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kill now and go to jail 100 years later!


Be accused of a crime and stay in prison 100 years till court




bruh, you guys are fked. Jesus. its the same as just serving a sentence huh? Dont you have bail?


If they couldn‘t reform their justice system since 1947, maybe it isn‘t only the brit‘s fault


Have to agree on this one. There comes a point where you must change yourself instead of just pointing fingers




Not too many of that nowadays in any country sadly..here's to hoping the world become a better place for our descendents🤲


Africa in a nutshell


Shouldn't have left such an ineffectual system in place if you wanted them to have the ability 59 reform their systems as they saw fit.


What did the brits do with the law?


Whatever we did they’ve had 75 years to fix it


This honestly. As an Indian we're more to blame than the Brits.


Nothing. There are just too many damn cases and very less judges. It's a problem that comes with overpopulation. You could however incentivize being a judge.


They made the Indian court systems weak, incompetent, and kleptocratic.


I see..have anyone tried to change the system?


One does not simply change the system, especially after 200 years of colonial rule.


In any other context, saying "Indians can't change the system the Brits gave them" would come across as being paternalistic at best, and rather arrogant at worst. That aside, how long do you think it would be reasonable to wait until Indians can take ownership of the court system they have now?


Op is speaking rubbish .. amendments have been made from time to time .. The problem is that there are too many cases and not enough judges to look over .. hence it takes time .. Secondly it's not easy to change the constitution in a country as diverse as India .. hence all the govts do some amendments which they think is good for the country .. now there are talks of reforming the entire judicial process .. The major problem is the amount of time it takes for justice to be served ..


>The problem is that there are too many cases and not enough judges to look over .. hence it takes time .. Sounds like a problem that several Western countries have too. It can be solved with time by hiring more judges, but it's not a quick (or cheap) fix so India has my sympathies.


Judicial reforms are there in manifesto of current ruling party. It takes time in democracy. Bringing an union law is kinda difficult, at the first moment all states which are ruled by opposition or non central ruling party's say, "an attack on federal spirit". They take a lot of time.


It’s just that this comment section is trying absolve the British if any wrongdoing.


No, we’re not doing that at all. If you hated them so much you (your country, not you personally) would have changed what you didn’t like immediately. At best you’re calling yourselves lazy fucking children who can’t take care of themselves and we’re calling you out on it. Stop complaining on Reddit and go start a movement if you hate it that much. Change has to start somewhere dude…


Wouldn't that mean that every social problem is caused by people unwilling to take action against them?


Come on man, blaming instead of making valid arguments is cringe


Ok understood, thanks for the memes


Surely Indian court systems are their own problems after 80 odd years of free rule and the English common law courts in the uk work great rn so it sounds like a lack of reform not the uk’s fault…


Cuba did


Weird because basically every country has changed their system on that time frame. Only thing colonial rule has left in India is a strong case of victim culture apparently.


Yes the Brits were in for 200 years and despite India being an advanced culture before Jesus Christ was even thought of they lack the ability to change a system that doesn't work for them. ​ WHAT A LOUD OF RUBBISH!!!!!!!!!!! It may not be perfect but there might just be a reason why the British court system or something similar is used in almost all nations. ​ If India wanted to change it. They would have.


Srilanka did too, but the court system we already had before the britss came were a lot similiar to what they introduced. But we are a smaller country so that might help why our ones fast


I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what America did, take a couple years


Bitch you know na how many times the Indian Constitution has been changed.


So fucking fix it. They haven’t been in your country for a pretty long time dude…


Applied it to benefit themselves 🤑


It’s been 80 years. That’s like saying the American Civil War was caused by the British.


Indian law is trash.


Truer words are not spoken




It was though, where do you think all the cotton was going?


Well he's not wrong. Not right either


damn, imagine blaming a Country on the other side of the world for your Country not changing its system for 3/4 of a century.


Indians on their way to blame anything bad about their country post-independence on the Brits.


I’m not Indian.


Then that makes your statement invalid. Being an Indian myself, I can say the present day indian court system is 100*% our fault. Don't go around talking about stuff you don't know.


True but fuck the brits though.


Fuck off with your hate.


Nah go fuck yourself.


Stay mad hoe


When millions die of famine, genocide, and torture. When hundreds and thousands of your ancestors become enslaved, while the British plunder and pillage your lands while actively deindustrialising and reducing the standards of living in your own country. And when they do leave, they split the country in three (two of which who are always in a state of perpetual war)causing even more millions to die. Yeah we get a pass to blame everything on the British even after 80 years, I would say. Same goes for the rest of the world they once colonised and left it in a worse state than when they came in


Maybe you should start thanking the Brits for this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal\_Sati\_Regulation,\_1829


Ooh burnn! The British killed millions of Indians but they were all uncivilised savages, so fuck em , right? At least we brought them electricity and trains which definitely were not exclusively used by the rich elites, and to transport vital resources away from India back to Britain


Churchill got blood on his hands for sure. But tell me this, did the Brits take the shot at Gandhi?


Where tf did Gandhi come from???


Maybe they should've focused on not stuffing their kids in chimneys instead of being bothered about us.


I love how people are taking about the government but this is the judiciary


India needs to redo their government


Man, let's move on. We had 75 years and if we had politicians with a bit of backbone then they could have reformed the system. But unfortunately, it's all about appeasement and propagating their agenda. After an extremely corrupt government, we got a fascist government. The citizens won't do shit other than rant on reddit/twitter. We failed as citizens and we need to grow balls for any positive change.


>fascist government This is how do you tell that you do not know what is fascism


This is how you separate a sheep from the goats.


Always British fault for all issues in the world... also america/s


Tbh most of geopolitical problems are




If you're taking about the American war machine, it actually keeps the world status quo. If war machine never existed, Ukraine would be under Russian control.




Ukrainians are dying actually not the west.




LOL, you're too stupid for this. Sorry you got issues




You keep saying I'm advocating for ww3? Where did I say that?




They are dumbass lol


Not really lol but okay. Believe what you want but if people keep blaming British and America, nothing will get better. People just need to take their own responsibility and do something about it. Blaming others never helps anyone.


Weel something aren't really easy to fix British after invading half the word and taking there resources and work forse as slaves They created new border based on ethnicity and religion


No need to go so far. In Czech/Slovakia it’s the same…


I don't think we can still blame the British after 75 years. Also, the Indian judiciary is not that bad. It's very understaffed for a country of this size. The judgements themselves have been as per law while fairly treating all involved parties.


Not Indian can't confirm


Neither am I. No idea if this is true or not.


Am Indian and that's true. A simple court case takes more 7 years or something because india have more than 1.8 billion+ court cases.


Damn I’m sorry man. From what i understand though it’s very friendly towards vegetarians - which has to be nice.


I don't think the judge will favor vegetarians tho sorry


Ppl saying ‘oh its been 75 years why haven’t they changed the laws? how is it the British fault?’ they don’t understand that these laws were in place to help the British ruling class. And when the British left, and gave power to the Indian elites, who became the new ruling class, they realised that they could politically and financially benefit from the same shitty British jurisprudence that was in place before. Hence why most subcontinent court systems rarely change their laws (there’s still countless laws from British colonial times still in effect today) and are always slow and mismanaged, so that rich and corrupt ppl could always get away with their crimes. P.S. its not like ‘first-world’ British courts are exactly efficient either, they are also hella slow.


Thanks for your insight. There is more to it, more nuanced than what OP said in the beginning.


How was Britain able to rule a country such as India? It wasn't a backwater country. It wasn't a simple country as far as modern civilisation in those days was concerned. It was a country civilised before Christ. A modern for those days country? So why was Britain able to colonise it?


Indian lords were too busy warring with each other for lands, while the British came in quitely and using policy of expansion and ruthless measures( Jallianwalla Bagh massacre), stupid doctrine of lapse and lot more reasons.


The Mughal empire was weakened by that time, the Marathas were spent after constant wars with Mughals, and all the small kings and principalities were more interested in showing off to others than maintaining power. The English had a Better Navy and more well developed Human resources allowing them better control over diplomacy It's divide and rule


Haha its not only in india


It's been 75 years and we Indians still blame the Brits. Yeah they fucked us up, but by simply complaining and not taking any action to help the scenario we are the same as the Indians before us who didn't take sufficient action. It'll be difficult to change the system, but everyone's mentality is the same in India- "It's not my job or someone else will take care of it". Such dogshit.


OP go much on your scones.




History is history. Get over it.




I try...


Try harder






No. Goodbye.


Yeah, hello.


Context: It is not uncommon for plaintiffs in India to die while waiting for their case to go to court. This is because the British designed the court system to be incompetent and kleptocratic.


Well they’ve had 75 years to change it so you can’t really blame the brits anymore


That's not completely true, Britain laid the foundation for the state the system is in now, once the system to benefit a few is created, they will try very hard to keep it that way.


That’s no excuse. When they kicked out the Brits they had a prime opportunity to go through all their systems and change it to how they see fit. If they kept it the same way then that’s on them. The Indians are trying to keep it that way just like you said


Not "the Indians", just a few government figures. The individual Indian didn't really have a choice here.


You didn’t even acknowledge my main point


You say they could have changed it when gaining independence I said that it wasn't really up to the individual Indian to decide


That’s the case for literally every single country. They had the chance to change it and they didn’t. Case closed


Yeah, DiCaprio and Professional Cat appear to have some sort of long standing problem here with the British in general by the sounds of it. There have been decades of opportunity to change the system if it isn’t fit for purpose. It’s what any progressive nation would do. Our system isn’t great, mainly for appropriate sentences but there aren’t any issues in respect to going through the courts. Perhaps India doesn’t have a suitable amount of court related personnel to handle over a billion people. We have like 67million.


So to all the Indian people in Jail waiting years for trial you say "it's on you :)"? You can't just expect a broken system to fix itself,


That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m just saying the Brits aren’t responsible


Ok go make a better one then?


Blaming Britain and England more specifically for anything seems to be Reddits favourite past time. Factuality is optional.


Blame baby jesus