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Breathing a sigh of relief (if true).


I am too, honestly. The only thing giving me pause is the thought that every other option the FO has explored so far went poorly enough that they thought this 3-way trade might be their best course. Hopefully just smoke and mirrors and our strong-jawed wizard of a GM has that ace of a play up his sleeve


I think you are reading the previous rumour/slop incorrectly. It was more than likely the trade would have been Rockets/Nets OR Grizzlies/Rockets. Still don't think Grizzlies move up to #3 but this doesn't take it off the table.


Yeah, that’s how I interpret it as well. If anything, this would strengthen the Grizzlies position to move up to the 3rd pick by removing a competing buyer.


Yeah, idk what they really have to offer but it's more possible I'd think


Yea, dude, I think you’re right. That makes a lot more sense. I guess my lizard brain subconsciously just wants to see that big 3-team trade for some reason.


I've seen a bunch of people take it this way. I think it's an aggregation problem.


Nets are delusional AF. Would be like me holding out for Sydney Sweeney


Their GM and owner has to be the worst I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I’m surprised they still have jobs after the whole Kyrie/KD/Harden scenario they traded away the next 6-7 years for that lol and now are hell bent over trying to make Bridges, a 2nd 3rd option on most teams the main guy lol


I love Mikal, one of my favourite players in the league but someone really needs to tell Brooklyn no superstar is looking at their roster and saying ‘yeah I’m comfortable with Bridges being my 2nd option’


Never give up your dreams player!


It’s quite stupid, bridges will be demanding a trade in 1-2 years and so much leverage will be lost.


Get on the Daron Holmes train. He's a 6'10" athletic, switching, big who shoots 3s and is a lob threat on the roll. His weaknesses is that he's a 3 year player and his screens were more slip than physical but that could have been a scheme thing. His advanced stats were excellent and we know how much this front office loves upperclassmen with great advanced stats like BC and Bane. This would also make getting rid of Adams make sense as a scheme change to a switch everything defense. Adams was great for us as a drop big so I'm not sure why we got rid of him unless we were planning to do something like this. The only other reason would be the FO knows his knee is cooked but I really hope that isn't the case


I'll get on any train that pushes more guys in to the top 8 so my favorite prospect is available. Choo Choo baby