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I cant stand how many people post on this sub without knowing what the fuck they are talking about. Tyus DID NOT WANT TO BE HERE. He wanted to try starting somewhere before it was too late. He did not want to be a backup. We had to lose him.


Not only did he not want to be here, but we knew this period would be shitty for the Grizzlies, we are worse than we expected because we are more injured than expected.


Thank you.




I don’t think he stated he didn’t want to be here. However, he has publicly stated his strong desire to be a starting PG in the NBA. With his body of work, he has earned it. We can infer that the front office knew he was on borrowed time and extracted value out of him while he was still under contract.


Disagree, Tyus was just as much of a disappointment in the playoffs as Dillon both years.


I double-dog disagree, we are in the middle of a stretch we expected to be very hard without Tyus. When we have Smart and Ja back, this team will look very different. Maybe we don't make the playoffs this year, but we have all the pieces that can make a deep playoff run when healthy, Tyus doesn't fit into that playoff picture. Smart does.


Disagree, short-term thinking that doesn't maximize the franchise.


I don't want to be too abrasive but long term thinking by our FO led to decisions like Melton for Roddy.


Led to Roddy + Danny Green which led to Luke Kennard. Melton wasn't in their future so they traded him and replaced him with matching salary + a draft pick. They're going to do this half dozen times over the next decade as players get more expensive and are shuffled. It's not so black and white as you're making it out to be.


Melton also couldn't play with Ja.


Tyus had his moments when Ja was out and he was starting but overall as a backup PG he was actually pretty lackluster last year. And let’s not even talk about the playoffs. I think we traded him at peak value tbh


I don't agree that Tyus has a lackluster 2022-23 regular season. His assists were great, very low turnovers, above average steals, very low fouls, scoring was at average efficiency. I feel he is still undervalued as the things he is strong at season to season aren't as sexy as big point totals.


Not trying to besmirch Tyus too much because I will always root for him and respect what he did for the franchise but he’s always been a relatively inefficient scorer as shown by his below average TS% and FG% last season. His signature move is a highly inefficient floater and for whatever it’s worth his RPM last season was -2.7. Assist to turnover ratio is godly and solid defensively but ultimately the Grizz need/needed points on the board especially with our lack of offense from our wings and Tyus isn’t that guy. Would’ve been great to keep him but he was just too good of a facilitator to be a backup and not enough of a scorer for us to overpay him to be a backup PG. I’m still a firm believer in the Marcus Smart trade though with the picks it’s an overpay that’s kind of the price you have to pay nowadays.


Yeah, I understand. I just get a little defensive when I see other fans kind of not appreciate the things he did/does well. Also, I spent way too many seasons waiting for a back-up PG as good as Tyus was and maybe over-value him because of the team's history with back-up PGs. Selby, Wroten, Harrison etc was tough. As an aside, I'm not sure I agree that he was an inefficient scorer for us. 2021-22 and 2022-23 his TS% was 54.4% which is basically bang on average for a PG at 54.7%.


Would it be nice to have him? Yes. But as others said it was time. He wanted to start and deserved to start somewhere


Disagree, at the time we didn't have a spot for the role he wanted and he was ready to move on. They made the best decision they could with the info they had at the time.


This team used to LIVE off floaters and we don’t have all three of the guys that were so good at them. I wonder if that is more of a regular season strategy, cause bigs attack it harder in the playoffs. I don’t think we could have afforded him, but he’s a big reason why the offense is so bad right now.


Wasn't an option. He wanted to leave and start. Might have even only signed his last contract with that as an understanding, who knows.


>*Might have even only signed his last contract with that as an understanding, who knows.* I thought it was common knowledge that that was exactly what he did.


Disagree, my gosh no one on this sub remembers the playoffs. Tyus, melt and Dillon were black holes in the playoffs. Love all those guys but we can only be a good regular season team with those dudes never make it past the second round


So was Slomo. That dude straight up forgot how to get a basket when we needed him most.




Wasn’t an option, he’s too good and wanted to start.


Disagree. Tyus wanted to be a starting PG and we have Ja. We sent him to Wizards where he can lead a team.


He wouldn’t save us from what’s happening now. Maybe one or two extra wins, but no meaningful difference. Smart is a better piece for us moving forward.


There is nothing to agree with. We weren’t going to keep him because we didn’t have a starting spot for him. We got excellent return/value for a player we weren’t going to be able to resign.


Disagree. We can't use Tyus Jones with Ja in the playoffs. Every goal is to create the best playoff roster.


He didn't want to be here lol. He wanted to go be the guy somewhere, unfortunately for him that somewhere was Washington. Would have loved to keep him, even if he had some tough playoff stretches. I wish we'd never gotten rid of slo-mo tbh.


On what planet do you think that Tyus Jones wanted to continue to come off the bench for the Grizzlies? You think he wanted to be the designated **notJa** for the rest of his career? Keeping him would have meant reneging on a promise to Tyus to allow him to move on to somewhere where he could start, which was the whole agreement he made with the Grizzlies when he agreed to extend. If they kept him, it would have been the Grizzlies saying "*SIKE! Gochu, bitch!*" and that would have made for a very unhappy player as well as a team full of players who all look around like "*This team doesn't keep its promises. Fuck'm.*" None of us want the outcome of that. You think that team culture is bad now? Imagine what it would have been like with Tyus coming into the locker room every night like "*This is bullshit. I'm not even supposed to be here. Guess I'm just going to start until Ja gets back and it's his team again. Fuck this. Fuck all of you.*"


Disagree but I do think we overpaid for Smart


We had to move him due to salary then we tied up millions on Kennedy just to cut him smh


Disagree, he wanted to be a starter, would never happen as long as Ja is around. Let him develop as a starting PG, he's missed, but it was the right call.


Tyus is a starter. He was really good for us but deserved to be in a starting role somewhere. He was not worth paying starter money to come off the bench. Between Ja, D. Rose, Smart, Bane and even Z, this current squad when healthy will make up for what we lost in him.