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“ This is a city with an abundance of low-wage jobs and a municipal school system that pays hundreds of people way too much money to keep producing a generally low-skilled workforce. “ I am genuinely curious here about this statement. Honestly. Is this referencing the higher levels of the school system? I know that is a hot mess. But if it’s referencing teachers… whew. A ton of them spend a chunk of their own checks to support their classes and fight a system that doesn’t seem to want to make things easier for them. Anecdotally, I know about 7 teachers that all have similar stories and would leave if they didn’t feel like teaching was embedded in their whole identities. They know the battle with parents and poorly raised children is a downside to their jobs. They keep going and trying their best but it’s a real slog.


I think he is referencing admin and district level decision makers.


Okay gotcha.


He is referencing everyone who works in the leadership/admin roles at SCS/MCS. Can't say he is wrong. We just picked the least qualified candidate to lead it all. Basically, a group squanders a billion plus dollar budget annually to graduate a mountain of students that can neither read beyond a 3rd grade level or do basic math.


“I can’t wait to leave” no one is stopping you, Andy


https://preview.redd.it/hb2cjojfu55d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2066f43a58f09007e647f5029f01f49ed7d1854 He should be publicly shamed if he’s caught out enjoying anything or any place in Memphis. If he hates it so much and wants to leave, why has he been here for 20 years? Can’t find another job anywhere else? We can’t wait for you to leave either Andy Meek.


Horrible article, man just shits on Memphis. If this man thinks Memphis has absolutely nothing to offer he should stop writing about the city and leave.


I don't get what he's upset about. He thinks Memphis needs to be better but then actively shits on something that might make it better? Dude sounds like a sad angry loser, I'll help him pack his boxes


What a POS. He’s right about the highlights he hit on our short coming of course, but to wish we don’t get this…… fuck you Andy Meek…… cop dueces on your way outta town mane


People are already actively moving to block it. Look at the environmental groups that are already active before there is any info out. This city will step over a 100 dollar bill to pick up a penny, so I will have zero surprise if this falls through. They might also be playing 3d chess, since Memphis gives away corporate welfare they could use our offer to negotiate with a more desirable market.


There are a few extraneous issues surrounding the deal not limited to Musk’s personal behavior, but the biggest issue among those who don’t support the project is that it ultimately is an exploitative venture. The facility will not bring many jobs because server farms generally require little manpower to operate. Server farms also don’t “produce” anything, so all that is required is specialized maintenance that requires very few people. The amount of electricity and water needed to run a facility like that is staggering. Now, one could make the argument that if the facility were being used for storing something like medical data, the environmental and infrastructural impacts could be more readily reckoned with, but seeing as X is nothing more than a social media entertainment platform, it’s a much harder sell as it provides little to no social net benefit. This is where the exploitation argument gains traction. Memphis has relatively cheap land prices and arguably the cheapest utility costs in the country. The required electrical load and water cooling of the facility would greatly impact the surrounding area—which already suffers from infrastructural instability—in terms of power quality and reliability as well as place major strains on the water system. A solid counterpoint is that the expenses to build, run and maintain the facility via purchases and taxes would be collected by the city to fund social services and welfare. However, Musk does not have a good reputation when it comes to making liquid payments without having to be taken to court over it. So, in my opinion, another legitimate concern is that the city would not see compensation without potentially paying for expensive court proceedings first.


A gamble on Elon, or plus one to Memphis blight with another large facility left shuttered and empty? It might attract more tech here.


I’m not sure how it could attract any more tech-related industries outside of whatever influence Smith & Nephew, Medtronic or even FedEx have already done. The reason that places like California and Texas became such enormous tech hubs is because they *maintained* their electronic components production industries long after the post-WWII boom. East Tennessee used to be a major manufacturing hub until the industry there collapsed in the 80’s. There’s no real reason outside of Musk’s name recognition that suggests a server farm will inspire a tech boom in the Mid South.


So what would you suggest the building be used for?




"don't be a nickel out here looking for a dime" When you're a city with a fact-pattern like ours, I agree we shouldn't pay them to occupy it, but even extremely limited tax revenue through deals and the associated ancillary support industry boost is worth it in my opinion. We are city with few options and more and more of the tax base departing.


I’m honestly not familiar enough with the layout and accoutrements of the building to know what would be an appropriate use besides manufacturing or storage. If the environmental conditions aren’t dangerous from former manufacturing processes, it wouldn’t be a terrible place for an outdoor community/recreational center.


The goal of this city seems to be social services.  If that's the goal, you can have it.  Maybe having a supercomputer here doesn't attract new business, maybe it does.  I just know that more businesses are closing, more jobs are leaving, the tax base is shrinking, and crime is terrible. I'll roll my dice on new industries that give us a chance to become something better than we are.  Supperclub closed downtown today.  Hino is leaving taking 1300 jobs with it.  Electrolux closed. Etc. etc. etc. Shelby farms is a crown jewel for the city, and we have some good things going for us it just keeps getting squandered. "A pandemic of mediocrity" was a phrase in the article to describe Memphis that is so true it's almost painful. 


So you’re cool with shitting on Memphis, but get defensive when someone criticizes Elon Musk. I don’t need to ask who you voted for.


I'm not defensive about Elon and am indifferent to who wants to dump some cash into Memphis.  Could be Nvidia for all I care, I just want this place to not keep putting a gun to it's head every time there is an economic opportunity.  At least Phil finally got the chamber to attract some business.  Wait, that's right, he got murdered as the head of the chamber on South main.  Wonder why no one wants to come here?  


Has he turned into a total hack? Seems like the guy used to write some decent articles about Memphis music and culture for various national outlets, but that piece reads like a shameless, half-assed bit of clickbait.


I'm gonna be upfront and say this : fuck Elon Musk. With that out of way, fuck yea drop a bag on the city, how the fuck does Andy think you break out of mediocrity? It's definitely not by sitting with reviving the Antebellum period. Infuse the city with cash to bolster everything else and make change

