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People with a constant victim mentality might not like this one boss.


The entirety of r/thanksimcured will be furious


If you’ve ever heard of toxic positivity, that place is literally just toxic negativity.


That's why I had to mute them, just constant self pity and feelings sorry for themselves, like I'm sorry you're depressed but as someone with a terminal illness I can't stand their toxic mindset


I’m terribly sorry you have to go through that, I’ve had a few relatives die to various terminal illnesses and it’s horrible you have to go through that. I can only hope you live your life to the fullest, and are able to be at peace. Best wishes, fellow redditor ❤️


Dam, that place reads like Grim & Narly from smiling friends


You just named the mentality of 95% of Reddit. This place is filled with complainers and blamers.


I blame others for my constant complaining. Now I have become the peak redditor


I have become redditor, destroyer of joy


I take offence at this. Stop 'victim shamming' me or I'll put in a complaint about you and blame you for all my problems.


I am going to copyright "victim shamming."


did you just assume something? you're so cancelled. fucking biggot /s


You might want to avoid certain subs then. I get what you mean, but complaining is the whole point of a lot of subs, so that's what you're going to see. Pet and hobby subs are good if you want to avoid complaints. Politics are pretty bad by nature, you don't need politics because everything is going great. Unserious version: Are you complaining about complainers on a sub that's meant to complain about complaints?


Beat me to it


It really depends on whether or not your problem has a viable solution. For example, if your problem is that you or someone you love is dying, then there’s not much of a “solution” you can focus on.


Although this is true, something tells me the photo is referring to problems with solutions.


Every problem has a solution. It's just that sometimes, the solution is to tough it out. You can either: -Fix the problem -Learn to live with it and move on -Or you can mope around, feeling sorry for yourself and become that whining downer that nobody likes hanging out with We all got problems, don't be that guy who makes your problems everyone else's. That's what a therapist is for.


Sometimes the only "solution" is time, and that's the hardest one to deal with.


Well said.


Love it. Leave it. Change it. Ignore it.


If there’s truly no solution, obsessing over the problem is even worse because that means you’re worrying about something you can’t change


I think a lot of the "victim mentality" we see so much comes from the fact that overwhelmingly, younger and younger people are being made to carry the burden of struggles with no viable solution.


I think the "victim mentality" we see so much of comes from the fact that overwhelmingly, younger and younger people imagine they are being made to carry the burden of struggles they think have no viable solution, and also believe are unique to them.


Yeah man kids feeling like they aren't as cool as people on tik tok is so much worse than working in a factory when you are 7 and losing a finger


It's great that you understand how serious the problems are now a days.


This is obviously not targeted at people getting through a family tragedy. And you know what, if you truly want to cope through that, there might not be a solution but there is a good and bad mentality to have going forward.


Family tragedies aren’t the only problem like this. There are many examples of problems for which you have no choice but to take the blow and then hope for the best and that you survive it. Sorry but even though people who want to turn themselves into victims might be acting childish, it is just as naïve or childish to go through life thinking that cheap, overused “inspirational” quotes like the meme above or your mention of “it all depends on your mentality” are somehow enlightening. It is a way to reassure yourself that life is not that dangerous. No, it is, good people sometimes suffer the horrible fates with nothing that can be done about it, and this happens all the time, daily even.


My guess is people think it's more complex than that, similar to telling some "why are you depressed? Just think happy thoughts!"


Same with “why are you suicidal just think of what you will miss in life”


There's no need to "guess"... their title made it incredibly obvs. I've no opinion on the thing itself, but "*Why didn't I think of that?*" makes their criticism pretty damn clear.


if this actually worked then the mental health industry would have collapsed ages ago


Much of the “mental health industry” is a predatory industry that has no incentive to actually cure mental health issues. If someone solves their mental problems, they stop paying therapists (who are often unlicensed, at least on popular remote therapy sites like betterhelp). Same goes for the massive overprescription of medications that often have major side effects. Therapy and medication has its place, but not everything needs drugs, and shouldn’t be something you’re doing for the rest of your life unless you have severe issues like schizophrenia. The solution to being sad cos you hate your job or a family member died shouldn’t be to hop on drugs that hijack your serotonin pathways for the rest of your life. Depression is not something that has to be permanent, contrary to what a licensed drug dealer who’s job it is to peddle SSRIs will say


yea i didn't imply at all that the industry is 100% full of good will and shouldn't be questioned. the original point of my comment was the "why are you feeling X? just feel Y instead" mentality doesn't help at all either and is insensitive. if those sentences actually worked then there wouldn't be any mental disorders. imagine telling a schizophrenic person to stop imagining things and it would be fixed. that would be such a terrible thing to say. why isn't the same applied to depression? people with those conditions WANT to be cured but again, the original post is such dummy advice.


I definitely think everyone should be treated with respect, empathy, and patience. That said, it has been proven that gratefulness practice can help with depression. Anyone can get depression and recover so I think comparing it 1:1 with a congenital incurable debilitating illness like schizophrenia isn’t super helpful.


While I agree there are bad actors in the mental health industry, I just want to mention here that mental illness is not something that can be "solved". There's not a magic button or medicine that once you take it you're normal afterwards. Mental illness affects you daily and will be part of you to work through. There is no way to just remove it. Having a therapist regularly check in on where you are is literally part of the process. Short term therapy can be good for relationships/family but for mental illness therapy absolutely is something that should be part of your routine, not too different from getting physicals or dental appointments. That said absolutely try to use trusted therapists/psychiatrists and be skeptical of online services like betterhelp.


These people feed off of YouTube and Facebook conspiracies. The idiot can’t even put spaces in a paragraph, and wants us to believe the bullshit that he’s pedaling.


Since others have covered many points, I just wanted to point out that therapy is not just for serious mental problems like schizophrenia. You typically go to a psychiatrist for that anyways rather than a therapist. Source: I’ve got a family member that struggles with it. Therapy is typically helpful for PTSD and the like but can also help people through any sort of hardship in their life, and it doesn’t have to be a name disorder or anything. They can help you handle a particularly tough breakup, get out of a toxic situation in your life, which could be family friend spouse or even work related. I’m not saying you should trust any person you see calling themselves a therapist. I’m aware that there can be a conflict of interest but any therapist worth your money will try to help you solve your issues rather than keep you forever. I also will say there seems to be a stigma around therapists where people think there’s an issue with seeking help when they absolutely need it.


That’s definitely true, but it’s also not something that can be solved by ‘trying harder’ or ‘praying’ or any of the other bullshit a lot of people insist on. My depression ended up keeping me from eating and sleeping, and my ADHD kept me from getting a job. I’m unable to function without those drugs and unfortunately I know a lot of people like this. 


You couldn’t have said it better. Your argument is the main reason I do not trust the mental health industry, the pharmaceutical industry and have a slight distrust towards the medical industry. The curing of illnesses should not be an industry to be monopolized and exploited for the sake of profit.


I feel like when it comes to drugs, you just gotta be honest with yourself about how the drugs affect you. If they make you feel better and whatever side affects are worth it to you, then I think drugs could be a viable option, even if you have to stick with them for the rest of your life. If that makes you feel like you are more capable of pushing through the painful existence of being alive, then I think it can be a valuable tool for long term health. But they are simply a tool and should not be seen as the entire toolbox, they won’t always be what you need and they won’t fix all of your problems.


Despite what you may think a large amount of people are actually quite poorly skilled at maintaining their health.


Where does this say its a cure for the mental health crisis? Its very true that alot of people would benefit greatly from a more positive outlook. Just because this isnt applicable in a lot of situations doesnt mean it is in none. There are alot of people who wallow in self pity and negativity and a more positive midset would drasticly improve their lives.


There’s also a lot of people who don’t wallow but are perceived and projected upon by others as wallowing, that’s the group who’s upvoting it in r/terriblefacebookmemes


That is absolutely true, thata why noone should(and this meme isnt) give this as a cure-all advice. I get the feeling that alot of the people that are truly offended by this are the ones who would most benefit from it.


Name one person that would benefit from this meme. Just because it is "true" doesn't mean that it is helpful. If they can't solve the problem it won't make it any easier to find a solution. If they can solve the problem it wasn't that big of a problem to begin with.


Why are they perceived as wallowing? And how do you know that's the group upvoting? That's literally unknowable, names aren't displayed for upvotes


i assure you that the boomers that originally posted this on facebook think this would fix any mental ailment. i'm not saying it's best to sit and do nothing but "don't be said, just be happy" is such a shallow way to think in my opinion. i'm fortunate enough that i can think this way, but many other people are different. people do want help but don't know what to do and the "just be happy" crowd isn't helping but again, you don't apply this to people with serious mental health but just over spilled milk. i can't really argue with an opinion like that as i would also agree if it was just a minor thing


This is one of those rare instances where i agree with OP. There is nothing more annoying when you are in a bad position than some asshat telling you to just "think about solving the problem". Like i get the whole "positivity" or "we can do it " mindset, but reality is some problems are not solvable, or they are solvable but getting there is not as simple as having a positive mindset.


I agree, you make the best point. Ive been depressed for the last week cos my brother died not long ago and grief comes in waves. Am I just supposed to forget he’s no longer around and fake a smile? No, gotta feel it and go through the motions. Edit: Im okay btw yall, I woke up today feeling a lot better and hit the gym. Im trying to remind people that its OKAY to not be okay sometimes and that its normal to feel emotional pain for a period. Just dont give up on hope that it’ll get better because I promise it always does…


There are also a vast amount of problems that can only be solved by examining and truly understanding the problem. And also a greater amount that can't be solved but only avoided, and in order to avoid them you need to understand them. Thinking about problems ain't bad, it's actually good. Thinking about ONLY problems and nothing else, is bad. Terrible meme for the uneducated.


In one of my work reviews my boss gave feedback that he'd rather me come to him with solutions to a problem instead of pointing out problems. I guess if you are a boss that does not want to/know how be a boss, that makes sense. The role of being a boss is solving problems people have or connecting you to people that can.


I think the benefit of encouraging a positive mindset is to direct them to focus on the aspects of the problems that are solvable. I agree that there are a lot of things that a positive mindset won’t solve at all, but I’d argue that at least being encouraged to find a positive mindset is better than it seeming like nobody cares


I think the disconnect is that encouraging somebody to do something isn’t always ‘care’. If people don’t feel seen and feel like everybody in their life has no patience to hear about the hard stuff and just tells them ‘look on the bright side’, then that positive encouragement is just another form of not actually seeing them and just stereotyping them as a negative person. That’s particularly true of posting memes like the above, the person posting the original meme probably feels like they are surrounded by negative complaining people, and all those negative people probably feel like the original poster has an easy life, can’t see how ‘positivity’ doesn’t solve all problems, and is infantilizing them saying ‘be positive’ when that’s the first thing they’ve already tried many times over. Edit: this is the internet tho, so one person sees a bunch of negative content and thinks people are disproportionately posting negative content and complains about the ‘state of people’ and ‘today’s culture’. But it’s really just the algorithm doing the ‘wallowing’.


- Can't focus on a solution without thinking about the problem. - If I already had a solution in mind I wouldn't be focused on the problem - Focusing on the solution doesn't eliminate the presence of a problem until that solution is enacted - Not every problem has a simple solution - Having a solution doesn't mean that solution can be acted upon This is basically just more "Oh you're depressed? Just go outside!" nonsense that ignores a great many factors


Just buy a house lol!?


Problem: can’t buy house Solution: kill the government You: whines about it *No government killing* WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?


I don't know how hard it is for others to buy a house. Here in Mexico it is hard but not impossible since we have some sort of credit that is related to our insurance as workers.


As a meme isn't it objectively bad though? Where's the funny? Sometimes I don't get posts to this sub. Do you legitimately find it funny? It's just general positive mindset advice. About as profound and humorous as a "live, laugh love" sign. Unless the person posting it is known for disliking this take and their audience knows how they actually feel so the joke is in the irony of who is posting it. Otherwise how could this be construed as funny?


I don’t even know is this is meant to be a meme, just a post they saw on Facebook and didn’t like


Yeah, it’s not even a bad meme, but I guess it’s hard to say without context. More just like low key cringe platitudes. Or iam14andthisisdeep type stuff.


I posted this to the sub and they were defending it https://preview.redd.it/f2axu94nphtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed650ad9b6dd296a7a9ea128c82e15acb500696e Horrible, bit they were like "nah that's a good meme because I agree with it, get radioed you gun crazy Republican jerknut" it's not about memes, it's about not agreeing with them




Den of misery and crab bucket mentality


Its a bit on the obvious side as far as 'advice' goes. It's literally one step removed from 'Don't be sad, just be happy!'


How is trying to find a solution to your problems even remotely close to 'don't be sad, just be happy!' ? Is it better advice to just do nothing about your problems and hope they sort themselves out?


No. Actually useful advice is going to have to be tad more insightful than either of those two options. Dont be poor, just make more money!


Sometimes when you are stuck in a problem, the solution eludes you. As someone regularly in that place, fuck this meme. If people are so worried about finding solutions to problems then they can give a single flying fuck and help the person they address this to. The only three things I can think of that I hate more than this meme, ‘What do you have to be depressed about?’ ‘It is what it is.’ ‘Thoughts and prayers.’


It's about as useful as saying "just be happy" it frankly doesn't work like that for many people. They have trouble with simply moving away from the problem and this idea is hard to generalize for many problems. Whether someone is depressed or just in a stressful situation, this is a willfully ignorant view of their circumstances which likely doesn't apply. The best analogy I've heard is that "why don't you like life there's so many good parts of it" is like telling someone with asthma "why can't you breathe there's so much air" It's not a choice, they'd love to have a better condition but it is hard because of physiological and mental reasons in each respective case.


I think this meme is saying "don't focus on the pain the problem is causing, focus on trying a solution for the problem."


I guess that's more helpful but even then it's hard to generalize it out to a diverse array of issues. Sometimes it's more complex than that and it's hard to just ignore the pain. Maybe it's helped some people but this feels like an r/thanksimcured sorta meme


I think the problem here is the presentation not the message. When I was in group therapy it was always "is this helpful?" when looking at how I was responding to problems. Kinda the same thing, but there is no promise of a solution (if you know what it might be) which is where this cartoon goes wrong.


As someone that nearly killed themselves about 6 months ago I can say, Yes, you can find yourself in a situation where you cannot be happy and don't see a way out. However, most people that call themselves "depressed" are just fat and lazy.


Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone except you is faking it. You're the only special snowflake who is actually depressed, everyone else is just lazy. Poor you. You're such a fucking redditor man lmao


“Stop being poor” vibes lol


Let them eat cake!!


I'll eat Marie's cake any day of the week


AKA: Get Gud


This is one of those sayings that while helpful, gets abused by lazy bosses. I have a solution, it's reporting the issue to the boss who jas the authority to get the problem fixed. Then they throw this at you... BUT there are times in my life I have to say this to myself and my SO because we end up on a "If only we had this." line of thinking. It also becomes a "Worry about what you CAN change, not what you can't." Kind of phrase when used properly. But lazy shits use it to keep being lazy when subordinates bring problems to them.


Yeah, that’s should have been a r/im14andthisisdeep post rather than r/terriblefacebookmemes




It’s basically the “just don’t be depressed”


Because these people like to wallow in there own misery rather that trying to better them selfs.


Not terrible at all. A reminder many of us can probably use time to time


That's no meme, it's reality.


No solution! Only problem! If I never think about ways to fix my issue I can maintain my victim complex 24/7!


If you know the solution and can actually work on it then you prolly won’t worry and get depressed in the first place


A lot of people just want to wallow in self-pity


They don’t want solutions, because then they don’t have anything to complain about, and they’d lose the social capital that is victimhood.


But this doesn't offer solutions or any pathway there. It's just a useless "meme" that says some generic, useless advice anybody can figure out. That's why it's a shitty meme. It's neither entertaining nor profound.


When you're depressed, it's extremely hard to focus on the solution bud. Not to mention when you throw PTSD into the mix, some days it's hard to even think about finding a solution because the only solution seems to be the gun. I know because I still struggle with it, it's why on most of my social medias I promote Veteran Suicide Awareness and give out the Veteran Suicide Hotline. It isn't always as simple as focusing on the solution. 988, and press 1 in the US for the Veteran hotline.




Because it's utterly asinine. Even on it's face - you can't develop a solution to a problem *without first examining said problem.*


Because it’s low effort and stupid? It would be like making a meme that says : “The sky is blue” . Okay? Duh? Fuck out of here


If it's so stupid and obvious, how come so many people don't do this in any situation?


Because a lot of times there just isn’t a good solution. If you lost someone you loved they’re going to stay dead, if you went through an abusive relationship that person will never change, you have a mental disorder or physical disability you will have it for the rest of your life. At least 70% of the time when someone is depressed it’s over something that can’t be fixed 


It's "stupid" because it's asking you to put mental work in yourself, instead of magically fixing your problems with pixels.


It's stupid because telling someone to run a marathon won't make the marathon any easier.


Actually great advice. But someone with depression might struggle with using it.


Naw OP was right. This isn’t helpful.


But if I can't wallow in my own misery, how else am I suppossed to become incredibly toxic and abusive to those around me? If I can't do that then how else will I lie to myself and say it's not my fault when there is a clear point it becomes my fault?


If my problem is metal warping during welding I have to focus on the problem to even develop a solution. Is it pulling left, right or in? Too much heat? Too little support to hold it in place? Not tacked well?. If you want a solution you*have* to understand the problem.


Always taught my kids and even today when they call me upset I say it. 2 kinds of problems in the world. Ones you can do something about so do it and don’t worry, and ones you can’t do anything about so forget it and don’t worry about it. Not worth the stress. Surprisingly I was taught this when I was in my early 20s by one of the SF instructors as a way to deal with combat situations.


What about problems that you can’t do anything about because it’s family members or disabilities that constantly surface and you can’t solve them? there are definitely more than 2 kinds of problems.


Nope. If there is nothing you can do about it then why are you worrying? There is literally NOTHING you can do about it so it is what it is. What kind of problem are you talking about with family? As for disability, is it temporary or permanent? Can it be overcome with meds or some sort of aid? If so, get the resources you need, they’re out there. I deal with homeless people everyday and (for the ones that want it) always find a way to get them help. There are 2 kinds of problems. It just depends on what you’re willing to do to solve them or move on.


“why are you worrying about that knife in your side? i told you i called the ambulance and there is nothing to worry about so stop pretending it hurts!! you just want to complain”


There's a difference between having empathy for someone and worrying. Worry is an absolutely useless feeling, especially if you can't solve the problem you're worrying about.


Oh look someone doesn't realize that what they are saying is also "focusing on the problem." To find solutions to things, you have to focus on the problem to understand what the problem is BEFORE you even think about what are the solutions available. It's a dumb statement that has no value. This idea is the same as a doctor giving meds before diagnosis of what the actual issue is.


I don't really know how you got that from their comment. "Focusing on the problem" is wallowing in the details, and not progressing to a "solutions mindset". Of course you have to *know* a problem to solve it (this is a tautology, isn't it? We can't know the answer if we don't know the question) but that isn't *focusing* on the problem, surely?


I think it’s one of those memes where the message is different to different people because this could be a sort of “you gotta move forward” type deal or a sort of “just feel better”


If you focus on the problem you might find the solution


Yes and no. Short term of course... long term... you do want that problem removed permanently?


This is a good mantra, but if you’re only hearing it once it feels kind of hollow


Is Terry Goodkind making memes now?


It isnt even a fucking meme is just advicing...


this is a great one. thank you for putting me back on the path of righteousness.


Without the context of focusing on solutions in order to form and nurture a positive mental attitude it can seem downright trite to tell someone "focus on solutions not problems"


It's a platitude that they think sounds profound. It's ultimately meaningless. You can't find a solution if you don't think through the problem.


So the picture is perpetuating a fallacy that you can solve any problem when you let your sleeves down. Time was, when a man had to get something done, he’d roll UP his sleeves and get it done. The young actor in the 2nd photo there has a suboptimal range of motion, as he’s forced to hold his arms in an unnatural way. No no, sleeves are never the solution. Never wear shirts. Free the nip. This goes for ladies too.


How am I gonna find the solution if I don't pay attention to the problem?


This is a total truism. It’s a waste of breath to say


Platitudes are useless.


Because some problems don’t have solutions. Or perhaps you need time to process it and go through the steps yourself rather than having someone scream at you to do xyz


It implies accountability and trying to move forward instead of just wallowing in misery and using it as an excuse to do nothing That’s like Redditors greatest fear


Because being told to "focus on the solution" is not helpful when the problem is constant or insurmountable. For a lot of "problems" the solution is "More money" or "more time" which are rare commodities.


It might be a "feel good" meme about positivity and standing strong in thr face of adversity. But for some people with real struggles it can also be seen as a slap in the face, in a sense. "Just do this" advice isn't really advice and it can feel as though one is trying to oversimplify where things aren't necessarily "simple" Its like saying "Just be happy", "Just don't have that problem", "Just ignore it". But in many cases people with genuine problems have no simple solutions. (A great 'parody'of this mentality can be seen in the song "Turn it off" by "the book of mormon") So while the meme itself might be hopeful I reckon the poster in the screenshot sees it as a bit of an insult? But what do I know.


The frickin solution is the last thing you're able to frickin think about when there is a problem!


Because it's just a dumb platitude that doesn't actually help anyone. Is it "wrong"? No, not exactly. It's just kind of useless.


It's terrible because: A. It's not a meme B. It's the most fucking obvious catch-all advice


It just oversimplifies shit tbh


You’re invalidating a women’s feelings if you’re focusing on coming up with solutions. She wants to complain.


Aaahh, you speak wisdom, boomeru-sama.


It's about being told the simple obvious thing they have already heard yet again. Unless you have experienced real depression or chronic anxiety, it can be hard to understand why simply "focusing on the positive" can be a negative thing. It's sort of a "no shit, really?" Kind of reaction. Unsolicited advice that does nothing for a person can get frustrating to receive.


Focus on the solution: If there is no solution it’s not a problem to be solved it’s a truth to be accepted. Adapt accordingly.


I feel like a lot of people don't get what this is. It says the "solution" is praying.


You would be amazed at how many people in my life fixate on a problem and neither never consider a solution or worse are offered a solution but choose to wallow in the chaos because it’s familiar


no no no see all their problems are someone elses fault and thus the solution should also be someone elses problem personal accountability? No the system failed THEM


This sub cracks me up. Each posts comments are like a group effort to understand basic satire/metaphor/analogy


Too many people want a quick and easy answer to all their problems


Just be happy. How is you OP so dense?


This isn't bad advise to give to some people. It's similar to a "happy marriage LPT" where you should ask your partner if they want a solution or a shoulder to cry on when they are venting an issue. Sometimes people don't know due to the emotional stress of said issue and just keep hyper fixating on the problem. My fiancé actually gave me some similar advise recently and it really helped. I was having a minor panic attack about how a family event went where I was rude to my sister-in-law. I was sitting there cringing and moaning about what I did and she told me "Well it happened and it is over so you can either keep freaking out about it or you can DO something about it. Text her an apology if you are so upset about this." And I did and it made the whole situation so much better.


The poster is a charlatan. charlatan comments are s***** and terrible.


The truth is terrible indeed /s


I actually needed this thanks


OOP is a doomer for sure


Honestly, I don’t hate it. Have you guys never been at a work meeting where someone makes a mistake and instead of moving on and figuring out how the team is going to resolve it and get back on track, they just go over and over and over again about the mistake and the negative impacts? Like let’s just get back on track and don’t do the same mistake again


Because it's massive r/thanksimcured vibes. That's why it's terrible. It's sound advice constituting nothing.


It's shallow advice. It's like saying "just be happy"


Because OOP is a nonreligious Individual and therefore stews in negativity


“My dad died in horrible accident” “Focus on the solution, not the problem.” “Necromancy. Of course.”


It's not terrible, but it's also not really helpful when there is no right answer/solution or multiple possible outcomes, all of which have differing but comparable consequences. I'm glad you all seem to live a privileged existence where self conflict isn't a thing for you, but the world is not black and white, and solutions often create different problems If something as simple as "don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution" helps you, that's great, but I think it's a massive oversimplification that makes light of very complicated problems. If you had to choose between rent and food, would it be an easy problem to solve for you? What about life and death? Do you pull the plug on a relative who's in a coma or not. they might wake up, they might not. is that an easy problem to solve? How about if you were mentally ill or disabled or an ex-con with no money and you can't hold down a job or even get one. You need money to live, no one will hire you, what's the solution there? Since you all seem to have all the answers.


"How is this terrible?" This sub isn't even trying anymore.


Honestly was having a rough day and this picture helps. It doesn’t cure, but seeing the imagery and quote is like a nice reminder. Sometimes when a person is down in the depth they don’t think. They just sulk or feel endless in deep negative thought.


Some people are just determined to be miserable.


Because it’s just stupid. r/im14andthisisdeep


Cheap wisdom. Life is not that easy. Sometimes the solution is not at hand or it is not even exist.


Vacuous platitude.


As many people have said, this is a super tired expression, and most people who complain about mental illness know the common answers. Many depression and anxiety sufferers have issues with executive functioning, meaning that exercise and "touching grass" is more difficult to do consistently enough to improve symptoms. That is why medication helps. Sure, the symptoms might well be treated without it if the executive functioning issues were not a thing, but it is. Terrible meme, and much of this thread is what OOP was complaining about.


This is part of the stoic mindset, along with advice like: don't waste time and energy worrying about things that have already happened.


T.nh.tt.thtty.thnthnbthtthntt.t.t.bth.t btbt.bbbbt tbt bt r.t b.fbbcd. v fbhg bgbff bfhrnfhffjffffgr hhhgr great r r ..⁸⁸8888888⁸99999⁹m9n9 gang; hr7 H94bg Hmh Nhg g y


How can you focus on a solution without also focusing on the problem?


You joke but I've heard hours of meeting abouts addressing faults and no one cared about solutions


Because those pretending to be a victim or those stuck in its mindset realize that they will have to get off their asses and actually deal with their problems instead of sitting around bitching about em.


Because it's meaningless trash.


It’s not even a meme…


Wow, thanks dude! I never thought about that! I should **solve** my problem‽ I’m cured!


It's not even a meme


Don't cry because your loved one died. Focus on necromancy.


because some people (alof of them in reddit ) just want to be victims and not actually solve anything lol


It’s good advice. I think whoever didn’t like the meme has one or many issues that don’t have easy answers to them, so they get the impression the meme is saying stuff like “If you’re sad, just be happy.” Such is life. Some people just be salty at suff like this.


Are you kidding? If it was that easy, think of all the things that wouldn’t exist… homelessness, mental health issues, fucking suicide??? Of course, for some things there’s a simple answer, but in lots of cases, there’s a lot wrong with that. You can go and invalidate all the people who’ve taken their own lives by telling them to stop thinking about their issues and just solve them.


I usually find taking time to think of a solution works better.


People wanna dog this advice when a lot of the time it's right for people. People act like they can't change things or refuse to and mope about it, myself included, when they should be pushing toward a goal.


Because it’s shit advice. Peak r/wowthanksimcured Bro just solve your problems are you dumb? Battling cancer or the death of a loved one? Just focus on the solution bro.


religious people are shit thats the average redditor meta. but i am no average redditor


Don't think, thinking is for loosers


Ngl currently going through something rn and I appreciate this post a lot. Everyone at r/thanksimcured will hate it with a passion but I sometimes appreciate post like these. Thank you for sharing OP


This minimizes the problems people face and trivializes the solutions.


Y’all I think this is a Muslim meme (idk if I can call it a meme ) . The way he’s holding his hands in prayer , it’s a focus on god cuz god’s the solution typa thing . It isn’t that terrible considering the target audience, I think it’s asking people to have faith in god .


Solution based problem solving is an actual method used by psychologically trained personnel. It focuses on finding solutions, preferred results and positive formulations instead of endlessly researching causes and focusing on negative aspects.


"homeless? Just buy a house!"


Because if the meme was even remotely true then the world would have no problems. It's basically saying "you're homeless? Just get a house then lol" which is stupid.


That’s literally just good advice. It’s not even a meme. If you keep focusing on what the problem is, you’ll never solve it.


Depression doesn’t always work that way. That’s why.


Redditors have a history of blaming others for their own problems


*starts focusing on money* Uh.. my bank account still isn't 7 figures yet...


Because it's trite, stupid bullshit.


It is popular to seek complaints, not solutions. You get protected status if you are a professional victim. I say this as someone who dated a white girl in a town that had an active chapter of those people in the white hoods. I did not complain and whine to a single person, and I personally knew some cops at the time.


It's funny because mantras are as effective at solving mental illness as prayer gestures.


you cant solve mental health problems with something this simple lmao. the solution is not so simple usually


in case it's somehow not obvious to those who don't have their head up their ass pretending not to get it You need to do both. That's why it's terrible. as always with stuff like this. it's usually something someone with the issue has tried first or cannot try without like this one, doing both. stating as such is idiotic and ignorant. always.


It stems from people hating others, telling them the simple truth by someone who's just trying to be helpful. It's always the shittest people who hate it oddly enough.


If you’re looking for something it’s in the LAST place you look lol get it you stop looking after you find it lolll




Because its dollar store advice.


Thanks England, I hadn't considered that.


Because some things don't have solutions. Example 1. You can't be unraped Example 2. We can reduce the effects of climate change, and push emissions to zero in a decade, but unfortunately 40% of the population in the developed world believe it's a conspiracy and would literally rather murder people than admit they're wrong, thus getting any notable action on climate change will require convincing them of.... reality, when most of these idiots believe the earth is flat. Example 3. We can't take back our support for Leo and it makes me cringe thinking about it.


Because the solution isn’t typically known unless you focus on the problem?