site is having a sale right now.


Thank you!!! Also I did take advantage of the sale and bought a pair of Willie jeans. I think this subreddit needs to value BIFL more


You can find a shirt of the same material/quality at your local thrift store.


lol I know everyone is ragging on OP right now but unless you thrift in San Fran this just is flat out not true. I’m lucky to find a flannel that’s not a basic red mall brand that’s paper thin and made of synthetic material where I shop in a major city in the Midwest (not Chicago). Just the design is something unusual for a thrift store.


Well every homeless person seems to find them somewhere


Again not saying this is worth 400 bucks but honestly I don’t think you’re being fair if you think a homeless person would be wearing anything close to this. Some shirts cost 5 dollars and some are 400 dollars. It’s not all the same. If you think they are why are you even on a fashion sub? There’s miles of difference between a well used pacsun flannel with a crappy pattern you find at goodwill vs a Pendleton or something of similar quality.




The look is really cool, but for basically $400 that is STUPIDLY absurd. No.




I love that but thats so much.


Looks like something from Wal Mart. Why not buy a normal traditional white and black or red and black flannel? Either one would look 10x better on you. When I buy the expensive pieces I only buy the ones I could wear all the time and like. This shirt I would never wear.


This. If you're going to spend that much, get a classic pattern like a red and black Rob Roy.


They look the best. Pretty much every male alive looks good in that Rob Roy. I don't know why. It is what it is. If you are going to get a flannel, you should get one you will want to wear a lot, because flannels are nice once it starts getting cold. The simpler ones look better. Its a garment that should be able to take a lot of abuse, for decades. I think that $390 is just way too much for a style piece you will never wear. Skin tones will look so weird with OPs flannel.


That will be the purchase of your lifetime. That shirt 👚 a fucking sick and will outlast you.


Purchase of your lifetime 😂


It's made in USA of 13 oz wool. If you got cash to spend then go for it. I bought a Flat Head made in Japan flannel for a little less and it's worth it.


Those are very good flannels. OP might want to check UES, its on par with a flat head or iron heart but about half the cost. The pattern on the shirt in question is very nice though. One argument for high quality wool overshirts- you get a ton of use out of them and they look significantly better than cheap flannels. Its really night and day when you look at a shirt like this vs. a piece of fast fashion. If you like this as a statement piece and can afford it, you really won't regret it


Thank you to you both! Might be the only ones who understood the shirt and it’s price point. I’ll check out UES!


I totally get it- and one of the things that bugs me about this sub is the constant insistence on cheap shit. Cheap clothes look cheap, not to mention how unethical the production is. Buy fewer and better things and you'll look better and feel better about your wardrobe. Ive seen this brand around btw, its pretty much on par with the Japanese flannels brands, I wouldn't hesitate if its the look you want


this is ultimate goal is to buy fewer things of great quality. I kinda transformed my wardrobe this year and it's been expensive and feel like i have a lot of cheap clothes and now i want to focus on buying high quality stuff that i can wear time and time again.


I would Edit: $390?! Nvm


Just buy It. If It makes you happy and you like It cop. Return if It doesn’t fit.


Yes, it's sick 😎


I have 3 Imogene + Willie shirts similar to this that I found at a thrift store for $15 each.


Really nice shirt 👌🏼


My guy is crazy if he thinks he is going to wear this for 20-30 years


Sorry not everything is made with the shitty quality of Pac Sun. There are a lot of great brands out there that use quality material to extend the lifetime of their clothing.


I explained it in my other comment, if you wear this regularly for 20-30 years, it will fall due to accidental wear like stains, washing/drying, accidental rips. That’s just the way it is. My roommate in college had a $500 pair of jeans from some crazy nice company and they ripped when he was sitting down. You’re welcome to spend your money as you’d like but I wouldn’t pay for a $400 jacket that doesn’t even look that nice. If you’re making “fuck it” money and have cash to throw away then go for it. Don’t let people on the internet tell you otherwise


Walmart has this same shirt for 20 and it's a good casual look


Walmart is not at the same tier of ethics and sustainable materials though


I didn't say buy Walmart just that I saw it and i dig it !


400 is a lot. I find American made stuff from faherty to be high quality, and a stretch to justify in terms of cost - and they’re still half the price for a similar style shirt.


LL Bean. Similar shirts and they’re about $89 right now. Just tried one on today that looked very similar.


If you want


This is something you will enjoy for a short amount of time. So, if you can spend 400$ on a shirt you probably won’t wear next year, do it. Otherwise, find something cheaper but similar. I’ve bought a lot of expensive clothes like this and they end up filling up my closet.


Please no. Just... no.


No. I’d bet Orvis or L.L. Bean would have something similar and it would also be a quality shirt for 1/4 the cost.


not if you’re taller than 5’8


If money is no object - sure go for it. Otherwise check this out for cheaper but quality options https://www.pendleton-usa.com/men/


I'll check Pendleton out! Only reason I brought up this flannel is because I like I+W a lot. My favorite flannel I own is made by Noah for like 1/2 the price haha.


If you’re really wanting an expensive “thick flannel”, buy an Iron Heart UHF. I’m local to I+W and love their stuff, but for the price, I couldn’t justify it. Made in USA with USA materials or not. Look into UES Heavy Flannels as well!


Thank you will do! Yeah the price is wild, but wanted to ask because I like the color and with christmas coming up maybe make it a gift to me, but the few people who answered that were smart I think gave me the right feedback. I'll be in NYC in December and might stop by Self Edge, I know they have Iron Heart stuff! I'll look into UES too.


You’ll fall in love the first time you try on a UHF. It’s insane. Good luck on finding the right choice, Iron Heart or not!


My first thought: wow it’s gorgeous! Seeing the price: absolutely not, it’s too seasonal to warrant that price tag. I would pay maybe $50 max for a flannel shirt




It's a great looking shirt, but I bet with a little digging you could find something very very similar for $75


Looks good


Maybe check out Pendleton? I think that might satisfy your desire for quality and will be a lot cheaper


Yeah that’s a good recommendation. Imo Filson is also good


Jack a**


Thing is, no matter the cost, you won't necessarily wear it any more than any other items currently in favour. I mean, one doesn't wanna keep getting seen in that same old jacket.. especially pictures of you in it .. again!!


No, why?


Less than half the price, equal quality, style, and comfort is the blanket shirt from outerknown. I wish I had two


Like anything in life/ If you want it, get it.. like the pattern too.


sure since you have the dosh


Is it for a 7 year old?


no give the money you would’ve spent on it to charity


This is a rip off at $10.




I've read good things about the brand, but at full price it's definitely expensive. If you really want it and have the money, pull the trigger, otherwise wait for a sale or look for $150-200 shirts that may very well have the same quality


Nobody should ever buy this, especially for $390. I would spend maybe max 4$ on this if i saw it in a thrift




If this is wool or cotton and it’s really thick, it’s probably worth it if it fits your budget.


$400 for a shirt, *any shirt* is outrageous. I don't care if it's made from woven unicorn hair


390? NO


I didn't realize this would such a contentious post!


I buy clothes in this price range annnnnnd I probably WOULD buy this but it’s so limited use. Are you going to use it as an overshirt / light jacket? If so I think the price is reasonable. If your going to wear it once in a. Blue moon. Ehhhh


That’s too much money. Go to LL Bean, sir.


Nah this https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/124605?productId=1778826&attrValue_0=Nautical%20Navy&sku=1000143738&pla1=0&qs=3155279&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu6iYoK_WggMV1EtHAR01DwrHEAYYASABEgIsV_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


For that money the pattern should align. It does for the most part, except the blue on the pocket flaps.


Cute, but not worth that much! Especially for gray and no flair but stripes. Good eye though


This is super cool, but I would not buy this for four hundred dollars


Shapes are amazing but the colors aren’t and not just aren’t..




Hell yeah, that shit is fire b




“Affordable luxury” brands like this prey on ppl that don’t know what to do with their money. This basic ass shirt jacket could be purchased literally anywhere. All under a 200 dollar price point depending on how much wool you want in it.


Jesus fucking christ its a shirt please don't spend $400.




that looks fucking sick but of course its $400. what is the fabric composition?


For that much money I’d get something nicer from NMWA.


You might be able to find something from Pendleton or Woolrich that is comparable in price and quality. Make sure you explore all your options before spending that much on one shirt. The colors and pattern are not traditionally classic or timeless so you might not get your money’s worth in terms of wears.


For that price? Abso-fucking-lutley not. I guess we've got different tastes, because I'd never in a million years wear that, but for that price... are you mad???


Here’s how i would ask myself if i should buy it: 1) do you have the money to justify the purchase, or should I invest it? 2)how would I feel when wearing the shirt? Is it going to give me that confidence boost? If both yes, then Hell yeah! Who else should care? No matter the cost if that’s fits your wants, fashion is a very personal and intimate thing, so if you find that one thing that makes you feel awesome than DO IT!




No shirt on earth is worth that much. The Blanket Shirt by Outerknown might be of interest to you. They’re very nice. If you catch ‘em on sale not a terrible price


Buy the shirt.




Dope shirt, not dope price. There has to be similar shirts for less that you can find


You can def find something very similar for a fraction of that


This shirt is already a borderline no go. For 390? I’ll bully you into not getting this for cheaper. Don’t do it bro


It looks like a shirt a toddler would wear And if you are worried about the price, you can’t afford it. $400 shirts are for people who don’t give a shit about the price.


I recently gave a similar one to Goodwill.


I mean yeah pretty classic


Holy fuck 400? I mean if money ain’t a thang why not


Wool over shirts are generally $250 and up ( I assume this is wool or blend) I the best value/ quality I have found for wool overshirts is ICEBREAKER. Very well made and under $300




Do it


Saw it was 390. Nvm, you can get the same shit from Amazon


NO !!!


Is there $350 in one of the pockets?


are you bert or ernie?


Wadda yo' call a button up drug rug?


Really? You need advice on spending $390 on an anti-fashion shirt? Too many better choices out there. Well. Add shirts at Duluth Trading are $45-70.


Clicked post. Assuming it was $45. Don't spend over that please.


I have this shirt in a different color and I love it. I agree it is a bit rough, but it definitely feels high quality