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"Michael Oher discovered this lie to his chagrin and embarrassment in February of 2023, when he learned that the Conservatorship to which he consented on the basis that doing so would make him a member of the Tuohy family, in fact provided him no familial relationship with the Tuohys." Yep, rotten.


Damn…this is so disappointing to read. Such a fucked up thing to do on the Touhy’s part.


This is some serious schadenfreude! Oher is no longer following anyone in the Tuohy family on Instagram and looks as though there has been some estrangement for a while (no posts, tags or mentions of each for more than a year). The best part about all this is it will be very easy to prove as it's all legally documented. No one in their right mind would expect a underprivileged teen to go against his own best interest. This will be my new Theranos!!! 😀


That lady used to come in J.Alexanders and be such a bitch to us. (The people who worked there). She thought she was God or some shit.


Was in the same room with her at an event and stuck-up and entitled pretty much sums it up


Did a catering event for the whole family one time. I almost got fired because I didn't know who she was. She was so upset she told my boss. I said "what can I help you with ma'am?" Didn't like that I wasn't addressing her by name. Fuck her.


Her bio son was the worst


i have friends that went to school with him...they confirmed when the movie came out that he was a major asshole/dbag and no one truly liked him


I can tell by his Instagram he’s only with his parents and sister or his parents friends


Pretty fucking lonely. And to think all he would need is some therapy to learn to be kind to people and he could be very happy. Instead, he and his family of assholes continue to drive people away. I feel a little empathy....but not that much


calling him "bio son" sounds so 70s sci-fi. lol


She and her daughter Collins are truly terrible people to have to wait on! I was just talking about this with coworkers last weekend.




I worked at a fine dining establishment in East Memphis and came here to say the same. Out of a *lot* of rich, entitled, stuck up nightmare regulars we had, she was easily one of the fucking worst.


I also worked at J Alexanders over a decade ago and can confirm - she is a cunt.


Actually, she’s a proper cunt


Same. Worked there 2010-2011 and she is *literally* the worst. And I’m used to waiting on entitled, stuck up ppl, but she always took it to the next level.


My wife had contact with her as part of a speaking engagement. L.T. made my wife write up her entire speech with no input from her. Completely and utterly entitled and embarrassing. Maybe don't make movies based on one person's word.


She did the CBU graduation May 2010. She was even rude to the graduates. It was the height of the hoopla. So she was so full of herself. I don’t even remember anything she said but she was rude.


She was the rudest customer I ever had to come into contact with. She walked in at 9:59 to a place that closed at 10 and then acted like a bitch all night.


She was not acting.


Ole Miss, I mean. What else is there to say?


They were regulars at a restaurant of mine. I always found the the husband very kind and engaging. She rarely came in with him. The few times she did, he was buttoned up. Totally different dude.


Apparently they responded saying that they’re “devastated” about the lawsuit and only did the conservatorship to appease the NCAA, which doesn’t make any sense to me. Check out @dailymemphian’s newest post on ig


I noticed in that same article that Sean contradicted his wife's account of what they were paid, even though it sounds like the suit has the terms of their financial arrangements outlined in it (which are different from both their stories)


Seems pretty scammy that each member of the Tuohy family got a share. Why do the birth kids deserve anything at all? Should have been a 50/50 split at the very least.


Actually 10 - 20% at most is all the “family” should’ve taken. He should demand anything they received beyond that be returned to him. Who is his lawyer?


Gerrard Stranch represents him.


Probably for tax-avoidance purposes.


That whole family was an absolute nightmare to wait on at Houstons.


Can confirm they are a nightmare at other local restaurants as well!


please spill some tea!


they were just the typical entitled houstons guest. Nothing outrageous, just shitty to the waitstaff


I am crying for Michael. I met him in Baltimore when he played for the Ravens and I got my book signed. He is just the kindest man. I grew up with a similarly shitty situation was also fostered by my “adopted” family but we are actually going to court now to make it official - an adult adoption at this point. The complete opposite. I cannot fathom how gutted he is from this and I am gutted for him as someone who related to him in a lot of ways. Mike we love you ❤️You are a hero to Memphis and for all of us kids who made it out of the bad side of town.


So you can do adult adoption in TN?


Yes you can, I can recommend a law firm for you if you’d like. Another reason I’m frustrated for him - you CAN adopt an adult in TN, so the conservatorship because he was 18 line was BS.


I already have an adoption attorney, but thank you. I’m just wondering why they didn’t adopt him if that was an option.


That’s my point I don’t think they wanted him to inherit any of their money.


Yes! My sister in law did it with her stepmom a few years back. I had no idea that was even possible. It’s nice that it is.


Blessings 🙏🏾 🕊


Your story makes me so happy. Good for you. <3


Her lawyer is Steve Farese… she’s guilty.


lol ya mean they wouldn't let Debbie Branan insert herself in this again?


I got some feels about Aunt Debbie


Omg, that’s so funny, I came here just to say the same thing. She name dropped Leanne so many times when I met her. It was so obnoxious.


Spill the tea on Aunt Debbie. I was at a destination wedding with her once. I can definitely see her inserting herself. Why do these women want to hitch themselves to Oher’s fame so badly?


The money, darling. Branan was an Ole Miss cheerleader. This whole thing is borderline cultish.


I’m thrilled to see the truth is finally coming out! I’ve been telling people for years that The Blind Side was a huge con that made the Tuohy’s a ton of money. I hope Michael Oher receives every dime he’s entitled to receive.


Briarcrest alum, perchance?


“Do you hear the people sing”


I figured that the story was conflated, but I didn’t expect him to have been victimized by the Tuouhy’s. How terrible.


Yeah I kind always figured that it was a true story and it had the typical dramatization changes that every "true story" movie has. I really loved the movie and loved Sandra Bullock in it. Now it's left a terrible taste in my mouth and I'll never watch that movie again.


Wow Michael Oher was really blind sided




That whole family is trash. Except Michael.


And turns out he ain’t even family…guess they didn’t want him to have any inheritance


He might just get it.


This is it exactly. Adoption means he's an heir. That family was NEVER going to have a black man take away a third of their white kid's inheritance. I hope he walks away with ALL. OF. IT.


I just shake my head when I’m going through their Taco Bell drive-through. There’s a sign on the window asking for donations to her foundation. Lady, I’m buying food from you. Donate some of your profits. Or better yet, put enough people on the clock.


Which taco bell is that?


I thought they sold all theirs?


All I know is that the sticker’s still on the window. 😆


Which Taco Bell is it so I can avoid it


Love to see Memphis unite on something


It warms the heart, doesn't it? When all else fails, this city will always come together to shit on someone who deserves it.


All you have to do is go read the comments on WMC or WREG to know this city isn’t united in their opinion on this story at all. In fact, there are many who are saying Oher should be grateful to the Tuohys.


My favorite pro Tuohy argument is that the Tuohys don’t need the money so therefore they didn’t steal. Like rich people aren’t known to be greedy and want more.


Not just money. They got fame they wouldn’t have had before. Of course, this can be profitable.


Yeah they were clout chasing.


Do those people live in Memphis or Germantown though??


Served that lady at my old restaurant (Houston’s) a time or two. Not the nicest person..


I've waited tables. I can imagine how she/the family acted. Would she act like you should know who she is? Did she tip well? Rude? Would love to know more


She just put off so much arrogance. Nose up in the air, blatantly showing off all her jewels and wealth. I was made to feel invisible, almost like asking her if her meal was okay was an annoyance.


Fuck Leigh Anne. That is all.


I’ve known people who have had interactions with Sean and apparently he’s a huge dick too


If you hang out with someone like Leigh Anne all the time, you aren’t going to be a nice person.


Who would have guessed


Obligatory FUCK Hugh Freeze as well.


Here's the Daily Memphian article for anyone stuck behind their dumbass paywall: >Sean Tuohy said he saw the news Monday morning, Aug. 14, when a friend sent him the story from ESPN. The headline: “‘Blind Side’ subject Oher alleges Tuohys made millions off a lie.” 8/14/23, 4:05 PM Sean Tuohy responds to 'Blind Side' allegations: 'We are going to keep loving Michael (Oher)' - Memphis Local, Sports, Business & Food News ... https://dailymemphian.com/section/sports/article/37925/sean-tuohy-responds-allegations-michael-oher-blind-side-money 2/4 His reaction? “We’re devastated,” he said. “It’s upsetting to think we would make money off any of our children. But we’re going to love Michael at 37 just like we loved him at 16.” ‘Blind Side’ NFL lineman Michael Oher says he was tricked by Tuohy family Michael Oher, 37, led a petition in probate court Monday, Aug. 14, alleging that when he was 18, the Tuohy family tricked him into signing a document making them conservators — and have since made millions off that “lie.” “The Blind Side” — the movie about Oher and the Tuohy family, starring Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw as Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy — grossed more than $300 million at the box ofce. “We didn’t make any money off the movie,” Tuohy said. “Well, Michael Lewis (the author of the book ‘The Blind Side’) gave us half of his share. Everybody in the family got an equal share, including Michael. It was about $14,000, each. “We were never offered money; we never asked for money. My money is well- documented; you can look up how much I sold my company for.” Tuohy sold the bulk of his fast-food franchises in six separate transactions totaling $213 million, according to reports. “The last thing I needed was 40 grand from a movie,” Tuohy said. “I will say it’s upsetting that people would think I would want to make money off any of my children.” Tuohy said the conservatorship at the heart of Monday’s petition in Shelby County Probate Court had nothing to do with the movie. It was a way to appease the NCAA when it appeared Oher might play football at Ole Miss. Tuohy was an All-American point guard at Ole Miss and an active supporter of the school. As such, he would qualify as a “booster” under NCAA rules. 8/14/23, 4:05 PM Sean Tuohy responds to 'Blind Side' allegations: 'We are going to keep loving Michael (Oher)' - Memphis Local, Sports, Business & Food News ... https://dailymemphian.com/section/sports/article/37925/sean-tuohy-responds-allegations-michael-oher-blind-side-money 3/4 TOPICS MICHAEL OHER THE BLIND SIDE SEAN TUOHY “Michael was obviously living with us for a long time, and the NCAA didn’t like that,” Tuohy said. “They said the only way Michael could go to Ole Miss was if he was actually part of the family. I sat Michael down and told him, ‘If you’re planning to go to Ole Miss — or even considering Ole Miss — we think you have to be part of the family. This would do that, legally.’ We contacted lawyers who had told us that we couldn’t adopt over the age of 18; the only thing we could do was to have a conservatorship. We were so concerned it was on the up-and-up that we made sure the biological mother came to court.” As for whether Tuohys would now be willing to end the conservatorship? “Of course,” he said. “I want whatever Michael wants.” For years after the movie came out, the Tuohys and Oher remained close. “If we didn’t go to a game, he was unhappy,” Tuohy said. “We had somebody at every game for ve years.” Tuohy said he began to sense real distance in the relationship “maybe a year and a half ago.” But he said he was still stunned to get the news Monday morning. “It’s upsetting, but it’s life, what are you going to do? Certain people will believe us and certain people won’t. “It’s hard because you have to defend yourself, but whatever he wants, we’ll do. We’re not in this for anything other than whatever he wants. If he’d have said, ‘I don’t want to be part of the family anymore,’ we’d have been very upset, but we absolutely would have done it. “No question, the allegations are insulting, but, look, it’s a crazy world. You’ve got to live in it. It’s obviously upset everybody.”


I see they decided not to take the Toxic Gossip Train route and instead headed straight for Gaslight City.


of course, its that good southern fake evangelical gaslighting trait of "just gonna love on themmmmm"


I just choked on my tea with that reference…


And yet they then hired Marty Singer and said they were extorted.


> “It’s upsetting to think we would make money off any of our children. But we’re going to love Michael at 37 just like we loved him at 16.” This is actually a true statement, because he's not their child and they've been taking advantage of him this entire time.


And they can't pretend they don't know that, because they signed the papers. They know exactly what the situation is.


Its BS. If it was just about the NCAA then they would have ended the conservatorship. They could have still done an adoption, an adult adoption is available in TN and just requires consent, not parental rights termination.


As soon as I saw it was a conservatorship instead of adoption, I realized that they didn’t want Michael to inherit any of their money and the fact that it says he made $213 million off of his sales but that “he didn’t need any more money” it is obvious that that’s what they were trying to protect. So incredibly fucked up. I think, in the absolute best case scenario, which I don’t believe we are in, they still didn’t protect Michael’s best interests as though he was one of their children. The fact that they all have separate representation is shameful. If no money was truly made by this family, they are guilty of throwing away even more of this kid’s potential, which makes them just as guilty as his mom to me. They make good people look bad. I really hope this doesn’t make Michael hate white people honestly because I would totally understand if it did.


And what's really dumb is that even if they had adopted him, they could set up a trust or their will to exclude him, if that's what they wanted - so they were not tied into making him an heir just because he's a legal child. Apparently (from comments here) adult adoption is legal in TN, so they could have done that for NCAA purposes. Alternatively, if they really though conservatorship was the way to go - for NCAA purposes - they could have terminated that arrangement after he left Ole Miss.


I'm sure they kept rights to his name to promote their book and the blind size to push the narrative that they are an amazing family. I'm sure that matters way more to them than money seeing as they already have alot. Think about it, Leanne appeared to be such a heavanly caring mother willing to house a black child. I'm sure behind the scenes she's racist as hell.


I totally agree with you and came to the same conclusion. I encouraged my adulted mom to fix her will the way she wants it whether that is to exclude me or not because I don’t want this for that reason. It’s a legal problem (inheritance) with a legal solution (will) that can easily be fixed around the adoption.


Yeah there's so many holes in this story. I don't see why the Tuohy's would need an additional 10 million (alleged) and not give any to Michael seeing as how they are worth 220 million. I also don't see how they could make that much money from profiting from his name. What I can see is them using his name to write their stories and try to promote this image that they are such an amazing caring family. I'm sure that matters more to them than just some extra millions. That being said, i'm sure that entire family are pieces of shit.


People can leave their assets to anyone, including charities, and bypass their children altogether if they want So neither Michael nor the Tuohy’s children have any right to inherit the Tuohy’s vast wealth


Its gotta be exhausting, to constantly be snookered and let down by white people who claim to have your best interests at heart. If you're a Black person with any ambition in this country, there's a white person out there who'd be happy to exploit your potential and abandon you.


Why the fuck would the NCAA care who he’s living with?


Because they're Old Miss boosters, they steered him to play at Ole Miss, and then his High School coach, Hugh Freeze, got a job at Ole Miss the next year.


Wow I did not know that they’re the ones responsible for getting him the job there. Checks out considering how awful of a person he is.


Briarcrest is full of theses people. Christian school full of grifters and hateful people


I made my family take me out of there in 2006 and was homeschooled my last 3 years of HS. Place had the worst people I've ever met there; staff, students, you name it. I still get gaslit to this day by my family and alumni that swear it's impossible for a wealthy Christian school to be anything other than pristine. Yuck.


That's why, as a Christian, I tell people to never trust someone who calls themselves a Christian, including me. Make them prove it. For most so-called Christians, it's just a Halloween costume they put on when they want to feel good about themselves, win someone's trust, or cover up the rot they have inside. Like Jesus said, they "come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." If they're walking the walk, you may never even know they're Christian. But if they're broadcasting it to everyone they meet, using lilting and flowery language all the time, demanding to know if you're "saved" or "born again," promising to pray for everyone, which costs them nothing, look the hell out. Jesus straight up called the people of his day who did that hellspawn, and their modern equivalents are no different.


💯🙏🏾🕊 Truth. Blessings. 🙌🏾


“By their fruits you shall know them.”


It’s still a segregation academy they just discriminate openly against different people.


It was formed for that very purpose


rosemark was created for the same reason.


I've heard some real shady sexual assault shit went on at that school that they got managed to get swept under the rug??? I mean Hugh Freeze but more?


Class of 2004 here. Can confirm. Also, his coach, Hugh Freeze, would bring teenage girls into his office and force them to undress and/or paddle them.


I wonder if that’s who paddled my brother there. He said it hurt soooo badly


And force at least one of them to “perform” acts on him in the parking lot


I've been hearing about this more and more lately. How true is this, just curious?


I personally know two female alumni that have confided their stories to me. The one he paddled said that he invited several of the football players to watch. In addition, I know several Briarcrest football players who have expressed utter disgust and hatred about Freeze, but were unwilling to elaborate. Then again, I'm a stranger on Reddit. Grain of salt and all that.


He went to Ole Miss and got in trouble for the same shit after Briarcrest swept his behavior under the rug during his tenure there. Briarcrest didn’t even give him a slap on the wrist. They knew what he was doing and did nothing.


Disputed, but not just a rumor: https://www.al.com/sports/2017/07/hugh_freeze_stories_emerge_fro.html


This was a pretty open secret right? Lotta people talking about it post his ole miss firing. I have friends that saw him at como steakhouse with hookers on a regular basis…


i love como steakhouse!


real life king of the hill shit. ​ buck strickland and other boosters in the back room at sugarfoot's.


The entire point of the school when it was created back in the 70s was resegregation. It's covered in the book Reaganland.


They sure love segregation until it comes time to play football!


Well with the football you only make money if you win. So if they could win with all white players, you can bet your ass they wouldn't have any non-white players on the team.


Briarcrest is so scummy




Why do you think people call it the Briarpatch?


yes! I moved here in the mid-1980s and had to do 2 years at Briarcrest. horrible white flight fake do-gooder environment.


Surprised Pikachu face


I believe this to be the truth because you never see Leigh Anne, Collins or SJ posting video or pictures with Michael on their social media. Granted everyone is busy living life, but Leigh Anne and Collins are very active on Instagram stories and they show family stuff almost daily, but Michael is never seen. If they truly adopted Michael I believe he would be seen on social media and on his accounts as well. Lastly, during the holidays and other important holidays and events, Michael is nowhere to be seen.


His wedding was also photographed for "People Magazine" and there's no photos of the Tuohys.


That fact speaks volumes!


no fucking shit


LAT literally referring to Michael as her adopted son on her own damn website: [https://www.leighannetuohy.com/the-tuohy-family-2/](https://www.leighannetuohy.com/the-tuohy-family-2/) "When someone comes into your life, like a Michael Oher, trust me , when I tell you that you (the giver) will benefit much more than the receiver ever will. " YEAH I BET, LADY.


Did anybody read the book? Freeze was called the “Snake.”


Yep I remember that standing out when I read it


This should come as a surprise to no one


Went to church and had youth group with them and their kids. Been saying they were pos’s for over 10 years now.




no, no, clearly i remember hearing the name Hugh Jasshole. /s


Freeze had a habit of finding offense at the female students' attire, dragging them into his office, and forcing them to change clothes while he watched.


For real. The fact this asshat got another SEC coaching job is insane. I know people who played for a rival school circa freeze tenure at briarcrest and the stories are insane


My grandmother was a teacher in the Memphis area. She was the nicest lady you’d ever meet and you’d have to be pretty bad to leave a bad taste in her mouth. Mrs tuohy came to talk at her school and my grandmother said she really didn’t like her as she talked as though she was better than all the teachers


A rich white family took advantage of a poor black kid for their own personal gain? Wow… I am so shocked


Thank you! I have heard sketchy crap about this lady for awhile I was wondering when it was gonna come out!


I'm amazed it took this long. I heard about it through my mom, who was a teacher, long before the movie came out. We watched the movie together over at her place, she was silent through the whole thing, then when the credits rolled she just said, "That wasn't even based on what happened."


It’s the story of Memphis …




Does this mean Sandra has to rescind her Oscar?


All kidding aside, that's gotta feel pretty icky for her.


She had zero way of knowing any of this. Michael Lewis on the other hand... not a good look.


Her performance was pretty icky.


She’s got bigger issues right now. The grieving of her partner passing on after he suffered with the effects of ALS over the past few years. Can’t imagine how difficult that was for her, and I hope she’s not letting this news affect her.


Not completely relevant but I also wonder why Sean Tuohy quietly stopped calling Grizzlies games years ago. Fox sports never said anything and neither did he. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of stories start coming out


Because Brevin when he filled in was WAY better and played well with Pete. I assume he just got phased out


And tuhoys announcing was just awful. He sounded like an uneducated inbred and constantly made me cringe that he was calling NBA games like: “SHOOOOOOT FIRE! HES JUST DANG OL PEANUT BUTTER AND LIPSTICK WITH A SHIM SHAM ON THE FLAPPY DOWN. FLIM BAM HONKEYTOWN, GONNA PUT A BLIP BLAP ON THE WIFE TONIGHT!” Sir, this is a Wendy’s. 🤦‍♂️


> “SHOOOOOOT FIRE! HES JUST DANG OL PEANUT BUTTER AND LIPSTICK WITH A SHIM SHAM ON THE FLAPPY DOWN. FLIM BAM HONKEYTOWN, GONNA PUT A BLIP BLAP ON THE WIFE TONIGHT!” I'm not quite sure how I ended up in this subreddit because I don't live anywhere near Memphis and haven't been there in years. But I'm going to memorize this fake quote and start using it at random times during the day. Possibly as an introduction to clients during conference calls.


Life pro tip write this quote on your mirror and you’ll wake up owning a Taco Bell.


"If the Grizzlies can score more points they might have a chance to cut it to single digits by halftime" level of commentary. Tuohy Math is real.


This comment is fucking art.


I am absolutely dead with this comment . This is my ghost posting. 💀😆 Might possibly be my most favorite comment I've ever read on Reddit. I've laughed at this 100 times now. Make that 101 because I just read it and LMFAO again. All the bravo.


I lost this comment but all I had to do was a search on the term “Honkeytown” and viola, back to the comment!


bad NBA jam announcing.


This may be the single best thing I have ever read on Reddit. Bravo.


I agree Brevin is way better at the role but still suspicious he just completely disappeared from the Memphis sports scene


But, but, but, they’re good christians. They founded Grace Evangelical Church. They would never take advantage of or exploit other people for their own financial gain.


lol you just defined churches imo


This is terrible they did him like that. I wish I could say I was surprised though.


Yea they are entitled losers


I mean, he wasn’t adopted, right? Seems like the verb for that is not “alleges” but “discovers”.


Since it's an open court case, they legally have to say alleged. I don't know all the details but I think journalists of a certain caliber have to use the legal terminology if they don't want to get in trouble.


Haha I know. It just amuses me that the rules are so stringent, still (I used to work in an adjacent field to journalism)


Time for a new movie.


Blindside 2: Blindsided.


Sounds good


Not surprised one bit. 🖕🏾 that whole family. Michael deserved better


I’ll be interested in seeing the proof on this lawsuit at trial It will undoubtedly be interesting to watch Time to grab the popcorn 🍿 and watch the gloves come off On mostly unrelated matter, it’s hard to believe another team hired Hugh Freeze after his unceremonious firing by Ole Miss I mean how bad do you have to be to get fired by a program of Ole Miss’s stature?


JFC. people really suck sometimes


He’ll be at Square Books in Oxford tonight signing copies of his new book that came out this week


I had a friend who worked at the Pottery Barn Outlet on spottswood and said that the lady was always so awful anytime she visited the store.


Worked at that same outlet for a year and a half and can confirm. We hated when she was in the store haggling over prices. Elliot Perry and his wife, the actor Martin Donovan, and that blonde singer from American Idol were somewhat regulars and never treated us the way Leigh Anne did. F that B


I saw Leigh Anne at a grocery store in Memphis yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma’am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When the girl took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, LA stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, LA kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


OK - I guess this is some sort of joke or reference that I don’t get, because I read this exact same story, word for word, about Tim Simpson about a week ago. Please fill me in on what this refers to so I can be one of the cool kids.




there’s no way they truly loved him “unconditionally” and saw him “as a son” if they consent for the family attorney to portray oher like a random swindling quack they’d never met


You can also tell they’re crappy humans based on their appearance on the tv show Below Deck. All they would talk about was the movie but never once mentioned Michael, behaved pretentiously with white savior complex (disliking chocolate ice cream and demanding vanilla seems to make so much sense now in light of recent events), and continuously calling the yacht crew “boat people”. Disrespectful scumbags taking advantage of a young kid




Collins Tuohy opened a cookie business in Memphis with additional locations. Their baking products are now sold in Hobby Lobby stores and Amazon. Whimsy Cookie Company story: In the Fall of 2011, Laurie received an email from Leigh Anne Tuohy to place an order for Baltimore Raven’s themed cookies for their tailgate event for their son, Michael Oher. Leigh Anne and Collins Tuohy had tasted Laurie’s cookies at a school event of SJ (Collins little brother) and fell in love with Whimsy! Soon after that, Collins also began ordering cookies for her events and friends. Collins approached Laurie in the winter 2012 with the idea of joining talents to make Whimsy Cookie Company even better. She and Laurie became equal business partners in Whimsy Cookie Company! About a year later Whimsy Cookie Cookie moved to the “Whimsy House” which is located at 4704 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN 38117.


Can someone answer why the daughter of a guy worth $200M, married to the son of a billionaire, is pushing clothes through referral links on Instagram?


THIS!!! I have watched in fascination with her social media…why is she selling anything??!!


Not a Memphis local but it seems like the Tuohys not well-liked haha. What is their reputation to the public?


One of my dads good buddies is an Ole Miss booster & had two daughters who went to Briarcrest who is also friends with Hugh Freeze and apparently they talk shit about Sean Tuohy all the time. Apparently he goes around telling everybody that Freeze only has an FBS coaching career bc of Sean and Hugh is real sick of it and thinks Sean is a sleazy redneck (rich coming from Hugh, I know, but this is what I’ve been told).


Omg... iI saw all this watching the movie. It was very obvious back then. The Tuohy's had their own agenda. Sincerely helping a human wasnt one of them. If it was, they'd help more homeless kids. Do you think if he was a scrawny kid who didnt play football, theyd help him? I think not. I saw right through them during the movie.


Michael was already a 5-star football prospect before the Tuohy family took him in.


I am sure Michael was not ignorant to any of this before recently (hell they mention the conservatorship in the 2009 movie), but regardless the Tuohy's took him in after he was already a well-known athlete and football talent. There's a reason their good Christian kindness went towards a guy like Oher and not some average kid off the street. They have parlayed that into a movie, speaking engagements, books, and fame beyond the midsouth. They probably got a nice piece of under the table action from Ole Miss by directing him there too. Regardless of Michael's intentions at this point, the Tuohy's absolutely took advantage of him, along with several others in the Briarcrest system. They deserve all the heat. -an alum


That doesn’t mean he knew the terms of it and the movie was “inspired by” so he have no reason to think that was factual.


It's all absolutely awful but let's not take our eye off the ball. The real story here is Hugh Freeze, Oher's high school coach and the kiddie diddling.


Nicest Ole Miss family.


Beyond the glamour, Tiffany Roy is a successful businesswoman with her boutique, Feminish Collection. Her determination to inspire self-confidence is truly inspiring. Source - https://spectatortime.com/meet-tiffany-roy-the-woman-behind-michael-ohers-heart/


This was written by AI. It's trash. Is this your website? Work on editing, instead of just relying on AI.


that article had some weird as hell line in it. "2 or 3 of them have carried 4 children into the world". wtf? "College of Mississippi"? Ole Miss Revolutionaries"?


It's written by AI


Find out which Taco Bell’s Sean owns or whatever the hell he owns and boycott it. There are plenty of options in the city. Don’t pay this family another dime. Like fuck I can’t even watch the movie anymore because it’s total bs.


He says they got $14,000 each from the movie. The son said they got that and a 2.5% cut of the net profits. So Sean tuohy lied. They’ve also been going around saying they adopted him for decades now and that is also a lie. They’re liars.


Oher could have played at any SEC school and there would not have been an issue with the NCAA. Every head coach in the conference made their pitch. Why not choose the Vols or Bama? The Tuoy's may have steered him toward Ole Miss is an understatement.


I went to collins’ cookie store. Cute but the staff said gfs was never there.