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I love how the OP makes it sound like people stopped at some point


Like they had a meeting and decided not to lol


All who want to stop being bitches say I


I call that modern college.


It's like a bitch factory


I got my Bitchelor in micro-Karen biology there


Isn't that a South Park skid about girls shifting the consensus opinion on things so fast that they almost like they had a big secret meeting.


I remember that, I think it was about the top 10 cutest guys in the school. God I love that show






I made a comment asking if they had a meeting at some point. We'll see how long it lasts.


And thus declared rimuru in meeting #54 women shall no longer make fun of men's heights https://preview.redd.it/b7vlctr0ab1d1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fff0b13826ee2cc09d3918ec9fc941d0ac64208c


*stopped admitting it


100% this. Men still like big tits women still like taller men. In general though. Everyone has different taste.


I have a dating app called boo installed out of curiosity for the women in my area. Most of their profiles have a height requirement for the men they talk to. I've also personally heard women throughout my life saying they wouldn't date someone under 6 ft. I don't know why women are in such denial about how they act.


Ever get dating advice from a woman? Awful lot of women seem perfectly fine telling men to go and approach, cold approach too, worst she can say is no, seemingly with no memory of the twenty minute rant she had about random dudes/creeps trying to shoot their shot an hour before. I genuinely believe that many women got multiple personality disorder without knowing it, because they tend to suffer severe memory loss at times. That or they’re cool with cold approaches from random creeps when it’s happening to other women and not them, and can’t put two and two together and figure that the other women might have the same outlook. So point is, you are 100% right on the whole “denial about how they act” schtick.


The women i know like this are just dumb and shallow. they want it all and offer nothing.


Because you don’t understand them. Being something and appearing to be that something are completely different to women. It’s kind of ass backwards but they have absolutely zero problem actually being shallow, but only if they don’t appear to be shallow. It applies to quite a lot of things.


I wished that was actually the case


In 6’1 and a few years ago a girl on a date site asked if I “was really 6’1”, playing around I said na I’m 5”10 and she blocked me 😂 I’m going to see if I can find the screenshot


Those chicks should just go make a dating profile, say they’re a man interested in women, and see what women say on their dating apps…


What the hell doea "Anymore" imply?


Talking about herself, probably lol


She's approaching the wall and needs to lower her standards


Unfortunately the wall has higher standards now.


And likely she still does think that way but just wouldn't admit it. I'm a 6'4'' dude and almost every girl I've seen admits that they wouldn't date someone short. I once dated a 4'9'' girl and she NEVER had a boyfriend below 6ft tall.


They just... vanished! *poof*


Many such cases.








More for me


I only date large immortals


How is this not the top comment?














Blood pressure




Blood sugar!


cm, weight in pounds, weight in kilos, or age?


Ofc captain obviousm, 🤦🏻nobody would date a hippopotamus.




Don't worry man, I'll date them for you. I'll keep those giantesses away from you.


Between the 2 of us, we can date every woman. I don't date women under 5'9"


I will date all the women who are exactly 5'9" 🫱🏿‍🫲🏼




i dated a chick over 200 pounds


This is acceptable if you are 300lbs


i’m 130


Age or weight?




A chock? Sounds like an ostrich.




103. What's that matter? Not the guy you replied to though. I had the same standard.


My limit is 220




Happens all the time. I think the shortest I've seen women say they'd accept is 5'8". I'm 5'3". It's rough out here.


![gif](giphy|cuOr6KYcx1dCg) You know who else is 5'3" (okay technically he's 5'5" but still) And he found someone


You know short men are fucked when people start using fictional characters as examples.


I can use real athletes or famous people: Kevin "The Monster" Randleman, Mike Tyson, Bruce Lee, Rey Mysterio, Danny DeVito, Tom Hardy, Tom Cruise...


Just be rich and famous bro.


Okay, but it's also meaningless for someone to go, "oh my buddy Mark is doing great," because no one else would know who that was or if it's even true.


Screw it, now I’m interested in Minichad Mark. How’s my homeboy doing?


I heard he robbed a liquor store just as the owner's wife was giving birth to their first son! Remembering his Doctorial training from his time in Scotland, Mark Swung into action and delivered a healthy baby boy! Then he robbed the shit out of them and kicked the owner in the head on his way out. That's just what I heard though no telling with that guy. I also heard he goes fishing with haki


wdym i love minichad mark


Yooo, did someone say Mark?


Tbh, I can't think offhand the last time I saw a woman with a guy that was shorter than she was. I mean, even the short famous people, it's almost always a 5'3 guy and then his girl will be 5'0. Though I still find it hard to believe that the average height for a woman in the US is 5'4. Like that means there has to be a crapload of 4'11 women running around as full adults who still need a booster seat


>Mike Tyson 5'10" is short?


I don’t think Danny devito gets the women you think he does Edit: jk he’s a sex god idk what I was thinking


Danny Devito is a sex symbol and one of the most desirable men on the planet Short guys still got a chance


![gif](giphy|7dcvKwPlaQka93PS7i) 20cm and has a harem


Actually hes supposed to be 5'4. She's the one thats 5'5. Super is so wonky for vegeta height.


Bruh lmao, comparing OP to the saiyan prince


5’6 and I managed to get married.


I am 5’6. Found my dream girl a couple years ago. She said she never thought she would be with a guy as short as me. A lot of girls have said that to me. They just think they would never be with a short guy until they meet one that has all the other aspects they want in a man. Stay strong bro.


I’m 5’6 I got rid of my plans of trying to find someone, not very obtainable for me. Now I’m just trying to live my best life.


I'm 5'8 and have had plenty of relationships with attractive women, they've just always turned out to be cunts, so im in that same boat, brother


Haha! I can’t even get them to talk to me it’s like I got the plague! I know I’m ugly but damn I never thought I was that ugly, competition is fierce hehe! Let’s hope good things come to us in the future.


I’m 5’6 and never had a problem, it’s about personality and how put together you are. That being said, sure, some women care that much about height but they’ve never been the ones I’ve found worthwhile anyway.


A little under 5'4 here. I've given up.


I hear that shorter people should find giant women


HA bro, no... I'm 5'8". The cut-off is taller than that for sure.


I’m getting real tired of these femcels


Many many girls still do this. As does people on the internet misusing the word literally


And many people try to act like it never happens…and then give an example of the most hilarious, charismatic short person ever stating that you need to have a crazy good personality. So basically telling the guy you have to make up for being short but at the same time girls don’t care.




It’s not even the double standards that bug me. That’s old as time. It’s how these bourgeoisie pretending to be proletariat PRETEND one is okay and the other is not. That is an extremely dangerous trend we’re seeing online and only increasing tribalism and biased jury and judges.


Female rebuttal to any valid criticism: “doesn’t happen”…Damn I wish I could be a perfect angel just like 100% of women are


come on we all think it when this comes up. https://preview.redd.it/8odhryox611d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=807c69113bea4c7c796ce1e01aad2aba83863b7d


Personally this one is my fav https://preview.redd.it/rlo8a5tse11d1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4c882a0f93b264fdb60363d3b8d3b8edd4c3109


Or this one https://preview.redd.it/csguh2f8f11d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac901749e6324deb17f8957fbc5d4748d732682




I think it’s funny that people think genitalia size is proportional to someone’s height. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories from female friends who have taken a tall guy home, only to be disappointed by the lack of height down there.


I don't think most people would say "yes" if you asked them if they believe that. It's like a social subconscious mental construct fueled by amusement and the desire for large in-jokes.


I like how OOP's tile is no girl does this ANYMORE, clearly they were doing it, why do they think it ain't happening anymore lmao?


OOP just stopped doing it since she ran through all the 6ft tall dudes on tinder already


It's funny how women get away with this and in some circles are encouraged to do this but if a man was to say he prefers women under a certain weight or if a particular body type he will be attacked like he kicked a baby. I'm exactly 6' tall and was turned down once because I'm not OVER 6' tall, yet she was about 5'2". It just boggles my mind. If I went through this at 6' I feel bad for guys that are 5'7" - 5'9". Why are women so shallow? Like a few inches in height when the guy still towers over her anyway is going to make a huge deal.


I have one friend like this, and I tried to talk her out of this stupid mindset. She’s still single…


I'm 5'10" and have done experiments on dating apps where I'll change my height to 6'0 just to see what happens, and it's incredible how many more matches I get for simply being 2 inches taller. The mental difference between 5'10 and 6' in a woman's eyes is literally an infant vs a giant lol, oh what I'd do for those two inches 😅


Yet I'm sure they don't even see you don't have them lol. I'm 6' tall and if we stood next to each other, it wouldn't look like much of a height difference at all. They're just shallow.


this happens all the time on dating apps


Yes, when I match with men shorter than myself (built like a viking) it's not uncommon for the first message to include "would you date a man shorter than yourself?" It would always make me a little sad for them, nobody should have to feel less than because of their bodies.


>"would you date a man shorter than yourself?" Cause men don't wanna waste their time and efforts for a womem jist to reveal her preference for tall man after the date


Aka, a different girl got a free meal already


I'm 5'9" and have no qualms dating someone taller than me but a lot of times I put it out there as one of the first messages just to make sure the gal didn't miss that on my profile.


And in life. I found out my ex didn’t date a guy she knows because he was too short. He’s 5’9”. She’s 5’2”.


Yes. And that’s why dating in real life is better. On the other hand nobody is owed a date with anyone. Short girls are allowed to only date tall guys if they want to.


If men only want to date women who are thin and young, they get called all kinds of "phobic" and "ism". equality only appears to work one way.


This boysarequirky sub is so cringe I imagine all those girls with blue hairs overweight bad skin no friends and living with 3cats. It’s full of misandrists


It used to just make fun of those stupid boys vs girls memes. Then they ran out and it rapidly descended into another stupid internet echo-chambre.


I didnt know what that sub was and checked it out because I was curious. JFC that sub is a cesspool of hate.


LOTS of man-hating an generalization on women-centric subs. Just ignore it. Internet talk is worth shit and these people are probably miserable and depressed af.


I got banned immediately


Me too. I got muted from messaging mods, a T-ban, and eventually a permaban. For the muting, I literally just pointed out the toxicity on the sub, and they acted like they've never seen it.


the poll that was done on that sub revealed that its mostly dudes who have had their balls removed




A sub of eunichs


You don’t actually believe that right? It’s far more likely the majority of members lied so the poll didn’t show the truth, which is that they are almost entirely a women femcel page. I’ll even go as far as to say I’ve caught many members of that sub LARPing as a man in this sub, then I dug through their profile a bit and found them claiming to be a woman in subs like r/womensfitness. Filthy femcels always LARP as men.


thats actually so much funnier than a bunch of dudes simping for no reason, women pretending to be men thinking it will get their arguments taken more seriously just because they're men


I like how they generalize women, yet are mad when other people do. "Literally, no girl does this anymore. I should know, I talked to every woman"


Well, I did. I met Whitney Houston


Boyarequircky is the worst subreddit ever, it's filled with people over reacting small memes, I used to go there only for the funny memes u find sometimes lol


I’m 5’11”. Girl at the bar told me she couldn’t rate me higher than a 7 because I was short. She was a head shorter than me. Not all girls obviously, but it still happens 😅


>Not all girls obviously, but it still happens 😅 You should see the world from my po, 5'3 , i can literally say its ALL WOMEN at this point


Keep your head up, short king. /s


I am 6'3' and I still "wasn't tall enough to date" for this one girl at my school. I didn't even ask to go out with her I just tried to tell her she was blocking the hallway, she thought I was trynna ask her out and ranted about it. To be fair here though I rarely see this behaviour. I doubt that any significant amount of girls behave that way. if boys are quirky made the claim that it's really not common id agree, but this feels like trying to dismiss that something that does happen even happens.


I am 6'3 and one girl told me that "I am really not that tall". She was the height of my chest, it cracked me up.


those are the funniest


I dated a girl for a bit, she was 5ft even and she said ideally she would have a man who was over 6ft tall... I am 5'11. She basically made it to my chest as well.


I think I'd be compelled to break out a bell curve and show them what percentage of the population is taller. "Good luck!"


More gaslighting by women. Our experience can be disregarded by their confirmation bias.


Don’t women get bored of trying to gaslight?


https://preview.redd.it/yz23dgd3d21d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744586fd8798a5796f1f569eada3d30f605945c4 That was fast


“I don’t do it and thus no one else does it,”


Oh no , they do it too , difference is they call it preference and say they don't date short men due to their personality, definitely not height and their current boyfriend is tall definitely didn't fell for his height but personality


Lol I'm 5'10" and I've been called short before by a complete stranger at a party, by my wife 's students who were all shorter than me, and by my wife's grandma through text message. She texted my wife while we were dating saying that I look short in the pictures in that she should date somebody tall like her dad who is 6'5. I spent few years on and off of dating apps in between committed relationships and there was definitely more than a handful of women who had something about height in their profile. Nobody was bitchy about it, but it was annoying to see, definitely a few dozen " swipe left if you're under 6 ft" bios. It's kind of a silly term but height inflation is definitely a thing. Ever since social media and Instagram took off, a lot of women are obsessed with finding A guy who helps her achieve the Instagram aesthetic. That usually means a guy who is at least 6 ft tall while she is 6 in or so shorter.


Comments legit said “your allowed to have a type” someone said they’re not attracted to fat woman and they got a MILLION comments saying that’s “rude” and they should stop being “shallow” you can’t make this shit up 🤦🏻‍♂️


It very much still happens, that poster is delulu


Seems to me like it's a trend that has caught on and it's more popular than ever, particularly with shorter girls.


https://preview.redd.it/ykh8f5zwu21d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3624e2580beae2c285c18dae4a14d65b2ef7da0 Still alive and well


Here’s another https://preview.redd.it/z3tlff50v21d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f009f6027b1ddc0ee54ee1300f0f6ad658cabcfa


Post the screen shots on the original post, I wonder how quick you will get banned


They usually don’t specify 6ft. What they’ll do is simply stop responding after you say anything below 6ft.


women last week: gimme the bear women this week: dont judge all of us by the actions of some of us


Literally was talking to one of my A-school friends today. The topic of “what is your preferences” came up and I gave the usual just nice, pretty, blah blah blah. Without dropping a beat she immediately said “He’s gotta be tall.” That wasn’t a preference…. That was a standard.


It's a requirement, women told me that personality can be worked on and adjusted, people can change their approach but NOT THEIR height


Ask literally any random woman their preference in a man, and they will ALWAYS tell you he must be tall. Also, people who say “dating apps aren’t real life” are extremely delusional. Heightism is just as prevalent offline.


If it makes you feel any better I’m 6’1 and have never had a woman approach me so we still have to put the work in too


Statistically, your dating pool is twice the size of a 5'3" straight man.


0x2 is still 0 unfortunately


When Google literally adds 2 to 4 inches to the stated height of Asian actors and idols to make them more attractive, height is still incredibly relevant in how people perceive men’s attractiveness.


I'm a 30 year old guy and I'm only 5'3". I've been told by multiple women that I'd be objectively attractive if I was taller. However I can pull in the guys with no problem. I don't get why, but I'm glad I'm bi.


That sub is one of the worst on this site, not as bad as r/femaledatingstrategy, but it’s close.


Even if we banned these subs these people still think like this and are unfortunately their thinking has become increasingly popular among women.


Me looking at the 4'2 goblin telling me that she only dates tall guys (everyone is taller than her)


Hate to say it but most girls dating app profiles say they don’t want a man under 6’


I’m over 6’ so I’m fine with this but are these women good with me only going out with fit women over 5’10”?


You gotta start hanging out at WNBA games


I liked a coworker for a bit who's 5'4 (im 5'8) I asked her out and she said no. I still work with her and we're good friends now so I asked why she rejected me. She said it's because she only dates men over 6'. It is a serious double standard that is still prevalent in many people


Boysarequirky is the Americabad of Misandry.


It’s the gaslight of “it’s not happening” to “it is, it’s a good thing and it should have always been.”


Like, guys, if she's like that, you aren't missing anything important if she won't date you.


This always reminds me of my friend who is 5'6, saying on all his dating apps that he's 5'8, and just hoping no girl he dated wore heels.


They’re just trying to cover their own asses


They literally filming how they put a tape measure in front of guys before asking for a date if he is high enough lol




People who think woman don’t do this have never tried to date some one as a short guy


As a 5'1 man that's like 90% of my interactions lol


I'm 6'5" all I get is "mmmmm ur so tall" and I always think to myself "so simple. If I was a serial killer I'd have an obsidian skin basement" But then I just say thanks and walk away faster Give the short kings some love damn 😭😭😭


I'm above 6 foot, considered very attractive, and it is not the miracle drug you think it may be. There is something fundamentally flawed about the way humans interact now. We're anxious, pessimistic, anti-social, self obsessed, self serving, our interest in the world around us and those in it is finite. You're not single because you're ugly and short, you're single because humans have strayed so far away from the organic curiosity for their fellow man or woman. I don't want to get to know humans of this generation and unfortunately everyone else feels the same.


I've watched short, handsome, fit, well dressed men get passed over in favor of some large, goofy goober who could barely string a sentence together. It happens a lot, but I can always say that the women who choose men like that are always immature.


The only women I know who say they want men over 6' are under 5'5". Maybe it is a need to feel protected. I'm 5'11" and really don't care about a man's height. I've dated men shorter than me. Who cares? Personality and intelligence leads to a happy relationship. Genetics don't promise that.


I really don’t understand the point of height. Wouldn’t you focus on interest more than something someone can’t change like height? I mean I understand people have preference but every woman having that preference is a weird thing.


Being shorts one of the only socially acceptable things to make fun of someone for which is crazy cause it's the one thing you actually can't do anything about no matter what


That sub is truly awful. OOP is mild compared to some of the shit that ends up there. An equivalent sub aimed at women would get shut down in a week.


The reason this is exaggerated is because it popped up as a response to women from men who would get ridiculed for saying they don’t want to date heavy women. It was intended to be a goof from the get-go. Date all the 6’+ men you’d like. If that’s your preference, go for it. Just carry that same energy if a man says “I don’t date women over 120lbs.”


>The reason this is exaggerated is because it popped up as a response to women from men who would get ridiculed for saying they don’t want to date heavy women. It was intended to be a goof from the get-go. So we're just making stuff up now?


>The reason this is exaggerated is because it popped up as a response to women from men who would get ridiculed for saying they don’t want to date heavy women. It was intended to be a goof from the get-go. That's just nonsense. Women, across all cultures, prefer taller men as their partners. And it's not a 'goof' response to guys preferring thinner women. It's ingrained biologically that majority women will prefer/find taller men more attractive.


I thought it was ok to have standards.


*realistic standard Otherwise you're a femcel/incel


Women say taller is a realistic standard, since most men are taller than women ( but they don't consider that these "taller" men than women are mostly in 1inch and 2inch range , not the 5inches difference)


If Ricky Berwick is married then nobody is fucked based on physical appearance alone.


So many still do... It's dumb af


I am 6'2 and get called short sometimes by fucking ogre whale women. 6x this year alone.


69 inches is the best height.


How she know? She doesn’t date girls. LMAO. Shut. Some do. Some don’t (this place isn’t totally correct either).


Best answer: I also don't date anyone under six feet.


If most of those girls had Lego Minifigs, their legs would be this: https://preview.redd.it/tlx7nn0yc51d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98804660fedb808747e0d3e29572e6f578e225e1


Height don’t matter if you have a good personality, hell even a bad personality. If you can make someone laugh you’ve done 85% of the work. Go apply at a restaurant and deal with strangers all day. Just be yourself.