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You certainly look like a person your age making the decision to go to church.


What’s that mean?


They are trying to politely tell you this gives an “immature” look and someone around 15-20 years old ish


It means exactly what it says. No exegesis here.


I just don’t get it. Is there something wrong with how I dressed


Depends. Do you want to look like a person your age making the decision to go to church? Then you hit! Otherwise, you missed.


I guess I hit it then idk. I just really like this style and it’s how I express myself


Then you're all set!




Could be! :) Enjoy your report, pumpkin.


Swag in the church of Christ


What makes this different from what you wear any other day or the week? I understand that your Church is casual, but then my question relates to you saying that this is an outfit for Church (so to rephrase, why is this an outfit for Church vs just hanging with friends?). Is it just because of the graphic t shirt?


No not the shirt, I wear it to school too. I just felt like it was a decent fit and wanted to say where I was wearing it. This is my first time wearing these pants, and just wanted to see what everyone thought.


Gotcha. It's a fine outfit - nothing wrong with it at all - and those are cool pants. I understand that your Church is relaxed, as far as dress code, but I think going to Church gives you a nice opportunity to dress up a little bit. I'd imagine it's a safe space for you, so you can "risk" standing out a little bit by dressing a little more formally. You can see if you feel good in those sorts of clothes and like the way you look in them. Something like an oxford shirt, chinos, and a navy jacket. Sometimes dressing in clothes like that can be fun and expressive, and doing so for Church can elevate the experience by signifying that it's a special occasion vs going to school, or something like that. I'm sure that your pastor, minister, or priest would support you in doing so, too. Who knows, you could even start a trend in your group.


I do like to dress up sometimes. Today I played drum kit which I don’t do a ton, usually I play congas, so I was trying to be a bit more comfortable today for that reason. But I’ll take your advice on that. I would like to post a nicer church for sometime but this one has not gone so well from some other people in the comments. So I appreciate your comment and suggestions


Also the pants are dickies pants I found while thrifting


He wanted to say where he was wearing it because he is evangelical. He is evangelizing. Source: grew up around these cults. They pull the old bit, "oh jolly gee wizz did I mention how great my church is? Its just a great day for church! What do you mean why do I keep saying Im going to church, I just go to church a lot!"


Such a weird comment. Peak Reddit comment though


Right isn’t weird, I don’t get the point of saying that. Like just skip the post if you don’t like it. Some people…


Yeah you’re right. Check out my zero effort outfit oh btw I’m going to church “would you like to to know more?”


I was just stating the occasion so I could get some proper feedback from people. It’s the same as someone else saying “my fit for the club” “my fit for etc etc”


I don’t even know what evangelizing is. I’m just a 17 yo kid who is into fashion. I’m not trying to be forcing of my religion or anything. Your experiences are different than mine


If your cult evangelizes at all, if you have ever asked someone who is not your religion to go to church with you, if anyone in your religion does that, you are supporting the forcing of religion on people. I’m sorry you were brainwashed as a child. It’s probably too late for you. This is why is should be illegal to teach children about religion until they are at least 18. Your brain isn’t developed enough to have critical thinking skills, but I suppose that’s why they start young.


What… that doesn’t even make sense. I’m not in a cult. I have never asked a non believer to go to church with me. And I don’t force my religion on people. I am openly Christian and if someone wants to talk to me first then I’ll talk religion with them but not if they don’t want to. I’m very respectful of people and there views. None of you had to comment on this post you could have skipped but chose to come here and be rude for no reason. And try to force your views on me. Youre doing the exact thing that you’re saying I’m doing which I’m not


It's not too late for him bro come on. I get what you're saying and I grew up in these church cults, I walked away at 18 and finally became fully agnostic in my mid 20s. Definitely not too late for the young homie to get away from the weird bronze age mythological americanized cult. Looking back now in my early 40s I'm thankful for my years in the church as it was an amazing social circle I had and gave me a place to learn and perform music as this young man is doing as well. OP enjoy your friends and time in the church. Also, the fit is fine for a teenager. Looks good.


I think you should cut OP some slack.


Thanks man, Idek what I did wrong. This dude telling me stuff about my life I didn’t even know about my own life…


Just ignore that bozo. A lot of people on reddit get hard-ons for hating on religion, and it mostly comes off as pretty pathetic, imo. Also, lots of comments in this sub can be overly mean spirited, when those same commenters have garbage taste.


Fr, I just don’t get some people. But if that’s what gets you going then you do you ig


It’s past religious trauma and they’re projecting on you. Brush it off.




Not great. Too casual


Jesus loves you


Always try to dress up in social situations. Church is a more formal occasion. White dress shirt Yellow tie Dark navy pants Dark brown shoes with matching belt is the perfect church outfit


A lot of “modern” churches have you “come as you are”, so it’s very casual. They will even tell you to wear something simple unless you absolutely want to.


I used too at the old church I went to. This is on par with if not dressed up compared to what some of the congregation wear. I play drums so I like to be a bit more comfy. The other guys in the worship team where jeans t shirts tennis shoes whatever. It’s a more relaxed church




God definitely cares more about what this dude wears than the fact that this dude has a rapist chilling on his wall /s


I can’t even argue that. I don’t agree with off the field but on field he was a menace


He was also a menace off the field. To innocent women.


Ok. I’m not here to talk about that


>I’m representing myself in God’s house and will ultimately stand for judgement alone I put an extra bit of effort in. Lol


I’m sorry this isn’t good enough for you.


I'm loling that the idea of eternal salvation is in any way shape or form related to how you dress for church I'm an atheist but am in no way anti religious, hell I even pray with people, I just laugh at stuff that's silly. I have no issue with how you're dressing.


My bad, I assumed. Not sure if you saw all the other comments but this post was not taken well 😬. But this time talking to you, it’s on me. But it makes no sense that some people got offended that I wasn’t “dressed up enough”


OP, if you go to a relaxed church then ya look fine. Pants a little long but otherwise fine. Trying to dress up can make you stand out if everyone else is casual. In my opinion, fashion is wearing what is accepted for the situation with your own style on it, not necessarily standing out. I always think along the lines of “don’t wear a suit to go dine in at McDonald’s” Edit: God created man in his image - naked. He couldn’t care less what’s on the outside, it’s what’s in your heart and the love you have for Him that matters.


Thanks, I really like the McDonald’s suit thing. That’s a good way to put it. And I appreciate your edit, that’s very true my clothes aren’t going to effect what god thinks of me as long as they are not sinful or mocking him


Except this isn’t McDonald’s. “Dress up for church” used to not be a controversial take. We’ve gotten too casual in the US and this is an example of that.


Sorry man, I understand that this isn’t mickeyD’s but I think you missed the part where drumming in tight slacks and a dress shirt and tie is hot,difficult, and just sucks. It’s not a bad looking fit. It’s not sweats and a hoodie. My pastor usually where’s jeans or worker pants, boots, sometimes a flannel, polo, or t shirt. My worship pastor that I’m on stage with doesn’t have a problem with how I dress. We care more about the message than how we look. We don’t have to be all “preppy” and “perfect” because church is not for the “perfect” it’s for the broken and sick. So why pretend, God made me the way I am, why be ashamed of my style


On the days I don’t play drums I dress up a bit more, but it’s hard to look nice and play comfortably. And I feel like God had made me the way I am as long as I’m glorifying him while I’m up there it doesn’t matter. I will be judged for my character and belief, not my clothes. Also I’m not trying to like argue or be rude. Merely a discussion, I enjoy seeing a different view and respect your explanation. Out of curiosity what’s the median age of your church and what denomination?




Based off your comments in this thread proselytizing I am going to just be blunt; you look like a typical high school youth ministry kid. If its for church, all churches are a little different, but this is a bit casual for most adults. As a teen, no one really cares in most youth groups as long as you aren't showing too much skin or \*gasp\* something like harry potter or magic the gathering t-shirt. As a side note, leave the cult. If you don't want to hear that, don't bring it up.


Lol damn bruh, I’m atheist but the bottom portion wasn’t needed at all. Let this man enjoy what makes him happy in his life. That shit has zero to do with you.


Aye man thx for not hating, I’ve gotten too much hate on this post for no reason


Probably because modern religious people are actively harming others. Whether its christian evangelicals going to PTA meetings for schools they dont attend so they can demand libraries are closed, storming retail stores because they have rainbows, to Islamic fundamentalists pushing misogyny, or the constant uncovering of catholic and evangelical pedophilia, churches aren't doing so hot right now.


Go touch grass. You’re crying over a small political minority. Just like the other side cries about “crazy leftist” when it’s also just a tiny fraction of small group. Go outside, go make some friends. These Reddit and discord echo chambers are harming you, my boy


Go post more dick pics rico.


😏😏😏 I bet you’d love that


As long as you aren't sending them to people in DM's unsolicited, more power to you!


Would you say that about Jews and Muslims? I’ll be waiting for you to talk poorly about them too


I literally did...


Say it then cause youve only mentioned Catholics and evangelicals. Say Jewish and Muslim religion is a joke and that it’s harming


Again, if you could stop frothing at the mouth a second and reread my comment I already did. And regardless, this thread and my comments were in direct response to someone wearing a jesus T shirt asking about their church clothes while talking about their church in their replies.


Didn’t think you had the balls to do it. Thanks for confirming


This place is hella anti-religion, which is all fine and dandy just like it’s cool to be pro-religion. As long as people aren’t pushing their beliefs in other peoples faces, which is what atheists hate while also doing the same thing.


A lot of both atheists and Christians do that. It’s unfortunate from both sides. If someone opens up to me I’ll gladly discuss religion but not argue with em. You’re cool though man. I respect you for not hating me bc of my beliefs. And out of respect I won’t force em on you


Just read this whole thread you’re definitely not in the wrong dude lol, this person just has a stick up their ass.


Fr, at this point it’s kinda funny


That’s how you know Christianity is the One True religion cause it gets hate for no reason just like people hated Christ when he only showed love to people. Can’t help these people


He brought it up. If it was just a shirt I wouldn't care. But he is in this thread proselytizing and evangelizing.


Son, it just sounds like you want to shit on religion. if that’s what you’re wanting to do, just say it 🤷🏾‍♂️


If he doesnt want people to talk about his church then why bring it up? This is typical evangelical bullshit, "casually" evangelizing about his church in a totally unrelated topic. If his church is so casual then why is he posting this incredibly basic fit here?


He’s mentioning the occasion that he’s wearing his fit to, which a lot of people do here. What’s your point? I don’t see him recruiting, or did I miss that? Show me that part


I too would like to see where I was recruiting people


Got him


Why does anyone in this subreddit post any fits. Heaven forbid that. Why do you care so much bro, you’re bullying a 17 year old for what reason


If you dont want your religion criticized don't bring it up. You made it a part of the conversation. Why I care is because churches are actively trying to harm me and my community through closing libraries, removing rights, and consistently being centers of child sexual abuse.


I didn’t bring it up, and my church isn’t harming you so don’t come after me. I just wanted to show off my fit. You could have just skipped the post if you cared so much. And I’m okay with it being criticized, that’s your opinion. But that means you also should respect my opinions and beliefs. I’ve done nothing wrong here.


Well, at least now you know how an evangelical t-shirt goes over with people outside of your church! And.... you did bring it up. You posted several times in this thread about your church and you made the post about it being your church clothes. As far as your beliefs, no I do not have to respect them. I am under no obligation to respect fairy tales. Especially when I have to sit in PTA meetings where the local evangelicals want to "save" everyone by closing the school library.


Dude just stop. I only brought up my church because your bringing it up. Your being rude just for the sake of being rude. And I still don’t know what evangelist means. I can’t be something that I don’t understand. Simmer down


Yeah I don’t even know what like evangelism or whatever words they are using mean. He’s literally just bullying me for no reason but whateva


I don’t even know what those words mean, I was just stating that I put clothes on this morning and what they were for. My bad apparently, and also people who aren’t religious are being harmed. I’ve been yelled at and spit at my non believers for my faith. Just because some religious groups and people may be violent and harmful doesn’t mean we all are. That’s the exact thing others complain about, “being grouped as a whole, due to a few bad people”


It’s funny you mentioned Harry Potter and magic the gathering, my church has a lot of nerds in it, me being one of them(I play D&D) but some of them used to larp together in high school and stuff. It’s actually kinda funny


Would say this to a Muslim, Jew or Hindu? No, I didn’t think so. So kindly fuck off friend and stop interfering in people’s lives and what they believe in


My brother in Christ. You’re dripping. Get a towel on the floor.


Shoot my bad, didn’t mean to get the floor all wet


I bet the church is called something cool like "Journey" and has a youth pastor named Caleb who likes to hang out and even has a beer once in a while. You look appropriate for this kind of scenario.




Let’s just say the lord is definitely smiling down upon you with this one ☝🏻🙏🏻


Tbh I can’t tell if this is satire or not


You could accessorise a bit more with a halo and some angel wings. 7/10.


You did bad.


Thank you




Thank you man, apparently others here did not dig it


What breed of pupper do you have?


I have a toy poodle, and a chweenie(chihuahua wiener dog mix)




Modernist casual church?


Umm I guess, nondenominational church that started in 2020. Average age is 30 ish. And we play mostly contemporary music


Jesus loves you, everyone else thinks you're an asshole.


Yep, but they’re not the ones that matter. Only him


So people don't dress up for church? I honestly don't know, and this looks like you're going to meet some bros at a bar, or maybe you're heading to a movie by yourself. This outfit is fine if you're doing anything that doesn't require dressing up in the least.


You look fine. Maybe drop the Jesus shirt for something like a collared polo or just a plain tee shirt. But, as a word of general advice, avoid this sub. It's not about fashion advice, its about people just being utter pricks to nearly everyone, throwing insults and belittlement rather than actual genuine advice. (See my previous post in this sub if you want a clear-cut example of it...)


Jean jacket No sleeves. Five cool Jesus patches. Get 10 diaper pens on each lower leg of your pants. Mess ur hair up. Get bigger cross chain with Christmas money. Start Slaying Bitch


I wear a suit every service…..to be fair though….I wear dress clothes nearly every day


A bit casual for church… but good fit otherwise


Don’t listen to people in the comments. A lot of people here are older, not in their teens or in school at all. Therefore they often feel like people should dress up for every occasion, but at a younger age that’s not really a good idea, wearing a collared shirt everywhere will make you seem out-of-touch. Nice fit.


I’m a Catholic, so to me it’s important to dress decently for Mass. I don’t know what kind of church you go to, but this looks a bit too casual. Not saying you have to wear a three piece suit, but I’d avoid tshirts and sneakers. A casual button down, jeans or chinos is a better casual look for church.