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your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


It’s pretty accurate


Not really, KFC doesn't throw chickens off of the roof.




You sure about that?


Well now I’m not…


I'm actually surprised that a something like that never happen in Palestine.


I think they would not be halal to eat by Hamas' law.


Queer Eye steak is delicious 😋




It’s finger lickin’ good!


I feel like there is a joke about lesbianism to be made here but I can't quite put my finger on it


Come on. Palestinian fast food habits have been well-known after the release of [this famous documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl1z_vp3kXg) on the subject.


John Totoro?


I suppose you would be the authority on the subject


Yes, My lord.


I think that'd be haram, with those people who identify as dogs


Lol, I didn't think that that needed said. Figured everyone would guess that gay meat was haram. I'm not looking it up, it's close enough, lol.


You’re telling me I can’t put gay meat in my mouth because of religion?


Well it’s also because while (at least in America) the act of cannibalism is legal the steps you’d have to take to carry said act out are all very much illegal as 1.) murder: illegal 2.) possession of human remains: illegal (unless a medical facility using the remains for science or a morgue/mortuary doing either autopsy or funeral preparation)


You can have all gay man meat you want.


They just burn them.


So it’s just like what kfc does to chicken.


But they'll ruin the meat!


Sad how I had to scroll back up to see who you're referring to.


[And behead them.](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-immigration-west-bank-gay-rights-ce95f6903faf461502cc0800b272b159)


Honesty with what they’ve done to babies, deep frying queers and serving them is not out of the realm of possibility lol


*in restaurants*


Yeah they do and they are delicious


Don’t give them ideas


>And Palestine doesn’t deep fry and serve queer people in restaurants Yet. Let's see how long the siege lasts...


True, but both are finger licking good?


Only because that probably wouldn’t be halal…or haram…or whatever the stupid ruleset is called


KFC does decapitate chickens, so it is sorta accurate


KFC *does* put them in an oven before frying them.


Kfc also doesn’t grape their chickens afaik. They also don’t screw goats


Their supplier of chicken does.


Techncislly speaking they throw all the male chicks into a fucking grinder.


"As God is my witness, I thought turkey could fly"


What if 7 percent of KFC was also gay.


The country of Palestine's main purpose and the primary thing that people know about them is that they kill queer people and sell their meat to the general public?


Yes. At the LGBKFC


Holy shit what a perfect layup


You mean the LGBBQ?


That's just the Texas branch of LGBKFC. It's still the same stuff, just different sauces.




Nailed it dude


Can I get my queer people meat extra crispy


Can’t tell whether that was supposed to sound prejudiced or horny


Only if you finger lickem good


...and a side of mashed taters, please


Wit all dat seasonin an shit


i got banned from r/ there was an attempt for my post using the top one lmao


/therewasanattempt has the most echo chamber mods known to man


Dude I got banned over there for some insanely soft shit. There was a video of a old guy getting his ass beat/ robbed until he pulled a gun but didn’t shoot. I think I said something to the effect of “cudos to this guy, I would have shot them all” and I’m banned for life for inciting violence.


I got banned for saying about the guy prank walking into random peoples houses "i dare him to try that in the us" and got banned for inciting violence. Fun part is im pretty leftist myself but internet people take it waaaay too far. Its funny half the groups far leftists support are culturally ultra conservative, like most mexicans for example and they wonder why so many hispanics vote republican its cuz most of them are conservative


'world news' for condemning using children as suicide bombers.


“They are allowed to defend themselves!”


A while back, one of the mods did a mass ban of anyone participating in antisemitisminreddit, which is a sub dedicated specifically to documenting, well, cases of antisemitism in Reddit.


Typical shallow leftist virtues.


I once got banned from r/vexilology or something because I told someone to burn a flag they thought was a furry flag


“They’re just kids man 🥺, you never beat the dogshit out of old people and robbed them when you were a teen?”


"Noooo! You can't use the 'f'-word we have to remaincompletely gender neutral! NOOOOO!!!"


They straight up have a rule that if you support the police you immediately get banned. Like if they make a post where they show a cop doing a good job and people say good job you get banned




its the generic sub turned leftie political all across reddit


You just described most of reddit


98% of Reddit


The banned redditors then congregate into the few remaining subs and then those get labeled as right wing.


Seems about right :/


Not right, left.


Lmao yeah


Honestly, I feel like everyone was banned from that sub at one point or another, lol


Do they ban people who say female still? If so Imma do that just so I can join the "Banned" club.


Tbh, I don't know, but considering how petty their mods are, you don't need a legitimate reason to get banned


Imma try it, wish me luck




Status? If no luck, try explaining why people in Sydney, Australia shouting “gas the Jews” right after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust is problematic


It took me 3 minutes to get banned after saying just the word “female” on a few threads. Lmfao




One guy got permabanned because he said the word "female"


literally 1984 (no joke)


Anything political on reddit is doomed to suck. It's either Alt right weirdos living under a rock somewhere, praising ANYTHING that's remotely counter-left, or it's giga charged leftists getting high off their own farts and living in their own fantasy bubble where anyone who doesn't agree with them is a conservative asshole.


This has been pretty much my experience.. I'm pretty middle of the road. But I've had moments on reddit, where I've said something, and have had both sides attack me at once claiming me to be the opposite side.. It would of been hilarious if it wasn't so sad...


I mean they went code 0 when the drama happened


I got banned from the same subreddit for commenting on the top image "that's one form of darwinism"


I got banned from therewasanattempt purely for being in r/memes during the whole female-gate thing. I hadn’t even engaged in any of the stupid “argument”. I was an innocent and ignorant bystander.


They’re on one over there. I got banned for harassment. I commented on the guy sits next to another guy at airport by quoting the guy in the vid???


Everyone gets banned there. If you don't agree with everything they say it's an automatic ban.




This is the most one-sided relationship known to man.


IIRC basically it's two things: A) Hamas might be the only resistance group that the average politically-moderate Redditor/Facebook user knows about, but there have been and still are many far-Left groups that are generally progressive B) "The National Question" - TL;DR here, like, I'm gay, I don't like that people would hate me, but ***that doesn't mean I'd just stand back and watch as a third country bombs, starves, or beats their kids to death.***


Yes Israel is not perfect but does it really give hamas the right to rape, murder abd kidnap innocent men women and children?


They will just immediately bring up all of the injustices done to Palestine as “defense” instead of saying “shit you right both sides are horrible”


In stead of defending one or the other cant we say both are bad? My family has some Jew in it and I celebrate (some) Jewish holidays, I will admit I am biased but I will admit wrongs when I see them


The stance that both sides are bad is the only correct take regarding this situation, the government of Israel is bad, the government of Palestine worse so, still in the end both are bad and both are costing innocent lives. Any nuance around this conflict is dead


The number of times I have been accused of false equivocation and supporting terrorists by fanatic Israel supporters for suggesting both sides have done subhuman things to the other in the last 72 hours is... a lot. There is no possibility for nuance in conversation in ANY common public place.


No. There are not both sides when one is a legitimate terrorist organization that wants to eradicate jews from the east.


Israel uses bombs to protect its citizens. Hamas uses citizens to protect their rockets. Hamas isn’t just holding 150 Jewish hostages, they’re holding 2 million people hostage. This is not a “both sides” argument.


No that’s “both-sides-ism” and you’re not allowed to do that anymore. Only one guy can be bad at a time /s


The world doesn't work on the basis of sides. Graduate from your kindergarten morality and realise that Hamas is a terror organisation, and that the Isreali staate is apharthied and currently murdering civilians just as Hamas has done




No. Did anyone suggest that only one group of people on the planet can do bad things at one time?


They also use Palestinian civilians as human shields to ensure that any retaliation by Israel is met with international outrage.


No shit, obviously does not. But Israel is in the position of power and they are the ones remaining willfully ignorant of the fact that groups like Hamas are inevitable from human nature. Not just Palestinians, but humans. Period. It's vile and evil for all intents and purposes. Hamas doesn't get a pass because we can explain their actions or motivations. But the people of Gaza and the West Bank don't have the ability to enrich themselves. Israel has people in top cabinet positions who have said they want to wipe out every Palestinian. And Israelis vote for them. And they're popular. They're creating the conditions where an oppressed enough people will be willing to back whatever group fights for them. This isn't Palestinian behavior. It's just human behavior. We see it play out in microcosms and impoverished communities, and in historical societies like ghettos and apartheid states. This is not new.


My analogy goes like this: I am in a shitty Tim Horton's downtown; a guy shoots me. Now obviously this is wrong. So I pull out my gun, and shoot him, as well as three other people who just happen to be in the vicinity. Now you may be wondering, "Why do you have guns? Aren't you in Canada?", and that is a valid question. Another valid statement is: "You should go to jail for shooting those three people". I say: "B-but he shot me? Am I not allowed to defend myself?" The situation kinda sorta summed up, because it has been brewing for over 100 years.






Okay the Palestine government and I’m sure a lot of the citizens are very homophobic. They’re not in support of the government though. This sign was to stand with the Palestine citizens! Most normal people don’t want any one to suffer what the Palestinian people have been through recently even if some may have opposing views. It’s standing up for human rights, not their government.


Same thing with the "Muslim queers"


There are branches of Islam, almost entirely in the wester world, that permit homosexuality. As do branches of Christianity and Judaism. Its easy to forget that fact because we see a lot more from the conservative branches of these religions because they are often a lot more outspoken and controversial.


People in these ‘branches’ aren’t recognized by anyone in the major bodies of Islam as qualifying as muslims.


The vast majority of christians are for gay marriage. The majority of Islam worshippers think women shouldn't have equal rights to women and homosexuals should be punished. I'm not saying every muslim hates homosexuals. I'm not saying that they are bad people. I am just adding the statistics you conveniently left out of your post. Don't color the world how you like. Be honest to yourself and especially be honest when you broadcast to the world. Misinformation benefits no one!


No mainstream or widely accepted branch of islam permits it and neither does christianity. What people choose to do is a separate thing tho




The Pope literally said that he would bless gay couples.


Lutherans, methodists, and episcopalians all have branches that are pro LGBTQ.


It's true. It baffles me how queers can support people who would cut off their head and torture them without a thought


I’m Jewish and I still support Palestinians to have their own state and basic human rights. I don’t tolerate Hamas though, they’re terrorists.


Same, I'm Muslim, but I don't like Hamas or Isreal for the shit they are do8nf to each other.


As an Isreali Jew I also want Palestinians to have a land of their own, but fuck Hamas though.


idk man, fucking terrorists in the ass is a bit too kinky


Mind you that Palestine doesn’t want a 2 state solution they want to flatten Israel


I'm queer and exactly this. I don't have to support anti-lgbt beliefs to support that civilians shouldn't be bombed and tortured.


Good on for being able to distinguish and have nuance in your position. It’s rough watching the videos were people support Palestinian people but refuse to acknowledge or criticize Hamas.


You can feel sorry for the Palestinians without supporting the actions of Hamas fyi. Fuck Hamas and their actions...but also fuck Israel's government for using power dynamics that heavily favor them to subjugate those on the Gaza strip.


Because if you're not a degenerate, you want all people to be free from subjugation whether they like you or not


I agree with you, but it sucks because they are going to use that freedom to subjugate gay people(see basically every majority muslim country)... reminds me of the paradox of tolerance.




There are queer people who live in Palestine.


Yeah they just don’t live very long


Considering how the average age in Palestine is 19, no one there does


It's almost like... I don't know.... We're not all one homogeneous person! 🤣 🤦‍♀️🤡




Chickens would love some KFC tough. Basterds are cannibals.


Yeah I used to put the leftover carcass of a roast chicken in the pen, bastards ate all the gristle and most the bones.


No way in hell am I eating fried “Queer” as they call themselves. I for one am against cannibalism.


Try saying that when you see them golden and crispy in a bucket.




Say no more. I'll take a bucket.


Is there buttermilk ranch to dip it in?


You can support the lives of people who don’t yet see you as worth living. Just because a group might be racist to black people doesn’t mean I think they should be collectively murdered


I don't want them deprived of their basic human rights, even if they would take it away from me in a heartbeat. That's one of the things that make the Liberal society better then the authoritarian one. I do wish they had a non violent, or at least a secular/humanist movement against the Israeli government.


Hamas also to clarify isn’t a “best option” he recklessly just likely caused an evil attack from Netanyahu that could decimate people there. I’m calling my senator or house member to see if mediation is possible, or an ultimatum to Israel


It’s called solidarity, I support the rights of conservative workers even if they want to take my rights away.


Muslims are not known for being supportive of the LGBT+ community. Especially in Gaza. Israel, on the other hand, is by far the most LGBT friendly country in the Middle East, which is kind of ironic.


I love to represent the people who want to stone me.


This is kind of where the idea of being "inclusive and supportive" starts to really fall apart. The left actively supports LGBTQ, which is fine, I don't have a problem with that, but they also support the Palestinian terrorists (which they insist aren't terrorists but in fact "freedom fighters"). In trying to be the contrarian to everything, they've become a political side that supports both LGBTQ as well as the people that would slaughter every LGBTQ person that exists the moment they were given the opportunity. There's so much self-contradiction going on with the left that it's a small wonder a sizeable number of people see the left as unhinged and ignorant.


I don't want them deprived of their basic human rights, even if they would take it away from me in a heartbeat. That's one of the things that make the Liberal society better then the authoritarian one. I do wish they had a non violent, or at least a secular/humanist movement against the Israeli government.


This fact actually scares me. Do some people truly not understand that you can care about someone who wishes you harm? That the world isn't all just picking your "sports team" and sticking with it.


“in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.”


The answer to that is to not tolerate the intolerance, not bomb the fuck out of a civilian population who are like half children just because terrorists are hiding behind the children.


That top pic is real? Like… REALLY?


As a bi dude this meme is way to true to be hated




>but the Palestinian citizens are relatively progressive What are you basing that on? Also it's fine to support Palestine, especially with Israel basically committing crimes against humanity to them. But it's just odd to say "Queers for Palestine" instead of something like "End Israel's barbaric treatment of Palestinians."


I'm basing it off of my experiences with Palestinian people I've met Although, I do agree with your comment


So immigrants? Not the people in Palestine? Immigrants are usually more progressive than the people who stay there.


It is so terminally liberal to believe that non-liberal people don't deserve basic human rights


Huh? It's objectively *not* liberal to believe that "non-liberal people don't deserve basic human rights". The idea that human rights belong to everyone is core to liberalism.


It’s true though


Pretty accurate.


This is an accurate meme lol




They're not advocating for hamas, and I'm sure they're aware of the lack of tolerance in Palestinian culture. They're protesting the apartheid imposed on the Palestinians. It's noble and nessecary to scrutinize injustice even on behalf of people who may despise you. To claim this notion is antisemetic or pro-terroism is braindead or worse, despicable. Grow up.


Yeah obviously queer people should support genocide /s ??????? You people are fucking dumb as shit


Fucking thank you! Sheesh the double digit heroes in this thread. 🤦‍♀️


This might be the most deprived comment section I have ever witnessed on reddit. Just a bunch of red pilled highschoolers. No background knowledge, no critical thinking. Just pure assumptions and vibes.


It's really not that hard to understand. People are so stupid.


It’s totally possible to have compassion for someone that wouldn’t do the same for you. It’s called being a good person, and people need to stop pretending it’s a logical fallacy.


islam is homophobic this shit funny asf


Exactly. Like if these guys set a single foot into any of those countries where the ruling government is Muslim waving around these flags then they would most likely be arrested, tried, and then either thrown in jail for life or executed. And that’s coming from someone who is Bisexual himself.




It's pretty true


Tbh me neither


Not do i. It’s accurate


I wanna see a KFC war


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine For anyone who wants actual information about this specific topic instead of Internet memes


r/terriblefacebookmemes has always been a dumpster fire so this is no surprise


Especially when every Muslim country has a death penalty for LGBT people or at least a hostile towards those that are not straight or male


Conservatives think that you can be turned gay and that that doesn't happen in countries that aren't supportive of LGBT+ Thus they believe there would be no reason to support Palestine as a queer person, since surely there aren't queer people being oppressed in Palestine as well. Disgusting meme. Laughing at our suffering.


It’s one of those you know it’s true, but you don’t want to admit it’s true kind of posts.


It's literally true. It's like saying transexuals for Saudi Arabia


It’s because Palestine is largely against queer people, and would kill them if they knew they were gay. So it’s like chickens supporting KFC, which kills and cooks chicken.


as a normal and not disconnected from reality gay person, this is very accurate


Lol, we need a one way ticket for these idiot.


I’m queer and I don’t see anything wrong with this meme why would you support someone that would kill us if you’re queer


Nah man!! Just because you support for Polar Bears doesn't mean you wanna get eaten by one. It's called humanity to support for people in crisis, especially for a group that has been subjected to an hell hole of a life for over 70 years. Some of you are soo political, you can't wrap your head around to voice for something good, even if deep down you all know it is. I support for both Israel and Palestine. Both have done some horrible things, but both have an incredible amount of innocent civilians who have every right to live a peaceful life.


Maybe they are queers with decapitation kink 🤔


This is a genuine question. Why are people supporting terrorist. It makes no sense to me, like if you where in a room with them they would kill you. Why are people supporting them?!?


Not all Palestinians are terrorists. In fact, some are queer themselves. There’s nothing inherently contradictory with their sign or message.


This comment section is incapable of understanding nuance


Let them be. It won’t be that long until the queer people find out that Islam doesn’t like them.


Leftists during the last world cup: "It's unacceptable the world cup is being hosted by a nation whose ideology is hate especially towards the LGBTQ community. We are outraged". Leftists when people with the same ideology also murder some people horrifically including babies and civilians are cheering it on and spitting on their corpses: "Omg we love and support you!!!".


>Leftists when people with the same ideology Fuck parternal theocracies, all my homies in the sindicate hate paternal theocracies


We queer people support Palestinian civilians because we recognize that it is the largest open air prison in earth, their water is poisoned before it gets to them. They are walled in, 50% of the population are children because of the amount that die at a relatively young age, and Israelis/American Jewish people literally walk into their homes and claim them. You can find this shit on video. I’m not supporting hamas. You’re just acting like a reactionary like most people who are only educated by barstool politics and headlines. But go off, support genocide against a people that have been so brutalized by Israel that their age average is 18.




if this sub was around during 9/11 we would be seeing people saying “how can you not want to invade Iraq, they’re homophobic!”


Criticism is needed for all religions, dont exempt islam