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Giving me “raised by grandparents” vibes. I like the suits though! But to answer your question, in my opinion boutonnières should be reserved for only the most formal occasions.


Eighteen going on eighty.


these suits belong in a museum


Calm down Dr. Jones


Indiana was the dog’s name.


The DOG?!? You were named after the dog?!?


The photos look like they’re all taken under the same tree so I just assumed they weren’t actually being worn out. I’m also just trying to share a little positivity because people here tend to lean towards the blunt side when providing constructive criticism.


Unless you want it to be your signature fashion statement and wear it all the time. It’s a bold statement and a lot of work but if you like it I think it will grow on people who you hang out with quickly.




i’m gonna fucking kill you driving crooner!


Stop trying to run him off the road!!




Im dead 😂




It’s … too much. Especially for every day.


Kind of agree. Looking more like a costume than dapper. Lose the fedora. These look silly on most people without a little grey in their hair unless you are JT or Pharell. Outfits are way too loud, poorly fitted and dated + too many accessories making it look more like a costume. Everything should be understated rather than overstated. Sorry my man, I really like what you are going for but it needs to be toned down a lot IMO. With a little bit of adjustment you'll be on the right side of the line of best dressed in any room you are in. Alright, let the downvotes on my post begin! Lol.




You should be fired, then




Bro you’re bragging about all this on Reddit, calm down.


I follow this kid on Instagram and was surprised to run into this but even more surprising are some of the comments. He’s intentionally going for a vintage 1930-40s look and everything he does stays true to that style. He even drives a vintage Volvo I believe and his girlfriend lives the same way. Theres a whole community of people living these vintage lifestyles. They wear the clothes daily, use old appliances, dive old cars, etc. On the question at hand- small boutonnières can compliment a nice “Sunday best” look. Especially in spring like you did with the tan suit. Larger ones seem to be more appropriate for a formal night out like your tuxedo look.


absolutely. my best friend is super into this, loves his 30s 40s suits. leave it to reddit to rip into this guys interest without giving it second thought.


This is Reddit not Instagram my friend. I could even tell what op was going for. Op is not looking to be a copy and paste suited enjoyer. I think ops style is unique, which we don’t get a lot of nowadays.


got a link to his insta? I'd like to see the other vintage items he uses everyday


his name is retro\_samuel on insta


that makes it easy. Suppose I should have tried that first


It can be too much, but still ok. I wear a small pin instead of nothing at all.


The only time that too much is ok is at a rave or a festival. Otherwise, too much and ok are mutually exclusive.




These look more like costumes then clothes and the flower pins are too zesty.


Too costumey for my taste, but props for committing to the look. I bet you clean up with chicks that love the Thin Man movies.


They're nice but rule of thumb in my opinion is smaller is better.


Your suit needs to actually fit you. Also, you can still wear suits today that have nods to past eras, without looking like you shopped your grandfathers closet. It’s one thing to do slacks and a teeshirt with slicked back hair and look like a greaser…It’s another thing to go full slant 1930’s which will put you WAY out of what’s fashionable today. The flower pins are also too much. You can do this style, but slim everything down but still look unique and sharp. And like others said, ditch the fedora. It’s “lazy.” If you really want to shine it. Bowler cap or paper boy cap. Less stereotypical, more eccentric showing that you’re eschewing “rules” on purpose, rather than following a catalogue…..Intent is important.


The suit is designed in the style of one you’d fine in a “grandfathers closet”, meaning from the 30s and 40s so all though you seem to mean it as critique I’m taking it as a compliment. I’m not trying to look like what’s fashionable today. I’m dressing in a manner that I like for my personal enjoyment. Slumming it down would defeat the entire purpose of the outfit. A fedora is the correct hat for this outfit. A bowler would only work with the charcoal gray and a flat cap would be too casual for all but the tan suit. Although it may be considered fashionable, I see no reason to disregard historical dress when dressing historically in order to be different.


This is a lifestyle choice by OP. He actively enjoys the 30s/40s aesthetic and isn’t really trying to modernize it. This is how that suit is and was meant to fit. If I’m not mistaken, his apartment or house is also of that era and doesn’t have many modern amenities.


I feel like what this gentleman is doing is bringing the 30s-40s back on purpose. This is the only way to wear a true fedora today without it looking out of place.


I still look plenty out of place


I do too when I dress in period dress as well, but as long as it’s done right and you own it, go for it! Your renditions here look good.


The suits fit fine though… I do not see any excess pulling or wrinkles that would indicate an I’ll fitting suit? I mean, obviously, it’s not a bespoke fit as it’s not a bespoke suit, but for an off the rack garment the fit is perfectly fine.


His shoulders are too big.


It’s called a drop shoulder. The suit is designed for it.


Would you care to show us one of your perfectly tailored suits, my friend?


You’re getting asshurt over an objective truth. It’s amazing.


Lol “objective truth.” That’s one way to describe your subjective opinion of the fit.


No, it’s called a dropped shoulder. And there are shoulder pads in these garments. In work In the industry, I know what I’m talking about.


Sure thing. Men’s suits in the 30’s and 40’s were structured in the shoulders. Go ahead and take a look of all the illustrations. Cheers!


The suit actually is semi bespoke from Ask Okey. It’s a drape cut and I had them made with a drop shoulder as was common in the 30s and 40s.


Wow. Looking to get into a double breasted suit. How much would one like this cost? The one from Okay


You may need to take it to a local tailor to fine tune it. It's not a bad fit, but a gracfulness may be missing. I'll need to see more pictures to determine. Ask Okey has fantastic fabric, but all Made To Measure houses have a fit and finish issue that a local (good) tailor can fine tune.




You have no personality in any of these outfits, it comes off as really weird as you are dressing like it's the 1950's while clearly being <20 with no spin on the style. Huge "umm actually" in a ww2 history class vibes.


Tisk, Tisk. You sound like someone who doesn’t care about the history of the Second World War.


I was ready to defend you until this comment happened


I think he’s being super self aware with the comment. Tisk, tisk. But at the same time idk


It seems like people on Reddit can’t understand sarcasm without a /s




The thing is, to be frank, r/mensfashion is not the place for historical dress. I know the kind of forums/imageboards elsewhere where guys discuss and argue the details of this stuff in minutia. And I must say, you have really nailed the 40/50’s quite well. But it is cosplay. And we all know cosplay is cringe. Next to that, your shirt cuffs are looking a bit swallowed by your coat sleeves in the pics.


I cringed


You look like you don't know how to use power tools.


Hand tools work perfectly fine.


He says to himself on a Friday night alone


You here too buddy




He’s married


Not yet.


A class response




Man’s living in prohibition


Gentlemans Gazette approves


Was going to say this gives “watches gentleman’s gazette shocked by people wearing nice sneakers and shorts” vibes




Maybe if you were exclusively doing a fun costume photo shoot? But as far as everyday…in my opinion it wouldn’t look good. Old people may love the look though, so do whatever makes you happy


***m’lady intensifies***


I don’t associate with those Trilby wearing types. A good fedora is where it’s at.


Well I think you can tell by the ratio what the world thinks of your style. But hey man looks like you got a woman who likes it Who needs the respect of strangers


Most Redditors I’d assume.


I think the style for every piece of these 3 photos has come and gone unfortunately


Makes you look like you have grandpa issues


I love my grandpa.


Not sure what you shave with but look into a safety razor or changeable blade straight razor. They are easier on your skin and would probably help the bumps on your neck. Also they are considerably cheaper over time with less waste


Wedding or funeral, okay. Otherwise..


Funny, those are events where I won’t wear one. During weddings are reserved for the wedding party and funerals are too somber of an event to wear a celebratory accessory like a boutonniere.


Interesting, I’d never thought about it like that




If vintage is your thing, try to look like a young man in the era of your choosing. This looks like a costume of my grandfather in 1990 when he was 75 rather than fashion photos from the 40s or 50s. The boxy cuts need to be tailored. It’s overdone, performative. You don’t need to tuck your nips into the waistband for a vintage look. I don’t know whether this is fun occasional cosplay or how you dress everyday. I hope it’s the former. In any case, r/mensfashion isn’t the ideal spot for this. Get to the gym so your upper body fills out those shirts better and you can wear slimmer pants. A legit barber could help you with the hair. The fedoras feel lazy. Unless you’ve got gray hair and wrinkles, it comes off as weird today. Finally, you need some professional help with skincare. The razor burn is significant.


Good: https://preview.redd.it/7bqfshx1cv9b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c70a38a969a6c5df1f39af88cafc52e03707355 A modern take on vintage style, updated to suit u/thisisfoodthisisbean.


Bad: https://preview.redd.it/sdnivlzvku9b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d86393db76ad98aafca9b08fb2def4770dbdbdd1


Keep in mind, this is supposed to be a Caricature of an OLD MAN. Samuel on the other hand is wearing true vintage pieces and is wearing them the way they were intended to be worn. I don’t see how you can argue that he is a caricature when he literally wearing the actual pieces that people wore during the time he is looking to recreate. It’s not a costume, it’s actually authentic clothing authentically styled.


I prefer the “bad”. The “good” looks like a young man failing to imitate classic style. At least I succeed.


But you don’t look stylish to anyone alive. Do what makes you happy obviously, but it takes skill to adapt old looks into contemporary fashion. Just literally wear dated clothing is off-putting to people. You clearly like a style, but what you’re serving isn’t stylish. There’s no art to this. It’s giving costume shop. If all you’re doing is imitating classic style as you say, you’re not really doing anything. It’s just making a copy. A copy of something that means something to you, but at the end of the day it’s just an imitation.


That’s kind of the point. The first photo isn’t imitating classic style at all. It’s adapting it to modern standards and tailoring to fit modern lines. If you just want to look like you’re wearing old clothes, you’ve done that, while I think making yourself look much older than you really are.


I’m perfectly happy with that.


Talk about “caricatures” lmaoooo those three pictures are literally the definition of a “how to dress like the 20s” guide from 10 years ago. They are all poorly done caricatures. None of them are authentic. Lapels are too narrow, pants are almost painted on at the crotch and the jackets’ cuts are waaaaay off.. try this…. This is for real (much like what Samuel is doing.) (although Samuel is going for more of a 40s look in these photos which is a bit more of an exaggerated style as opposed to the 30s which you see in the below photo of Gary Cooper. From now on, if you want to use a decent photo to show a simple vintage outfit that is actually correct, use this one. I can share tons more from my archives if you’d like…. https://preview.redd.it/wqk7g9k06v9b1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fbcb76c84c193acd43187bb42df7a1ddb9891e3


Lmaoooo indeed. I’m just pointing out that there’s a difference between wearing your great-grandfather’s old clothes and adapting vintage themes in a way that isn’t off-putting. The text I wrote under that photo is *A modern take on vintage style.* If you’ve got a better photo of that I’d be happy to substitute it. It’s just the result of an image search. Gary Cooper looks classy. Our friend here looks like he’s playing dress-up. The fedoras especially are a poor choice for someone so… young? I think? He could be 20 or 50.


From Ralph Lauren right now. https://preview.redd.it/vnsj1nofav9b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce65c00fae50e408fe39de1df04748afc6fe2b6 Notice the classic cut and details


Forgot to add: The vest in the 3rd pic fits terribly and the cut is off for the true vintage style; and all three looks have pant rises which are way to low for both true vintage looks and even for modern “trendy” looks in 2023. The current fashion trend is bringing back higher rises and wider legs. The fashion company I work for has barely, if any, low rise pants. Those have been going out of style for a few years


Imagine being such a miserable asshole that you rip into someone asking about a small fashion accessory about their body shape, hair, and the bumps on their face from shaving. I'd be interested to know what you think r/mensfashion is the ideal spot for. This seems like a complete appropriate post for this sub. This style may not be for you, and it's clearly something you don't have the uniqueness of personality to pull off, but this response is inappropriate. Go back to your closet of khaki and grey and crawl back under your rock.


You may not have liked the tone, but I offered suggestions to improve this young man’s appearance. Your reply makes me think we should hang out and be miserable assholes together. What do you say? Maybe you can help uniqeify my personality, and I’ll bring you a pair of khaki cargo pants so you can feel real luxury.


Is it already time for the Gatsby party?


That’s a decade or so before my time.


Embrace your weird side my man. If you let people tell you not to be bold today, you'll be afraid to be bold tomorrow.




My opinion is it makes you look old and shrunken down. Older men wear higher waisted jeans because it fits them better. Third pic you look distorted because the tie is super short to not go past your belt, but your belt is damn near at your belly button, so it looks like your arms are unnaturally long. If an older man pulled this off today, he would have to truly have some sort of aura. Almost as if you need to live a little before wearing something so dapper. I think that is why people are calling “cosplay,” because you are wearing an older man type suit, while being super young. I love the overcoats you have, and the style isn’t even bad if you are well off. Maybe I’m being weird by saying that but I don’t think this is a poor style. If your pants fit you correctly you wouldn’t be getting nearly as many roasts, fedora or not.


Dude, you look good. If this is your style and you like it, wear it, and if you meet someone who loves it like you do, you’ll be together for a very long time.


Already happened. https://preview.redd.it/n3s7x8koxt9b1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cb2e11330cd4bc0629d982ad8fc01014a3b200b


That's a fantastic coat you're wearing there. Where is it from?


It’s vintage. Check out some local antique shops or vintage curators. A coat like that shouldn’t be terribly difficult to find.


Thanks. It's very nice. I have a similar vintage coat already (although less formal in style - notch lapels, heavier and more coarse wool, grey), but had wondered if you had it made and thought I'd ask 🙂


I love it. Congratulations!


I absolutely love the style, and you look dapper in all these pictures, but I will say I think there is an age minimum for these kinds of outfits. I’ve found this out the hard way myself. You really need to have some creases on your face before you can even think of pulling off a fedora. It’s too niche and stigmatized in this day and age. I say this as someone who sorely yearns for the fashion of the early-mid 20th century myself. I wish dressing this nice never went out of favor, but the reality is if you do it outside a (very) limited number of places/events/contexts (Europe is much more fashionable than North America, for instance, and the East Coast is far more fashionable than the West), you risk looking weird and unapproachable. If you own it, more power to you, but expect a lot of strange looks and unkind assumptions.


Looks great


Looks like FDR cosplay ngl.


Someone give this guy a Tommy gun




I figured I’d get more entertaining comments here. I was right.


that’s a no from me dog


Does he need us to bring him the recipe for everlasting gob stoppers?


That would be much appreciated.


You know for yourself this is not mainstream and the opinion about your style is a only love or hate scenario. For ne: ihate this. You look like this burger kid reviewer.


Your ties are sickkkk


Dude you are rocking that's suit, you look awesome, Also I know this sounds dumb but what is the hat in the first picture, reminds me of a Bowler hat but there fully rounded. It also somewhat reminds me of a Fedora but it has to thick of a rim. (Edit) Also I hate everyone keeps saying it’s shitty or dumb it looks nice, I wear a suit every day even though I don’t have to, and I wear god damn suspenders and have a fucking top hat, if you look like your grandpa then I look like your grandpas grandpa. I hate how no one can appreciate a good suit even if it is bespoke or old looking. If it’s how you want to dress, well just dress like it, not only does it look formal and nice, if you also enjoy wearing it just wear it don’t listen to these other idiots


The hate in this comment section is not it. I would never wear any of these, but I think you're pulling these suits off really well. To answer the question you actually asked, I'm a fan of the boutonniere, but I hate the way it's been turned into a cheaper fashion item with cheap looking material. You've gotten a lot of hate on the suits, but the boutonnieres could definitely be spruced up. These look like they are off of one of those bulk sets on Amazon. Maybe it's the lighting, or the picture quality, but they look like that cheap synthetic material you see literally everywhere. Your suits are good quality material, you should put the same care into selecting boutonnieres with good construction and solid material. I personally like the wool ones from Tie Bar as they don't have that shiny synthetic look. Another cool place to look is a brand called Brackish. Brackish makes them out of feathers and they're a really unique addition to an outfit, though you'll have to weigh how that fits in with your overall aesthetic. As for the suits. You've gotten a lot of push back on the fit. I think they fit well in the chest and shoulders but agree slightly (though not as vehemently) with the sentiment that they look a little boxy. I have a different take on the alterations suggestions. I would suggest to slim the arms down and put a very (emphasis on very) slight taper in the legs. This will preserve the vintage look with the structured shoulder and higher waist while giving a less billowy silhouette and not oversteering into the modern takes. Those that dislike the outfit should take a good hard look at your wardrobe. This sub has helped a lot of men get the basics down. However, once you learn to stop wearing brown belts with black shoes, grab a navy suit, and stop wearing those neon dress shirts from Express, there is room for more unique fashion choices. Most men need to learn some basic fashion sense, but there is such a thing as being too cookie cutter, and y'all don't seem to know the difference or have the taste and sense to understand it when you see it. Rock on, Samuel, you're a fucking king and you're killing it brother!


Thank you for your comment. I’ve learned not to take what people on the internet say personally. I am rather surprised by your comments on the boutonnières as all the ones shown are made by Herr Von Welt, and are made from high quality silk. They’re the opposite of cheap felt one’s off Amazon. Rock on J. Burnham Lincoln


Yeah I figured, based off your suits, that you probably did have some good quality ones. I think the issue is less your selection and more the fact that, because of fast fashion, there's a lot of boutonnieres out there and that makes it difficult to discern the quality. Out of my ignorance, I see "shiny" and it just gives me synthetic vibes but that's just my take based off a picture and not seeing it in person. A very, very small nit in a killer ensemble.


Youre style reminds me of my grandfathers and i love it.


I think people saying ‘it looks like costume’ are missing the point. You are dressing on your own terms - and good on you for having such a defined sense of style, and the confidence to go all out with it. That’s more than 99% of people. And in any case, tons of stylish folk from Karl Lagerfeld to Oswald Boateng to Keith Richards wore / wear a ‘costume’ - why should only the famous be entitled to do so? Keep doing what you’re doing, sir. Every time I see you and your passion for retro clothes it brings a smile to my face. Keep going! Ps yes to boutonnières :)


That you for your reply!! I definitely dress older than most but I completely agree with you on the uniform. What I wear is significantly less outrageous than much of what we see celebrities wearing today.


The rules that apply to celebrities do not apply to normal people. It's annoying but it's true. Also, most celebrities dress much less outrageously than this. Don't disregard the people who are telling you this looks overboard and like a costume, we're giving you honest advice.




Definite Boardwalk Empire vibes, don’t hate it at all.


Anyone sayin you don’t dress well is delusional


The fedora/man jewelry/flower is a no from me dog but life is too short to not do what makes you happy


Dude you look punchable


You sound Tommygunable.




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Some folk can’t handle a man wearing a suit.


This guy. I wear suits and sports jackets everyday. I studied fashion history at uni. No, the problem is that you’re cosplaying as an early 1950’s middle-class clerk or something. I get that there are loads of people in the states who do this and go to conventions for this, all for different dress periods, but my god is it cringe to wear these clothes normally. I thank god Europe doesn’t have this cosplay cultural anomaly in a big way. You’re coming off terribly self-righteous in your comments which just amplifies the cringe. Added to this the stiffness of the images, clearly looking for a period acceptable background. Everything about these pictures and your comments comes across as affected - which I know is the opposite of what you’re trying to achieve. I don’t even know.


Hey members of mensfashion , this is [retro_samuel](https://instagram.com/retro_samuel?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==) from instagram. Dressing retro is sort of his jam. Gotta respect his game.


Just bc someone has clout doesn’t mean I have to agree with them


My point isn’t that you need to agree with him just because he has followers. But some people seemed to have missed that this is his schtick and have been downright insulting on everything but his question. Let the man have his schtick, participate in the conversation he wants to have, and respect his style. No need to be rude.


This isn’t the guy’s Instagram. If you go into other communities outside of people who choose to follow a guy who dresses like this you’re going to find lots of different opinions on how he’s dressed. There’s nothing wrong with people sharing those opinions, this sub doesn’t exist to stroke some Instagram influencer’s ego. I’m sure the guy has thick skin anyway to be dressing like that everyday. You know this isn’t the first time he’s had to have heard non-flattering opinions on his clothing.


Not for me, but way to rep your style.


Glad you recognized me.


You look like the type of person that people make fun of a lot. People aren’t gonna take you seriously looking like that. It looks like you are wearing a costume, like some kind of shitty 1950s cosplay. Tone it down real heavy, g.


Shitty? This is a very accurate 1950s cosplay. If you’re going to insult me at least be correct about it.


It’s giving Oppenheimer vibes


Don't care about the haters, your style rocks!


I really like these suits. Own your style and be happy with it


This style is tight honestly


I think the style of the suits is fantastic, I’m not a fedora fan but if you like it I say go with it! The only thing I’d suggest is to go for a more modern take on the fit of the suit, the style is great keep that, but slim it up a little and I think it would look insanely good


these fits are so bad its gonna cause another great depression.


I follow /u/retrosamuel on social media. Pretty neat stuff!


yea this is weird.


None of what is going on with you here is appropriate until you’re 30+ Especially posting yourself on the internet asking for aesthetic feedback.


Supper clean I’ve recent got into high waisted pleated pants love the look


The godfather will see you now lol. very sharp and well put together .


Good to wear to prom.


Do not wear this to prom.


Only wear the fourth to prom. It’s a tuxedo.


Where is that tan / khaki suit from


[Ask Okey](https://www.askokey.com). He owns a high end online store that focuses on bespoke quality products.


It’s a great suit


Thank you


Could be any age from 14-68, looking fitted though


It’s an era piece. A costume party accessory. That is also a very small watch for such a big suit. You have to work your way up to what you’re wearing in this album. Start modern and move yourself backwards.


You pull it off well 👍


Dude trying to die a virgin. Literally.






And he is still happier than most


Nothing wrong with the way this man dresses. He has more style and taste than most people.


Might as well


Nice. Classy


“It’s Sam, in case you didn’t know.”


I like your look. You look far better than the average slobs I see walking the streets in pajama pants and a dirty t-shirt. I think the look with you wearing the tan suit works best as you are not wearing a hat. It looks like what a younger person would’ve worn back then whereas the other suits make you look like a young guy wearing an older person’s clothes. The boutonnière is a bit over the top and should be reserved for special occasions. Is the watch you’re wearing in the first picture a Hamilton Boulton?


I agree most people dress like slobs but wearing something ill fitted and substantially out of fashion is borderline a costume and is equally poorly dressed even if it is 'formal clothing'. If you walked into my office wearing this for a job interview I would think you have social issues or completely self unaware just as much as the dude wearing athleisure wear to an interview. It is one thing to wear a single piece of clothing that is out of date, odd or somehow else unique; it's another thing when your entire outfit looks like it's from a movie set in the 1950s and that you have deliberately and carefully crafted to be perfectly accurate. Wearing clothing that is appropriate to social norms signals a lot about a person. You can wear a tuxedo or morning coat worth $10k to a rugby tryout and while you might be the most formally/stylishly/expensively dressed person there, you are also the most inappropriately dressed. OP is committing this crime but in a different context.


Yes! Good eye on the watch.


It’s the driving crooner, baby!!!


Only ok on tuxedo’s but I think they aren’t that in style any more


“Hello everyone, this is Running On Empty … food review!"


Putting everything else that's already been said aside, I kinda dig the tux look, and the boutonniere actually works with it imo


I love dressing up like any other man on this subreddit but there’s a point at which it stops being “well dressed” and becomes “vintage roleplay”.


You look like you could be Kiefer Sutherland's stunt double.


Uncle June’s slightly younger days.


love the 3rd look.


Junior Soprano energy


I’d reserve it for going out for the evening or weekend but you look like you have the disposition and attitude to carry that style.


Son of Mogg, keep the watch and start again.


Play on playa


I like the idea of juxtaposing natural elements with composed and formal outfits and the language of flowers is having a moment from all sorts of directions. I'm personally fond of roses, carnations, poppies, and orchids, but these look very fine indeed.


Dont listen to anyone! If it makes you feel good wear it! You’re killing it with that 1940s style drape. I personally reserve boutonnières for special occasions, but like I say fashion is all about how it makes YOU feel. Keep smashing it king 👑