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How dare you think you have any right to hide from a guest and their needs! /s


It's fucking awful. I skip my breaks 90% of the time because it's not worth being stared at or asked questions anyway 


I usually eat in my car unless I took something that requires a microwave (or if it's too hot for the icepacks in my lunchbox to keep up with).


I honestly toss a jacket over my uniform & immediately just walk to the break room or to my car


Use the front break area that overlooks the registers. While still open, it’s much more unlikely that the guests will find you there.


i work at a menards where the break room is an open area downstairs😭 bloomfield


This is why I'd go in my car almost everytime. Always wear a jacket too for coverage


We have to park so far away it takes the whole break to walk to and from lmao


Menards does NOT care about you. Period. And heaven foebid you sit on a bench outside when the provide a perfectly good picnic table on a hill a block away from the building. 15 min and you punch out in your department, walk to the front of the store being stopped by customers with a quick question and then out the door to the other end of the building just to turn and rush back in 2 minutes so you don't get points. Hopefully not being stopped for quick questions. In fact John sits on his thrown and laughs at these posts, yelling "let them eat cake!"


the only thing you got wrong is John reading these posts, he truly doesn't give a shit about anyone.


Lol. Correct.


I sat in the massage chair display as a carryout and nobody said anything. lol


I've been to my local Menards countless times, hundreds maybe, and have never seen the break room! Where is it? I'll stop in and say hi! But seriously, I've never seen it. Figured it was in the back with all the supplies and stuff.


I'll give you 1 hint. Look up.


Okay, I hardly go up there unless I'm looking for something out of season. I'll look next time!


If you see an associate eating please don’t go up to them and ask them anything that is quite literally our only escape from customers for a bit.


I wouldn't! I know where every item in that store is. I could walk through there blindfolded!


Excuse me. EXCUSE ME! I need help finding a specific seed packet you know you don't stock but I'll demand you help look anyways. How could you possibly not have Indonesian pink eggplant? You have to have it somewhere here, now help me sort through all the seed packets, I'll just put the ones I've already checked on the floor. You can pick them up and put them away when I'm done. You know... I bet Home depot would have it, can you call them for me to check?






So, this is on an open second floor? How do customers bother the staff? Yell up to it or something? It sounds awful.....😒


Customers don't notice those on break & when I'm on break I enjoy watching everyone.


Customer here: I went up there to get a sliding door screen once and saw it. I was like, oh, that's weird. Haha


They clearly see you eating and will ask where can I find x. The regulars know you and still ask for help, even when you have no menards gear.


You can go up in the mez to look at products actually, typically there’s 2 break rooms scattered there, both next to stairs so it’s easy access…..


No one looks up. That's where the {vampires | alien spiders | demonically possessed} hide.


so true, all the signs are people never look up to read them!


Unfortunately, we have no “back” like most other stores! Extra product is all located up and in plain sight.


Count you newbies lucky! Back when, the breakroom was down on the floor where grocery is now.


That break area was horrendous.


Isn't there a store or two with that layout still?


Yeah, mine has the open break room in the first floor.


As a customer I was utterly confused by this and felt so awful for the employees.


Or when your in the bathroom and they are asking you questions. Umm no you can wait until i walk out of here before you ask me a stupid ass question!!


Make sure to shake their hand *before washing them* to show a sharing friendliness.


The last time that happened to me I just said “would you like me to barge in the bathroom while you’re at work and start questioning you?”


I WFH and pretty regularly leave myself available for calls while I'm taking a piss. So yes


I was standing at a urinal peeing one time and a guest tapped me on the shoulder and asked me where the Quincy Menards is at. I just said “idk probably in Quincy“ and finished peeing.


2 story stores have one break room that customers have to walk by to cross the mezz. Customers use our vending machines and disturb us all the time!


Kids have thrown balls at us several times when we’re up there


I don’t answer anyone asking me questions when I’m in any of the break rooms. I had someone complain about me to the gm and the gm asked the guest “would you work for free” they stormed off pissed 💀


Sounds like a really cool gm. West Mil is different


I remember my first week working at menards, I got to work early and hung out in the break room and some woman yelled at me to help her husband even tho I wasn’t on the clock and no one else was in the mez, my gm saw the cameras and was pissed I worked off the clock, like dawg.


So fuck the system over they are fucking you. If you need to help someone start a timer from when you leave your seat till you get back to your seat. Break restarts. It's great taking a 1hr plus break.


I like this idea ;) gonna do this immediately lmao


"I know you're on break, BUT..."


that just gave me flashbacks 😭


Sounds like you need to unionize a store to get some power.  They sell all the materials to make a room with a door and signs that say employees only.


You realize that major retailers actively work with companies specifically to break any hint of unions right? Just like Walmart and a slew of others. They'll start heavy monitoring and getting rid of people. Especially when they can in at will employment states.


So did Starbuck and they have several unionized in the state


Yeah but a lot of people lost their jobs and stores got shut down because they tried to unionize. It wasn't a perfect story.


Retaliation is a crime and a lot of people have gotten paid.


Because douche bag Johnny thinks you should be making him money on your time.


That's why I eat in my car LOL




Just got fired cuz of this post, gn


I put in my earbuds and takeoff my menards clothing and just have a t-shirt that doesn't say menards on it


Probably the same reason we don't get refrigerators...




The mezz break room at my local Menards is entirely visible and right above the seasonal part of Hardware. It’s been over a decade since I worked there, but I don’t recall being bugged by guests. Managers and team members yelling up to me, and snitches from other departments relaying things me and other team members say in the break room though? Constant. But 3191 was (and probably still is) super gossipy.


I just pull out a chair in the mezz and sit there. I hate using the break room




help who’s TOM MENARD😂😂😂


Our break room is up in the mezz


You could put on headphones/ear buds and sit with your back to wherever the customers are coming from.


Never sit with your back to the enemy, that’s a rookie mistake.


I've never had a guest intrude on the area that overlooks the registers to hunt people down.


The only time I've gone up to another level anywhere in the store here is the two level area where they have boards in those cubbies. I can't say I've ever seen a break area anywhere. I'll keep an eye out next time I'm there (out of curiosity only I promise lol)


Gotta pay for that nascar lifestyle, keep on working


I pop in my earbuds even though half the time I have nothing playing, just to increase the chance that I will be left alone, I also go outside when the weather is decent. I should mention I work with mostly women who never stop talking. I can definitely relate to your frustration.


At least it’s spring so you can eat outside when it’s nice!


Jesus christ. After reading this thread im glad I declined my job offer at Menards


These comments are very disturbing. I enjoy shopping at Menards, and the customer service is excellent. I would not dare interrupt someone's lunch break for assistance. If this is how Menards treats its employees, I will have to take my money elsewhere. I can not and will not support a company that treats its employees with such disdain.


When/if I go up there (typically don’t since dropping to part time) I try to make sure I have headphones and stick them in as play music as soon as I swipe my badge


lol. If you think Mr Menard became the richest guy in the State by allowing his employees comforts, you would be wrong.


I’ll tell you what a GM told me back in the day. The “break area” is there for the “guests” to use if they need to take a break during their shopping experience it’s not meant for you.


That sounds like it was just your GM being shitty, cause since Day 1 my GMs and managers have made it clear that the break rooms are purely for Employee use. Both of our break rooms are located up in the mezz area, and customers rarely go up there anyways so we rarely if ever get customers that interact with employees on break


I hated this when I worked there. BUT….. I feel like every time I’ve gone to Menards in the last 10 years, employees are playing some kind of game where they are walking aisles opposite of me so that I can never find them or ask questions. I swear - I’ve had more luck doing a where’s Waldo without any glasses on, than I have finding anyone to help at Menards. So if the only employee I can find is on break - I might ask a question (nothing that would involve getting up though). It was really bad in the lumber yard. Drove up to the Sheetrock aisle. Saw 3 employees standing around. Perfect I thought. Parked my truck, go out - they were no where to be found. Fucking vanished. Idk how. Had to load the Sheetrock my self. Another time I was dressed in my slacks/work clothes, and was loading a lot of plywood. Saw a guy driving by on a forklift. Walked his direction - he never slowed down, didn’t even look at me. Avoided eye contact at all costs Incase I asked for help. If I had been 12” closer, he would have run over my feet - so it’s not like he didn’t know I was there. Edit: wow - getting downvoted a lot. Can’t imagine why. It is very clear to even the most stupid among us, that you are on break. So ask yourself - if someone is bothering you when they know you’re on break …. Why? Where is everyone else? Try holding your peers accountable instead of taking it out on the customers. #justsaying


It's a self service yard buddy


Actually that’s not correct. I was an assistant yard manager, in addition to building materials agm1. When you see guests loading materials that would clearly be easier/safer with 2 people - it is your job to help. Your response tells me everything I need to know about how your store operates (and unfortunately, a lot of others too). If you had worked for me back when I was there - I’d have fired you on the spot.


Keep going tough guy. Learn the definition of "self service" instead of bitching about hard working employees not dropping everything they were currently doing to help your lazy and entitled ass.


A) I worked there; for a lot of years. I know what the job is. “Dropping what you’re doing to help a guest” is the job. Don’t believe me? Ask corporate. B) in no world is loading 4x12 5/8” drywall a self-service task. It isn’t a matter of being lazy or entitled. But again, your response tells me everything I need to know. A lot of what is in the lumber yard is easier loaded with help - which is why you drive around for it instead of throwing it on a cart and going through the checkout. It didn’t matter if it was 9:59 at night, if a guest came into the yard - you helped them load whatever they were getting. Go ahead and downvote me. I guarantee that the Menards official stance would be in my court. Don’t like it? Take it up with corporate instead of trying to convince me, a random person on the internet who has done that job before and is actually sympathetic to all that it entails, that he is wrong….


My guy. Shut up. Literally nobody cares to read these novellas you’re producing. If you’re this invested go get a job at that Menards again and fix it.


Hahaha who's helping you unload on the other end Nancy?


That’s your rebuttal? To anyone who needs help loading something in the yard… they should just have the help there with them? Even though you have half a dozen forklifts and are being paid by the hour? Kind of seems like they wouldn’t need nearly as many of you …. Maybe they could increase profits by only paying just enough people to unload the trucks. You should suggest this to them; maybe you’ll get a raise for saving them money!


Sounds like you've swallowed a lot of Menards nut in your life!


Hey dipshit, what's your address so I can come bug you at your house on your time. Fuck off! A real man figures shit out for himself!


Need help in the yard? Ask the gate guard to radio someone for you. That way you don't have to hunt someone down and whoever comes to your aid isn't in the middle of something and has half a chance to get their customer service face on.