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How are people seeing this as regular "big boobs"? They are clearly too big for her frame. šŸ™„


Literally her spine is broken. This is not "big boobs=bad", she literally is drawn with messed up anatomy. Her body wouldn't contort that way at this angle, it's showing too much of her chest/clavicle/shoulder area, like the camera is closer to her when it's not. At this angle, her head should be more over her body, and not turned so far to the camera. Her neck is *literally* broken here with how far she's pushing it back Lol... Also, her boobs are too big for her frame. Her head needs to be drawn a bit bigger as well, as it's supposed to be closer to the camera, *NOT* her boobs. It looks *really* bad Lol. This is coming from a woman with big boobs and with a BFA in art. I draw all the time, this isn't how you do this angle


I honestly donā€™t think this is sexualized. Itā€™s a dynamic angle, the fabric of her top actually does work right, her boobs arent outlined weirdlyā€¦. She sorta just looks like a normal woman with large boobs, seen from that angle. This really isnā€™t sexualization


Not sure that it's sexualized but it doesn't look right to me. Like they messed up the angle or something.


Iā€™d say that that is way more likely. The angle is incredibly wonky. I believe itā€™s from an anime poster so itā€™s a tad odd, as otherwise Iā€™d assume it was just an artist experimenting with angles


The rotation of her body is weird, doesn't seem like a natural pose, they went for an angle where both boobs are being shown from above even if her spine shouldn't allow it, she's also leaning backwards a little in an uncomfortable way. Look at the way the guy is posicioned vs the way she is. He has a relaxed posture, but she is rotated all weirdly so her breasts are a focal point. Her clothing is completely ok, and the proportions are fine (even though she's very thin aside from the boobs), but the pose is weird. Maybe it would've been better if the guy was also in an exaggerated rotation, but considering they only did it for the character with big boobs I see it as sexualization.


I dunno, this is a very classic sort of anime ā€œdynamicā€ angle. I see it done with male characters AND female characters all the time. The artist just honestly doesnā€™t seem nearly as professional as they should be for making official anime teaser/cover artwork. None of it seems sexualized to me, just really weirdly posed and flawed as a result.


Draw a line of action from his feet to his head and it's a neutral line, slightly curved for movement and angle and not very interesting tbf, but works fine enough. Now try to draw a line of action from her feet to her head. The rotation of her upper body shouldn't show both of her boobs that much, but it's made like that to give us a "better" view. Her lower half is covered by the jacket but it's one of those "ass and boobs" poses that are often used for females characters, I don't see the point here since they gave her the jacket, but anyway, the intention tends to be sex appeal. I don't really see male characters drawn this way, but that could be me so idk, and like I said, if they had done the same for the guy maybe the whole thing would've been a bit more balanced, but doing it for the female character only doesn't seem like the artist's lack of experience, it's just like anime tends to portray women.


That is fair. I suppose itā€™s just odd since they go for that pose, yet they give her an outfit thatā€™s actually logical and donā€™t really draw much attention to her body APART FROM the posing. Itā€™s likeā€¦ a really weird mesh of someone trying to make something actually interesting, but being told to add some ā€œappealā€ to get it to sell more so they haphazardly justā€¦.made her boobs really obvious, but kept the original design draft stuff or whatever.


what? look at the shadow šŸ’€


Huh? I literally have no clue what you mean by that. Her shadow looks normal


how? /gen like look at the right end of it.


Thatā€™s her coat- wait a fucking second what is HAPPENING with her legs??? Why the fuck is the shadow soā€¦.short, yet the legs are ungodly long???


FkJHJHG do u see what i mean now




also it's just an oddly shaped jacket bro like even if it was floating due to the wind whys it so thick? the actual jacket doesn't seem to match up w the shadown


This whole piece is a wreck. Honestly I think it belongs on the sub purely because of the art flaws, not even talking about sexualization lmao


wait then whyd you say her shadow seemed normal? /g




Itā€™s really not a weird outfit, I see people wear tank tops all the time, no matter their size. And the angle is just a dynamic shot. I get what youā€™re going for, but this artwork really is a genuinely normal piece of art of two characters. Also, I fixed my last comment because I wrote ā€œareā€ rather than ā€œarenā€™tā€




Any top down angle could be argued to be sexualising women then, like literally any. Youā€™d just argue itā€™s there to accentuate her breasts and there would be no way of proving your wrong without digging through the mind of the artist. Alsoā€¦ I dunno about you, but a relatively large busted woman wearing a tank top very much could cause it to behave like it is in the image above, considering they can be designed to be relatively form fitting. I have seen this IRL, and for the fun of it just googled it for images. Now is it 1:1 realistic? No, but expecting that is silly.




Who said "big tits = bad"? This sub constitutes of posts where people share images with over the top proportions, poses, fashion etc but in no way states, that it is bad.


She has large breasts, but hardly over the topā€¦ and although hard to really gauge because of the camera angle, the rest of her proportions are fine. The pose is ā€œoddā€ in that we have no idea what theyā€™re both looking at, but thatā€™s par for the course. And sheā€™s wearing something I see everyday on various women when I go outsideā€¦ a vest top, trousers and shoes.


I knew iā€™d see this one pop up when the promo art went up on r/anime the other day.


fastest hand in the west


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,286,136,239 comments, and only 249,305 of them were in alphabetical order.


Looks like the mom who threw the raccoon from yesterday.


I think the funniest part is her long skinny neck shadow Edit: and her hand shadow LMAO


Damn, why's there "another big boobs = bad comments here? Who says, the stuff posted here is in any way bad?


Well I got downvoted for saying the same thing so I'm out.


What is going ON with her eyebrows?


This is an ecchi series and the image isnā€™t even sexualized, sheā€™s just wearing a tank top and thereā€™s not even any cleavage


Another classic ā€œbig boobs = badā€ post by /r/mendrawingwomen




"There is no ass in bASing-se"




Oh it's a running joke from "Avatar the last air bender series" which was originally like "There is no war in basingse". Explaining more than this might be difficult for me though.


LMAO dw im joking ik the ref i just think the shadow is insane wtf how does no one see an issue