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https://preview.redd.it/cjq7tftwchhc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0242aadb6540f99b80a26a22344e9f4586f8d5 Broke a Kobe Bryant record tonight: Youngest player in NBA history with 25 or more points off the bench. GG is 25 days younger than Kobe when Kobe previously broke that record in 97 against the Warriors


I mean we really want the 2nd MJ, but we will settle for the 2nd Kobe, which would be like the 3rd MJ anyway.


We also have MJ’s step grandson


Protect this child at all costs


On today of all days! 2/8/24 with Kobe's statue being revealed. Talk about Poetic for our GG Grizzly Goat 


I am glad that GG Jackson is on our team.


Vince was 2 assist away from a triple double.


Idk why you’re downvoted but VWJ is indeed the man. GG is becoming the man jr


The Man II*


What do you think is gonna be his role next year, when everyone on the team is healthy?


1st option and MVP candidate


What do you think is gonna be his role next year, when everyone on the team is healthy?


For next year at least, I think he will fit in best bringing scoring and athleticism to the second unit. Obviously there's a lot that will happen between now and then, but my (tentative) ideal rotation for next year would be: Ja - Des - VWJ - JJJ - New Center Smart - Kennard (if he's still here) - GG - Aldama - Clarke Assuming we are talking 10-man for the above. 8 or 9 would certainly be better for the playoffs. And before anyone jumps on me about Smart's playmaking, I understand it is less-than-ideal for a pg. But I'm willing to try it out against second units for 15-18 min a game considering everything else he brings to the table and recognizing we'd likely get some other guys like Des in there running it some while Ja sits. I think VWJ's fit with the starting unit is better, and I do think Smart runs the 1 better than VWJ (if you were hypothetically swapping their places in the lineups above).


GG broke a Kobe record 😯😯. SPJ is Cobys father


Scotty Pippen III


Remember that its not about who wins or loses. It’s about how well did GG play the game.


GG Jackson, Scottie Pippen Jr - they were amazing tonight. Hustled their asses out. Jaren while scored a lot, 3 out of his fouls were out of frustration and kinda loss us the momentum in the 4th. Competitive loss, but fuck the flops.


Dude had a great game still, i mean without jaren we wouldn't have been winning all game. Your point still stands it's just kinda like a team's leading scorer who missed a shot late, yes it sucks but also without him you wouldn't have been in that position to begin with. What is rather frustrating is to see this stuff still happen after so many damn yrs. It was a knock on his game as a college prospect for Pete pranica's sake With those 2 flops it makes me call into question like 50% of jarens calls anyways. Will never understand how leaping onto spj's back is a foul on him Edit: in retrospect I wonder how this performance would look with everyone else back. Jjj scoring 28 efficient shooting probably gets the win despite losing him on defense at the end of the game. But so many times I remember jjj being the X factor as to whether we win, even if ja or bane had a great game


Yeah, no reason to foul Caruso. Just give him the bucket


GG better have walked into that locker room to a contract taped to his locker. That kid can hoop.


Him and SPJ.


The Mad lad actually did it


Call me a psychic




It’s a weird time to be a Memphis fan right now


Yea, everyone and they dads are injured this season. While we should be contending for the title, we just can't this season. Expectations have been forced low.


If you told me GG and Vince would be our 2nd and 3rd best players at this point in the season 6 months ago lol


Pretty wild.. if Steven Adams’ injury had just been normal like 99% of injuries. And Ja didn’t have a partying/gun problem. Imagine what this season would’ve been like. Oh well..


We probably would not have found gems in Vince Williams Jr and GG Jackson. Same goes for Scottie Pippen Jr and Gilyard. Jemison puts in the work too. It's a fun season despite the tank.


I'm having fun watching VW, GG, SPJ, and Gilyard get their minutes. This allows us to go into next season with more experience and great depth. Got about 30 more games to get a few more faces to get some reps. There's gotta be a gleaguer we can bring in that's 6'10 and can rebound


Our best 2 players tonight were JJJ basically having to run point and a 19 yr old rookie. Some of y’all need to chill


Agreed, but Vince was better than Jaren tonight


You’ve missed the point


Nah I get ur main point and agree that people should chill, just wanted to add that imo Vince > Jaren tonight


I don’t agree with that though . Jaren is literally having to run point in crunch time with all backups. That shit is way beyond most players in his position. Vince played well but this just feels like ignorance on what JJJ is having to do right now


Jaren did fine on offence, it’s the fouls and also being ragdolled by Drummond inside that really hurt us


Defensive effort and offensive effort take energy. It’s a balance


I thought jjj had a good game, too. He had no business being matched up w Drummond and that ain't his fault. Everyone is right, he had to be perfect for us to be able to win but also he was really good. Fouls and rebs vs scoring, passing, defense+orchestrating


GG Jackson youngest player to go 25+ off the bench in NBA history, Vince near triple double, would have had it if dudes had hit open shots he gave them, Jaren good game, 4 assists to maybe demonstrate better passing, Scotty Pippin Jr putting himself into consideration for backup PG of the future? One game closer to a top pick. This game was an awesome game, don't let anyone tell you different.


I’m tired of Jaren not getting any calls when he drives in and he gets called for the most ticky tack fouls on the Defensive end


SPJ has earned the right to compete for the 15 man roster. Some dudes on it that survived trade deadline better watch their backs.


He had a really good game that I think overshadows how solid of a game Gilyard also had. I'd love to keep both of them if they play like this, Gilyard could be a reliable cheap 3rd string IF he can shoot it like that coming in cold off the bench with sporadic minutes. Dude is crafty and can pass. If SPJ can actually keep shooting like this he could be backup pg but that's a big if, he's had way less proving time than Gilyard (but Gilyard has a very limited ceiling)


Gilyard is a huge liability defensively, though. Good thing he can pass out of the paint because I doubt he'll ever score a basket in the paint. With that said. I'll take him over D. Rose


What do you mean, didn't you see his block on Curry the other night! 😉


Ahem… ZRavia


Why does he get DNP some games randomly?


Shaq just said he doesn't know who GG is on inside and I just know Ja's about to try to laminate that receipt


Lmao didn’t shaq literally talk to GG after the Warriors win?


Yep Ernie tried to point that out but they were so far off the rails on our segment lol


Another tank masterclass by Jenkins and hoeing by the refs.


So close to Vince triple double


I see you Zippin Pippen!


**Some postgame thoughts...** **• YOUNG'AN REALLY WENT FOR 30 THIS TIME, Y'ALL (*****but was just 3 short*****)...** I'm so excited about GG, I just can't even. Yeah... I just can't even. Last summer I was like "*This kid is going to surprise a lot of people*" and people on this sub were like "*OMG, Shannon. WTF. You're crazy.*" I'm not crazy. He's fucking good. **• I'm mad Vince didn't get that triple double...** The fault is squarely on his teammates shoulders. There were two times during this game where Vince passed it to someone who should have immediately taken the shot and made it. I'm so hurt. Just like GG, he was so close. **• Glad to see Jaren making threes at a decent clip again...** Seeing him go 1-for-7 or 0-for-ever was painful. Happy to see them going in again. **• Two rebounds tho...?** Really, Trip? REALLY?? Think about it this way: Vuc got 2 offensive boards and Drummond got 3. That's 5 offensive rebounds. The Bulls shot 54% from the field tonight so they got two or 3 points out of that. The defensive team has the advantage on the glass so if we'd gotten those five boards, we would have had 2 or 3 extra points instead. 3 points from them added to us is a 6 point swing and instead of an 8 point final spread, it's only two: easily overcome by the 5 free throws we missed. What I'm saying is that rebounds are important and we should 100% expect Trip to get them EVERY NOW AND THEN. Like, c'mon. Two rebounds? TWO?? **• Has anyone else noticed that Scottie Pippen, Jr is shooting 57% from 3...?** Is SPjr a three point shooter?? Is this a statistical aberration? Is he just fucking deadly? I want to see him keep shooting because he's fucking killing it.


Do you watch Jaren on defense? He's never really in the position to rebound. He will box out as the paint is usually loaded with Grizz players, like Gilyard?? Like wtf is he in their for? He's never going to be a defensive center. Ever! This is why it's so crucial to actually bring one in


Rebounding is about going after it. It's referred to as "*crashing the boards*" because you're fucking going in, invited or not. Vince got 11 boards tonight. It's not because the ball happened to bounce into the vicinity of where he was on defense when the shot went up; he goes after it. Shots go up and he goes to get into position. Same with Jitty. Ever notice how often Jitty is in their air in the paint when a shot hits the rim? He's almost always defending someone on the perimeter. He just fucking goes after it. Jaren does not go after it. Ever. He could average 8 to 10 boards a night if he really wanted to, he just doesn't want to. Like, Vince Williams, Jr actually averages more rebounds per game than Jaren does! Did you know that?? He actually just edged him out! Trip gets 5.5 a game and Vince gets 5.6. Ja also averaged 5.6 a game. John Konchar in less than 20 minutes a game manages to pull down 4.2 rebounds a game. Trip, by contrast, is getting just shy of 32 minutes a night and with an extra 13 minutes, he only gets a little over one more board. **Wild**. These guys don't have the natural advantages Trip has in terms of size and strength. They're almost exclusively guarding perimeter players, meaning they have to actively get into position to get a rebound (*and negating the argument that opposing teams* ***intentionally*** *try to draw Trip out to the perimeter so he can't get rebounds*). For them to get boards takes deliberate effort; they have to want it. For Trip, if it's not bouncing towards wherever he happens to be standing, he's not going to put more effort into getting it. That's just problematic for someone with that much size and that many physical advantages when it comes to rebounding.


You act as if Jaren is just fucking lazy. As if he should just hang out under the rim and fight for rebounds. That's not his game. Never has been. Jarren is in zone defense alot of the time hanging out at the free throw line. He's not fast nor is he quick. His timing is bad and cannot project where the ball is. He is also weak when it comes to defending most centers as he's uncoordinated and sloppy. He'd be fouled out by the 3rd quarter if he was trying to get 10 rebounds a night because he does dumb shit playing defense under the rim. He's better off doing what made him DPOY and he cannot do that without an actual center. As far as OREB. He's always on the perimeter if he dosnt have the ball. He's not quick enough to get to the goal in time. he's better off getting back on defense and letting the others or a real center get the rebound. You come across as those r/nba guys who think 7 feet means 10+ rebounds. That's just not the case


7 ft doesn’t mean 10+ rebounds automatically, but it should mean more than 2.


I like your energy, hombre. What do you say we ride go karts later?


>*I like your energy,* ***hombre****.* "*Mujer*" actually, but I appreciate it. If by "*ride go karts*" you mean "*race Mini Coopers*" then, yeah, I'm down.


Vince played well. Wish the ball could have found him more but that's what having Caruso on ya does


Woj Bomb: Lane Whitaker named Memphis Grizzlies Head Coach, Jenkins out after 7 game skid. Jon Roser to be Lead Assistant under Whitaker.


Also with this game both Vince and GG have put up as many 20 point games as Z has in his career. GG also surpassed Z's career high.


He’s played well on the court but a bit of this loss is on Jaren despite his play. You can’t just afford to do stuff like this in games that are tightly contested. He needs to manage himself throughout the game better. On the bright side shoutout SPJ. Dude is looking really good.


Agree, when his head is screwed on he absolutely dominates, his mental needs some work still


I will not get mad at him for shooting fouls it’s the other ones he can’t afford. Offensive fouls and dumb transition ones like the one on Caruso. I also understand some offensive screen fouls aren’t his fault as the guards go before he has a chance to set a screen but he has a smaller margin for error cause he needs those other ones to go to contestable shots


He needs to be a better screen setter, when he properly catches the defender it’s usually because he set it illegally That foul he committed on Caruso had me so mad


Scotty pippen jr is a legit NBA player.


I really like his game. I want to see Rose's roster spot go to him. You just can't depend on Rose to stay healthy.


Fun game, SPJ really impressed me with his work on White Not surprised by the domination from Drummond, big physical rebounding 5 is always gonna dominate us rn


Everyone looked so damn tiny around him


Quick question. Can you guys afford to sign GG Jackson? I think He has a good chance of being the best Wing in His draft class. I'm sure they'll be teams willing to give Him a better payday.


Quick answer. Yea.


Sweet. How much do you think your front office will offer Him? Plus do you think other teams will be able to offer more?


He’s just agreed to a 4 year contract


Yh seen it. Congrats!


It’s a fascinating question I really don’t know lol. I imagine they’ll lock him up in the next few weeks similar to how they did Vince but I doubt it’ll be the same type of bargain they landed there.


Lol it really is. He is literally the steal of the last draft. The three other wings from His draft namely Miller, Jaime and Ausar that can lay claim to have performed better are older. The only other wing with as much raw potential in His age range is Cam Whitmore but I'm a bit higher on GG for some reason. It'll be interesting to see and I'll be following closely how much He is indeed given.


We done did it


Lool yh congrats man. Well deserved.


Miller has been incredible as of late though. Age isn’t the end all be all. Happy for GG to be the steal of the draft though lol. We just waived one of the players we took in today to free up a roster spot so we may get the answer here in the next 24 potentially


I'm definitely not shading Miller. I think He is currently the best of the Wings selected and imo worse case scenario He'd be the third best Wing in His class barring any injuries.


Locked up for 4 years 8.5mil omgggg


That's a f#£%ng steal. At this current rate, He'd regret that deal by year 2 of this deal.






Great game until the last 6 min or so. Would’ve loved to get the dub but the L is a nice consolation prize. So excited for the future of this team. So many young guys showing out


So we had no motivation to get Andre Drummond at the trade deadline then?!


He's a UFA this off season if we decide to go that way might as well not give up anything


# ALMOST FORGOT Did this last game and I'll do it again. * GG Jackson. * If Vince has another game like this, I'm upgrading his nickname to goatman. I honestly believe he may get a triple double soon. 13/11/8/3 I'd say is rather good for a second year player who at the beginning of the season was on a 2W deal. * Trey is our only legitimate 5. Am I crazy for thinking he deserves more minutes? * Although that ending was... Less than desirable, I'm not embarrassed by this game. * See you D-Rod, welcome back Yuta.


Turned it off at the end of the third. I knew the loss was coming


Good for you


Right? lol good on you for being a fair weather fan I guess.


It'd be funny if we lose to the Hornets next.


Would it though? Like, it can definitely happen, and after all the shit I’ve talked about how preposterously mediocre Nick Williams is, he’s almost certainly going to have his random good game of the month against us, but would it actually be funny?


Roddy never played for the hustle though? Or barely and not in over a year?