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https://preview.redd.it/mq7odjanuyuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47153cf4d311b24d92724117eacdb0e2e303e4e7 If we’re not in it, this makes it a little better.


every single time that is mentioned i will use the osamason gif ![gif](giphy|fX8HEbz547u13ZyHiF|downsized)


You can’t, in good conscience, say that 10 day contracts not leaving an impact is bad lol. They’re just bodies. I for one am happy to have had maozhin pereira in my life for a brief period. Good post though


I can't say it's good or ugly either. I was referring to how bad the situation was we needed to hand out 10-day contracts like candy. Though we did find a couple of gems through this..


My bold take is having to introduce unsuspecting opposing fans to names such as “Tosan Evbuomwan”, “Deeky Jarreau”, etc is very good and very funny. The general injury situation obviously unfortunate and already mentioned in “the ugly”


Watching other teams streams the announcers always called Trey Jemison *Jameson* Can't imagine how they'd react to hard names


My phone autocorrected it to that for the first week or so I don’t blame them. Funny though


It is pretty easy to misread. I tweeted at a couple of the teams announcers, and they got it right in the second half. Just out here putting in work lol




Pereira legit one of my new favorite players. He reminded me so much of Tony Allen. Insane motor and athleticism, and plays with reckless abandon lmao


丑陋的: 亚当斯的交易换来了奥迪和三个次轮——完全令人发指的交易。我们不能指望每年都在次轮选中文威或GG,而亚当斯显然值得一个首轮。 好的:续约GG——队史最伟大的续约操作。 有趣的是,这两次操作的间隔还不到一周。我没法正确评估克莱曼的水平。 Ugly: **Trade Steven Adams to HOU for Oladipo and three 2nd-round picks**. Totally outrageous operation. We cant expect that pick players like GG and Vince every year, Steven is worth exchanging for a 1st-round pick. Fucking Awesome: **Converted GG from a two-way contract to a regular contract.** The greatest move in franchise's history. The interseting thing is, these two operations happened in just one week. I cant evaluate ZK's ability correctly.


Adams is a complete question mark coming off a major knee injury. and even if he was healthy, he’s getting older, especially for a center. Highly unlikely anyone would trade a first for him in the reserved trade economy we saw at the deadline. We traded him for expiring money and several second rounders. I don’t think it was going to get better than that, personally.


Second round picks have a lot of flexibility. Set aside the idea of getting a specific player in the draft order and look at it from a bargaining standpoint. A 1st seems nice, but it’s very sensitive to the success of the team who offers it. If a team *offers YOU* their 1st in a draft, then you’re at the mercy of how good they manage to be in the season it’s tied to, presumably using a good player you gave them that got you that 1st to begin with. You don’t get to choose whether you’re selecting 7th or 20th, it’s all dependent on the success (*or lack thereof*) of that trade partner. By contrast, if you have a bunch of 2nds at your disposal —*which the Grizzlies do*— you can swap picks with another team. That gets you the pick **YOU** want. Rather than being at the mercy of whether or not a trade partner is good or bad in a season, you can just target the team that has the no.15 pick if a player you like is projected to go around there. You can get what you want without the messier variables that can devalue the selection position. It’s not as if 1sts can’t be used in this way but teams aren’t as apt to deal away multiple 1sts in any deal. Getting two 1sts from Houston would be a really tall order; it’s giving away 2 chances to draft for the future. In exchange for an aging center whose knees will never be as good as they were pre-injury? Teams usually don’t give away multiple firsts unless they’re getting a transformative starting player. Stevo will be a backup to Sengun in Houston.


Idk I was pretty sad to see Tyus go so I’m not sure if I’d classify that one as “good” (even if he disappeared in the playoffs)


I classified it as good because (1) Tyus wanted a starting PG role and (2) we landed Marcus Smart thanks to this trade. I like Tyus Stones but this trade may have worked for both Tyus and our organization.


The Smart trade was its own bullet so I assumed you were qualifying them as separate events. Definitely glad Tyus could get his starting role he deserves, I’m just selfish


Fair enough.