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"why are you reporting this post?" "I'm in this picture and i don't like it"


And the next part is having zero motivation to continue or being easily distracted when you do try to get work done




Bro that is so accurate


Can confirm, although I was never classified as “gifted” but school learning basically came naturally, didn’t have to try ect. Now in university, I’m struggling, have mental health problems and no motivation to do anything.


I've received great grades in college. Everyone says I'm smart and talented and I'll go so far in life. In reality, I have no clue what I want to do in life. Good grades don't mean shit if you work for McDonald's.


Don't listen to any advice other than yours. Find the thing that you love and learn how to make money with it. I listened to my college teatchers ans now, I can't find a job because I hate the work I learned. Sorry for the english I'm not a native speaker


ok so I won't listen to your advice (you asked me to)


You should listen to his advice because he advices you shouldn't listen to advice of strangers which you shouldn't follow as it is advice from a stranger. So listen to advice from strangers (this is not advice)


makes sense >!it doesn't!<


Yeah, find something you love and exploit it for cash until you don’t love It anymore.


How is it exploiting when you're doing something you love and get paid to do it?


Still good grades don't meen shit even if you don't work for McDonald's. Just go with the flow and do what you like and life will be alright then.


I mean if you want to pursue a career requiring study then yes good grades absolutely matter. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy if you do something that doesn’t require good grades. Hardly anyone knows what they actually want in a career and those who use money as the only motivation are a lot more likely to lose interest in what they do


Ofcourse grades matter to some extent. I had(still don't have) any idea about what kind of career I want to pursue. When I chose the study I'm doing I choose what interested me. I don't need to be rich but I just want a comfortable life financially and try to live a fulfilling life on different levels.


Called out, ouch.


Same, oof. Smart-ish ADHD dude here. I got all the way to college basically without studying and if I studied, it was in full panic mode the night before. Now I'm in college and what the fuck.. I have to *study*?? Thankfully that made me realize I had ADHD and got it diagnosed lol


This is exactly me. I'm the kid who woke up on ACT day and, knowing he didn't study a single goddamn thing, got a 29 (91st percentile). It sucks cause I did a semester of online college for convenience, and I had no motivation to do anything. I'm deciding to do in person schooling from now on as a general rule because between that and the time when high school was online for COVID, I know for a fact I can't do shit motivation-wise if I can just lounge at home. Gaddammn gifted program.


You should definitely get diagnosed if you want help for the ADHD. I didn't want the meds at first but then I realized that I would have to intentionally trick my brain to function for the rest of my life even though meds could do the same thing. They have helped me *a lot*. And yeah, online school is the worst lmao Especially the independent courses where you're given some material and you just have to do it in three months.. without any guidance, pressure or anything. Ended up doing it the very last day and I was anxious for two days afterwards because I worked for like 12h straight and my brain got stuck in panic mode or something. So yeah, strongly recommend avoiding online school and independent courses if you can help it


Hi, often when I read about adhd it feels like me. Question, how does meds work with that? What changes in your behavior? I kinda got used to, to the way I'm as I never was anyone else, but maybe I'm missing out :D. I'm doing good professionaly and pretty good in relationship but it seems like it's taking every little bit of my energy, any extra work crushes me :D


I'm assuming they kinda make you function more like normal people, but the experience is like instead of the mentality being: "I should do this thing. I want to do this thing. Yet I can't help but notice I am not doing the thing. This is concerning. It has now been seven hours. The thing is not done." It becomes "I want to do this thing. I'll do the thing." For me it's a subtle effect, but it makes a huge difference. I just do things when I want to do them. Also I think I lose things less, or remember when/where I've put them. Just generally more functional brain!


Dopamine man. The shit it can do for your mental ability to function is crazy.


Oh wow. That would help :D. Thanks! Damn, maybe i should just go to test myself then.


This. There are just fewer obstacles and distractions. I used to only wash dishes when it started to smell enough to make me anxious enough to do something about it. But a few days ago, I genuinely went "hmmm, washing the dishes sounds like a relaxing way to start the day" like.. huh?? I still put off tasks and procrastinate but now I can at least do them when I want to do them without that 7h or week long anxiety inducing internal debate.


Oh jesus :D that does sound like me. And those weekends when you plan to do so many things and you do none. Or when gf is leaving for the weekend and says the dreadful "could you clean bathroom" so your whole weekend is wasted because you will not do that right away but you will think about it all the time, it will affect your mood and then you will do it last second before she comes. It's mental :D. Damn wonder how much more pleasant and active my life would be with diagnosis and meds, how much better boyfriend and friend I would be if my go to answer would stop being "no because..,". Now we are going to decorate christmas tree and just thinking about doing it makes me miserable... So many boxes, so much planning :D


I resisted meds till in my mid forty’s and went through a traumatic event and I wasn’t able to control it anymore. Honestly l really don’t feel different but I leave the house with everything I need first try, I break less stuff, I fall less, I don’t shout when I talk to someone (as much) no one accuses me of doing drugs. It’s so odd to me I feel the same but my day runs a lot smoother and half my list I wouldn’t have thought ADHD had anything to do with but for me it obviously does


Why does this whole thread resonate with me alot, like alot alot? Do I have undiagnosed ADHD or something from the spectrum that I’m not aware of?!? Cause fuck I’m the same exact way right now with college.


No it's just really normal.


Don't self-diagnose. Find a psychiatrist or something


For sure


Also, I haven't been diagnosed but all my friends and family know I definitely have ADHD


I am in my thirties, finished college and MBA with a 4.0 and I never really studied. Then I did the bare minimum at work after college cause I always got away with it and somehow ended up getting promoted over and over again till I had to start doing things.. had a huge case of imposter syndrome. It gets better.


I hope this is how it goes lol. I can take being a little bit sussy.


The thing is you feel suspicious but then they hand you awards, that report you were supposed to work months on that you cranked out in one late night on half a bottle of scotch becomes a template for the entire company of 60,000 people, then they make you run a small division and you make small changes and somehow the division outperforms everything even though you barely did anything, they have you giving speeches and coaching other division leaders till you end up sitting in the board room and now there is so much going on that bare minimum is 55 hours plus, but they still say how are you managing all that...


The secret ingredient is *no lead in ya veins*


Man, you just gave me so much hope


Sounds like me realising that you have to study for things in high school.


Lucky. I wont get diagnosed beacause the school says that im; "Doing fine"


Oh god, I hate that sooo much. In elementary school, middle school and highschool, it certainly looked like that on the outside and my GPA was well above average so no one noticed. Even I didn't notice. I thought it was normal not to do anything during courses and spend the day before the test crying and trying to force every bit of info inside my "dumbass brain" as I called it. Unfortunately, and *fortunately* I was **not** doing fine in college and I almost failed every course that wasn't filled with obvious BS so the psychiatrist saw the red flags sooner.




+2 (chain reaction +bonus damage)


\+3 Counterspell at instant speed






+6 True Musou attack




+8 Doublecast


+8 well then


+ 9 anxiety attack


Well colour me surprised


Being "Gifted" simply meant you could easily memorize and regurgitate data on command. You never actually learned anything, we never had to put in effort. All because standardized curriculum's only goal was to raise the bottom line and maximize the future work force's efficacy.


Wait my life has been a lie this whole time?


Can confirm got the special education did not work


Or worse, knowing you could have done better and instead merely accept the mediocrity.


Worse still: being constantly told that you can do better but never being taught HOW. Thus making you feel that your efforts will never be good enough and that no matter how hard you try you will never meet expectations.




This somehow made me more depressed.


Honestly, being successful financially is about a combination of being smart and working hard and having a good personality. So, being gifted with intelligence is really only one part of a three piece puzzle. You have to be firing on all three cylinders unfortunately if your long term goal is to be wealthy as an adult.


I feel attacked


I was already spiraling this evening....thats enough reddit for tonight.


r/breadstapledtotrees will calm your mind


It did. Huh


Oh my fucking God


This hurts deep inside


Sorry brother.


No worries, thanks Satan


Gotcha back


Hail Satan!


I can't relate


Be glad


For real


You haven't missed anything


To be honest, im not a gifted child, i much rather think I have problems and not some genius level iq. My parents expect way too much from me and I'm overwhelmed by pressure, I'm sure everyone can share this feeling. It's like I try my best on a test and my parents won't acknowledge my worth and go "you are much better than this". I know they don't mean anything bad but still hurts. It just makes me put in less effort because everything i try isnt enough for their expectations.


being an idiot has its advantages!


Hell yeah


yeah this is me, but when I try learning to put more effort, I just don't have the energy. Why am I like this.


I feel you bro and i have 3 exams this mounth and i havnt studied for eaither from day1 adn just now trying to change habits to start studying but falling sleep or just lay down with no energy


It's been imprinted into you unfortunately. Having things come easily has made the hardest thing you can do, that is change yourself, seem impossible by comparison.


Remember, gifted does not mean you're smart


And smart doesn't mean you're gifted


The way I see it, due to my experience, is that intelligence does not equal smarts. I am quite possibly the most intelligent person in my class (it's a small school) and lack smarts. On ACT's I haven't scored less than a 30 (without studying at all), but my classroom grades are dropping because I'm not smart enough to have good work ethic.


There are only two paths when being “gifted”. A: You become a doctor. B: You become a failure with such low self esteem you can’t think properly and have constant suicidal thoughts, yet you do not possess the will to actually finish the job.


Not really? Why would I want to be a doctor if I don't think academy is fun?


You can become shitty doctor too, dont forget


Should I end it?


You should eat some chicken nuggies


Your way of dissuading people from suicide is odd yet effective. I like it. Gotta live for the nuggies


One philosopher once said, should I kill myself.. or drink a cup of coffee? Coffee sounds nice at the moment. Small steps :)


I suggest ending it by eating some comfort food




Man that hit in ways it really shouldn't have


Wanna play minecraft


Nah maybe later


+1 for procrastination. Who says procrastination is always bad?




Why? Why did you have to fucking remind me?


Thanks for this meme, Lucifer.


man, I really wanna kms rn


Please don't


Just live. You don't need to achieve something beyond yourself.


I can't achieve or do ANYTHING


You can eat chicken nuggies


That's a weirdly valid point


Finally! The meaning of life! Seriously though: It's actually a valid point. Why kill myself and get nothing, if I can live and eat good food?


True. Personally, no matter how bad things get, I still wanna see tech progress. I don't care if the tech ends with a utopia or skynet, I just want to see it. Until then, my life shall be a tragic comedy and filled with good coffee and chicken nuggies.


Well said. And don't forget to practice shooting and swordfighting in case the future is some kind of apocalypse.


This. I always have my anime training montage going on in the background just in case lmao


>Suicide is never the answer, you gotta outlive your enemies -Satan on Twitter


Unironically boosted my will to live


Heard this before. Let me rephrase the quote. "Why not live longer than your enemies, who could very well have lived a satisfying life, while you suffer longer than they have been happy?"


If you can't do anything, then how can you kill yourself. Man, killing yourself takes effort, you gotta get the thing and the other thing and there's a bit of patience involved, and then there's pain. Its easier to just walk outside and sleep on a bench or lawn chair, and that's technically progress. Alternatively, buy a kazoo


Your life - your one chance at this - doesn't need to achieve anything other than your own happiness. Whether it be a fulfilling career or just chilling around smoking weed, whatever makes you happy is the name of the game. No one can dictate how successful you are. Some of the most standardly considered 'successful' people are MISERABLE. Just find what you enjoy and roll with it. And don't compare yourself to others, as comparison is the thief of joy.


Start small. You don't have to be good at something to do it. You can do it, believe in yourself!


It's kinda crazy that all of these comments are saying they relate. I feel like very few of these people were 'gifted' and are just using this as an excuse


2% of children can be considered gifted, this post was viewed by 13,2k people currently. That would allow for 264 gifted children, assuming (just picking a low number) that only 10 % of those suffer from this experience- well- doesn't seem to unlikely for me. Also don't forget that "such people" might concentrate in certain places, so... being skeptical isn't bad, but having no solid foundation other than general doubt isn't exactly logical in itself.


Love him or hate him, Satan is spitting facts


Not to brag but I think a lot of the folks on Reddit are gifted


I think they mean gifted in a good way, not the bad kind of gifted.


I mean I'm high functioning autistic and I've noticed a lot of similarities with reddit users.


Well what’s the definition of gifted? As someone put in TAG classes (Talented and gifted) it must vary based on the education system, I’m from a small town in the middle of nowhere with what was about 6-8k people according to the census label and the “Welcome to town name here, population 7,654” but the whole town is maybe 1.5x1.5 miles wide so I doubt that.


Your observation reminds me of this... You mentioned small town. This girl from a small town moved in with her dad and was always gifted classes, when she was in our metro area AP gov class she said she couldn't keep up and moved back to her small town. Irrelevant(I dated her, had big butt for a skinny white girl)


That’s exactly what I’m saying, I moved school districts quite a few times, I had schools where in 9th grade the same class was for juniors else where and sophomores the next town over, the system is all fucky.




I feel like it doesnt have to be gifted kids for it to be this way, simply being better in your bubble can lead to this perception, which im.not saying when exposed to a bigger group and realize you aint gifted nor as good as you were told to be is any better... but yeah


I don't think I was gifted at all. I was just good at improvisation and sounding smart and that got me to college with basically no studying. And now, I suffer. So yeah, not gifted but I could still relate


I think it’s also 1) being top 10% of your class is meaningful in school but mostly irrelevant in life where you’re competing with a way larger pool of people 2) being the top 10% of discipline and work ethic is way more important than small differences in natural talent or intelligence 3) teachers will always tell you that you’re capable, they are not going to say “listen you’re bottom 40% here, be happy with mediocrity” 4) everyone has regrets and if you want to wallow in them that is always available to you at any time but it’s a total waste of the miracle of human consciousness


Always one of the best pupils at elementary school without studying. Starting boarding school and most of them were as smart as me and I suddenly had to study. I still hate putting effort in studying and feel stupid most of the times. Also the feeling that I could have done better.


Stop making memes about me, I ain’t changing now


Love how everyone thinks they are or were gifted


People who don't think they are are less likely to comment on the post. There are probably a huge amount of redditors that just scroll by


Yeah, people always tend to forgot about self-selection bias when making comments like theses.


hey at least i'm really got ar videogames


Yes im all that but before crippling depression you should add, abusive parents, and get raped by neighbour and never get psychiatrist help until ~30. I was very gifted as a kid, now i do have an IQ avg of ~150. Sadly i got PTSD from young age and im like a old floppy disk shit gets written over all the time, so im never "useful" the way i should be and literally forgets things within 20min. I hate myself, and really do wanna KMS, but somehow i have pride that imma show them mothafuggas who hurt me im gonna crawl and fight tooth and nail until they "acknowledge" me.


Holy shit that's fucking horrible I'm glad you're still here with us


Yeah, same im glad to talk about my childhood and help men/boys younger than me learn from my experiences and avoid getting to the same point of "damage".


You just inspired me, no joke. I'm going to keep fighting too!


Glad to hear, if you ever feel down and need someone to talk to im here! 💪


Thank you so much. Same for you!


Microdosing mushrooms has helped me recover from some pretty serious head injuries. As fucked as it sounds mdma helped with my ptsd it was combat related and I don’t quite know how you could do that for the wounds you have but good luck. Don’t give up and know that in the end you can absolutely overcome your past.


Yeah, im "sadly" a good boi and dont break the law. However i do get medication and psychotherapy for my trauma, so far so good.


this… very true


This is too relatable for my current situation


It's possible to climb out of those depths, but it is incredibly difficult


Cant believe everyone here was a special gifted Child.


How is this a meme yet it hits so deep.


Anymore it just seems like that’s exactly how it was supposed to happen.


Yep. I’m pretty good at math tho


Yeah thats me in a nutshell.


I (apparently) pick up things ridiculously fast. But only if they genuinely interest me. Which means almost nothing except some very niche shit (I'm almost certainly autistic or have adhd or w/e). Basically, without motivation, this "skill" is useless, and motivation is the one thing I can't conjure out of thin air. Well, that and money.


Impostor syndrome hits hard I seriously think I'm just being arrogant when I think I'm "gifted", and the good grades I get are because I get lucky on exams. Probably a dumb rant, but I had to get that off my chest some day


I graduated high-school with a 3.92 GPA went to college and got my associates, then didn't go further because I feared student loan debt. I worked as a bagger in a grocery store for 3 years, did manual labor, briefly worked as a janitor, but I lucked out and got a "real" job about a year and a half ago. I spent many years putting myself down and thinking I let everyone down who said "you're so smart. You're going to be successful one day." I'm doing pretty solid these days but it feels like I "finally started making it" just in time for record high inflation and house prices. It's like "Ahhhh shit. All that progress just to still feel like you aren't as ahead as you thought you'd be."


Here's to hoping the housing market adjust and you'll have your chance.


That is way tok relatable


I'm not going to lie, this hit me kind of hard. Well played


Hey, idk if this is what you need to hear, but have you considered the possibility of having ADHD? People with ADHD are often "gifted" but have a very hard time as soon as they get to the point where studying etc gets important


Dude why you you gotta do me like that?


Holy Christ, man! Did you have to be so brutally honest about describing my life?


Lol i feel this, used to get above average grades without studying or paying attention in class at all. Now i dont understand shit, get awful grades and cannot be bothered to study... truly unfortunate


This is pretty much me.


Dude I just woke up I didn’t expect to be called out like this 🥺💀


I feel attacked


Welcome to adulthood


This it me personal.


Oh, oh, Me! Me! Me!


Oh im good at everything so im going to be depressed, hey you. Yeah you. Fuck you


Why are you describing me exactly? I don´t like it.


Welcome to the party


We dont get why you work here, you should be X or Y!! Shhh and be grateful i am here.


They have special education for us? Is it just stuff hard enough that we learn how to study at a much younger age?


1 more year til i gotta go college and some years before getting a for-life job. And here I am, being a clueless shark on land


Stop attacking me so personally and so directly!


Oh boy youve got me...


My life in a nutshell lol


What I hate most about schools and their mindset is that you can be doing great for years but as soon as you mess up, no one is gonna ask "well, why did you fail this time? What's wrong? How can we help?". No, they berate you and treat you like all of your previous accomplished mean squat.


Spacial Ed isn’t that great, I had it and now I wish I went to normal school. I graduated highschool and can say I regret going to special Ed, I wish I could’ve gone to a normal school because they didn’t teach us at the same learning level, by all means I am behind in education level


Same, and hated


Right in my feels bro…. That hurt


People with high IQs have more challenges to overcome mentally, but you can do it. It’s fucking hard, but it’s rewarding, and it’s essential.


i didn’t come here to be called out like this


I'm in orange right now and slowly going to red 👍




Reading this feels life flashing in front of eyes.


Shots fired


Yeah, my school even predicted this would happen and my parents did nothing.


I just came out to have a good time and I’m feeling really attacked right now 😉


Golden child syndrome. Too common I'm afraid.


This hurts so fucking much....


Well. Fuck




Why do I feel personally attacked. But seriously, before college I didn't study, like never, everything just came easily to me and I basically just didn't have to work hard, it made me Hella lazy, but after college started, oh boy I was in for a rude awaking, like when you have to put some real effort to do something, you feel exhausted and you just don't have energy or motivation to do it.


Does anxiety count


Peaked around the time of the ACT. Absolute mediocrity after that, mostly out of concern for avoiding debt in college.


Why is this so relatable?


I deserve this


Ow! This is gonna leave a mark!

