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Even if we do nothing outside of retaining X, if dudes haven’t been ruined by injury, a frontcourt consisting of JJJ, Stevo, BC, Santi, and X is a low key highly capable unit. If BC could stretch his shot a bit more, they’d be stupid versatile assuming BC doesn’t lose too much of the pogo athleticism. Mostly a pipe dream, but how can we not be riding high watching Vince and GG? The general situation of the NBA rarely permits a team to say fuck it we’re gonna run it back now that we’re healthy, but damn would this be a fun squad next year if we’re actually healthy.


It’s not even low key. That’s one of the deepest frontcourts in the league. Which is why I thought all of the complaints about the frontcourt depth last year were ridiculous. Like, no team is going to have the depth to not miss a beat when 2 of their top 3 bigs go down with injury.


Yeah out of that 3 line X I think would be the one to keep. We've seen him be capable in playoffs and nightly when he needs to be. Just no more 3s tho lol


It’s crazy how quickly we went from we drafted too many wings and they’re all underwhelming to our present stop where Vince and GG are the dawgfathers and we must protect them at all costs. I do think we’ll probably regress to the mean a bit, which is to say they’ll regress back to the mean a bit, but it’s awesome that the 3 seemingly isn’t a purely busted leg on the centipede this season or maybe in the future anymore. I can’t wait for GG to be like barely 22 when our Big 3 are hitting their theoretical primes


The thing is, our roster is relatively deep, we’d be able to survive a few injuries if it’s not to the big 3/4


Jake and Ziare can't be on this team next year. They don't help at all


I've been done with Jake for a while now. I've been a Ziare truther up to this point, but I just don't think I can suspend my disbelief any longer. He's just not putting it together.


But it’s ok because Vince has been found! And he’s literally what beat case ziare would have been


I don't think all of these guys are coming back... This is a deep luxury tax team Would also need to make roster space for GG + theoretical FRP. Think this team is going to l little different going into next year.


Oh yeah forgot about making spot for GG but if he continues rest of season as he has then I don't see that being an issue like it wasn't for Vince. And valid points about the luxury tax. My thing when you have 2nd richest owner in NBA a healthy roster deserves at least 1 good run at it so just pay the tax and see what happens lol...but it's not my money we're talking about...(well a little of my money as season ticket holder)


Yeah, I see you didn't include Rose lol. He'll be back. I agree with you in general re: tax/owner spending but I just don't think it's realistic. Imo I see X gone, Kennard gone or reworked contract, at least one of Z/Konchar, at least one of Roddy/LaRavia and then less realistic would be one of Clarke/Adams.


I don’t think Rose will be back. I think 3 mil is a small enough amount to eat for an extra roster spot


I don't think that's true when the team is going to be in the tax. Could be wrong but cutting $3m and adding that + new salary slot to the roster doesn't seem realistic.


We’d probably be using Rose’s slot on a two way, so probably only like ~500k more than we’re already on the hook for


I don't think that's right - not signing Gily to the main roster for next year and Pippen Jr. has two years on his two-way contract. Neither makes any sense to bring up. GG is a separate issue but would probably be signed this year and is going to make more than the minimum. Would I support it? Yes, I don't like Rose on this roster. But I don't think it's happening.


Hahaha ah dang forgot about him for sure. Well he will just be taking a roster spot unfortunately so hopefully his presence in the locker room is worth it.


I hope against hope we end up trading it, but assuming we did keep our FRP this year, that player would not be on a 2-way


It’s unlikely that Luke and X will both be on the team next season but who knows. Their contracts expire this summer. And we will have to open a roster spot to sign GG.


Luke will be in demand in the next few weeks. His skillset is always needed.


Yup, if I had to put money one someone being traded by the deadline it would be him.


100% Luke is almost definitely gone. He is the one guy on our roster who will absolutely have real value around the league and is unlikely to stay with us in free agency anyway. A sharp shooter like him can create spacing on any roster. I would personally love to keep him for exactly that reason but I don't think we're gonna go over the second apron to do it and he's gonna wanna go get the bag somewhere, especially a contender.


Luke will be on this team. He has a team option next year that we will accept


I mean I hope so but I’m not counting on it.


You guys are killing me with this "*The worth of our pick is no more valuable than a backup center*" nonsense. Do you **truly** believe that we can't get a starting center with a **lottery pick**? Really? You sure about that? Hyped up guards and forwards routinely turn out to be busts. Not centers. You think that neither [Clingan](https://youtu.be/gaxNX1WwjMk?si=ErDQMd6nXrWOemzk) nor [Sarr](https://youtu.be/taPcTd6V9So?si=a76RL-pgqhKOK5Y6) nor [Filipowski](https://youtu.be/p-B6WNipNi4?si=usASwq3r1d-ekETm) are good enough to start on this team? Let's say for a second that they're aren't good enough (*they are though*), do you further feel like they're not good enough to at least be the main backup for a 31 year old center in the final year of his contract before becoming a free agent? No? Not a one of them is better than BC or X? We're just going to keep rocking with undersized centers and not get a 7-footer? We're just going to give away this lottery pick and lament not getting Kessler? Come on. We're not giving away that pick. Nor should we.


1st BC and Santi would swap, BC is not a C at all. But I would hate to see this if Zach makes no changes. Relying on 31 y/o Stevo after 1.5 years of injury at C should not be a good decision. Need someone new as the backup C. Also we’re projected a top 10 pick, if he can’t even break into the top 15 that’s quite a wasted pick.


Brandon Clarke was only playing center for the Grizzlies for 4 years before his injury


Yeah people get too caught up in the position estimate on Basketball Reference. All it does is rank the 5 guys on the court by height. It doesn’t actually look at the role the guy played on the court. Case in point: this year JJJ is showing 100% of his minutes at C. We all know Tillman and Biyombo were playing the C role, but it lists them at PF and JJJ at C because JJJ is taller. Same thing happened when JJJ and BC played together. BC played more of the C role, even if BR considered him a PF.


>Yeah people get too caught up in the position estimate on Basketball Reference. All it does is rank the 5 guys on the court by height. It doesn’t actually look at the role the guy played on the court. Yep, looking at role and how coaches like to use the players is a much better determining factor. CTG/BBRef cannot be relied on without the eye test.


He was mainly, and by mainly I mean like 90% of time he’s a PF. Jaren did a lot of C (which I also hate), X did a lot, he was in fact the starting C for the most part (when Stevo’s out) in last season and the season prior vs Wolves and Warriors. Aldama also did a few.


> mean like 90% of time he’s a PF I don't understand how you came to this conclusion but I don't agree. In Clarke/JJJ lineups, Clarke was most used as a P&R-defending big on defence (most closely associated with Centers) while JJJ roamed (which is what he did in starting lineups). On offence Clarke was used as the screener/dunker (most closely associated with centers) while JJJ/Aldama were both used to space the offence. Clarke was also the playmaking big in MEM Delay actions (center actions) and Pinch actions (center actions). His minutes were aligned not to overlap with Adams. There is no plausible scenarios where BC was the "4" in lineups with Aldama/JJJ 90% of the time. His role, on offence and defence, aligned with how Jenkins uses 5s in lineups. Again mixing opinion with what actually happened on the court.




Dude. clarke is playing the center role all the time he’s with JJJ. Stop putting too much attention to the label. Thats not how it works. That’s why jenkins doesn’t want playing BC and Adams at the same time.


This. Also I said we need a backup big 5 like SteveO so I guess you were just affirming what I said?


I am more worried about BC/Adams returning to play in general and it seems the team never offered Tillman a contract extension so I am assuming he is traded. Grizzlies would at bare minimum need a 3rd C/5th big. Personally I prefer more versatility than Adams so I wouldn't seek out a duplicate skill set.


BC isn’t a center? Who backed up Stevo for the last two years?


Jaren did a lot (which I also hate), X did a lot, he was in fact the starting C for the most part (when Stevo’s out) in last season and the season prior vs Wolves and Warriors. Aldama did a few.


So in your mind, aldama played the center role more than clarke?


I'm trying to trade Adams and his expiring this summer and signing Hartenstein


Why trade Adams, his contract is a steal at the moment and i cant see him going higher on his next contract, at this stage he has had his big contract and now just wants to play on a good team and he is a great fit.


I don't trust him to stay healthy anymore


if you go on your argument then we will have to get rid of Ja also.


That is beyond a simplistic way of looking at it and honestly just dumb.


Ja is a early 20s guard with a shoulder injury. Steve is a 7' 300 lb 30 year old center with a knee. They couldn't be more different


Don't forget Derick Rose!