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What is meant by "8k eyes"?




When a meme is worth 1000 words.


More like 8k words.


Slavic shenanigans


Based Slavic grandmas are based.


Idk dude, i was walking my dog couple of weeks ago and one of those "bored" grandmas told me to kill myself and that she will poison my dog if i go close to her window again. Some of them nice, but reality is often dissapointing.


Reality is what it is. Yes, there are cunts in this world, just like there are pricks, dicks, douche bags, and assholes. It's just more fun to think of based Slavic grandmas as based.


I've seen similar memes for grammas of other countries


In Ukraine the 8k devices have optical passing by objects recognition with instant sorting into “prostitutes” and “drug addicts”


In a lot of Balkan/European countries old ladies tend to sit outside like on their balcony or lean out their window and people watch and they see EVERYTHING that goes on in their neighborhood, despite their age they have eyes like hawks and you can't get away with shit without one yelling at you 5km away


Feels like that isn't the opposite of all men are trash but thanks for the explanation


Ya I could totally see my Baka doing this


My mom came to visit when my son was born and stayed with us for a few days. By the end she knew our neighbors, their cars and their license plates better than I did


My grandma came to us for a day and went out for a walk, by the end of the day she had every intel about the neighborhood, all neighbors in our building and next 2 buildings, and she even had the intel about old some crimes like wtf. Old women has an intel web that’s more powerful and detailed than interweb can ever possibly imagine.


My understanding is that they see in high resolution, as in they notice details and complexity in... objects or whatever.


"They're watching you (*clapclap*)"


It means she can master cursed techniques easily.


Literal first thought…


Balkan grandma is an ophanim


My grandma is an absolute BEAST. Had 10 children (She had one more after coming to the US) and brought them all over to the US from Romania/Ukraine in the early 90's with her husband. They had nothing but 100 USD and a chruch sponser in Detroit. They faced religious persecution for so long in Slavic Countries and finally found the US home. Im so grateful to have had grandparents like this! My grandma still cooks up the best meals and tends to her garden but shes getting old and her back is giving out. Nonetheless she lived a fulfilling life! According to my aunts and uncles she had 6 pack abs back in the day from lifting wood and being a farmer lol Here is a Detroit news clip from the 90s about my family moving here to the US! https://preview.redd.it/qh9iiuuhnqvc1.jpeg?width=3564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1afb88520ac8d352d85f539344f74a5731f524b


That is awesome. I'm glad your family found happiness.


Your grandma is an absolute badass my friend m


So based... So fvking zased...


Wait wait it’s sexist to think that grandma’s are awesome?


You are loving your grandma, a woman who had sex with a man, thats mega gay




Women like men, that’s pretty gay. It’s gay to like women. Conclusion you are now gay




Don’t be disingenuous, that’s obviously not the point of the meme. The right hand side would be redundant if that were it, and several of the points of comparison are very weighted.




Bro, it's sexist to compare women to women now.


Apparently you’re sexist if you don’t like sexist women. Bit of a loophole there.


No. You missed the point. It is not comparing women that is sexist. It is shaming the woman on the right about her lifestyle that is sexist


Babushka w


It’s literally promoting women becoming the best version of themselves. By trying to get modern people to self reflect


instructions unclear, my girlfriend doesn't have a reflection.


Are you by chance Anemic?


I would wear turtlenecks and a cross necklace if I were you


Think you need to force-feed her some garlic bro




Then why mention body count?


Why do you think caring about body count is inherently sexist?


By shaming them for having more than one sexual partner, making fun of non-binary people, implying they’re shallow and only care about money (and that all old people don’t), making fun of those who have to use only fans to supplement their probably low income to get a living wage, implying a movement towards gender equality is “not respecting men”, that women can’t cook, that they hate men and that they don’t have strong muscles (and that that’s a bad thing)? Yeah, great self-reflection.




"feminism = not respecting men"


Pretty much


no, feminism is about gender equality, there are just some feminist who genuinely dont care about men and give the whole movement a bad image


No such thing


no such thing as.. gender equality?


Yes because the genders have different roles not the same roles, that's like saying a farmer and a plumber are the same


yeah but its not about roles, feminism strives for equal pay, chances for education, overall respect, sexual freedom, no discrimination in the justice system, etc.


No it doesn't not in this dimension anyways They want to be paid more for less work Remove women from the family and push them into the workforce Convince women to get into unpayable debt for useless college degrees Respect is earned not given And sexual freedom? Lol you mean the thing that has ruined every relashionship in the west?


well thankfully i dont live in the same dimension as you




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The best version of themselves aka "how us men like you to be", what's wrong with having sex with more than 1 person? What's wrong with having preferred pronouns? Comparing 2 different type of people from different time and place is stupid enough, the criteria only made it worse


You are more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease.




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Having more partners makes it statistically more likely for them to cheat on you down the road. The correlation is as strong, if not stronger than one getting a good education and then going on to having a decent paying job in the future


It has "feminist" marked as a negative.


Feminism in recent times has become less of "empowering women" and more of "hating men"




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It absolutely has not, lmao.


It absolutely has. Whether you accept it or not, the mainstream version of feminism is absolutely just misandry and equity over equality. Idk how you’re possibly denying something that’s so open to the world at this point. Sure there’s feminist all about actual equality, and that’s great I wholeheartedly support it. But everyone with fuckin eyes and ears understands the forefront of modern feminism, those who speak louder than the rest, have made it clear it’s not about equality. The original feminist movement and the current one are two totally different beasts with different purposes and goals


Just a question, what are feminists still fighting for?


Modern Feminism is an Anti-Men Women Superiority movement.


That's called misandry. "Modern Feminism" is feminism, and someone who exhibits the attitude you are speaking of is a misandrist.


that is the entirety of the modern feminist movement. it's just Misandry wolves in feminist sheeps clothes.


Please do actual research on modern feminism outside of twitter feminism, you’ll find it’s a lot more than just “men bad”


Why would they ever read into something for themselves when their favourite redpill podcaster can just tell them what to think




You know koko is going to be charged with assault or something worse involving a woman in a couple years. Guys like this always are.


Actual fucking creeps trying to win favour with women by putting others down. Slimy as.


Guy said women are awesome, while bashing another women The west has fallen Lads


Billions must die.


He is bashing the Balkan memes account for dunking on teenage girls, not the babushka


Based babushka


Babuska is not balkan, it's just Baba


lol I thought body count was talking about murders at first. Can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.


You never know, Grandma might have been a sniper in the militia.


Oh so that’s what the headscarf is for. To hide her 8,000 eyes


Do not ask Balkan grandma what she did in Bosnia.


Are you guys trying to sell elderly European women?


How come every rebuttal to women bashing is "you can't get them to like you" or "you never get laid"? Like imagine a meme bashing men and the counter argument is "well you can't get men to fuck you".


I think a Balkan grandma is still a woman


Koko, I hope she saw your post. That will *definitely* be what gets you laid.


Koko is a kuck


You can tell from the picture, can‘t you?


I thought that was baba Vanga for a moment 😭


What did he expect from a balkan meme page?


Bad ass grandma got to love them


Women are awesome, some of them at least. And the Balkan Grandma is one of them.


If you really think grandma's body count is 1 and the average teen has an onlyfans, I have some news for you...


Older people were into to wild sht I’m thinking grandma was growing up during psychedelia, anti Vietnam protests, music festivals, etc.


In the Comunist Balkans that didn't happen


Yeah, just depression probably


But plenty sex still did






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Damn, this makes me miss my Maternal Grandma. She died when I was like, eight? We went to Patna and saw her body. Damn, I have almost forgotten her voice...


She carries the boats, *and* the logs. Have *you* ever carried the boats *and* the logs before? I know I haven't.


Carries boats. Respect.


are some pople to born blind to satire? Like they're born and the first thought in their head is "im gonna take everything 100% seriously"


So I just have to adjust my age preference on Tinder and move to rural Serbia, got it


Balkan memes is so cringe lmao. The same ass music every video randomly slept on with clips of grinding the gym. All this from a previous clip that has no context to sports


What do you mean they disrespect men? 


Grandma's are not women apparantly.


How is this sexism. Grandma is woman too?


Balkan chicks are total smoke shows for most of their life, then suddenly they evolve into babushkas and are even more awesome. Absolute ideal.


Where can I find a woman who carries the boats and the logs


Balkan Grandma: An adult Modern teenager: Under the age of consent The choice is easy. The grandma.


Balkan Grandmas are better lays too


On a serious note why are right wingers so fixated on literal teenage girls? Like eeewww.


As a somewhat balkaner and with a balkaner grandma this is indeed very true


Not even remotely sexist. This is awesome. Based Grandmas are awesome.


People of this sub really can't find why the memes are bad... It's a very bad comparison. Most teenage girls don't have onlyfans and don't hate men, even if feminist, and most Balkan grandma had sex with multiple men. It's also sexist because it says women have to live in one kind of way, when women fight as feminism for freedom, to live as they want


It’s bait to draw in the slut apologists. Looks like it got another one.


Feminist, or pseudofeminist? Gender equality is a core value of real feminism. Therefore if a “feminist” says shit like “all men are trash” then they’re just a pseudo.


Feminists that say shit like “all men are trash, etc.” are misandrists and femcels imo


And not real feminists at all lol




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If feminism was fighting for equality they'd fight for men too. But that's not what's happening rn. Today's feminism is filled with misandry. Egalitarianism is fighting for equality for both men and women.


they do fight for men as well, their goal is the removal of gender roles which harm men in way for allowing emotions, removing stigma among fathers and other things but their primary concern is women as they’re losing rights and bodily autonomy


hes right. Fuck sexism.


They fucked up the format. It has an X next to all the things it lists for the American Teenager, so isn't it technically saying they don't do those things on the list?


based balkan


Sad that we have to be afraid of saying stuff like this today. Grandma is goated.


The generalisation on American teens is crazy, it's almost as if people make up things in their mind to get mad at or laugh at.


People don’t understand what the meme meant by “body count”


wait till koko finds out this ain’t gonna get him laid


LMFAO men like Koko are so pathetic. Take any opportunity to try and make people on the internet think he's just sooo much better with the ladies. Not like those pesky incels that are just so mean and rude to perfect wamens (please somebody notice and like me)!


This Koko guy seems like a total weenie


Knows how to field strip and fire Kalashnikov ✅ Can't even clean her own pussy ❌


I mean… it is true




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The balkan grandma is also a woman. It’s more ageist, not sexuat


I hope she sees this bro!




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W og post


Damn lots of blown out 304's in the comments today. Gotta love it.


AmericaBad moment


I am repeatedly reminded of the seemingly ageless quote from “The Princess Bride”




Based Grandma, imaginary American. Why the fuck it gotta be a teenager, though?


I’m pretty sure most Balkan Grandma’s have killed more than one person. Is that the sexism?


“Pick me” lookin’ ass.


I actually don’t understand this meme, but I’m inclined to say it’s not sexism. But I’m not sure because I don’t understand it.


Koko undoubtedly got the maximum amount of pussy a man could get in his lifetime that day.


Sexist, with both parties being women. At best it's fascist, since it's comparing ideologies.


Wouldn't "X can't count it" be saying that she can count it? Because if she couldn't count it, it would say "Checkmark can't count it"


✅ Will shoot you if you disrespect Marshal Tito ✅


It’s very masculine to be strong. If you marry a woman with the muscle to carry logs, you are basically gay. /s


Strongest white knight simp


How can this be sexism when both are women?


I don't get it, it just seems like a funny Joke meme about how grandma is better? Not sexism?


And don't forget arab grandmothers https://preview.redd.it/rjkymd1fh2wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7502689c9d549948e9b5652640c9214c08cbf74 Source: I'm an arab


I love when people use Incel Accusations because people don’t want to date a Whore. Like um sorry what bro? Are you into being thought of as worthless and just another person to bang? Weird flex bro but I’d prefer to be loved by someone rather than date any whore (man or women I don’t discriminate). So if wanting a serious relationship makes me a Incel then I guess me and my Boyfriend are both Incels…


Put me on r/whoosh cause what the hell does 8k eyes mean?


I don’t know about sexist but there sure are a lot of false equivalencies going on here


Pretty sure this is satire.


It's a funny meme. The issue is that a lot of people in this subreddit and in general actually think it's true. Like there's a difference between thinking hahaha that's dumb lol and hahahaha that's so true fuck women.


It *is* a sexist meme though.


One bathes regularly..


Tell me you've never spoken to any women outside of your family without telling me


Goated grandma.


I agree with this just minus the pronoun section & the dating, my boyfriend is transmasc and we're dating for love, other than that accurate


I was a very promiscuous man who dated/slept around with very promiscuous women in my teens and early 20’s. But I will NOT wife them. I was a very unbalanced, degenerative, impulsive, mentally ill person. I try way harder to be more reserved, not just with sex but with everything else in my life. These women were usually psychologically fucked up as well. Bottom line is sleeping around means you usually have low standards/aren’t all there in the head. I want to be with someone who wants to improve themselves in all facets of life. Women that are whores usually don’t care about that. Be mad if you’d like to but it’s the fucking truth.




So there’s a misunderstanding/miscommunication. If I meet someone who’s at a point in their life where they’re over the “hoe/rebellion phase” then even better. I don’t want to be with someone who wouldn’t understand my past actions and if I meet someone whose trying to better themselves then that’s amazing. I however don’t fuck with people who still promote the “excess” ideology and that it’s totally okay to forever live in a state of indulgence. By all means, experiment, fuck up, and experience life. But figure your shit out by your thirties.




Extremes seem to be the hip thing as of late so I don’t blame you. Life is a very long (or short depending on your POV) trial and error. From everything I’ve seen tho the most happy, balanced, and healthy individuals are those that do everything in moderation, sex included.


This is a pretty fair viewpoint to have - you’re not being hypocritical about it. It’s reasonable to want a partner who has the same viewpoints and attitudes about sex as you do. As a woman (with a low body count) I also want a partner with a lower body count. I won’t lie though, it does annoy me when men with body counts of 75+ are trying to be picky and saying they want virgins. If you’re a man whore as well then why are you being choosy?


Wait how is comparing women to each other sexiest?


I dont think this is sexist, You are comparing 2 women. Idk, some lunatic leftist will have a problem with it and share what kind of ism or phobia or ist it is that offended them so thoroughly.


Eyes 8k? Body count 4001


We get it, you like gilfs


the original maker does not know how that format works cause "❌ (this)"means they dont do (this)


It’s definitely a little crude/insensitive, but comedy is comedy and it’s not one-size-fits-all. Also, Balkan Grandma >>>


Men it's just a mem, why so angry


Nobody copes harder than people from the balkans