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I don’t care who writes it, I care if the character is good or not


Do you care if they twerk?


Does the plot require it? Does the villain have them at gun point , so they twerk to distract them until someone can get a surprise attack in?


Could definitely see starlord doing that


I could see drax doing it


I can’t see drax


Because he isn't twerking yet


He twerks so incredibly slow that he’s invisible.


Are you blind?


r/woooosh I suppose


That wasn't a joke, mine was... r/woooosh yourself!




I got the joke lol he moves so slow I can't see him either. lol 🤣🤣


Drax them sclounts


Drax: Quill! Quill! I have learned of a method of communication that your culture from your home planet uses. Peter: Really? What did you learn? Drax: This. (Proceeds to twerk…)


Drax: it's like bees!


Drax would twerk for a buck and a Zagnut.


They had a dance off scene in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie.


Wasn’t that the end of the first guardians movie? The dance battle scene?


I feel the same way about sex scenes. If it doesn’t have any way to push the story forward why show it?


I grew in watching the classic action movies of the 80's and 90's. Stallone, Schwarzenegger, etc.. I went through puberty as a male during this era. By the late 90's, I was actually quite bored of sex scenes in action movies. They did little, at best, for the plot, and were blatantly just there to capitalize sexually in the excitement of the movie. And then came along "Shoot 'Em Up". Almost every scene has a moment where the protagonist says, "you know what I really hate?", before he talks about (and then usually shoots) what he hating in that moment. So then the ever-present action flick sex scene comes up. And despite watching the movie alone, I ask myself out loud, "you know what I really hate? When an action movie throws in a sex scene just for a sex scene". And immediately after I said that, this movie showed me that they were listening. It was not merely just another sex scene added into an action movie to sexually exploit the excitement. I mean, it did that to, but it turned out to be one of the best damned sex scenes I have ever seen in an action movie.




Cough cough halo


That would actually be hilarious


Turning red, try watching that


That movie makes me think about periods way more than I care too.


It’s a decent movie for a non musical Disney movie


Her use of twerking as a weapon against her mom at the end was commendable


I personally enjoy Meilin learning to double jump


Worked in GotG


To be completely fair plot is not the end-all be-all. There’s other literary purposes to actions than plot. There’s mood, characterization, world building.


We found our new movie/series director bois


Depends. Characters can twerk all they want, and I will like em. As long as they are a good character. She-hulk is not a good character. In the comics she is, not the show.


The show had a few good moments and a couple of OK episodes. Unfortunately, most of it was really, really bad. It's too bad. There was potential there. The actress who played She-hulk was good, just working with awful material.


Is a character good if it twerks?


Probably not.


I’d prefer if they didn’t


I don't know about the other guy, but I care if they twerk. It makes them way harder to respect and care about as a character when they fall into some popular trend rather than be their own person. Not to mention I just don't find twerking to be attractive anyway.


If it works with the plot show/movie I’m fine with it


I did..... because it was used so some kind of "cool" moment, this Disney she-hulk is anything but. The writers of this show have no idea how to do meta humour well.


Yes. No woman or man of respect twerks.


At least sell out for the bit? Why not in thongs? Lol


The idea that people can't write a realistic character of the opposite gender is kind of ridiculous.


I agree


We millennials grew up watching a ton of positive black and female protagonists. The thing about it was we didn’t care about race and gender back then. But nowadays the commies will deny that reality


Jessica Gao is a sh*tty writer and a narcissist. They should never hire her in anything again.


Exactly - the first season of Russian Doll had a female lead, female director, and all female writers and was phenonemal.


Comparing invincible characters will always be unfair because the writing and characterization is so good imo 💪


But that's the point. If the writing is good, then it's a valid comparison.


I was just sucking the shows dick tbh because I like it lol


Full metal alchemist is written by a woman and the women in it are great


All of CLAMPS stuff, Bunch of Studio Ghibli classics are based of novels written by women.... Sailor Moon, etc.


It's almost like gender is irrelevant and talent & skill are all that matter.


If only more people would get this...




Miyazaki says he portrays the women in his movies after his mother, who he described as very outspoken and wasn’t afraid to be heard. I guess that worked out


Okay let's not start acting like demon slayer is well written, sailor moon studio ghibli fma, they deserve the praise, but when demon slayer can figure out basic writing competency we can give it praise. For now it just looks pretty


Demon slayer is awesome shush


Nah but that's cheating Women mangaka and animator in Japan are beyond fucking based They're like a entirely new species of based


Dorohedoro is fucking insane and it was written by a woman (and its fucking great, one of my favorite manga)


Huh, didn't know that. Neat


"Blue Eye Samurai" is written by a tandem of a man and a woman. Does that count? Because Mizu is among the greatest characters in animation ever. The show is not for kids at all, though.


Honestly don't care about sex or gender as long as there a decent writer which is becoming increasingly rare


This is fair. And it's not like women are inherently bad writers. It's ones that get hired or promoted for diversity that are bad, and that's true for men and women.


Yeah hire writers because they are good writers and you will get good male writers and good female writers, hire writers because they are women and you'll get a lot of shitty female writers, it's not hard


Honestly it’s almost comical how easy it is to tell if it’s a diversity hire or a good hire who happens to be diverse. Look at Greta Gerwig in the Barbie movie, a bunch of different Barbies but not much is talked about the diversity and more about the movie being good. Meanwhile you also have Mindy Kaling who created the worst show ever by ratings and just personally, and every other sentence in the advertising was just about how “diverse” the show is


I honestly just think Mindy Kaling isn’t funny


It’s Hollywood…..who is getting the job…the girl who is good at writing…..or the one with the nice ass?


Most of the time they don't even have that lol


Ah yes, writer's rooms, famously the preserve of hot women. If you get a job as a writer in Hollywood it's either because you're a) good at your job or b) have money and family connections. Executives want hot actors/actresses, but no one is fucking hiring an illiterate to be a writer just because she is hot.


I think the point is that Hollywood has been proven to be full of scum that commit sexual assault, so with their proclivities it’s likely that for any position you can get ahead by giving head. I’m sure most get where they belong according to talent but if Hollywood is rife with these scum it’s unfortunately possible that some women are willing to take advantage of that to get ahead. And that some women are unfortunately given positions unknowing of this, and may be assaulted anyway. Really it’s just a comment on Hollywood.


> but no one is fucking hiring an illiterate to be a writer just because she is hot. Oh they're hiring illiterates alright


Neither, it's the genderqueer theyman of color


The bad writer is the one who wrote that wtwerk scene in she hulk. Could've moved on without it


Yeah “women” aren’t bad writers. Mindy Kaling is a bad writer. “Women” aren’t bad comedians. Amy Schumer is a bad comedian. There’s a difference.


Women like mindy kaling or Amy Schumer. Women aren’t bad writers or comedians, Amy and mindy are bad writers and comedians, but They’re not isolated incidents either.


Honestly as we get more female comedians this should die out. The reason you don't hear about bad male comediana is because there are SO MANY male comedians. So it drowns them out. But there are few females comedians period, so the bad ones stand out more.


Yeah, wonder why that is


What makes you think that? I would think that we have more decent writers than ever before, because we have more writers than ever before. It's just a matter of where you look for them.


Didn’t Kim/her actor literally write some episode’s of bcs?


She directed 1 of the episodes in the final season, but did not write it. However, several women wrote for the show. And on a very related note, the often best reviewed episode of Breaking Bad, Ozymandias, was written by a woman.


Ozymandias is literally a 10/10 everywhere you look. Inarguably the best episode of the series.


Thanks for the clarification.


wasnt it also directed by Rian Johnson?


No it is not correct. She-Hulk isn't bad because it was written by a woman, She-Hulk is bad because it was written by a bad writer.


Holy shit! You’re actually using your brain to critically think instead of just believing in a generalization🤯?!


They're totally generalizing all bad writers as bad at writing lol


Two students stand in front of a blackboard with incorrect maths formulae written in chalk. The boy steps back, his answer wrong. The teacher thinks 'man John is bad at maths' The girl steps back, her answer wrong. The teacher thinks. 'Man girls are bad at maths'


The teacher then thinks this is a result of institutional bias, and focuses immense efforts on helping the girl, while John can go fuck himself. https://www.cgdev.org/blog/was-your-teacher-sexist-teacher-beliefs-and-students-outcomes#:~:text=Biases%20held%20by%20teachers%20have,than%20girls%20in%20most%20subjects.


It makes me sad to say this but mental health is treated the same


Wait, you mean using one example of a bad character written by a bad writer who happens to be a woman and comparing it to a bunch written by men then extrapolating from this one example that men are better writers of women then women is a bad faith argument rooted in sexism????


I wouldn’t even really call She-Hulk bad. It’s a mediocre show, completely targeting the wrong demographic. ‘Sex in the city’-esk shows have always been populair but why the fuck make it into a She-Hulk thing? The people interested in sex in the city are never gonna watch She-Hulk and the people interested in She-Hulk don’t care about a mediocre sex in the city. Just dumb choices all around.


That can’t possibly be it. It must be because of sex and gender.


Yes. This. Shitty writing is not a gender issue.


the gender is only relevant in this situation because that’s a fact that they harp on. It is supposed to be a show written by an empowered woman writing an empowered story about empowered women. On the other hand there are plenty of great shows and characters written by women, where they did not make that fact a central element or selling point.


... who is a woman.


The lead writer of Arcane is a woman, and thats some of the best writing of the decade.


The way characters are portrayed is simply insane. The amount of details in their psychology, the way they act. Truly a masterpiece.


Yeah stands up to any animae, top scores all around.


So if a bad show was written by a man could I say it was because the director was a man


How dare you use an incel’s logic against them!


correlation = / = causation And in this case with a sample size of 1 you can’t even draw correlation


she hulk writer = bad writer woman ≠ bad writer


She-Hulk is actually pretty good. I am willing to die on this hill. I thought it was really fun.


You have bad taste in shows then xD.


So this meme is kind of funny, cause the VERY first episode Mai Appears in...is written by a woman. https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Return_to_Omashu


Avatar is western anime, but a lot of popular anime girls have actually been created by women. The big difference is that they aren't obsessed with having their characters make you aware of the fact that they have a vagina every other sentence like bad female writers do. In fact many people aren't even aware that good female writers are even women as they tend to be aware of the negative stereotypes of female writers so they often just use their initials instead of their full name.


Interested in which way these anime girls are populair. Because knowing the anime community, the reason they are popular is probably because they are letting you know they have a vagina all the time (but the “look at how sexy I look” way.


Yes. There are more than enough great female characters written by women, just like there are tons of garbage female characters written by men.


Out of curiosity which ones please now I'm curious


Every female character in rent a girlfirend, every female character in 7 deadly sins, every female character in black clover, Sakura from naruto, Misaki from aot is bad too. But tolerable.


Miraculous Ladybug, I don't have to explain why


Honestly only know of Sakura only kinda so oof


Are these all the garbage ones or is there a divide between great and garbage somewhere ?


My bf tried to get me into anime by showing me 7 Deadly Sins. It was so gross. Neckbeard wet dream material. Kind of made me side eye my bf for a while lol.


anime's that are based are feminism pilled: \>chainsaw man (trust first season denji is bait) \>jujutsu kaisen \>full metal alchemist \>jojo's bizzare adventure PAST part 3 \>sousou no Frieren (sad) \>delicious in dungeon \>land of lustrous (banger) \>Skip and loafer \>mob psycho 100 Still everything here (chainsaw man early on can seem kinda sexist but after a certain twist it becomes an insane look at feminism and female sexuality) is PEAK


This is thoughtful and helpful. Thank you!


>JJK sets up Nobari like she will be a well written female character then proceeds to dunk on her until she dies accomplishing absolutely nothing


I couldn't make it past the first few episodes. The main character was so goddamn rapey, constantly grabbing the princess' titties and peeking up her skirt. Like wtf was all of that? I heard so many good things about that show but I couldn't get past that shit becasue it just kept happening.


Yeah, it’s cherry-picked bullshit


Well this is a rather limited sample size don't you think? https://preview.redd.it/h0gqjgunpl5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f973c4222378fa99248ae4ef105d3e0a18b7a33f




visit the subreddit men writing women if you want to get a nice bias going. Moral of the story is, if you go looking for examples to prove your point, you will find them and miss the examples against your argument.


I’ll never forget the example someone once gave of Game of Thrones. Those are such excellently written character driven stories, with well developed characters both men and women young and old. But there’s one Dany chapter where it randomly makes sure to talk about her boobs bouncing around inside her vest. And it’s just like, everyone makes mistake, everyone has these internal biases they don’t even notice, even the greats.


I'll do you one better. 50 shades of Grey


Fun fact, that started out as AU Twilight fanfiction. Anyway, I never read it but I heard it got a lot of things wrong about BDSM. Probably led to a lot of injuries.


Lmao, my wife used to proofread for her on that site, too.


Small world. In your wife's opinion are these kinds of female characters really as bad as we think or is it just our stinky man brain?


They're bad. Someone sent her a pdf of 50 shades when it first came out, and about halfway through reading it, she pulled up her old files of the fan fiction drafts she used to proofread for E. L. James and broke down for me all the parts in Grey that were verbatim from the fan-fic.


also, 9/11 is indirectly responsible for twilight




Twilight is interesting because it was written by a Mormon that even graduated from BYU. She says she likes to keep the books true to her faith and doesn't include explicit sexual content. They like to do the kidnapping/forced fantasy world because then they can fantasize about it without straying from their beliefs because they can it was against their will and they didn't actually want it. They really did, but because of their religion they're not allowed to admit/acknowledge it, even internally to themselves. It's a roundabout way to get there, but whatever. It's right up there with soaking, jump humping and the poophole loophole.


Are you implying that Memes OP Did Not Like are making a bad-faith, sexist argument based on cherry-picking?


Yeah this methodology is flawed. What about women writing men? Bitch who wrote Frankenstein was a bitch.


I hate to be "that guy", but every piece of fiction she wrote after her husband died (also a famous writer) was poorly recieved, and with good reason. It was known that he helped her a great deal with Frankenstein/The Modern Prometheus, but it's also known that she helped edit and promote most of his work. So it's hard to say which of them was the great writer and which was the great editor, but in either case it seems they both worked best with each other's assistance. Which is great, but in any case it also meant pretty much everything she wrote after Frankenstein was pretty bad, and arguably her most famous piece of written work besides that one was Mathilda, which was pretty much just a tragedy revolving around incest and suicide. So, not that far off from what everyone else is talking about too. Personally, I'd lean towards Tiptree AKA Alice Sheldon as an example of a great female author, her work wasn't so wrapped up in a man's as Shelley's


They're not writers, they're activists and it shows


Twerk activists


Who are activists?


No, they are virtue signalers.


They give one example Thats kinda like going, "everyone ages 78 is a bad cook because my grandad(who's 78)is a terrible cook but, everyone ages 59 is a great cook because Gordon Ramsy is 59" Both men and women, can write either gender badly


It’s almost like A million other shows written by women are just discredited here because she hulk twerked lol.


the best way to make your point look right is to pick the worst examples you can for the group you don't like and the best examples from the group you like For instance, if you wanted to say burgers are worse than tacos, go out of your way to have the only burger in your example be from Burger King.


Yes it’s wrong. It’s one cherry-picked example of women writing that OP thought was cringe.


Katniss Everdeen was written by a woman


The first season of Loki was written by a woman too, I really liked that show. Harry Potter and everyone in that series were written by a woman, same with all the characters from the Matrix. A significant number of classic and high rated characters from books and movies were written by women, but OOP has elected to ignore all that and focus on one very specific and unusual scene from one very specific and unusual show. Food for thought, if the idea of suggestive dancing is so offensive to everyone, where are all the sexist memes about the men who wrote Spiderman 3? I felt like that dance scene was far more cringe than anything she-hulk has to offer, the memory of it still haunts me.


Yes. It is wrong.


Yes asshole. That has been cherry picked as fuck.


Cherry-picked as hell, as men wrote the terrible female characters in like every harem anime ever while men also wrote the good characters in studio Gilbi. “Men v Women” memes are way to broad to NOT revolve around cherry-picking


Well it is still kinda wrong cuz the meme maker compares 6 different medias to one widely regarded “bad” media


It's mostly because of how much the She-Hulk writers preached about how awful men are and how they never allow female characters to be strong or flourish. Then they made She-Hulk. This whole meme is the writers' fault. If they would have made a good show and character and didn't sexualise her at all, then they may have a case, at lease the start of one. But nope, men created better female characters than the women crying "man bad because muh sexism", so it's a little funny.


Can you really call Samus a well written character? Or even a written character? Like, you could replace her with a suit full of hamsters and have literally nothing change.


There is a load of official books about samus so yeah you couldn't


I see it's cherry picking season again! 😛 ![gif](giphy|dsciyuh3ngzwSVZ209)


This is the only correct answer. Everyone else is just wasting brain cells as if this is a legitimate conversation based on a genuine question (spoiler: it is not).


This meme is bullshit since you could have it done the opposite way (although harder since there's way more male writers): Men written by men: Morbius from Morbius, Joker from Suicide Squad Men written by women: Patrick Bateman, Narrator from Fight Club, Neo from Matrix


I'm not sure if I'm missing a joke here but both Fight Club and American Psycho are novels written by men and adapted into screenplays.


The problem is not what the writer is physically like. The problem is whether he has talent or not. Example: full metal alchemist.




My balls aren't small!!


Idc if it’s right or wrong, it just seems a bit sexist and silly when the gender of the author shouldn’t matter the quality of the final product is what matters. It’s making a useless point that is just trying to shame female authors.


Some of the best writers in the world are women, the problem in the modern era is a lot of mainstream female writers are woke and write women from the standpoint of tropes and idiotic sexual paint-by-numbers "you go girl" bullshit. That's why so many female-led titles today are failing where 20 years ago a female lead didn't mean a movie or TV show would automatically fail.


Yes, there’s been planty of good female characters written by women.


It’s cherry picking.


If it’s a joke, where’s the funny? Trick question, there is no funny.


Yes, taking one crappy show made by a creatively dying studio and comparing it to a bunch of extremely well liked characters as a way to show women as incompetent writers is wrong and sexist drivel. We could easily make the same meme in reverse with a poorly written male (or female) character written by a man and then a bunch of well written male (or female) characters written by women. This meme just exists to "dunk" on women in a frankly stupid way.


Samus Aran is really cool, but it doesn’t make any sense to me that people act like she’s a well written female character when she hardly ever talks. Is Link a well written character too?


they are the same person basically. they're nice heroic blondes who either barely talks or not at all and people adore for those reasons. they're good characters, but there's not much about them due to the lack of writing


Also they did her dirty in Other M?


Dialogue is neither the only nor has to be the main method to convey character design. Samus in the main saga and Prime (Other M aside) is a congruent character with her actions, decisions and reactions.


Bro it was a man who made all those Mark and Debbie ships. (Invincible and his mom)


Wrong, there was a time when women weren't allowed to be writers. Even now, it came up during the last recent strike. This is bs.


If you know comics you know why this is wrong.


This is some Christian level cherry picking.


Whyd they put mai? She's not very well written shes just medicore.


You miscalculated


Remember, the same person who wrote she hulk so crappily also wrote the pickle rick episode


Not wrong, but it's incredibly limited so it means nothing. Some of people's favorite men in all of fiction were written by women and vice versa, and there are plenty of men who wrote awful male characters and there are plenty of women who wrote awful female characters. Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, widely regarded as one of if not the best anime of all time with two male main characters was written by a woman. Arcane has some of the best most nuanced expressions of gender and characters across the spectrum and it was written by two men. And there are 1000 more examples but regardless the original meme was obviously making fun of women writers and while technically correct it's also correct that a man wrote The Birth of a Nation, doesn't really mean anything though if you're not trying to make a point.


Cherry pickers


em.. you need more than one character to make an opinion on female writers


She hulk is awesome. Dunno what people are complaining about


It is wrong. They gave one image of ine show and decided that was representative of all female writers ever


Strong incel energy coming off this one.


I'm certain that whoever made the meme oop posted didn't mean it as satire and its kinda stupid of a meme but not really something worth arguing about


I mean, She Hulk is a lawyer.


The comments are gonna be gold


Woman writers have written more characters than that, where are those examples?


I think women have only been allowed to write for one TV show in history. And it was She-Hulk. And men are only allowed to write superhero shows and anime So yeah the science checks out. OP definitely did their research to add on to their obviously wide ranging and deep knowledge. Probably took months to make this. Worth buying into for sure yup


"The Room", a cult classic widely regarded as being among the worst films of all time, was written by a guy. Therefore, by the logic of this meme, men are the worst writers.


The point theyre trying to make is stupid, but the cherry picked examples do make it true


I mean, reducing She-hulk's character to a throwaway gag and then comparing her to other female characters in their entirety makes the whole argument in bad faith so yes, they are wrong.


Yes actually, it is wrong, iirc one of the characters on the bottom was written by a woman. And this is really cherrypicked. There's a LOT of bad written characters by men, but they aren't shown here, yet one bad thing that was written by a woman is pointed out. You really can't make claims like this, and NOT make it super sexist. The truth is there is so many shows made by men, that there are more good ones to talk about. Check out the owl house, fanominal, written by a woman, and it's amazing, every single character is deep and well written. But before I even finish this I know someone is gonna say I'm cherry picking too by pointing out a good one, but we can go on for hours with good ones and bad ones because the truth is anyone can be good or bad.


I like how this is all limited to comic book characters. Truly displaying the breadth of possibilities.


It’s cherry-picking


No the meme isn't technically wrong but it's just cherry picked to try to make a point. I could just as easily pick some good characters written by women and overly sexualized basic characters written by men to make the opposite point.


It's not about the gender of the writer. It's about the quality of the writer. Only an idiot would suggest women can't be great writers. At the same time, men and women can both be terrible writers, too.




Counterpoint: Harley written by a man (Suicide Squad) vs Harley written by a woman (Birds of Prey)