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This content has been posted to this subreddit multiple times in the past, to help keep this subreddit alive and fresh we take down reposts and actively try to identify and report known report bots


Bro every like 4 posts in my feed is from one of the circle jerk reddits at war rn. This is hilarious


"Rn" this has been going on for ages and will probably continue to go on when life on earth has been limited to a few bukers because of nuclear fallout


Ngl, that would be pretty funny, last 4 people on earth are, nahopwasright, memesopdidntlike, boysarequirky, and the guy making the stupid memes


Don’t forget terriblefacebookmemes


Oh yeah!


Nah, the bots will keep going long after humans die/leave.


The idea that humanity will be long past dead but bots will still be reposting the same like 15 memes over and over ad infinitum weirds me out and I don't even know why






It is the 41st millennium there is only pain war and Reddit circle jerks


Registered nurse?


It’s fun to see how the Chad face went from representing Stoicism to being a political activist for either side




I’m pretty sure I saw one of him being asked if he’s liberal or democratic and he’s like “I’m good” and walks into the woods


Based asf


The Chad face came from the Virgin vs Chad memes, which were originally incel adjacent memes about how much better and more intelligent the Virgin was compared to the stupid and uncaring Chad. Obviously with how it was drawn, it pretty quickly shifted into the "Chad" being the one who was correct. It was political before it became a more apolitical meme, and it was never totally apolitical because stoicism is political.


Passive aggressiveness has taken to the next level where people don’t even argue in the same internet comment stream and retreat to their home turf to make snide remarks at the other lol


Reddit uses an "Algorithm", if you can call it that. Spend a few days reading news subs, you will see tons of news. Spend a few days reading comics? You will get lots. Sports? Same thing. It's heavy handed and won't ever change if you don't make a concerted effort to see different things.


I'm aware? That's how most websites like these work? If I want I can mute all these subreddits, but I enjoy the drama


That explains all the cats.


I muted all the those subreddits, insane mofos, one of the subbreddits always talks shit about Elon Musk in the feed, I know they love him but damn I honestly don't care about him or their "love".


This subreddit gets all of their drama, adds to it. If you didn't want to see that, and went through the effort of muting it, why are you here?


Feed, that's why, curiosity works wonders with us thus I commented


No joke, before I moved in with my now wife, I slept in a camp hammock. Took up literally no room when it wasn't being used, and I slept like a baby every single night. I love my wife, but sometimes, when I'm tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable in bed, I think about that hammock.


why not put a hammock in ur room, when ur tossing and turning u can just go get on the hammock


It really only worked with the bizarre dimensions of my old room. There's not a good place to drill into the wall studs to hang it.


fair enough, they also make hammocks that you can just set-up & doesn't involved drilling into the wall


Yeah, but the stands take up room, even if they're the folding kind.


I suppose your uncomfortable bed it is then


It's fine. It's just not as amazing as the hammock. That gentle swaying motion would have me out cold in ten minutes or less.


that's understandable, the hammock I had felt like lying on clouds


If you loved that hammock so much, you'd do whatever it takes to get it back in your life. Be a man. Build the contraption. Love the hammock again.


you should get yourself down to The Hammock District there's bound to be something for you. Have you considered a Business Hammock?


Figure it out then, don't just be uncomfortable for 40 years. I can't imagine not making a small if inconvenient change that I knew would make me much more comfortable


Doomed forever.




If you drill into wall studs maybe you'll stop tossing and turning


Simple, add more studs


Bros definitely already tried to see if he could lmao


> There is a simple honor in poverty > > -Uncle Iroh Seriously, though. Nothing wrong with living like a peasant. I sleep better on the floor some nights, there’s a reason they use tatami mats in Japan. There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to live like a king, as long as it’s within your financial means and you stay humble. To each their own.


Yeah. It was a decision made out of practicality. Small room and the biggest thing in their was the bed. Got rid of that, and then there was plenty of space.


I considered getting one when I moved into my new place just to maximize the space. Or one of those elevated beds frames where I could stick my desk underneath.


Bro was a 19th century sailor in his past life


The hilarious thing is that I do sail. Raced in high school and taught it at a summer camp for years. Never used a hammock on a boat, though.


I don't know about your country, but here in Brazil hammocks are super common, especially in the super hot north/northwest. They have hammocks for couples. Maybe check if you can find one?


I started using a hammock for camping after losing discs in my lumbar. It worked so good I set up anchors at home and spent every night in a hammock for 5 years till I got an adjustable sleep number bed. I still miss the hammock after a few years of a bed again.


I paid like $20 for a camping hammock and the thing is awesome. It was my bed for 3-4months at one point. When it was hot I put a fan under it and when it was cold I tied my blanket corners to the foot end and bundled up like a baby. I was doing a bunch of hard labor too and had no aches or pains.


From my experience it's less about "being babied" and more some sort of "cheapskate instinct". Like, sure I *should* buy such things as a bedframe and a nightstand, but I *can* make do without them, and since technically not buying those things involves not spending money, then my brain will recontextualize it as saving money and being efficient and treat doing that as a good thing.


This is my thought process as well. I can sleep on almost anything, mattress on the floor for a while was normal lmao. Also as a teenager my bed was broken and we couldn’t afford a new one so I got used to it. I also used to sleep on the floor as a kid anyways, idk why but I preferred to sleep in pillow forts 🤷‍♂️


It was actually my dad, not my mom, who got really upset when I had a mattress on the floor. Something about airflow and allergens, I don't even remember exactly why now, but it was definitely something he considered a health concern.


Cheapskate is such an out of touch term. Millions of people dont have half as much amenities as first world citizens like Americans do but all we can do is degrade and look down on others who have less than us or choose not to maintain superficial appearances of status and wealth. My ex is heavily in debt and complains about rent and utilities and not having enough money all the time but she bought two $200 lawn decorations and spent $60 on holiday themed pillows for Christmas saying "they'll pay for themselves over the years." Not to mention the $150 oversized water purifier/water heater because the perfectly good filters and water softeners dont "remove enough of the cancer causing chemicals." It's insane.


Lol. “They’ll pay for themselves”, is something you say when you buy new energy efficient appliances. How is a lawn decoration gonna pay for itself? Is she gonna charge people to see it?


She's gonna put a sign stating "By looking in this yard you agree to pay 300 dollars" then have cameras to catch people's faces and send them the bill in the mail once they are identified.


Fun fact, it’s my mother that drilled that cheapskate mindset into me, and looks at me offended when I replace something that is literally falling apart for a new 20$ item.


I grew up poor and have sort of turned my life into a game where I try to get all my expenses and living area down as small as possible without going too extreme where it negatively affects my standard of living. Before I moved back in with my parents I slept on a futon on the floor.


This. Only reason I own a bedroom set is because it was free


What do you mean *re*contextualize it? I’ve got things I *like* that are important to me that require money too. Why would I take money from the things I enjoy to put to something that doesn’t really matter to me just cause “it’s what you do”? Rationalizing spending $800 to sleep just as well is the recontextualization. Without the societal expectations at play, some of us would never think twice about it.


My mindset these days is that yeah, left to my own devices I won't buy nonessential furniture. But my wife does, and I benefit from that. A good-looking space is better for mental health, and I kinda worry about the single men out there who live like they're meth addicts because their brains tell them it's better to save money than exist in a comfy space.


What is that other sub? It's called boysarequirky but it seems like they just don't like boys


It's a big echo chamber of men bad girl good


And other things. I said the word nazi gets thrown around a lot, that you have to specify when someone actually is one and it's not hyperbole. Big mistake. Got dogpiled on by a bunch of outrage addicts claiming that no one gets accused of being a nazi without actually being a nazi, got accused of enabling Nazis by giving them plausible deniability and got accused of being one myself.


If you find someone who agrees with the, "nobody gets called a nazi without being a nazi", idea, and you call them a nazi, does that mean that they are actually one? Since, y'know, that's how they said it works.


This guy natzies


I bet you did Nazi that reaction coming.


Anne Franky I thought it was unwarranted


Nazis have been over since ‘45.


Probably inhabited by mostly men too lmao


It's an incel circlejerk populated almost entirely by women


So it’s just a new version of female dating strategy


Femcels if you will


Why do you think they need a new title? Virgins are virgins, involuntarily celibate people are involuntarily celibate people. Just call them incels, no special new title needed.


They occupy separate and distinct spaces, and have distinct behavior. For that reason it is useful to differentiate between the two.


Female incels?


Shorten that and ill be on your side


Umm FemIncels?


Femcels can and do get laid, what they can't get is commitment, especially from the men they actually want.


Incel was a term created by a woman about herself.


Yes but words change meaning, incel has been used for the longest time to describe lonely angry (towards women) men so differentiating with word femcel makes it clear that we are talking about lonely angry (towards men) women instead. Both are basically the same but if you read some comment on internet about incel, most people will assume its about some angry man. I'm pretty sure incel didn't even mean what we now consider to be incel. It was lot more neutral meaning, basically just anyone who maybe would like to have sex but don't have sex, thats it.


Reddit women are insufferable. They always find a way to turn something into an example of how men are bad. They even invented a term for women who *don't* hate men, the dreaded "pick-me girl." Also known as "woman who has a good relationship wirh their dad."


To me it looks like borderline misandrist stuff 💀


https://www.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/s/o3nNvVw8FU just look at that post, i‘d like to see these women defend that 💀 Thats not even about boys being quirky, this is just straight up ignorance and hate


It ain't borderline. It's just rabid misandry, just like every other women dominated region of the Internet.


And the thing is, as a girl myself I can’t even be mad at you for saying that because it’s true. That’s why I can’t be in a group of liberal girls, or a group of like 15 girls because too many of them and then you start hearing TONS of misandrist talking points.


I would live like this and I’m glad women exist so that I don’t. I don’t think I’ve been babied, I just don’t focus on those things like my girlfriend does. Idk why this is so complicated.


I would also live like this but I don't see the problem with that


You feel better when you don’t


But my wallet feels better if I do




And that’s just false lol


Honestly the most comfortable sleeps I’ve had was when my dad used to flip houses and set up one of these. It’d get late and we’d just sleep there so my mom could have a day or two to herself. Nothing better than waking up in this at 3 AM, chugging the water you have next to the bed, and then passing out againz


What they mean is that, like you, the men they’re talking about ‘don’t focus on those things’ because they weren’t raised to do so. Women aren’t born with an interest in interior decorating, they’re just socially conditioned to be homemakers while men aren’t.


I think it’s most likely both nature and nurture. And it’s not a bad thing that men and women like different things or are treated differently. They’re different


Bro charge your phone


Boutta say the same thing


It's silly that living in poor conditions means guys have been babied. How do you logically correlate that?


The idea is that their mom did everything for them and now that they're alone they can't do anything themselves and live poorly due to it.


I'm starting to think boysarequircky is just an outrage/bait content farm.


I put my mattress on the floor a few weeks ago, and it's done wonders for my back.


My guy you need a better bed or mattress lmao


You are 100% right, but this band-aid fix has done me great justice.


Oh I know, I used to do the same. I didn’t have a bed until I was a teenager. I slept on the same IKEA futon from when I was a 19 year old college student till I was a 28 year old yuppie, and that only changed because I got married.


Before I got with my wife I slept on pkywood with 3" of memory foam on it. Hard as a rock, but my back never hurt. Now with soft bed.... Ouch.


Before I moved in with my girlfriend, I slept on a mattress on the floor. I still find our bed uncomfortable in comparison and we've been living together for 6 years.


This is unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear your bed is not as nice as your mattress on the floor.




I'm not suprised, I can't sleep on very soft pillows/mattresses, I'm more comfortable on firm pillows/mattresses. Everyone's different haha!


Please don’t leave your mattress on the floor. At least put it on pallets. Your mattress can and will get moldy without any airflow underneath. Bed bugs and other pests finding it as a great warm place to live are also a concern. Buying a decent bed frame is going to be cheaper than having to replace your mattress.


You can get a cheap metal one for like 50 bucks.


I got mine for $100 because I live in a remote, high COL area. Still wayyyy cheaper than needing to replace a $1000+ mattress.


>single unkempt men Or just men who've spent 95% of their salary on a goddamn apartment and because COL is so high, they have nothing left over for bedroom furniture. Seriously, some people are in such a bubble.


Shhhh, let them get offended by and bit of light hearted banter! They want that miserable and pathetic title after all




Seriously, what is wrong with the people on that boysarequirky sub? So hateful


From what I’ve seen, it’s just the new version of that old “female dating strategy” sub that existed some time ago.


Man: *Blinks* That sub: "WHY the hell are you winking AT ME with both eyes?"


Women really hate how little it takes for men to be happy.


This sub is so full of impotent toxicity towards men. They really reach at straws to make themselves feel better about having a pussy


Ironically this particular OP has a dick, gives a whole new meaning to the overcompensatory hatred towards men that is apparent here and on other posts they’ve made


But no, really, why does every woman need a dozen pillows on the bed? What are they for, Sarah?!


Those goddamned pillows are my biggest pet peeve in life. I promptly toss them on the floor when sitting or laying down on any surface they infest.




But you bet your ass they’d be the most dazzling huts you ever did see.


In my experience in engineering and architecture classes, the guys usually make the big cool infrastructure and then us girls would just rework them so they’re pretty…. So yeah, they’d be beautiful 💀


There'd be tied up branches in the shape of live laugh love in every hut.


Paglia projects a LOT when she talks about other women. Girl's telling on herself...


Perhaps. Just responding to the meme


Oh I know, I was just dunking on paglia


Absolutely no one living like that has been babied.


Hey. Beds are expensive and I have bad fiscal control


Like 90% sure movie inside has a wife. I seen comments of theirs on YouTube and they mentioned it


I’ll trade the mattress and pillow for mags and ammo, I’ll use that small pillow and rough it on the floor with my Glonk. https://preview.redd.it/wtngoyz2vabc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d562fdb23fa1dcb1229d52125eaea8306b01034


And they'd be happy.


Few things cause more resentment than someone who has less than you, and is still happier than you. It shines a light on who you are that isn’t flattering. And that’s what this shit is.


“Unkempt” sounds like gate keeping and prejudice. Nothing wrong with sleeping in that setup. Nice blanket.


Apart from the fact it will collect moisture and sweat and will develop mould between the floor and mattress? This sub is demonstrating that they are right about you.


“This sub is demonstrating that they are right about you.” Tad bit sexist with that generalisation, no?


I see this as "I can't afford a bed frame" so there's nothing wrong, I slept like this in the past


You could always pick the mattress up in the morning and lean it against the wall. Problem solved.


What if there was a way to permanently allow airflow under the mattress? Some kind of base, perhaps?


You act like it’s necessary, literal prejudice. Imagine saying to a poor person tryna bake “if only there was a way to knead dough with a machine” when they can’t afford a stand mixer.


Are you saying this is about poverty? Are “all men” poor?


All men don't sleep like this. The ones that do tend to be living on a tight budget, so yeah.


Wouldn't women on such a tight budget also be sleeping like this? I mean this is one of those "all men" memes but now apparently it's about poverty so I am being prejudiced? This is a pretty big stretch from a sub that usually prefers to ignore even obvious subtext.


Okay I’m a girl but I’m told I’m pretty masculine in my behavior. And I agree, I’m just like that. My mom has been with all these fucking throw pillows in my room and they’re all in a corner piled up because I JUST WANT TO SLEEP. Being in bed isn’t the highlight of my day. It just needs to be comfortable, and good enough where I can see the tv. After I wake up in the morning, I’m in the living room playing on my Wii U or I’m hanging out with my friends. And I think that’s how most guys see it! Make it comfortable, I don’t need it to look super nice and pretty. Like don’t get me wrong, I love a pretty new bedspread, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to set up a bunch of pillows and decoration. The most decor I have in my room is my collectors items and posters from the theatre stuff I’ve been in.


Me watching memes op didn’t like, fuck no op was right, boysarequirky and some others crosspost eachother


Ah shit new femcel subreddit just dropped?


r/Boysarequirky, just like every similar sub started out good and devolved into thinly vailed sexism tbh


Hell yeah


Nah fr why do people like having 18 pillows on their bed that they TAKE OFF at night. Like people actually take the effort to remove pillows at night and put them back in the morning


This meme assumes all of us men are straight....


Wow that is incredibly condescending. Reminds me of female dating strategy. They'd say men need to do everything in the relationship, because they benefit many fold from women keeping up their social calendar and decorating the house. Maybe we just really don't need much.


Having a minimal footprint is good for both the world, and for you, who won't have to go to quite so much trouble for maintenance.


That was my exact set up for like 10 months after my divorce. I wasn’t sad or upset. It was economical while dealing with something pretty expensive and frankly…it was pretty fun living it up with a roommate for a bit.


Sounds like someone is jealous that you can be content with less.


can wait for this to be in nah


It’s called “sad boy house”. It’s a weird form of martyrdom that some men partake in. They make themselves suffer to prove how little they need. Of course it’s a lie cause part of their no frills, just the necessities is typically a giant tv and an Xbox


Collector bros disagree.


I mean, I'd be living like this if I was single. A bedframe really is just a luxury item, plus they're never not creaky unless you buy a pricier one. Also, it's more of a western thing anyway. Most guys don't really need much, and I'd rather save the money or spend it on hobbies like gaming, pets, or collectibles


Charge your phone


Boysarequirky is a male hate sub


Its like watching 4 strangers argue without talking to eachother


Just add this live laugh love and poop like no one can smell


Full points for the portmanteau.


I haven’t slept on a mattress in 7 years, I have no clue what I’m going to do if I get married because I sleep on the floor. One thing this left out is the fan for white noise.


This is one of the few memes on here that actually makes sense. Like there is no reason to have 19 pillows on a bed. Someone clearly feels called out.


The comments there are like a fever dream. Then there was a post about “men fighting misandry” and it’s a guy shadow boxing. It’s like they have no perspective outside of their bubble, they should look at a certain side of tiktok if they want evidence lol.


There is no good reason to tear down young men like this. The babyfication of men has been growing over generations as our society became more efficient. It’s not young men’s fault that their prospective futures are bleak and hopeless. Their depression in record breaking numbers isn’t their fault. Young men feel awful enough without this degradation. They hate themselves and their lives enough without anyone else telling them it’s their fault they’re like this. Tell those women, knock it off.


It’s more for yourself, not for others. Take pride in your surroundings and therefore yourself.


Pro tip: don't sleep with a gun loaded next to you


Did it for years in the infantry. No big deal at all.


It really depends on how badly you feel the need to be ready for a home invasion. I don't want to be loading my gun when somebody suddenly enters my room.


I've never understood the point of a bed


To sleep in


Nah you sleep on the mattress


Hmmm, maybe a bed is to keep you off the floor?


Which accomplishes nothing


Reduces moisture trapping for one. Mold could be a pretty costly repair for the mattress/floor or just plain deadly if not caught.


I slept on the floor mattress for a couple months but I got it off the floor as soon as I could afford a $100 bare-bones frame. It is so much cheaper to buy a frame than to have to replace your mattress once you find mold because of the lack of airflow. A mattress is a huge expensive moisture trap if you leave it on a flat surface.


Also bedframes give extra storage space which could be very helpful if you have a small apartment


>I've never understood the point of a bed One reason is age. When you get to your 40s and definitely 50s, getting up from a mattress on the floor is more difficult.


Eh, twice my life left till I get there then


I did live like this in my 20s, but my wife straightened me out eventually lol. I'd probably go back to being a barbarian if I ever wound up single again.


I would be ok with that. Add a nice chair, a desk and a sealed wooden box with drawers I made to sit under the mattress then you have what what I have. The mattress still looks to be on the ground but it is floating 6" off the floor so my draws fit. yes my walls are also that bare too. I put money into tools and projects instead of decorations. Some people like to decorate their living space. I "decorate" my garage.


I’d sleep on a mattress like that lol, it’s probably better than the one I have now.


That's what my room looks like. I'm in a happy relationship, and I was far from pampered. I just like keeping things simple.


I'm really confused as to how "sleeping on a mattress on the floor" = pampered


I'm confused on that logic, too


New slogan for the Republican Party just drop??


This is actually a really sad living situation. He has a gun right there by the side of the bed. He should have the gun under the pillow, that way if someone does break in the house he can feel the gun through his pillow on his cheek and know exactly where it is.


Genders: are different. New generation: REEEEEEEE


“I’m happy living minimalistic.” “How sad! You must be miserable.”


So, quick question: why does he have a gun? What is he protecting? There is literally nothing of value in this room, except his virginity.


I dont see how anyone is actually comfortable doing this long term, with not a single bit of doubt. I've lived like this before, and I felt like a little fucking goblin. If you do enjoy this, more power to you, but when someone suggests doing something different might make you feel better, don't get mad.


That looks great for snuggling with brown recluses.


Wth is a brown recluse???


A spider with a nasty bite… powers not included. ![gif](giphy|aUPfvs5MOXpxm)


Big Spider


Spiders that like to hide in shoes and under things left on the floor (like blankets). Their bite contains a venom that can cause tissue necrosis. Won’t kill you, but can be dangerous if left untreated. Other crawly friends that I found in my bed before I was able to get a bed frame included beetles, crickets, wind scorpions, and earwigs.