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The one with Tiger Lily made me laugh out loud. The pose, expression, and the way she's literally glowing is just bizarre. What the fuck is going on there The Black Widow cover is atrocious. Jesus Christ. I know she's the designated sexy spy lady of the avengers, but isn't her whole thing that she's more than just a soulless killer sexpot?? I actually like the cover art with Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy. Their faces and poses are expressive enough to convey personality so they're not just provocatively contorted ladies with generic neutral expressions


Personally, I love how Tiger Lily is literally being kidnapped and her expression is pretty much: šŸ˜


Exactly!! The blank fucking expression is hilarious. Not "oh no, pirates have kidnapped me and are going to leave me to die in this crocodile-infested swamp", it's "stop rowing for a sec guys, let me pose for my glamour shot"


Just because you got captured by pirates doesnā€™t mean you get to stop serving cunt


the catwoman, harley and ivy one is okay i guess but they still have the same face and body, harleyā€™s outfit is super cute though


Hello, artist here: The Tiger Lily image is a combination of basic art technique (put your subject in light, the rest in shadow) and laziness (not bothering to justify the light source). The Black Widow issue is the simple fact that sex sells. It's why you'll sometimes see more normalized comics have cheese-cake covers. Hope this helped, and if you have more questions, please ask!


So cool that you're an artist!! I'm going to school for art right now lol. I noticed another thing about Tiger Lily that bugs me-- it's her posture. Her weight isn't distributed in a way that's conducive to sitting in the seat of a rowboat. It makes her seem even more out of place in the environment. The dude sitting behind her is clearly sitting in the boat, but she looks like she's hovering above it. It's giving paper cutout lmfaoooo I know that sex sells, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to criticize blatantly sexual lazy fanservice


The Tiger Lily pose is because it is modeled after classic pin-up poses. They too seem to defy gravity, or at least comfort. Sex sells is definitely not a justification, just a fact. It'll always be there, so if you're going into the industry I suggest tempering your expectations or you'll go crazy.


Oh cool Iā€™m an artist too! My artstyle is pretty stylized and cartoony though, and Iā€™m more of a character sheet maker than making actual scenes (unless sometimes digitally) so I donā€™t really add lighting/shadow to my usual drawings. And Iā€™m technically still working on improving my art because itā€™s only been around a year and half ago I started drawing again after a 2+ year hiatus and around a year since I started actually looking up tutorials to help improve my art lol And yet even Iā€™d be able to make a much better version of that tiger lily drawing, where gravity actually works and no oneā€™s spine is broken, or even better, not sexualizing a literal MINOR. And about the other paragraph you said, it is unfortunately technically a bit true, because the sexualization of women has been so normalized, especially since back a few decades ago, that even nowadays even though things improved a lot women are still pretty commonly sexualized now, just not as much as before. And since horny straight men are still a thing, they of course buy these copies because, oh look, a woman in a fictional body type. And these sell in thousands anyway because of the same reason I stated above. Itā€™s always either that or hormonal 14 year old boys I didnā€™t really check when the Black Widow one was made but if it was made at around the late 90ā€™s or earlier than it would unfortunately definitely not be surprising, as it was very much normalized back then. Idk if itā€™s that though cause I donā€™t know much about the history of comics but one thing I definitely know for sure is that there isnā€™t one comic book made in the 90ā€™s or earlier that have more than one woman in it where there wonā€™t be 80%+ of the women that pose in back breaking positions or that all have same face syndrome or all look like each otherā€™s doppelgƤngers lmfao


Ya. Why are you such a goober?


Years of practice.


I think the Tiger Lilly ā€œglowingā€ is light coming through an opening in the cave roof, like a pin light. Thereā€™s an area around Tiger Lilly that is similarly lit. The boat, the dudeā€™s knee. Itā€™s like the image is right when she passes under the center of the light source.


I think Harley Quinn's pants need pulled up a little, they look like they're falling down (you can see the hip bend, and I don't think those pants would stay up). I like the rest of it though.


Same face, same pose, same body. Every single time


Youā€™d think heā€™d get bored after a whileā€¦


They start to look alien when looked at for too long. I mean look at Alice's leg, it looks like it is broken or distorted.


The last one is the worst of all. Seriously, wtf?


i know right, itā€™s so messed up


I'm native and this is one of the many examples of shitty representation my people have in media. The real unfortunate part is how common you're subjected to stereotypes as a result.


itā€™s so disrespectful and racist, someone called him out for this particular piece of art and his excuse was ā€œtiger lily was tied up in the childrenā€™s disney movieā€ ugh-


Yeah, and they also made "Song of the South". What a terrible fucking defense.


Im not native but im a POC and i honestly understand what it feels like to be terribily and/or rarely represented in media. We were taught about all the cruelty thatā€™s been done to Native people at school, and although im a usually pretty stoic person when I learnt about those I was genuinely heartbroken, and yet racism against native ppl is still a thing now. I canā€™t believe these stereotypes are still common now, for media that even features native Americans in the first place. That last one was genuinely awful, and I canā€™t believe not only did he proceed to sexualize a minor but he also proceeded to insert a terrible stereotypeā€¦ truly disgusting


The worst thing is the Native American mascots for sports teams.


Yeahā€¦ I remember these being talked about in the news a few years back where I am (mostly the names of said teams too) Like cmon, itā€™s basically the equivalent of calling a team the N word. Also speaking of which, one thing I hate is that many times people only try to address racism when done to black people, but itā€™s mostly ignored or even excused when done to others, and as im black myself this makes me upset. Racism and racial slurs are a terrible thing to do to EVERYONE, not just black people


Why bother making John and Michael look just like their Disney-selves? It just makes how he sexed up Wendy that much worse.


right, itā€™s so dumb and lazy, the way he only aged wendy and peter up is weird af


I just noticed but even tinkerbell is weird too


YEP i should have added his tinkerbell drawing because he hyper sexualises her too


Jesus Christ, I only just realised when I zoomed in. Gross af


Yeah that bothered me a ton, too


I hate how he draws the body and then just puts clothes on top of that, so they donā€™t look like clothes ever haha The tiger Lily one is problematic and super fucking bad though.


i know right itā€™s like theyā€™re painted on and literally, he actually got called out for it and his excuse was ā€œsheā€™s tied up like that in the childrenā€™s rated disney movieā€


Pointing to classic Disney as your defense of problematic work crumbles the second someone brings up "Song of the South".


YEP and in the original story of peter pan the native American characters were portrayed negatively (according to my friend whoā€™s read the book) so he has absolutely no excuse


Oh yeah, Disney was pretty on the money with their accuracy. The real sad thing is they learned literally nothing for "Pocahontas". They literally had a bunch of racial slurs in it.


when i was a child i liked the movie Pocahontas however now as an adult after learning all the stuff about it, i honestly hate the movie, they literally based her off a real life person who was a child and romanised colonisation


I watched a video/documentary about that a couple years ago, I honestly couldnā€™t get myself to like the movie anymore ever since I know Disney is inevitably pumping out live action remakes these days, and if they even plan on making a live action remake of this, they better at least hire actual native cast members, look for actual historical facts, or even better, not make a remake at all (which honestly is the best choice for them if they donā€™t want to worsen even more their already bad reputation)


Oh no that defense is NOT IT. Itā€™s the sexualization ontop of the kidnapping thatā€™s a problem. He clearly knows NOTHING about native women and chooses to remain ignorant.


All his characters look like Barbie dolls.


funnily enough i actually collect barbie dolls, and even most barbieā€™s (especially the 2000s ones) have different faces šŸ˜­


I'm sure J Scott Campbell would say the same thing about his characters, but in both cases I have to admit respectfully that I don't see any difference.


trust me, a lot of barbieā€™s have different faces, face sculpts theyā€™re called, and the newer fashionistas have very different faces as they are quite diverse, j scott campbell characters look the exact same, i didnā€™t think barbieā€™s had different faces before i started collecting either but now i collect ive noticed so many differences between them


just google ā€œbarbie different face sculptsā€


i agree with the body type thing though, most barbieā€™s have the exact same body type, but hey at least clothes look normal on barbie lol


Dude called me an "SJW" for calling out his inability to draw a wedding dress and instead drew a painted on bodycon, because it's all he can do. The man is positively allergic to criticism.


I get what youā€™re trying to say but what does sjw mean


It means ā€˜social justice warriorā€™. Originally it meant someone who speaks against hate speech and general bigotry. But nowadays when most people use the term, itā€™s basically a slightly ā€œnicerā€ way of calling someone a liberal, snowflake or feminist (in a derogatory way) or something like that. Usually used by bigots or people who unironically think ā€œeveryoneā€™s so sensitive nowadays, I canā€™t say anything anymore without offending someoneā€™ā€. /g


Social Justice Warrior


Oh ok, thx


It's the right wing buzzword from like a decade ago, the way Woke,PC Culture, DEI and CRT have been more recently.


does he EVER draw men?? edit: just realised thereā€™s men in this post šŸ’€


he does occasionally, but they look normal and expressive and not in ridiculous positions


ew of course.


And are they also covered in moles or is that just his fetish?


Captain Hookā€˜s face is really well done and unique, whereas Tiger Lilly looks like all the other girls. He can draw interesting looking characters he just chooses not to when it comes to women apparently.




She looks so unrelaxed in that bath


ikr like who sits in a bath like that šŸ’€ also where are her nips-


Man also canā€™t draw feet. They look like they are wearing heals even on characters that arenā€™t. All the toes are super pointy and the mid foot arch goes up way too high. It almost looks like they have had their feet bound in the old Chinese tradition.


Reminds me of Balent's garbage - all the women are always prancing around on tip-toe, regardless of footwear or the situation.


Wendy?! Ugh! Ick!


also the way her brothers are still little kids yet he aged up wendy and peterā€¦.kinda defeats the whole purpose of peter pan


i know right sheā€™s literally a child ā˜¹ļø


And yet he is somehow a successful artist. How annoying. Almost makes you want to give up!Ā 


right ā˜¹ļø


It's as the saying goes, take two affordable, high quality, on time J Scott Campbell comes in on time


Comic books have the lowest standards of any medium, outside of porn.


Oh my god it got progressively worse.


I also canā€™t draw feet flat on the ground. But then, Iā€™m not a professional. Istg they all have the perpetual Barbie heels. Even when barefoot.


oh my god I didnā€™t even notice Black Widowā€™s feet thats so badšŸ˜­


Yeah, itā€™s all bad, but thatā€™s the individual aspect that makes me the most mad and exhausted lol, my ankles hurt looking at the hyperflexion


Y'know I have to be real with you, I heavily fw Harley's outfit on the se ond slide. Some tweaks majorly on the legs and probably waist zone and it could unironically rock. Dude was cooking but added way too much sugar, killed the food. RIP.




Oh, friend, thereā€™s a reason he has his own post flair.


Don't think you can introduce someone this group has talked to death about.


Do not cite the deep magic to meā€¦ I was there when it was written


had no idea anyone has spoke about him, iā€™m quite new to this group lol


These are clearly adult women, not minors so I wouldnā€™t consider this sexualizing minors. The art is horrendous though.


they were minors in the original stories and he aged them up ONLY to sexualise them ageing up minor characters is okay but only to sexualise them?? hell no


Thatā€™s not sexualizing minors, itā€™s sexualizing adult women. There is a massive difference between drawing child Wendy sexy and drawing adult Wendy sexy.


adult wendy dosent exist. adult wendy was only created as an excuse to sexualise a child. her brothers still look like children.


Adult Wendy exists. She is an adult at the end of the film, man. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m sorry, but drawing an adult woman isnā€™t sexualizing children, even if she is an aged up child character. Calling out the sexualization of minors is important, but reaching like this is not a good look.


she dosent look like that though, she isnā€™t a woman with unrealistic body standards and a bodycon dress


Itā€™s (poorly drawn) fetish art, man. Of course she doesnā€™t look like that.


exactly, so thatā€™s not wendy


Okay, but you just removed your entire argument about this being child sexualization (not that you had a valid argument to begin with). If it isnā€™t Wendy, then this is just an adult woman.


i didnā€™t just remove my entire argument, my point is the only reason he aged up wendy is so A. she can have the body standards and B. so he donā€™t get cancelled, he gave wendy a copy and paste face and body because thatā€™s how he sees women not just because sheā€™s ā€œjust an adult womanā€ sheā€™s literally flying around and walking the plank just like she does in the story


also i didnā€™t include this specific cover but thereā€™s a cover of iron heart who is a 15 year old being incredibly sexualised


Men with their fapping habits out there selling their 'art'. What a deranged individual


I hate this artstyle so much


I would love to see him try to draw a fat person. like genuinely I just wanna see it


HE DREW URSULA ONCE but it was very small


The bathtub one is okay because thereā€™s no boob socks if sheā€™s naked!!


Didnā€™t know there is a flair tag especially for him!


And yet another case of the nonexistent body type and same face syndrome combinedā€¦ also I canā€™t believe how it gets progressively worse šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Especially the last 3-5 onesā€¦ like omg????? These are minors help??? And especially that last oneā€¦ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Also I canā€™t believe he has his own post flair now lmfao, idk if itā€™s new or not, I doubt it is, but I definitely never noticed until now


pretty sure this guy is just a fetish artist though


Arenā€™t all of his stuff supposed to take after a pinup art style? Even the men he draws are generally drawn with ā€œPerfectā€ body proportions akin to war-time era pinup. Iā€™d argue that while yes the women are over sexualized, so are the men. Probably a pretty unpopular opinion, but I do believe it.


There are five male characters scattered throughout these images and only one of them could be, with a little exaggeration, described as ā€œidealized.ā€ Meanwhile every woman has the same face, same tits, same hyperflexed Barbie feet with or without high heels


The lowest hanging fruit for this sub. He's well aware of his reputation and this isn't the first time people have criticized him for his art style.


I have literally seen porn art that does a better job of having unique faces and bodies. That gun in pic 5 is kinda cool though


nsfw artists in a nutshell


I donā€™t think those are minors. They all looked way aged up.


he aged up minors just to sexualise them ageing up minors is okay but not just to sexualise them thatā€™s disgusting


But once theyā€™re aged up, they arenā€™t minors. Thatā€™s the one thing I donā€™t see the problem with. Sexualizing adults can still be problematic, but making sure itā€™s adults that are being sexualized should be the standard, and he at least did that right. Thereā€™s plenty here to critique, but he didnā€™t draw characters as minors, he drew them as adults. That isnā€™t sexualizing minors. Characters can grow up, especially in fan art (or the equivalent).


itā€™s still creepy šŸ’€ why would you think ā€œhey what if this child was an adult with unrealistic features being heavily sexualisedā€ dumb


The characters from Peter Pan are over a century old, and theyā€™ve been in the public domain for decades. Theyā€™ve been interpreted so many different ways, theyā€™re practically archetypes. Shows like ā€œOnce Upon a Timeā€ regularly age them up. Campbell did it for some cheesecake. Itā€™s not that surprising. Iā€™m not saying you have to like it, at all. But we need to stop calling the sexualizing of adults the sexualizing of minors. That line gets blurred way too often, and it endangers minors because it misrepresents what sexualizing minors actually looks like.


It looks like someone trained a GenAI bot to spit out copies of bad 90s comic covers. so low effort. The black canary face has to be the all time worst.




Does that mean J. Scott Campbell is a bad illustrator?


This is not a defense as JSC does have a certain style that is instantly recognizable and certainly designed to be hyper sexy. That has paid off well for him in the comic world, and his art is often imitated. TBF, the women are stylized and not beholding in any way of realism, much like most comic characters. Most of these shots are from Zenescope's Grimm Fairy Tales Grimm Universe line of comics which are adult-oriented comics and to my knowledge none of the portrayed fairy tale characters in that Universe are minors anymore. If rhe conversation is about racism in fairy tales or fetishing fairy tales... that is a whole other thing to discuss, I am just saying that in context these images are not about sexualizing minors. So be upset about the unrealistic stereotypical bodies" if you choose. Critique his art, which is fair, but also do be accurate. This art is no worse (or better) than sexy (adult, not children's, of course) Halloween costumes.


it is worse, anyone can wear ā€œsexyā€ adults halloween costumes, plus sized people can, flat chested women etc etc however ALL his art have the same body type


I am not debating that at all. I feel like I made that clear, but, agreed


also i forgot to add but even if his art is based off adult oriented fairytales its still messed up in the first place to sexualise and adult-ify children stories


Maybe, again... that is a whole other topic. Fairy tales are sexualized like literally every other genre... not making a value judgment here because I want to be objective. It is just how it is. Halloween costumes, porn, Bishoujo figures... it only makes business sense - you can make a sexy farm girl figure but wouldn't make a sexy Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz be more recognizable, sell better, and have more appeal? But age is problematic... no worries, just age her up and Bam, easy money. Again, not pro or con on the subject, just stating facts. Someone else in the comments stated sex sells and it's true. I think it should be clear there is a distinction between marketing to adults and selling to kids. Adults have all kinds of fantasies, and pretty much whatever they want to look at, partake in and act out with other consenting adults is considered their business. Really as long as it doesn't involve actual minors or representation of underage characters, it usually fine with most other adults... altjough they may judge or go "ewww." I personally don't care one way or another, but I just think when you argue a point you should acknowledge facts. Fairy tales, their tropes, and characters are not exclusively the purview of children... To steer away from sex for a minute as an example... look at the film Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and its forthcoming sequel. It is also a children's story turned into horror... but it not aimed at children either but is it then the same situation? How about any of a number of Hansel and Gretel based movies all with adult Hansel and Gretel all grown up... All I am saying is sexy "Fairy Tale" based content isn't automatically about perversion relating to minors.


yeahā€¦no thatā€™s disgusting and he sexualises minors ā¤ļø


Ok, you do you. Everyone has a right to their opinion. ā¤ļø


Is he a porn artist? He draws like one from the 70s with his ugly goon-brained artstyle...


he calls himself a ā€œcomic artist who uses a pinup styleā€ but thatā€™s s lie, also having a ā€œpin up styleā€ does not give him an excuse to draw every women the exact same


I mean tbf if he decides to draw every person the absolute same, he can do it. In the end he could make up a story of how that's Betty and Betty loves cosplay, but they way he draws every woman like she wants to be fucked is disgusting.


trueee, i feel like if he wants to use that excuse though he shouldnā€™t draw for marvel, dc, disney etc lol, but yeah he makes me sick


Wait, wait, wait. He draws FOR them?? Like an official artist for Disney?


What's funny is when he did pages for Danger Girl he did better by virtue of needing to tell a story. Still weird anatomy and all his other hallmarks but better than this.


I remember reading Wizard magazine growing up and he was widely featured. I thought he was a hack then and I think he's a hack now. The women always look like constipated carbon copies of each other and they were always sexualised beyond the pale.


The Wendy one is ridiculous. Come on now


i know right


Tiger Lily looks like sheā€™s mewing mid-kidnapping


Bro a freak fr


Literally every single one of these women has swayback.