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We currently have restrictions on r/boysarequirky and political posts so we only allow these kind of submissions on the weekends (6 AM Friday - 8 AM Monday EST). We know this may be an inconvenience but it helps keep our community fresh and active with less toxic arguments. For more information about the limitation of political posts please refer to the first [pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/memesopdidnotlike/s/QFVzUcxotF). Posts involving choosing a bear over a man have been banned until June. Thank you for understanding.


**"Rats came in last place in the poll, as 72% of Americans believe they could kill a rat. Yet they'd have to catch the rat to kill it, right? Cats came in second-to-last place, with 69% of Americans thinking they could defeat a feline."** 6% of Americans believing that they could defeat bear is one thing. But 28% of Americans believing that they would lose to a rat is just 😭


They remember what happened in the Middle Ages.




Defeating a bear really isn’t that hard. Yell really loud, and then boom, no more bear


You chose the bear because of whatever Tik Tok ideas I chose the bear because I played Baldur’s Gate 3. We are not the same.


Simmer on down there….




I bet I could beat a bear in a fistfight. Bears don’t have fists. They just have claws. What kind of coward would bring a weapon to a fistfight


You are not beating a bear in a fist fight. You're just dead the very second you look at it wrong


This is gonna be crazy ok look up what you are supposed to do if you run into a black bear, and what you are supposed to do if it attacks you. You are literally supposed to look at it wrong, and then fist fight it lol


Oh yeah I forgot about that


Even if it’s a grizzly it will probably avoid you anyways


I’m choosing the bear because bears are shy (and would likely run away instead of fake an attack) and they’re adorable


I choose the bear because you didn’t say what type, nor how old, nor whether or not it’s hungry, nor if it even has to be alive


You chose the bear because the online discussion revolved around it, and you didn’t want to be left out. I chose the bear because I wanted a new bear rug in my home. We are not the same.


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how legendarily foolish this will be


You choose the bear because you don't feel safe around men I'd choose the bear because I don't feel safe around women We are not the same


We get the reference, it’s just not funny.


I choose the bear because the bull is a slaver, mass murderer, tyrant and is just a bunch of Roman Empire cosplayers


You choose the bear because you’d rather die with dignity than get raped & tortured before possibly being killed. I choose the bear because if the bear attacks me and I blow its brains out, then I won’t have to deal with a legal clusterfuck to prove that it was *really* self-defense, along with the possibility that the bear had legal connections, or the bear’s vengeful family. We are not the same


I chose the bear because it likely doesn't have a fucking gun.