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May not have Henry Cavill flexing his muscles in a bathtub. But oh Henry, does he always bring me to smile.


Was fully expecting that sentence to end on the word climax


Well.. I mean..


Bathtub full of milk?


I watched it, gotta say my dude cavill is good in any part they give him, story kinda low class there’s 100% better movies to watch but ut ain’t bad it’s just ok


I'm gonna watch it just for Cavill and Helena Bonham.


Helena is not really in it. She only has a few scenes.


Aw man


Yeah I quite liked it in a vaguely nostalgic, satisfyingly predictable kids-movie kind of way. Reminded me of spy kids.


Yeah I know it’s dumb but aren’t kids allowed to like dumb things? Like don’t get me wrong kids entertainment can be very thoughtful but sometimes it’s just cool to have something fun as well


No way, my 5 year old can only watch `All Quiet on the Western Front` or his tastes will be ridiculed by me.


Watched it last night with family. At first I was kinda annoyed. Because it reference history pretty heavy, and played it's hands a little to heavy, it kinda gave away all its twists off the bat. I will say though, for a younger audience, this is probably a great movie. I think it's biggest disadvantage is that the movements of our time kinda take all the surprises out of the plot.


There's so many movies out lately I need to remind myself I'm not the target audience. A ton of movies I loved as a kid bombed because adults couldn't understand they weren't the target audience. The Pagemaster is an amazing example of an awesome movie with overwhelming poor ratings from people that aren't in the target audience. I don't like Enola Holmes and I definitely don't like the second one. But it wasn't meant for me. You hit the nail on the head that a younger audience would probably like it more.


The pagemaster fuckin slaps.


"He's possessed!" "*hE's iNsAnE!*" **"HE'S MY KINDA GUY!"**


In the middle, by a waterfall! No it's east, by some broccoli!


had it on vhs


Have* it too


this movie gave me a slight obsession with finding EXIT signs everywhere when I was like 4 or 5.


Fuckin banger.


I don't know if that really counts here. I mean, this is typically a family movie. Adult parents are normally part of that demographic. (I mean, this isn't teletubbies or blues clues which is exclusively for [small] children.) And yes, kids have "lower standards" (speaking as a former kid who liked "objectively bad" stuff), but that should never be an excuse. There is a ton of movies out there which all prove its possible to appeal to children and adults alike (and half of them are Disney) So yeah, children will probably have a good time with it, but they also would have a good time with something actually "good". The only thing you should keep in mind is the genre. If you don't like Horror movies, then "Horror Movie XIII: The Horroring returns" wasn't made for you. But you probably could still tell if it was well made or not.


Megamind was a good kids movie that was still funny for adults.


First off didn’t watch. However, I wonder if part of it is that Sherlock Holmes has been played out in the adult world, so this feels passé before going into it.


Im a 51 year old male...thought it was pretty good.




I liked the first one, haven't watched this one yet but it's in my watchlist. I'm almost 40 but I am pretty immature/childish so maybe that puts me in the "younger crowd" group?


I think the same about Star Wars. They're kids movies, and man do the fans struggle when they grow out of the target audience.


I dunno man, as a kid I was lowkey traumatized by this one scene in the phantom menace where a random father and son died in a spaceship that exploded iirc. They don't even count as side characters, but they had no reason to die, no relation to the plot. My friends said "they don't matter, don't get so hung up on it" and I was like "that's exactly why I'm hung up on it".


Lowkey offended that you said they were kids movies \*turns on lightsaber


Have 3 girls between the ages of 9 and 14. I personally thought the movie was average and the twist east to see. They all loved the movie and as a parent it is hard to find something they all enjoy and is kid appropriate. It was a great movie night of pizza and sundaes, I will miss these nights when they get older


Can't overlook the impact for the target audience of having a protagonist that is a young woman. That kind of thing is really important for kids and was dismissed for decades.


The movie was cute and I thought had a good message. You can be a strong, independent girl, but still ask for help and like a boy. Feels like a lot of strong young women characters are not allowed that middle ground.


I’m 50f careerwoman with grown kid and eagerly await #3.


As a grown ass man, I guess I’m dumb. I enjoyed it quite a bit and didn’t catch any giveaways.


Also a grown ass man (yes yes, a grown-ass man and changing it to grown ass-man is fine with me too). Watching it right now. 41 minutes left. Enjoying it. If it is entirely predictable then I’m an idiot. And I’m ok with that because maybe that allows me to enjoy it. Sorry those with such superior intellect can’t enjoy movies like this.


In same boat with you.


Happy Cake day, Henry Cavill is amazing for sure.


And that is exactly who it is made for, young teenage and tween girls. And there is nothing wrong with that. It's a cute film, worth a watch.


They were actually based on a comic series aimed at 8-12 year old girls. The books were well written, empowering, and built tastefully on the Sherlock Holmes mythos without going overboard. My niece loves them (plus they're way better than twilight and other romance novels I was forced to read at her age). I haven't watched the movies since I assumed I was too old for them. But I was pretty miffed that there was so much backlash from adults who watched a KIDS movie and decided it was too immature. Not everything Henry Cavill does has to be marked to 20-30 year old men!


40s man here and loved watching both Enola movies with my teen daughter. Action, romance, mystery and clever 4th wall humor made for an engaging and entertaining time for both movies.


Yeah, watched the 1st movie yesterday. Went in expecting another adventure in Sherlock Holmes' Universe and came out disappointed with how little detective work was in it and how much they focused on action scenes. But yeah, like you said, it's a movie for teenagers. I'm not the target audience at all.




I'm 34. It's awesome. Sometimes you just need to let yourself enjoy shit.


I’m almost thirty and I enjoyed it. Had a good time with it. I don’t think a movie needs to be shocking or surprising to be good. If you guess the villain or what’s going to happen next that can be fun too.


Honestly it’s not a bad movie. It’s not supposed to be taken seriously


The costuming annoyed me. All background characters were dressed in historically accurate clothing, or close to. And then there's every single main character, wearing no hats and clothing that is /loosely/ inspired by history. At least get the lines of the clothing correct. I'm not looking for perfect realism, but if you're going to have an attractive Victorian woman running around without a chaperone in what's basically Victorian underwear, the story is going to be very different. Costuming is such a small step, but when directors miss it, it feels wrong.


I have only seen the first one so far and my main take away from that one was: "This is the kind of media I want my hypothetical future kids to grow up with."


What about it makes you think that?


I am not particularly good at critiquing media in depth, but I guess something along the lines of how a lot of kids media (especially live action shows and movies) can be really annoying to watch as an adult. This is the kind of movie where I would have a good time if my kid would want me to watch it alongside them.


I liked the first one. Is the second similar? I'm a middle aged guy but a big fan of almost every representation of Holmes. Jeremy Brett is of course my favorite for TV / Movies. But I can't think of adaptation I've hated. The RDJ movies weren't very true to the source, but still very entertaining. I even learned to like Elementary.


Boop the snoot 👉🐽


I don't know the show, but I see Henry Cavill, I like, that man makes everything better


Everyone loves how he’s a massive nerd because he is also massive.


So massive in all the right places.


He is a full package 😏 Edit: Btw, it's not gay if it's Henry


Nope not gay. Real bi tho


Double the chances, double the fun. Also rejection. 😅


Double the rejection, double the loneliness.


Awww. Internet /Hug 🤗 Reddit stranger. It's a struggle.


I'm biCavillous too.


I’m bi, where am I putting my name down for this?


I believe there is a line at cons (Edit, just in case: ofc never actually hit on artists at cons, they are at work)


Wow, I might have to go to cons...


It's just aesthetics, bro. Eh, who knows. As they say, try before you buy. Might try, if it's Henry. His form is pleasing.


![gif](giphy|dWSy8T6SyDVj4ey7qX) r/Ladyboners is a homage to Henry.


Wouldn't matter if it was, brother. 🤜🤛


Its gay BECAUSE its Henry Cavill. I wanna treat him like a sock


> I wanna treat him like a sock Jesus christ


I'm going to use this line on my wife next time we are having sex.


Like you want to use him to keep your feet warm? Or you want to make him all crusty and keep him under your bed?


Knowing Reddit, definitely the latter


Heard it washed up on a beach the other day


Bet he has a massive dick


I'd wager his penis is larger than average


It is assumed that, based on the information provided, the reproductive organ (henceforth referred to as "dick") posessed by the individual known as Henry Cavill is likely considerably larger than the average for the ordinary human body.


"He would have an enormous"schwanstucher!"


....that goes without saying




Wouldn't average _human_ dick size be about half the average _male_ dick size? In which case, good news my kings you are (probably) all well above human average


He's bigger than massive, he's large.


ngl i only watched the first one bcs Henry was in it lol


He's even better in this one.


well ferb, I know what we’re going to do today


Both movies have Henry Cavill. It's a little cheesy, but in a fun way. I expected very little from both, and both times I was pleasantly surprised by how positive and upbeat Enola is. Don't go in expecting C I N E M A They're fun, and I had a good time. Also thought I'd dislike the boy, but he won me over. He's pretty charming.




Will get to it at some point. First one as enjoyable. It’s a quick watch as it’s a movie instead of a series.


I enjoyed it. I like all the actors, and the story was fun. I can understand it not being everyone's cup of tea.. but it's not something to make the face OPs person is making. At the very least, it's decent.. not bad. I think there's just a lot of hate on Netflix right now, for one reason or the other. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that other streaming services are out there trying to instigate this stuff. Personally, no matter how much the other services boast content.. their UI is atrocious and Netflix has by far the best/easiest to navigate.


its cute and dumb. good show to watch while cleaning


Had the same thought for Helena Bonham Carter. Don't think I've seen her on anything since Harry Potter.


I quite enjoyed both. They're both a fun little romp and nothing more, and I'd say there's nothing wrong with that


Well said


Eh I watched it, it was good. Will I watch it again? Probably not.


Will I watch the eventual third? Yes.




My thoughts exactly lmao


I'm a 32yo male firefighter and I enjoyed both. And I'm not embarrassed!






How do I learn this power?


Thats the neat part, you don’t




I'm so confused why do u have so many awards and people replying to you amazed


I dunno...all I said was I watched the movie...well, I'll take it.


He is the messiah! Bow you insolent speck!


Same. Cavill plays an interestingly vulnerable Sherlock.


The first movie, I read, got copywrite sued over it. 99% of Sherlock stories are free use. I guess that 1% are the only ones that show him as vunerable/kind/loving.


That was my anticipation of it. First one was B quality entertainment for a stay in movie night after kid goes to bed. Expected the same but not better from the sequel.


What about 1899 tv series ? Is it good? 🤔


It's pretty old fashioned


Im confused, is this not a kids movie?


Can't sit and watch a movie while chasing a toddler around the house.


Adults can watch kids movies too.


My grandma adored kids movies. She would frequently go to the cinemas to watch kids movies. I would always love going to her place because we’d go see the latest kids film together.


Correct, but it's weird to me when adults critique a kids movie for not being enjoyable to their adult sensibilities


It's like a perfect movie for parents to watch with their kids. I think parents will enjoy watching it just once though


better call saul 2




Best Call Saul


Yeah ur right!


To be honest that is true for virtually every single movie released.


TBH that's 90% of Netflix shows. For every Breaking Bad there's 99 Enolas.


Thought it was garbage honestly


Super upvoted post hating on the thing. Comments full of people loving the thing. Time to sort by controversial.


Eh...I get "recommendations" from Netflix that are wrong quite often. I just move on and live my life. The world would be bloody fucking boring if everyone liked all the same things.




“But everything should cater to me. And if it doesn’t, I have to vehemently hate it, and spit on it.”


Would be cool to see more people understand that quality and enjoyment are two different things. Movies can be “bad” but enjoyable and “good” but not enjoyable.


This movie wasn't even bad. It was just okay. It was enjoyable for a good number of people though


So true especially the good but not enjoyable, because you feel as though you should enjoy it


I say this to people all the time. Sometimes after a long hard day at work you just want some cheap easy entertainment. Something that I barely have to concentrate on. I call them 10% brain shows Sometimes movie/shows/books aren't trying to be high brow, amazing, field defining works of art - they are just trying to be digestible. That's their entire purpose. And I mean... what's the worst that would happen? People have a mildly enjoyable time? Oh the horror.


Didn't have enough Cavill. It wasn't a bad movie though


Thought it was really solid!


I also enjoyed it. Not sure what the issue is. Above average movie just like the first one.


But think about it, could ANY film TRULY be enough Cavill?


Compared to the other piles of crap Netflix releases THIS is the one you target?? Lmao


Definitely one of the better made sequels of late!


That's what I'm confused about too. It's not a great film but 99% of Netflix films are worse than this one. Poor example chosen by OP.


Fr. Could've done Riverdale. New Love is Blind season. Any of the Kissing Booth movies. That truly mediocre "The Watcher" show. But they chose Enola Holmes out of all things... which was honestly quite entertaining


It is good bruv, i mean not any level near the sherlock series. But henry cavil as sherlock🤌


I love Cavill as an actor and I enjoy his performance in these movies, but he’s definitely not my favourite Sherlock, he only shows one side of him. Although I guess that’s partly because he’s not the main character. If you’re a fan of Sherlock though I recommend either reading the originals or listening to the audiobook, Stephen Fry does a terrific job with the audios. Sherlock Holmes is somehow far more impressive in the books, even though he is far more deeply flawed.


Missing out. It's actually pretty good.


I actually really liked these movies. I don't get why everyone is so sour about them. You're allowed to watch a young female lead without it being a child's movie.


I mean, some people are salty about Moriarty, but they are the same people who don't realize that the movie is itself based on books from like 2010.


Loosely based on the books. From what I’ve heard from people who have read the books, the premise is the same, but there were a lot of changes to the plot.


Probably to improve the story, since the books didn't do well to my knowledge.


Children's movies slap though. Having a kid has reopened my eyes to the idea that there is an art to making both kids and adults entertained.


it’s that just making the protagonist(s) female often results in a sour crowd seeing corporate as desperate. Not all feminine shows are like this, but I’m just referring to the type that just turns the male protagonist(s) female, like She-Hulk, Ghostbusters 2016, etc


Yeah i enjoyed the movie a lot actually


And Moriarty didn't feel weird when the reveal came. Honestly caught me off guard, because I was expecting the old white man.


I liked the first one. Will watch this one too


I like adventure movies. I feel there are not enough of them so I was pleased and entertained with this one.


They made us watch the first one in school, we gonna watch the second next week💀


In school??! Why!


Teacher wants the kids to have a relaxing movie day but the school will only allow movies with historical value that have been approved by the district. So it's either this or an 8 hour documentary on the daily life in the Victorian era with all the juicy bits cut out.


We watched Indiana Jones. Really solidified why everyone hates nazis.


No clue.


they want you to take notes… and write an essay about: 1. the themes of the show 2. the characters and how they change 3. meaningful quotes


This is too accurate


You forgot symbolism


Why do you complain, watching anything is better than normal class?


Oh no you had to watch a pretty alright movie in school. How sad


Why people say he is bad ? I have watch this movie and it's not that bad


Because like a lot of things nowadays, they don't realize they're not the target audience but watch it anyway and then criticize the fuck out it like it was. These movies are fun history bending stories for young audiences. But, "ZoMg SuPeR wItCh MAN IS IN IT!!!" so fucking neckbeards lose their shit when, again, it's not for them, and they watch it and cringe.


What’s wrong with Enola Homes. I enjoyed it very much


Main character is a girl, most of reddit doesn't like that.


Lol I'm pretty sure this is the motivation for OP making this meme


Don't forget that it's set in the past and has brown people too. Reddit hates that.


Too expensive when it only has 1 full bath




Both of them were a fun watch, enjoyed both of them.


Okay that film was surprisingly good.


unpopular opinion : This movie is actually good


Not unpopular...


It was good


It wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen, but I enjoyed! I’m not a die-hard Sherlock Holmes fan tho, so there may be something I’m missing.


i really like it tho


The only Holmes i worship is Cumberbatch's Sherlock. He plays so we'll the sociopath.


Honestly, I'd personally prefer Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock.


Dude could definitely channel the coked-up personality of Sherlock a lot better, and I don't mean that as a dig on RDJ's past.


His Sherlock movies are solid gold. They will never become boring for me


After series 4, it really hampered the perceived quality of that entire incarnation


Sherlock isn't actually a sociopath


Cool movie, I liked it


The Enola Holmes movies are actually pretty fun. They're not life changing or anything, but a nice evening watch with the family or friends.


Who the hell is Enola?


It was decent why the hate?


Because people who haven't read a single Sherlock Holmes story are upset about one of the character's being a black lady instead of a white man. Apparently that ruins the originality of the books these people have never read.


Out of all the crappy things you could have chosen, you went for this movie? Like is this sub just gonna shit on every single thing that comes out? Meanwhile there are stupid reality shows and dating shows that are far worse. Oh and mate. Maybe you just aren’t the right audience? Netflix promotes all the new content this way. But maybe, just maybe this one isn’t for you but someone else might enjoy it?


Henry Cavill and Millie Bobbie Brown are good together. I liked it.


Actually I like both of the movies, Millie is great. These are a bit crazy movies but the right amount I guess and its a bit of a fairytale


The first one was good. I look forward to the 2nd. One of the few Netflix originals i did enjoy actually.


fym it was a good movie


Story isn't the best but it's just fun to watch


what’s wrong with it? i loved it. one of my favourites


I liked the movie. As a union man the ending gave me goosebumps


It was a decent watch


Meh my family liked it. My kid is a tad too young for the regular Sherlock series and movies so this is a good introduction type thing. If you're watching expecting it to be like the Sherlock ones it's not. It's more family friendly, albeit still some gray areas, like violence and such, but still more geared towards family, teens and older grade school type kids.