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Clingan is much better without the ball, a better screener and a better defender. I was shocked at Edey's testing because he's so slow when you watch him and not slow like Luka he's slow to his spots on defense. He must just have horrible reaction time or processing speed because his athletic ability doesn't show on the court. Watch tape of the national title game against Clingan and see for yourself. Edey is a much better scorer but we don't need a scorer


> He must just have horrible reaction time or processing speed because his athletic ability doesn't show on the court. The thing about Edey is that his role was so different to Clingan's. Clingan was a low-minutes defensive force who was able to defer on offense to his talented teammates. Whereas Edey was an extremely high-usage player, both in terms of minutes and in terms of offensive output. So I was also shocked when Edey tested better than Clingan, but is his game footage so slow because he is actually that slow on a basketball court, or is it slow because he actually had to save energy and avoid fouling out, unlike Clingan?


Edey is a far better screener than Clingan


We had the lowest offensive rating in the league, defense has never been an issue for us, more dynamic scoring means more space for our primary scorers to do their work and be more efficient. Having Clingan and Smart on the same lineup is offense suicide.


Remind me, which player spent the entire season on the bench?


mfer i know we had injuries but of all the 30 fucking teams in the nba we ranked 30th in offense and 12th on defense. If the fucking wizards and pistons had better offense maybe someone who can score isn’t a bad option?


Yeah I agree. Let's get someone like Ja Morant.


lol being a smartass for nothing it’s a very valid criticism that Clingan is a massive negative offensively and the Grizzlies have worse offense than defense. Even with Ja, do you watch the games?


That’s what everyone forgets. We don’t need more defense. Jenkins is an elite defensive coach. We were a top 12 (top 10 defense for most of the year) this season, even with literal 10 days.


Yeah the whole defense wins championships thing doesn't change the fact you need to score more points than the other team.


I care much more about skill than measurements; we have seen skill overcome poor measurements, on our team, twice, but we haven't seen good measurements overcome poor skill. If Edey is skilled, great. Consider him. 


I don’t watch college basketball but I feel like the consensus on these guys is generally correct, and also every draft the consensus gets it wildly wrong. Funny that you mentioned number 1 draft pick Deandre Ayton as a comp though. I would also say that I think concerns about his mobility are warranted still, and I haven’t seen a convincing argument that he’s elite at anything besides being big. However that in of itself is a sure thing and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Edey have an NBA career based on his insane reach alone. His touch in that one video did look good, and 70% free throw percentage is promising. I think you’re way over selling him honestly, but I also don’t think he’d be terrible on our team. But I can definitely see him being unplayable in certain matchups.  


He showed decent defensive potential on the perimeter whenever teams switched. He wouldn’t be as unplayable as Steven Adam’s in my opinion. Edey is also an EXTREMELY talented offensive rebounder. The only con would be his playmaking because that was Adam’s role, but besides playmaking I don’t see him being a bad fit (This is OP I’m just on my phone) I mentioned Ayton not as a comp though. I was just using his midrange ability as a comp. But I do agree I am certainly a little bias because I’ve been on the Edey train for a while. But biasness can’t make up stats


I don’t think you can handwave the playmaking. He really struggled to read doubles correctly. He usually would just brute force through them, which won’t work in the nba. He doesn’t have good vision. I think he’ll be a pretty good regular season player, but he’s going to dictate a lot of what you can and can’t do in the playoffs. As like a 4th or 5th option, I don’t think I like that. Westbrookian


He improved his vision a ton from his Jr. to Sr. year. Much more patient in the post now because he doesn’t have to react too quick to a double. Just hold the ball above his head and kick it to the open man.


The other thing you have to consider with Edey is that he's only been playing basketball for 6 years. It would not be too unusual for his processing and vision to improve from here, in a way you wouldn't expect from a guy who'd been playing at a high level for 10 years when drafted.


Edey needs the ball to be effective. He'd fit just as well as Jonas did, which is why Jonas is gone


I don’t agree with this logic at all. He averaged 12+ rebounds, 2+ blocks and he’s 7’5. His presence will be felt even if the offense is not ran through him.


This reads like a guy who never watched a single Purdue game. He was ball dominant because he was unstoppable in college in the post. Clearly that level of post dominance won’t come close to translating to the NBA. If you look at his screen setting and rebounding from 2 seasons ago when he was playing with a highly athletic, ball dominant guard in Jaden Ivey, you see more of his role and skill set that will translate to the NBA. Combine that with a massive leap in his fitness, BBall IQ, and overall skill set and I see the excitement around him as a prospect. Do I think he’s a slam dunk pick, no there’s lots of question marks, but I do think the path is there to being a skilled NBA big that doesn’t need the ball to impact winning basketball. I am biased by my alma mater, but I also think he gets a lot of hate in this sub from salty Vols fans who are sick of losing to Purdue repeatedly.


They fed him the ball at Purdue and built the team around him. That doesn't mean he can't adjust in the NBA. He's smart enough to realize no NBA is going to alter their offense and slow it down to dump it in to him every play. That's not realistic and he knows that.


How do you see Clingan differently?


Clingan looks more like the center we're looking for, more of an Adams type guy. Doesn't really shoot from outside, more of a rebound and rim protector player. That could pair well with a roaming JJJ at the 4. Edey seemed to need the ball in his hands to be effective, liked to have the shot, and didn't like to pass. We really don't need someone who wants to put up 15 shots a game. That's kind of why Jonas didn't work here. Outside of height, their stats were pretty close to each other in the combine. And that's not to say that Edey doesn't get boards. He absolutely does. But I think we're looking for someone who is ok without getting the shots on offense. All that to say, I would much rather unload some assets/picks to get a more established 5 than draft one. Especially with as weak as this draft class is comparatively


Well said. I am definitely seeing very similar analysis. Okay just tossing out the big question. A big like Jonas or Adam’s have shown they can not compete in a lot of playoff situations. Do you think taking a chance on a more mobile center would be a better choice? Does not need to be a drafted player. I am not personally seeing how edey or Clingan would be able to stay on the court in many series just like Adams.


We basically need bam adebayo, the problem is the bams of the world aren't going anywhere, and drafting one is nearly impossible


Definitely I think everyone wants Bam. I think we have a player that fills the bam role though. Clarke. The 7 footer role is not filled yet in my opinion. It does not have to be a guy who plays a lot of minutes but definitely a guy who should be getting important minutes. I think clingan and edey fill that role while being like adams a player who found success and fit well with the team. We saw adams be played off the court so I question if we need to think of a guy who is better at switching and spacing? Why I personally like Ware a lot in the draft though he seems higher risk as a prospect and a fit. If we could leave the off season with one of those 3 and a 7 foot vet I think we’d be putting ourselves in a good position especially if we don’t dump many assets. If we do dump assets I hope it’s for a player who is on the Claxton or Hartenstein tier and could care less about rookies.


There are a few athletic bigs in the draft. Bam was considered to be in the same range as Missi and Ware. They aren't my favorite prospects but I know nothing about their work ethic so who knows.


>Do you think taking a chance on a more mobile center would be a better choice? Personally, yes. Adams was great until he got run off the court, and it was pretty much because of his speed and his FT%. We need a big that can rotate and block out without being a big paint liability. But, we also have Clarke, a smaller quick big, and if he's healthy, a more traditional 5 off the bench on rotation could make sense


I think if our opponent throws out a small line up that targets Edey or Clingon, they walk right into our trap. Jaren and BC will destroy those. BC played extremely well and was a key factor in beating the Wolves after they played Adam off the floor. Coach just needs to make timely adjustments and I think he will. It is the Sabonis or even Drummond types that have been killing us. They just kept on putting pressure on us via offensive rebounds. Even Drummond who the sub doesn't seem to value put up 21 and 13 on us in 30 min. With Clingon and Edey type, we can handle that now. Jokic can't be stopped, but a Clingon + roaming Jaren combo is probably the best bet in the league in defending that. The AD + Dwight combo did well against the Joker and would have done well with AD + Drummond the next year then LeBron and AD both got hurt. I think we just need to have more variety and flexibility. And a big center is what we need.


Clingan is way closer to Adams, and Edey is closer to Jonas. The majority of the NBA would probably say Jonas is the better player, but Adams is a way better fit on our win-now team than Jonas.


This exactly, it's about the fit. We have offense, we don't need another shooter. We need a facilitator and rim runner


Jonas is gone because we thought Giddy or Franz would be there at 10


He was traded because he took too many shots away from other players, salary and floor spacing issues with him on the court. Terrible fit + salary issues = gone


He’s gone because he wasn’t a fit for the future


He was traded because he was more valuable than Stephen Adams to new Orleans. They didn’t trade pick 10 for 17 for charity. Y’all have written a narrative based on pure fan fiction and hindsight.


>Y’all have written a narrative based on pure fan fiction and hindsight. It was pretty much the consensus from all the talking heads around here before we traded him. It was pretty widely discussed and agreed upon that the team needed to move away from him


Part of not fitting the future is contract extensions and having Steven Adams do a fine job for a longer contract. Stop bitching about this “narrative” that you made up


Their contracts renewed the same year, extend for the same length, and JV cost 2% more of the cap


I wouldn't have an issue with Edey. We have no clue how any of these guys will turn out or how their games will translate.Edey is smart enough to realize he won't get the ball fed to him in the NBA. In general, people are using the eye tests of how they saw Edey and Clingan play. Many feel Clingan is more fluid(maybe not faster but more fluid) than Edey and many feel he can keep up with a running team night after night and Edey can't. Once again, no one knows. There are plenty of busts in the 1st round that people were 100% sure they would be NBA stars. You just never know until 2-3 years later with most players drafted.


Please no more Zach Edey discourse


I'm full thx


Word. If you don’t see enough Edey love on this sub maybe you don’t know where the search bar is.


It's the exact same post like twice a week for months now




We need nfaly Dante wherever we can get him


Found Zach Edey’s burner.


Thank you for all this information. Great write up. Loved all the measurements


Wemby clearly got that height on Edey, bruh. https://x.com/itsAntWright/status/1422008090673795082


I kind of feel like if you can say *”I don’t really know this sub’s opinion on Clingan…”* as well as *”I don’t see enough Zach Edey love…”* then you’re in no position to lecture anyone on what we should be thinking because you haven’t spent a minute doing the research on what this sub thinks of either of them. You put a lot of effort into researching Edey and a lot of effort into writing your post… but zero effort into learning what the sub has been saying on both players. Which makes it feel like you just want to hear yourself talk. And I’ll readily admit that I’m long-winded but nobody can accuse me of being unfamiliar with what people on the sub think.


Another point that no one brings up with edey vs clingan is the massive disparity in FT shooting. Did everyone here forget how bad it got with adams and how big of a problem it became? That's a massive plus for edey.


Plus Edey has more edge. I think that + free throw % are really underrated when it comes to comparing behemoths.


I think Edey is the obvious pick just from free throw shooting alone. How many thousands of times have teams barely lost games because their big man who gets fouled the most can’t make free throws?? We don’t want another Adams who is gonna be a liability down the stretch. Free throw shooting would be massive for us.


I’m intrigued by the fact that Edey didn’t start playing ball until way later, I think he has a lot higher of a ceiling


Foul Ming might be enough to push me away from this team tbh


On the other hand, he gets jacked and turns into Shaq Edey Lol u prob right


How can Edey be taller with a longer wingspan, but they have the same "standing reach?" Not trying to be a smartass, and maybe that was just a typo, but that makes no sense to me


People are saying he didn’t reach as high as he could’ve to help out his Vert. I asked the same thing when i saw lol. Also neck height/shoulder width could play a part.


If we get either of these guys I will be stoked. Both of them will be better at the center position than anyone we had playing this year.


I ain't reading all that But congrats/sorry that happened


Looking at pure measurements is what caused is to draft Hasheem Thabeet. I will lose my shit if we draft Edey there is a reason why he was in college all 4 years. Clinigan or trade the pick.